(2011/10) Oct 2011

Oh my.. I just read the news on the tsunami in Japan.. Sounds quite bad.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mummies, I am new in this forum. Currently pregnant with my #02 and EDD is in Oct too.


I oso find my tummy get bigger faster than my 1st pregnancy..

Hi all,

Sad to say I am unable to join this thread anymore. Baby's heartbeat gone and was confirmed again at TMC this morning.

I don't know what went wrong and totally have no symptoms of bleeding, cramps and my spotting was gone for 2 weeks. Baby also growing in size. In fact, still experiencing morning sickness and sore breast. What should I do? Wait for natural miscarriage to happen or listen to gynae for D&C? There are some cases from overseas that the baby's heartbeat is hiding and was able to detect again.

God, please give me an answer!

amici> Sorry to hear that, did the gynae suggest wait and see or to do the d&c immediately? there were no symptom and there are growth, how come suddenly say no heartbeat.

Amici, I would say wait 2 weeks for natural miscarriage cos I know of mummies who chose to wait & 2 weeks later, they saw the heartbeat again....

I'm not sure too. Suddenly can't detect heartbeat. Gynae suggested to do D&C. I just can't bear to do and hoping in my heart that miracle will happen. I requested to wait for natural miscarriage to happen whereby my gynae advice me to do D&C immediately as afraid complication might arise such as heavy bleeding, blood clot etc. But then there are cases where they waited and baby heartbeat came back.

amici.. wat u mean by confirmed again? so this is a 2nd check already ? ya got for another check. they might advise otherwise...

cherylden, i hav stopped taking the pills despite the puking.. hmmm jz tot of stopping to pop any med into my mouth.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

amici, probably wait for another 2 days to seek another gynae for opinion?

I think I will go for another gynae for second opinion.


Gynae can't detect heartbeat last night in his clinic and ask me to go TMC for scan this morning. TMC also can't detect heartbeat but was told baby's growth in viable size at 9 weeks plus.


You mean the mummies detected heartbeat again? Was the heartbeat hidden?

Amici, I know those mummies chose to wait. If 2 weeks later baby is smaller in size then they will proceed with d&c if natural miscarriage did not occur.

I'm not sure if heartbeat hidden or what, but they did not detect heartbeat but baby's growth was fine...

yes, gd to hav second opinion, probably wait few days in case ur bb is hiddening away or something like dat..

be strong!


I also tied up my hair for 1 whole month. NEver wash hairs at all. EVen slp I also tie up, can't stand it. I slp with fan, no air con for me. Can't imagine I go thru dat horrible 1 mth. Hope Oct & Nov will b a cooling weather.


Go for 2nd opinion. Stay positive.. god bless u!

amici, so sorry to hear such bad news. Am praying that baby is fine. Do get a 2nd opinion before going for any surgery. Hugs Hugs Hugs...

Hi mummy, my situation is like amici, gynae at Mt.Alvernia told me this morning that bb die inside, no heartbeat.. Told to do D&C immediately..but hubby n I went to KK O&G..was told to wait another week or do blood test..suppose to b 8wks but scan only 5plus to 6wks.

Mummies, please pray for me..thks.

Amici, I know how u felt, together b strong, pray n take good care of urself, meanwhile wait.. Or mayb request for blood test, I did today..in KK n need to return this Sunday for second blood test to confirm.

#1 EDD, thanks for ur prayer.. Actually, this is my #4, previously my 3children was with this same gynae n trusted her, but KK O&G happen to be MO(medical officer)..new doc. I don't want to accept bb die inside but confused.

Just need more prayer, n if that's God's plan,the is purpose,n I know it's best for me.


Yes, we should not be defeated so soon. Perservere and we hope for the best. I will be going for 2nd opinion. I also can't accept bb has die. This is too sudden and further more my bb is growing. Yes, prayers and will pray for you. Walk with God's faith

Selling my Medela Pump In Style Advanced Backpack

Bought a few months ago and I've only used for 3 months. It's almost like new in perfect condition. Selling it now as I've just stop breastfeeding. It's a US set and I'll throw in the voltage converter FOC.

