(2011/10) Oct 2011


nothing conclusive yet, so don't worry! did doc say when he will call you? hopefully tmr then you won't be held in suspense for too long. 2.6mm is only 0.1mm (very tiny!) above the average. sometimes it is the sonographer's skill, so sort of considered 'human error' for lack of a better phrase.


Ginn! I tell bb eveyday not to make me puke like everyday! My 1st trimester scan doc said 70-80% boy... he pointed to the screen and said that's the 'bird' but I can't make anything out of it. So thought maybe wait a while longer to confirm.

I wld love to have a boy... since I can save on money on the clothes as my sil and her sis passed me like 5 bags of boys clothings. My sil has 2 boys (my own nephews) and her sis has 3 boys. But whatever it is, a healthy bb is the most impt thing to us.

My hubby and I tried for a bb for almost 4 years. It was always a disappointment everytime my period comes. Then I made an appt to see Dr. SF Loh at KKH to check if I hv a problem though I just seen a gynae from TMC in mid 2009. Dr. Loh immediately found that I have a cyst in my left ovary.

That was Jul 2010. I did a keyhole op and Dr. Loh removed a 5cm cyst, I had endometrosis, and my tubes were a little stuck.

That time when I saw the gynae from TMC, she put me on a few months of oral ovulation and injections. After that she immediately asked me to go straight for IVF. I'm glad I didn't heed her.

Though after the op, we tried for some more but also no good news. And we actually booked for IVF in Feb. So whatever, it is, so long bb is healthy... we are happy!

Starry, my gynae do the scan himself. He measured it 3 times still the same length. Really hope the blood test outcome is ok...

Jinnous: The telling of BB not to puke doesnt work for me too... I am 16weeks plus 4days but yesterday was the day I puke the most.... All my lunch was out & my pills came out along with my vomitting.... Usually it will be only water that I puke. I nv puke out all my food out before. Hopfully, it would mean the last puking for me to end my MS......

jinnous: high 5!! i also TTC for 2 years and went through all the tests - blood, scan, etc and all were normal .. gynae attributed it to stress and even planned for IUI .. anyway, i sort of gave up beginning this year and the baby 'makes its way to my womb' .. be it boy or girl, hubby and me just hope for him/her to be healthy ..

just finished a box of rice .. so proud of myself =p


wow, you really went thru a lot for this baby. really strong woman! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


*pat pat* i'm crossing my fingers for you for good results too. update us as soon as you know?

Ginn ginn: i normally tell BB dun disturb mama at work want to puke then puke at hm. The first one work, but this naughty second one dun work.

I hoping to c its a boy boy or gal gal. cos the first one is a gal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really excited. my next appt is 16 May.

Princessi: which week are you in now?

Sld be able to see by week 16...

my BB is monster boy....super super naughty... has been giving me tummy aching liao... duno wat he is doing inside.... n i get hungry easily

Ginn, I get hungry SUPER easily!!!

& mine has been practising kungfu inside me. Kick kick kick! Until my tummy can be out of shape!

Just like my #1!!

Anyway, I had a 'taste' of having 2 boys at home yesterday then my bro brought his gf's son over to play (before going out for dinner together)...

OMG... both of them were throwing toys & wrestling like mad.... Take the soft toy and wrestle with it... Run ard the house... very noisy plus they did not notice that the ball almost hit the ceiling fan...

They only stopped when my bro got angry...

OMG... if my boy is alone (no friends over), he is very mild & well behaved... what if with #2 (also boy), they turn havoc???

Plus my bro intends to buy a place near me so their boy can come to my place after school (since I work from home). Means 3 boys at home every afternoon *FAINTZ*

My hubby foresees that I'll be the screaming mummy that screams that them to stop!!!

now i its 14 weeks ba. wow u know its a boy liao huh.

To me boy or gal ok, gal i can save $$$ got lots of dress from my gal to pass down. boy also good cos got boy n gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also get hungry easily but dun dare eat too much, now already 66kg! dun want to hit 70kg, later cannot slim down

1d1r: I duno wat is he doing inside but i feel pain in my tummy... like a cramp but it lasted quite a while....

i've several nephews & nieces which are mt cousins' kids..... u see the differences btw the different gendar. The boys will be snatching toys among themselves & chasing all over the house screaming at their top of their voice. So when boys get together, it will be nightmare... Whereas the girls will play with their soft toy or play cooking games at a corner... I wish i can play cooking games with my bb girl.... *huh*

princessi: Then u sld be able to know the gendar 2 weeks later, provided BB co-operate....

If i don't eat, i feel very awful.... like gg to faint... n i cant concentrate with my work... once hungry, i've to eat immediately.... usually snack on fruits or cherry tomato but these few days, all this makes me more hunger after i ate them.... tink BB eating more now... haha

Ginn, my cousins have a total of 20++ kids!!! Imagine our Sunday lunch gatherings!

But the thing is... my boy is still very mild when with them and prefers to sit quietly to play with my nieces cos they don't push him around like the boys do...

