(2011/10) Oct 2011

Good morning mommies!

pray&love, you were eating Mango at such a late hour!! I was already in dreamland! Dreamt of vampires.. Hmm..

luv, I LOVE the egg tarts at Tai Cheong Bakery. Always go there to get the tarts when I'm in HK. Hehe..

KWXY, please take care and get more rest. Drink plenty of water too!

How're the mommies feeling today? I had a great sleep.. Didn't wanna wake up this morning. I thought it was Saturday. Boo..


TGIF mummies!

tabbyz, u cute lah, i also wanted to sleep in, so nice weather today. max of 27 degrees. nvm, tonight weekend starts, just 8 more hours to go! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no good night sleep, i wish for one too. the nausea kept me awake till 3+ am. sigh. anti-nausea pills dun help! was slipping in and out of sleep feeling nausea and hungry. boo hoo hoo

hihi... i have the following to let go...

WTS Natal Care Plus (400mg): Each box of 30 capsules at $14.00 (U.P. $16.05)



Natal Care Triplus (625mg) : Each box of 30 capsules at $28.00 (U.P. $32.10)




All boxes with Expiry 2013.

Bought too many from Dr Adrian.


An Australian specially balanced formulation that helps fulfill DHA requirement for fetal / baby brain development, and optimizes the brain development of the fetus and infant.

The core element in NATAL CARE PLUS - Natural Fish Oil - contains DHA and EPA, which is particularly needed during pregnancy and lactation. Apart from that, NATAL CARE PLUS also contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that helps to alleviate the negative impact of free radical formation, and increase normal cell function.


Cash on pick-up/delivery @ Jurong East or Raffles Place.

Kindly PM or leave SMS at 9 876 1872.

redgin, yes! 7 more hours for me! woohoo!

cherylden, I read that eating a bit of crackers will help to soothe the nausea. Not sure if it works. You might want to try it? My previous gynae told me that anti-nausea pills don't work for pregnant women. Probably because our nausea is because of hormonal changes? Let's count down to the end of first trimester!!!

morning mummies.. TGIF !!! cant wait for today to end and start the wkend proper hee...

seeing gynae tomorrow for the 2nd time to check on beanie... wonder how big he/she has grown ... so excited... hb gg with me too !!

Good morning mummies,

1d1r, now I know why the quil is making noise when your boy is not around. You have been eyeing to kill it for dinner. The bird scare of you lah... :p

luv, I also woke up a few times at night and kept dreaming. My MS just started again after breakfast. I can feel something in my throat now.

KWXY, yes you can go to GP but you must tell them you're pregnant. They'll give you mild medicine. But hor.. I find that the medicine is so mild that it may not have any effect, at least to me. I remembered when I had my #1, I finished all med already, still the symptoms (except fever) didn't go again. The best remedy for me is still Eat, sleep and drink plenty of water.

noodles > oh... really? I thought of ordering from there. But my husband objects, saying that no need to spend so much on a birthday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning mommies..reporting here. Yea TGIF..but tomorrow I still need to work 1/2 day..boo.

slept well last night, only bad thing was woken up by some noise at 6am but no problem going back to sleep again. Been waking up later and later have to stop this bad habit :/

Hi mummies,

Feeling so restless now. Weather is quite nice to sleep but I can't as my active toddler is still watching her fav hi5[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Just now I bring her out for a walk... Wow... So strenuous and I feel so nauseas at the food court. Maybe I was too hungry... Cos I bought nasi lemak, you tiao and fried carrot cake!! :p

Minidary - I watching HK series "only you" too!

yeah was still eating mango middle of the night because of hungry. yesterday is the day i feel like im a normal person, no sick... haha maybe the day before MS too bad liao. i hope today same as yesterday...at least give me some MS break leh...

Ben Ben,

so nice their wedding gowns!!! how i wish to try also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but now no shape liao....


Ha ha ha... It reminds u of the time when u r a bride ya? U can slim down after giving birth and wear nice dresses again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

benbenyiyi > My gal used to like to watch Hi5. She is a big fan of it. Almost watch it everyday. But now, she is a disney fan... all the princesses' shows!

Mummies, the sorethroat so bad that i can't really talk, painful. Sob sob! Still thinking to see doc or not... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


actually i have my own wedding gown at home. haha but cant fit in liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


go gargle salt water, drink honey lemon...


normally i only take the lozenges prescribed by GP... i also tell them im pregnant and confirm with them the medicine they precribed suitable for pregnancy... Dr Tham told me before those medicine GP gave can consume safely


my gal is a big fan of hi5 now. She is only 18 months old and she can already roughly tell us which series she wants to watch with her limited vocab and agar agar sing along with hi5! And she can watch it day and nite until i think i going to have nitemare on hi5 soon.