Price: $220

It comes in the complete set in the original box which includes:

- Instruction manual

- Pump motor

- Battery Pak

- AC adapter

- Removable cooler bag with cooling element

- 4 BPA free bottles with lids

- Double pumping kits with Personal Fit breast shields

- 1 pair of valves and membranes

- 1 pair of tubings

Self collection at my place (if you wish to try the pump motor) or at Toa Payoh MRT/ Queenstown MRT.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks!

hello mommies..

back from gynae appt and laksa for lunch~~

Today managed to measure via abdominal scan 8w6d at 22.4mm bpm is 173. now edd is 16 Oct [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I had a good laugh when he let us listen to the heartbeat cos I thought its my stomach growling. lol..then he said good thing i laughed cos the bb shifted position and he was able to measure better.

no need to take anymore duphaston as he say its stable, so came home with calcium, fish oil, multivitamin, vit b6 and to continue with my folic acid [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my next appt is 4 weeks later, going for oscar test together follow on with next appt.

minidiary> Dr Ben only deliver at TMC now :/

1d1r> i dun take cockles lei..haha..i only like to eat the tau pok :p if dun add cockles also dun let u eat? u better don't eat cockles now lah, guai :p

actually my hub not strict with what i eat, most of the time i'm the one who tell him what i should not eat. then he will remember like i told him no peanut so morning he will remember and not make peanut butter sandwich for me..haha

RabbitBB, cos they still cook the cockles in the same pot of laksa gravy lah... So he says no...

Cos I notty, I nvr go update on my Hep B jab during TTC... so I'm pretty sure my hep B immunity is gone...

RabbitBB, hep B vaccine very troublesome.. msut go draw blood to test, then after that then go back again for vaccine so I very sian, keep dragging...

But one of the compulsory blood test during pregnancy is hep b test. They will draw around 3 tubes of blood to test for HIV also I think. Compulsory for all preggies in SG.

wah.. for 1wk tt i din visit smh, the thread progresses in a zoom zoom speed ya...

bad week for me... my son's was down with viral fever and cough... he has not been eatg well and keep vomitting.. see alr feel so heartache.. so my whole wk was bz with lookg aft him and rushing my work.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] his fever only subside on fri.. luckily.. if not will send him to kkh le...

was reading some of the previous posts and note tt u all have progressed to adding each other on FB... can include me also??? if so, pls add me at [email protected]


good to hear that! i cant wait for my appt for 14th march also... 2 more days to go!

how come EDD change from 7oct become 16 oct? I've updated in the table...

oh Dr Ben only delivers in TMC...okay so will arrange for hospital tour one day. Dr Ben suggests u to do OSCAR or u request urself? I dunno should do OSCAR or not leh...


what compulsory blood test? when will they draw 3 tubes? im so scared leh... I did pre-conception medical check up before... check HIV, Rubella, Hepatitis... can I bring the record and show them so no need to do blood test again?

amici, when I read your post I was thinking, "that can't be". You have your MS and sore boobs and heartbeat was detected. I've just prayed to God for you n your bb. Hope you can be my VBAC buddy. Take care and update pls abt your 2nd opinion.

1d1r> no idea about the blood test, hasn't done any so far at the gynae. Next appt will need to draw blood for some test :s

minidiary> 7 oct is based on my LMP so i guess not accurate cos i calculate myself, 16 oct is based on measurement by Dr Ben. err, he told me to go for the test, i didn't request for it. I guess due to age? I'm 31 :x

rabbitbb.. oscar test is to test for down syndrome? gynae ask me to go for tat test 4wks later and im not yet 30... so i guess its a common test at end of 1st tri....

and dr adrian say can eat sashimi and soft boiled eggs leh... hmmm i dunno shd i listen to him anot hehhe...


HS> yup for down syndrome. I have contact with pooches so I got another test to do too..I know some mommies opt out of Oscar test too.