& my boy is a neat freak. He can't stand it when the boys refuse to help him pick up & keep the toys...

Actually mine likes to play masak & play doctor... He will also play pretend & make 'food' from play dough & ask you to hv tea party with him...

I think how they turn out will depend on how you control what they are exposed to. I minimise buying guns/violent toys & don't allow him to watch violent cartoons either. So he's doesn't play 'fighting' with the boys. He only wrestles his toy crocodile like how they catch real crocs on Animal Planet -_-""

I think I will start to brainwash my boy that he gotta play gently with didi. No noisy & crazy games. hahah! Then I can hv peace at home...

I told my hubby... If I can't tahan their noise at home, I'm going out to work instead of work from home :p

Ginn, fruits actually digest fast so make you more hungry... My gynae told me to take oats to feel full for longer time...

& the worst part is when I'm hungry, I eat fast... But when I eat too fast, I get nauseous & wanna vomit out what I ate!!!

So now hv to constantly remind myself not to eat too fast... eat slowly, chew slowly...

1d1r: I think I'll need your advice in future to teach boy.... cos i grew up in a all girls family & most cousin around my age are all girls so we all play the girls games durin gour growing up process...... I totally have no experience in teaching boy..... they r like monster to me

Ginn, I'm very fierce & very strict. Even my bro's gf & all my cousins very shocked at how strict I am (cos with my nephews & nieces, I'm super nice though still firm with them).

From 1yo, I use cane. But I only cane the palm & the sole of feet.

The first time we used cane:

My boy go near the fan when we already told him 'no, it's dangerous'. So my hubby sit beside the fan. My boy try his luck, his hand reach over to the fan, my hubby hit him with the cane. Try 2-3 times, he realised that we really mean 'no', he stopped. & from then, he nvr ever go near the fan again.

Usually we will give warning first (3 warning). 3 warnings we tell him very nicely that his action is not right, it's not nice or it's disturbing others. He continue trying to be funny, he will kena the cane. We used to keep a cane in the car too (during terrible twos stage).

Then we also hv notty corner (any flat plain wall can be the notty corner). If he's notty, he gets sent to the naughty corner. No moving, no fidgeting, no crying, no playing with fingers.

We've not used the cane for more than a year already. Once he realised that we mean what we say, taking away priviledges is more than enough to scare him (no toys, no TV, no playground time). Just hv to be firm initially so he knows that you mean business & he can't climb all over you.

My boy will try to manipulate us but once I get angry, he knows there's no turning back already. sure will get punished.

But now just need to tell him nicely & he will listen. That's why we are willing to try for #2 cos we realised that he's easier to manage now (no need to get angry all the time).

& thankfully, my parents don't interfere with us disciplining him. My mum is so proud that her grandson is so well-behaved when she brings him out with her friends. & she will tell me to continue to be strict so he won't grow up to be ill-disciplined. I see some of my nephew's behaviour, I feel very sad. Cos their parents too busy with work to teach them. & by the time the parents are home, they close 1 eye to everything cos only left that precious few hours a day to see them, they don't want to spend tt time disciplining them & getting upset. So it's a vicious cycle of bad behaviour.

btw, kids learnt fast. My boy picked up undesirable words from school. Immediately we told him cannot use that word cos it's not nice & explain what it means. Sometimes he will try his luck again. If he still uses the word after 3 warnings, notty corner & cane will come out. But so far, he stop after 1-2 warnings. Words like 'stupid', 'shit', 'idiot', etc. So parents must mind your language also. They really pick up super fast.


I'm from July 2010 thread.

Previously i have signed up a photoshot package with Sean Lau in Baby fair at $198 for classic Baby package (UP: $258).

But i'm not able to make it after 9th May (all the slots are fully booked till 9th May)

By the time i'm free to take leave, i think my baby is too old to take classic baby photoshot.

So for those mommy who keen to take over the package, pls kindly pm me.



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An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

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My gal is super playful n noisy, I brought her to my fren's hse, she is more rough than the boy there n kept disturbing all the aunties, making funny faces.. Her character is just like my hubby's

I have also been trying to get pregnant for 1 yr plus n went for all kinds of checks for myself n Hubby to find out what causes the temp infertility. Then found out n confirmed my medical condition. The gender I want is diff from my Hubby, but whatever it is, just get a full term n healthy baby is all I want now.. Nothing matters more than that

Roxanne, we tried for 8mths for #2. And the cause of the 'infertility' was my previous job. The moment I quit in Dec 2010, I strike on my next ovulation in Jan 2011. Went through all the tests showed nothing wrong, gynae say most likely is job stress cos he knows my work is very stressful.

& when we tried for #1, we strike on first try cos I was not working then :p

Back from malacca.. so tiring.. walk till my legs, hands, shoulder, back aching.. but have fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] energy level getting lesser n lesser..

