(2011/10) Oct 2011

everyone knows the date for detailed scan... so excited! I wanna know mine too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] counting down for appt appt appt...



u must remind me! my memory not good le after my #1.


im super excited too! and excited now cos long weekend~ malacca malacca im coming~

E sour plum doesn't really help now. I'm a little worried. I feel like vomitting every time of the day. I jus had a cup of Milo and a slice of bread, and I feel like vomitting now. E feeling just came so suddenly. How come I'm like moving backwards???

Hi to all excited MTBs! Care to add me into the list?

I'm expecting my #1 EDD 10 OCT, Mt. A, Dr. Esther Ng. Looking forward to my appt next Sat.. would be 16wk+ then and hope I can see gender!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jinnous,

NT is Nasal Thickness. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 1.5 should be okay. Since my range is 1.5-1.9mm. Think if too thick is not good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

White bread lor. It was even worse with wholemeal. I vomitted and it got stuck in my throat, making me gagged even more. Now my tummy seem to be growling but my mouth feels siap siap. Shd I eat again??

Went to office today.. So sad. One of my coll commented that I look so different n tummy so big now! Came home n keep looking at mirror n asked my girls- both said yes. Mummy u look ugly now! Arggggg! so sad

Fibroids usually become bigger/more obvious during pregnancy cos they feast on the hormones and rush of blood to the womb. Usually after delivery will shrink away or gynae will remove for you. Don't worry. One of my friend told me that her fibroid was big & blocking her cervix, so she had it removed during her 2nd tri. Then ordered bedrest after that. But her pregnancy went well and she delivered a healthy girl naturally.

Don't think too much or worry too much k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello All Mummies, before I knock off frm work, I wish everyone here have a great long weekend!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Some of my colleagues still dunno I'm preggy. Only comment I look tired and pale. And I think I vomit too much. My face has these blotchy red spots all over. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I feel so lousy. Haiz...

Ginn Cai

said its behind my womb - not in the way of birth canal.

said its some pimple ilke thing on womb and as BB grows, it will block the fibroids so scan cannot see/ find.

might shrink after birth else if too big (8cm) will remove after delivery.

not cancerous

As long as it's not inside the womb, it's ok... not threatening to BB.... dun worry... mine is ard 5cm the last 2 visit i scan. after which doc always tell me to ignore it... but eat healthy & nutrious food as it'll fight for nutirous with bb.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dun understand why old folks care abt boy or gal, they shd do away with the traditional beliefs tt boys carry family line lor... DNA is 50-50 from parents, n it is just the surname that was carry down n who says that gal's children can't carry hubby's surname?

What century already? Dun tell me they will still condemn or throw the women into pig's cage n drown?

All kids r a blessing, some of us here try so hard to conceive, try so hard to keep the baby, try so hard to ensure tt our babies r healthy.. Why still bother with gender?

I have irritating relatives who r always kpo abt gender... I always shoot them off

I say I stop at 2, they ask what if it's a gal the 2nd time?

So I ask them so what if it is a gal, die die must have boy meh?

Then they kept quiet

They know I got medical condition n I just hope for a full term healthy baby, yet they still there boy or gal... Can't stand it

Evening mummies .. Guess those who are working have already knocked off and away for the long weekend .. Just finished a course and on my way home .. Luckily got a seat coz it is a long way from the west to east =D

Re: Breastpump

Thanks for the informative details .. Is going to do some research on my own and explore ..

Re: Fibroids

I knew I have it when I went through the tests when I was TTC .. However, hubby is extremely worried that fibroids might 'fight' for space with baby .. Gynae did mentioned that the fibroids will continue to grow during pregnancy and thus they will observe the growth, but it should not be anything alarming or worrying ..

Re: MS

Despite being 14 weeks and 6 days pregnant, I am still having MS - loss of weight and appetite .. Gynae advised me to eat whenever I can, and most importantly to drink at least a cup of milk/soya milk everyday ..

Re: Gender

Me myself would prefer a boy coz 1) despite my age and being in this era, I still think 1st child should be a boy =p 2) if the elder is a boy, he will dote on the younger sister (but provided that the 2nd is a girl) .. Hubby prefers girl .. Anyway, despite our preferences, we hope for a healthy baby .. Gender is secondary ..

