(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hi Starry and Jas, yeah, spotting due to too much walking, think i too rough while walking and did rush a bit and even carried my doggie over the wkend. Hee. So yes, i will take things slower...

Ya lo, gynae says 90% confirm la, so i guess more or less is boi, unless miracle happens? Haha.

Starry, hope u can see whether boy/girl next appt, hehe, so exciting de!


Hi Felicia

Me on medication till 14weeks lor, u are right, mine is esp bad at night. but slowly la, i can feel it improving though. jiayou!

good morning ladies!

For those who haven't seen the photo I've posted on FB group, I'm having a boy! Baby was super cooperative. Opened his leg super wide for us to see his glorious stick. Hahaha..

Hi Felicia

Mine was zofran, the strongest kinda anti-nausea. Coz that time i was hospitalised due to dehydration from vomitting so doc prescribe me this medicine lor.


glad that it is no big issue. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take things easy and be the queen at home bah.


saw the pic. very clear wor! baby really very cooperative. congrats again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: gender

may not be able to see bah. still so early. 13w2d today. by the way i changed my appt to tonight. 'cos feeling like coming down with flu and may wanna take half a day MC go back rest.

Then better rest well at home and dont think too much about other things then. Relax is the key..


congrats on your bb boy, its time for a shopping spree!!

hi mummies!

i've not been here for some time...finally went for the more detailed heart scan last thursday and so far no major heart defects. Thank God! been putting on weight too and eating more.. so went shopping for more maternity wear but most of my friends say still can't see the bump yet although i can myself!

went for gynae appt yesterday and she said quite likely to be a girl but will need to confirm at screening scan in 1 months' time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hee i wonder how many of us will have girls and how many will have boys...


hihi! glad everything is fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can relax yeah? very soon ur bump will pop out and suddenly will like grow overnight lor. very amazing. haha! i'm excited for you to know whether boy or girl. girl can dress up! but will end up spend more money on clothes, headbands, frilly rompers, hair clippies etc. boys more basic, can spend lesser.

think for now more baby boys sill start 'appearing'. another 2-4 weeks later we will start seeing girls 'popping up'. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how come overnight big aredi?

mine small in the morning, then tight big bump at night... but still not very obvious one.


did u try the rice counting method for this time round?

I think it's the bloatedness? I have the same thing as well.. worse after I just eaten... I feel like I'm bursting!


yup! i counted rice. i got even no. means a GIRL! buahaha!!

re: tummy

wait till late 2nd tri. every week stomach up-size. hee hee!


my boy is certainly not shy to show off his stick to us! The picture always bring a smile to my face everytime I look at it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thank you! Haven't seen you here before! Welcome to the group!

RE: Baby bump

Mine looks more like a "Du Nan" than a baby bump now. It's quite unsightly because I'm still quite slim but I have this bump at the tummy. Guess I should stop wearing my normal dresses and switch to babydoll dresses now.


I felt the same after every meal! And I could actually feel the skin stretching!

jasmine, jinnous,

i tried for #1 and it was accurate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] got a few mummies tried it in my oct thread and they also said accurate. but it's for fun lah. i didn't count many times. one time only. can try! and we see what's the accuracy rate for this thread.

I havent try yet... still thinking wan to try or not... haha my bump only appear after im full... so is that my fat? gaining 1kg every month aredi...


I gained 1.7kg last month!!!! Couldn't believe my eyes when I weighed myself at the clinic yesterday. Gosh.. Gotta stop eating so much now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Minidiary... from your u/s pics... looks like a boy boy :D :D :D

Mine can see balls & penis but I'm in denial lah... praying hard that the balls & penis disappear :p :p :p


don stop eating lo... eat normal meal with more nutrients. my gynae also never ask me stop eating, think it's alright to gain weight.. so far I gained 3kg i think


hahaha if boy boy, then my mum and in law wish come true... happy for them but I cant shop much for boy boy, I see those clothes like very sien one... ya, ur bb balls & penis disappear and give to my bb... Hope it shows clearer, longer, bigger next visit! Is detailed scan, confirm can tell gender?


i shall try it tonight.

my headache is killing me. gosh! tis pregancy always headache and i finish up my small bottle of medical oil..


apply more ru yi oil! i find it helps to ease headache.i ask my mum to stock up ru yi oil for me. I apply it every night only I can sleep, dunno why...