KWXY, drink more warm water (warm honey also can). If you are not comfortable about going to GP, then take some lozenges and gaggle warm salt water first.


if really feeling unwell, go see doctor and tell them you're pregnant, they will know what to do. i had very bad flu when preggie with #1, no choice i wanted to take medicine and sleep well, ok, meds are safe cause they will give not so strong meds.

KWXY > Do see a doc. The doc will prescribe you with soemthing suitable for pregnancy.

benbenyiyi > I can understand that. My gal used to be like that. Now she is stuck with Beauty and the Beast. Every weekend she went to my inlaw's place, she will watch it till my mil going crazy and ask my husband is there other shows that she can buy for her... haha

My daughter(17 months) now enjoyed watching Super Why.

First thing in the morning, she will switch on the DVD player. As she still dunno how to change the channel, she will pass the remote control to either helper or any 1 of us.

She can watch the same disc 3 times per day.

My stomach feel so bloated... My pants feel so tight! Ahhh... Think gotta wear those Preggy pants Liao.... This second one tummy so fast bcome big! **sigh**

winnie, my hb wants to buy the AIBI cross trainer for me to exercise during my pregnancy! Saying that he is concerned that I would get diabeties if I don't burn the extra portion of food I'm eating now. I think he is secretly wishing that I wouldn't put on so much weight. Hmm..

prettymums, I got Cupcake Divinity cake only for my kids' first birthdays. After that it's cheaper ones like Bengawan Solo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me too..Zzzzzzzzz..super sleepy now!

Mummies, may I knw you are with long hair or short hair har? Is short hair better or long hair better for a pregnant women har? my hair is long and I don’t like to tight it up, so now is thinking to cut my hair to a short length, never cut short before, really don’t knw how I will look like if realy cut short?

“pai she”, look like I’m really too “sian” liao, don’t knw wat to say then to ask tis type of silly question…hee..heee…

mummies, i drank warm honey...hope it helps...still feverish...i wont go anywhere today...will rot at home...

emilybaby, I just chopped long hair late last year. Kinda regret now because it's shoulder length and keeps on curling here and there. Miss my long hair. I know a lot of MTBs will cut short their hair to prepare for confinement because they can't shower. I don't think I'll do that. I prefer my hair to be long..

KWXY, hope you'll recover soon. You're not rotting at home.. You're resting at home! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

emilybaby.. hmm depends how short u wanna cut to bah... some advise that confinement dont cut too short hair cos cant tie up, in e end feel more warm at the neck area...long hair tie up at least u keep ur hair off the neck...

my hair is shoulder length now.. will grow it till a reasonable length so that i can tie up 9 mths later...

Hi Mummies.

Just came back from Taka Fair.

Need your advise on the following purchase (Still considering):

1)Supreme snuggle nest - Useful? $99

For newborn

2)Graco Play Pen - Durable? $199

For newborn

3)Munchkin safety bed rail - $55.20

For #1

With #2 coming, better think twice before spending.

Hi emilybaby,

For me there r only 2 choices. Keep ur long hair and prepare to bun them up if u r those that choose on to wash hair during confinement, or cut ur hair real short (above neck line) juz b4 giving birth. Some open minded confinement ladies wun mind u washing ur hair during confinement... But u have to use hair dryer to dry ur hair after wash to prevent "tou feng".

I kept my long hair bunned up for the entire month during my #1 confinement. Din wash hair at all!! Dunno how I managed to than. Ha ha ha.

Hi! Mummies, thks for sharing your experience about yr hair :)

Since BFP, every time when I comb my long hair after washing, I can see there is a lot of long hair fell on the floor leh! I’m very scared so think that maybe it will help after cut it short.

In Oct is should be near to winter time/ raining season season rite? so I think the weather may not be too hot bah! Last time, I started washing my hair with the Chinese medicine on the 3rd day after gav birth cos very smelly.


i also feel that after BFP, i drop alot of hair... dunnno why. everyday also need to vacuum or wash hair that time drop alot hair also... i also think to cut short but i don dare leh...


1) don't know what is it

2) play pen is good but think you can get cheaper one from Giant & kiddy palace

3) got mine at ikea think is cheaper. you can check it out

There is only one thing u can blame on for hair loss... Hormones. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm feeling very cold now even when it's sunny outside... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Huishan, My girl is using Graco Playpen. It was passed down by her cousin who used it 6yrs ago. So I think it's durable. The other 2 never used before so can't comment.

emilybaby, I'm also considering having a short haircut. I have been losing hair too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I thought hair loss only after give birth, dunno that preggie now also hair loss leh... really hormones play the part? i tot something wrong with myself only... haha

I've been losing hair since 4months after my daughter was born... although its MUCH better now, but my hair has never regained its past 'glory'. Your hair will look its best around 4months preg up to 4month post delivery. can keep your hair long now, cos soon it will stop dropping then you'll find that your hair is so thick and shiny! after birth is the best time to cut shorter.