Have a nice weekend ahead!!

hi jinous,

i also had MS in my 2nd trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sad. but my solution is to drink coke. after that i feel better . . . . though my hubby say no good, but cant help it

Fantastar, whether the 'korkor' will look after younger siblings or not really depends on how the parents teach & the character of the child.

My elder bro nvr took care of me. More like I take care of him :p All my friends always say that I seem like the older sister & he is the younger brother :p

Partially also depends on how parents teach. Cos my bro is 'only boy', so he tend to be more spoilt. Plus my parents always thought that I'm more capable, so give me more responsibilities (resulting in me 'taking care' of my elder bro more than he take care of me).

Hi mummies,

I'm in my 13 weeks n tis is my 3rd child.. Have been following the thread since I'm preg but bcos spotting have been following mi since then, I'm very worried abt the stability of the bb.. Would like to join this chat forum, so many mummies here.. Hmmm...

Gynae: dr Adrian woodworth


edd: 26 oct

Hi mum to be... Came across half price promo of Avent Philips electric sterilizer at only $99, original price is $193. Saw it at vivocity Giant not sure other place Giant have or not. Btw written there as 4days only so not sure today is considered how many day... It also come free with 3 feeding bottles

Just wondering if it's normal to experience backaches at week 13/14 already? I'm a first time mum and my backaches are horrendous.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

FA, if your backbone alignment got prob before getting preggie, now is the time it will start to hurt. You can try yoga or simple stretching at home to relieve it.

I had back problems since sec sch days (injured it during high jump). So during pregnancy will have back pain. But with physiotherapy & good posture, the pain will go away :D

Thanks for your response, #2 on the way. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think it might just be my posture. And erm, I'm still wearing heels - will that affect? Do you know where I can go for physio? Or can I do some massages now? Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

By the way, does anyone know of any brands that has nice diaper bags?

Will leather be too heavy for a diaper bag?

Also, is it better to get a wide diaper bag as opposed to a tall one? Thanks all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm really quite clueless...

No massages for now. Physio - mine is private physio who comes to my house.

Heels will affect cos of the additional weight at the belly.

I'm not fussy abt diaper bags. In fact, I nvr bought a 'proper' diaper bag, just use whatever I have a home. But I did buy 2 Elle sports bag which has loads of compartments [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkmeowmeow, u shd avoid heels from now. It can be really bad since u r experiencing backache already. I started on flats immediately after I knew I'm pregnant. Do without heels and see if the condition gets better.

On the diaper bag... For my #1, none of my diaper bags last more than 3months cos I get sick using the same bag all the times. ;) of course a wider bag is useful when u are in rush to find smthg. Depending u drive or not, the amount of time carrying the bag varies. I usually hang my bag on stroller so not particular.

Thanks both! Shall stop my heels for a bit and see if the aches improve.

#2 on the way, possible to share your physio's contacts? Am considering it. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Diaper bag-wise, ok. Let me continue to hunt for the right one then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks again!

1dog1rabbit: serious ar? I always admire my friends with elder brothers ..

Although I tried to be happy, I ended up being upset with my hubby because of SIL .. Now alone outside, walking aimlessly ..

Fanastar, serious u walking aimlessly?? Hmmm... Can't u go to your Mum's place? If not I think u can actually join a gym n do light exercises n relax yourself. Last time when I've #1 I've actually spend alot of time @ the gym till 3rd trimester. Same like u I stay with my in law last time n dun really like going home. Once home will b in the room watching drama series.

hi all!! so happy its the long weekend dun hav to work!!! weeeee!!!

btw, is there any recommendations for cheap maternity wear? below $20? everything looks so exp to me nowadays [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Fantastar, aiyo.... Hope you are already home and not wondering outside!!! Go get sleep and tmr will be better. Cheer up ;)

fantastar, try to psycho yourself to be more optimistic ok? You can't change ur SIL. So try to tell urself to filter off watever noise and trouble that she is trying to create. *Hugs*

Pinkmeowmeow, Les Sports Sac have big and sporty diaper bags but they are quite pricely because of the brand.

having feeling nausea for the past 5hrs, finally vomitted, my gal came to the toilet and pat on me even though wrong spot but I still v happy. Hope I wun vomit in the bus Tml.. hope I wun feel nausea aft eating all de yummy foods..