Jasmine: I'm also having headache daily.... worst now is i;m having backache as well.. n tummy also aching... all full force combine...

Pregancy is really tough..


yah then we can do a quick compilation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasmine, cherylden,

let me know ur result k?? sounds like fun to do a 'survey' on the rice counting!


i also don't feel very well for this pregnancy. previous one felt a lot better. this time hor, like very weak.

tonight I'll try the rice gain counting too. Then see if gynae make a mistake..... haha....

But i was already disappointed by the Lunar calendar predition.. It said I'm suppose to have a girl....

Ginn, actually hor... I'm pretty sure it's the balls & penis... Cos I studied healthcare related dip... So we had 1 module on interpreting x-rays & u/s... So one look at the u/s, I know already :p

Actually week 12 when gynae said maybe girl, I already spotted the balls & penis but in denial :p :p :p But week 16 it become more obvious...

I told hubby off :p I ask him why his sperm must be so fast (fast sperm is boy, slow sperm is girl). Told him next round, ask his fast sperm to swim wrong direction & give the slow sperms a chance :p


not sure if once gender confirmed count rice still accurate or not. no harm trying and sharing here!

Odd = Boy

Even = Girl



i put the orange colour medical oil.. i muz put alot to overcome my pain. esp if headache cant slp i muz put den can slp.


Headache and backache is de worst for tis #2. hao xin ku! ya lor preganancy really touch but when c bb out, super happy! =D

i think we using the same oil. Bought a thailand super cheap!


sure! we should do up a table...

same as you previous preg so shiok.. enjoy it nor. this one everyday very tired plus xin ku. last time still can shop and walk whole day, this time cant.


if i wore the right pair of shoes (for my case, the fit flops), i could shop longer than my hubby!! this time round, 1st tri already tired, walk very slowly. out of breath very fast and here ache there ache even before tummy gets big. i really dunno how to cope when i reach 3rd tri. now think of it quite scary.

i think i also having pregnancy rhinitis (http://www.babycenter.com/0_stuffy-nose-during-pregnancy_1076.bc). same when having #1. hard to sleep at night with blocked nose. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


same! ^5 last time i can walk from far east to bugis.. now not even half i give up, will find seats to sit down. always wanna sit..

i read the webby, put pillow higher works ma?

ya Fitflop can walk my feet non stop... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

never regret purchasing it! I can walk 3 hours non stop under air conditioning la...


sometimes works, sometimes no. sometimes just have to lie there and wait for the blocked part to slowly go away. but hate the deep breathing. and hubby says i've been SNORING the past few nights! and i nv snore one lor.. sad.. same for #1, i snored. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

you steady! far east to bugis, super duper far!


i love my fit flops too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no regrets buying.

hey starry! thanks for sharing! No wonder my stuffy nose got worse!!!I'm using saltwater spray now... really helps!


no choice dat you snore. not that u wanted it ma. *HUGS* after delivery wont snore liao dun worry.

ya lor i can walk alot de. my hb bth me! =x that is way way before liao. now ask me walk i will say take mrt.

Minidiary: Any way, i tried keying both english & lunar birth date... all turns out to be a girl...

I uses those calendar type that my colleague send me me.Lunar age on the left size & the month of convience on the right side... turns out to be girl girl but gynae said its a boy

Jasmine: Ya, mine also orange colour de.. I've finish one small bottle onw left 1/3 of the big bottle..... i'll apply all over my head, neck, shoulder n my chest.. sometime tummy too.....

weird then... i also dunno accurate or not.

because i dunno my bb gender too.. i use the one, it shown BOY... but my mum use her method Chinese calendar, it said GIRL...

so i think we gotta believe what from ultrasound... be happy with your bb!



sometimes really pek chek right? awake will have MS and headaches.. wanna sleep also will have stuffy nose, difficulty breathing. my stuffy nose i remember was thru out the pregnancy. so this time probably same. is it painful using the spray? i have a bottle from a few mths ago. supposed to be for my girl 'cos she had stuffy nose at one point. used once nia. contents still sterile.


it's very unglam! hahaa!! my hubby still very 'nice', told me he will record it down. bleah.. hey, i will choose mrt and bus too! even though just 1 stop. don't want to be too garang this time round. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