Today keep feeling short of breathe... why arz? Or I'm too tired le..

roxanne and jinnous, we also tried one year for #2. We even made appointment for IVF but the month before the IVF, we had good news. It was really a surprise cos' i more or less have given up.

I saw my #1 peeing from his little ** when I was 14 weeks with him haha.. what are the odds of that? So confirm boy at 14 weeks. This time, doctor didn't see anything... yet. So still got hope that it might be a girl this round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1d1r, me too! My last day was 31jan and I conceived the following week! This is how work is affecting our bodies unknowingly

Leeoh, why u wana go ivf? Ur #1 is conceived naturally? I told my hb after Taiwan trip in march if still nvr strike then I will seek help already.. Cos I really Dun want disapptment of disapptment.. Sometimes menses come I will cry! For my #1, doc said is a boy at 16th week then detailed scan is a gal.. Though this one gynae said might be a boy at 12th week, I think can still turn out to be a gal! Haha

Hi all,

Stress will really affect?

Then I think I very difficult to concieve cos now my stress is double than before.

I tried for 3yrs plus.. still no news..

Tee, stress really affects... Most of my friends who tried for very long only managed to concieve once their major stress was removed.

My ex-colleague tried for #2 for 3 years. She only concieved after she took unpaid leave for 1yr to rest & spend more time with her #1. & the funniest part, she strike on the first month of her unpaid leave -_-"

Ya tee, Eversince I joined the previous company, my menses took longer longer to come each cycle.. Though I dun feel stress but my menses tell me everything already...

Now I have a fren also trying for almost a yr already, I told her to take a break from work she don't listen.. Her menses also irregular now n she don't feel stress she says..

I really think stress n tiredness play a big part

Roxanne, I also got a friend that always say she's not stress but she lives a fast-paced lifestyle...

Then her menses is every 2-3 months come 1 time type! Then she took 2 years NPL to go China cos her hubby got posted to work there. End up, after 2 months China, they found out she was preggie (then move back to SG). & they won't even really 'trying'. They just leave it to 'luck'.

Morning mummies! Hope all of u have a good day ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] welcome and congrats to those who just posted here!

hi Tee, yes stress will affect. I noticed during peak period at work my menses would always b 1 week late. Hb n me tried for 3 years for #1 as well n went for many medical tests. Once we gave up, I got preggy.

Hi Jinnous,

I am from the Nov'11 thread.

Going through the Oct thread to gain experience.

I noted that you have a link to buying clothes online. Could you pm me?


I'm in my 15th week. But still feeling nauseous & giddiness... Miserable feeling... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi koi... already pmed you...

Me too... I feel so lethargic... shouldnt have taken the anti-vomit medication... its making me sleepy... I napped for a while just now and I woke up drooling.... zzzzzz....

Good morning dearies!

long time never post here.. for those who are not in FB secret grp, just some update... went to my appt yesterday and gender still cant confirmed... sian sian sian...


I also feel giddiness. Since ytd.. headache always come to me. my #1 also never like this.


still cant tell? still got how long to next appt or detailed scan? countdown 10 more days to my gynae checkup


This is my #1. Early stage i was quite bad.. Keep vomitting.. Till Now, dont know y.. still will feel nauseous... Feeling very tired... People say aft 1st 3mths will feel better... Hahha.. But dont seems to work on me..


Not everyone after 3 months will feel better. But it will slowly gets better. Dont worry. =D

I also feeling very tired and backache..

baby in sitting position. not lying flat. then the gynae trying to capture the gender but abit unclear... so gynae cant confirmed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my 17weeks now... gotta wait patiently for 1 month for next appt + detailed scan... I wanna shopping badly

Hi Weiling

I still feel nauseous every now and then, and giddy lor. so u are really not alone. I guess we have to keep our spirits up! Then will be better!

mummies, yesterday i went for my scan (due to spotting), and gynae spotted balls and penis! Haha. though I wished for a girl, but happy to know the gender la. kekeke


that time i was like you, baby dun wanna open legs wide and i waited till week 20 detailed scan then confirmed having girl! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] once knew started shopping non stop. haha!


so the spotting issue is ok? hope stopped already. congrats on having a boy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm having scan again this thursday. hope can tell the gender also.

morning mummies .. MIA from the forum since yesterday evening as I was super lethargic + nauseated .. thank goodness for the available seat on the train, after work ..


congrats~ boi boi added on the list again.. walk less and slowly k.


dont worry, once u know the gender you shop non stop till 1 day u will feel u have shop too much. i spend way too much on my gal. =x


let us know~ =D

feeling excited to see everyone announcing the gender..

Hey! Anyone keen to buy from overseas website (Taiwan) huh? I saw they have very cute stuffs (for bbs) and maternity wear but I can't find enuf preggie mummies to share the charges...


Hello hello,

Cherylden & Koh Weiling

you are not alone. i also keep having the nausea feeling every now and then, esp at night after eating and my dinner will come out after that.

Am already 13 weeks and no diff as ppl say that after 1st 3 mnths will be better.

im just hoping..