Fanastar, go back ur mum's place or fren's place. Is late already dun walk ard aimlessly..

Something to share wif u mummies... My colleague recommended me to get this anti nausea wrist band available from Guardian. The brand is Sea Band. She said it worked for her as she gets nauseated easily during traveling. I just started wearing, hopefully it works!

Jinnous, I think minidiary also mentioned it before [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The sea band thing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fantastar, my elder bro is really like younger bro. Nothing to be envious about. While other boys (like my hubby) will sew their new ranks onto their army uniform, mine will just come home & put it on my bed. Not even a note. I'm suppose to 'know' what to do once I see it. -_-""" & if I grumble, my mum will pacify me to do it for him. When I ask my mum to do it for him, she will tell me,"kor kor want you to sew cos your sewing is the neatest and nicest. you sew nice nice for him, ppl see already will respect him more. so be nice and sew for him ok?" -_-"" How to say no?

But thankfully, now his gf is pushing him to be the BIG BROTHER he nvr was :p like bring us out to makan (& he pay, not me). arrange for family outing (usually done by me).

So NOW he's starting to be more like an elder bro to us (me & my younger sis).

but, he still SMS me things like: "This one good or not huh? *with photo attached*" or "What do you think of this? I wanna buy if can get good price."

Creamdonut, maternity wear is so exp. What I do is look for designs that are stretchy or have excess fabric at the waist to stretch. & buy 1-2 sizes larger than usual.

So far I'm wearing HangTen tshirts at home. Bought M instead of my usual XS. Bought6 maternity pants/shorts to rotate. Wearing FBT at home.

& my sis bought some Cotton On stretchy long t-shirts for me. Comfy but I not sure about pricing cos I dun shop there. Should be cheap cos my sis still student :p

thanks 1d1r. actually for casual wear is no prob buying bigger sizes, bt prob is office wear. do u hav any recommendations for office wear?

Creamdonut, I dun wear office wear now cos work from home. But during my first pregnancy, I bought from online stores (from US) cos if you buy during their sales period, it's cheap.

I normally buy from Perfect Mum cos it's cheaper than other maternity wear shops. You can try Kiddy Palace, I saw the price range there is quite ok.


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1d1r, ur brother quite dependent on u.. yah, i totally agree with u that it is the upbringing and until recently when i reflected the past events in my life, i really feel that upbringing is so important... it can really shape a person's life and happiness

Be it boy or gal, i feel that parents should be fair.. too lenient or too strict also not good but it is tough to strike a balance..

i ever see a fren's SIL whose first child is a girl and then soon after she got a boy.. she literally treat her eldest gal as transparent.. go out nvr bring her n she is always alone.. luckily my fren dotes on her and brings her out often.. otherwise, not sure how emotional unbalanced she will grow up to be..

i have a fren who only want boys.. i cannot imagine what will happen if her subsequent kids are gals..


yeah i wear the Seaband twice... i think it works for me. you must follow the instrustion to wear. 3 fingers from ur palm!


ya recently i bought big T at Cotton On also... haha and some pants L size... Maternity clothes very expensive and not suit me yet... still like a melon tummy only.


Morning, mummies =D Feeling much better today as I am going back to my parent's, although not staying overnight ..

Was walking aimlessly for 2 hours plus until I gave up and went back home, as I was super tired (woke up 7am despite going to sleep at 3am) and my legs were aching .. Finally felt calm after the walk and have a chat with hubby .. Told my hubby that I want to move to hotel or my parent's .. He refused initially, but gave in as he knew that I am really unhappy .. Anyway, in the end, I decided not to because 1) that is my home (at least for now) 2) why should I move out of my home, just because of someone who is inconsiderate and not tactful ..

Anyway, just 1 more week to go before she is out of my home (although not for long, I guess, but better than nothing) .. And also, 1 more week to my next gynae visit =D

