(2011/10) Oct 2011

Tenzero, haha my girl is violent too. When at home she likes to cuddle with me. And when too agitated, she'll tend to press on my tummy and boobs (super painful when she pressed on my breast). Gotta keep telling her not to press on my tummy...


minidiary> my friend and I, actually I over bought lah, then the uncle scoop so much for me like its free. in the end drop on the floor into my shoe I didn't get to eat them :p

3 more mins to KO!! *whistle*

luv, you're not alone. Me too. MS is killing me. Throughout the day, I feel like the food is queuing up at my throat waiting for its chance to come out.

pray&love, I haven't been there for the longest time!!! Didn't know there's Gong Cha there! Shall explore it soon..

Gonna KO soon! Woohoo!

Tenzero, he attended Zoophonics at Tampines. Very disappointing. The teacher couldn't even pronounce her words properly. My boy liked their activities but quite sian that parents must sit in...

Then we changed to Tumble Tot's Canopy phonics using Letterland system. He likes it much better. And the student teacher ratio is good (3 - 4 teachers for 12 - 15 kids). Plus they reward the kids with tumble tot activities which my boy loved.

And cos the teacher saw that my boy already knew his basic phonics sounds (the class was following his age group), she recommended that he attends another class with older kids. And in the class with older kids, my boy picked up very fast and was moving ahead of the others in that class. So the teacher will pull him aside during lessons to teach him more advanced stuff. Quite good but they moved out of Punggol, so rather inconvenient for us to continue.

So now I teach him at home. He can read simple storybooks without help (Peter & Jane series can read up to Level 3 on his own). But he loves those science related books with all the animals which are too difficult, then he'll ask for help.

Good to start them young. But I think most effective is still to teach at home cos once a week lesson won't help much if parents don't reinforce the reading daily...


I stayed at Sala Samui, me and hb LOVE the resort. We stayed at the pool villa, and the meals there were really good, especially breakfast!


rest well, take care. my friend had bleeding and needed bed rest for almost 4 months for BOTH her pregnancies. Friend's kids are very healthy 5 and 7 year olds now. take care, if bb is healthy and well bb will stick with you

#2, oh ok.. i tired to teach @home esp wifout teaching materials.. i tried to google tumbletot then..

lizy, hahaha yes girls can be violent too!

luv, yes.. me 3.. vomit is killing me.. jz went toilet oni.. sigh..

Prettymums, another good choice: http://www.sweetcouturecakes.com/

This is my friend's bakery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] She is one of the home bakers who rented a commercial space and is NEA licensed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yup at koh samui. the beach is not fantastic but the resort environment and food are very good. Nice quiet get away.


I ordered a very pretty 3 tier Hello kitty cake for my daughter's first year. cake flavour is average, not fantastic. taste is ok for a kid's cake but the decor is nice. you can email them for pics.

Prettymums> my bro ordered one 2-tier with Sesame street character toys as deco for my nephew's 1st birthday from Pine Garden for S$115. nice looking.

I went to collect it for him and a lady before me ordered a one-tier barbie doll one for her niece. Literally a naked barbie decorated with cream.

My boy and his silly quail....

Me: Baby, bacon-wrapped quail sounds delicious, ya?

Him: Yes! it is delicious.

Me: Can I cook your quail?

Him: No... use the dead one...

Me: So I kill your quail and I can cook it?

Him: No... my quail must be alive. Go buy a dead one to cook.

minidiary: ya this thread is virtually dead during non-office hours one, hahaha...

rabbit_bb: u're welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tink the most impt receipt is wen u take up the package bah, cos tt's the biggest amt? anyway the max claim is only $450, no need to keep all la, hahahah...

creamdonut> haha too much figures, too lazy to figure them out now for all the fees and claims. you come on at night only? ya, there's a vast difference in number of mommies chatting at night here. I guess working moms with kids need to tend to them at night, can't hang out here much...

ya day time i have to work, cant come online to chat, so only come online at night after i had my dinner and bathed loh.

hahah, agree on the figures. dr tham's nurse gave a chart on the claims, did u get from her? it shows what amounts we can claim. she also say they will help with the forms when the time comes, so i'm nt too worried also la, hehe

ya, just that sometimes at work sneak out abit of time here and there to come online, sometimes no time then can only read on my hp when I'm travelling and cannot reply.

I forgot to ask her anything. I will when I go for my 2nd appt this sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah true, deduct from the $600 package..

so only keep that receipt only..

actually i confuse rabbitbb and creamdonut, both EDD so close and under Dr Ben too...

I'm ok and thinking positive the whole day. Talk to bb and even played children song via iPhone...hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi kwxy!! good to hear u r keeping urself happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nites mummies!


You are like working the 'night shift' here. Heh heh! How're you feeling??


Wah so fast dl songs already? Good good, start 胎教 early. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Think I gotta sleep soon. Tired out from a loooong day. Yawns...

Good morning mummies!

I'm unwell since yday. Fever and this morning terrible sorethroat. I wonder I can go GP and they will hv medicine that's friendly to us?

Good morning mummies!

prettymums, I ordered from Cupcake Divinity twice -- very happy with their service and cake. The chocolate cake was a bit dry but the vanilla one was ok. I think they have 3 different people baking so maybe the taste will vary a bit.


When I have #1 I sick I go gynae, I Nv go GP scared de med affect bb. Throughout my pregnant when sick can't take any medicine. Not sure abt other mummies here. Have to drink lots of water k. Tk Gd care..

Hi Kwxy,

It must be due to heatiness and ur "nitemare" 2 days ago. I also had very bad sore throat last week. I gaggle salt water every morning (dun do this at nite!), took strepsils (my gynae say it's ok to take lozenges) and loads of water and fruit juices (for vit c). The heatiness subside after about 3 days.

Hope this helps u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies!

tabbyz, whoa u rem the shop name n place? I'm amazed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] there is an egg tart shop next to the hotel hb n I were staying (Dorsett Seaview Yau Ma Tei) where the pastry is so light n fluffy, yet not dry and the centre is abit of the consistency of soft boiled eggs! Next time I go back wif the kids, will stay at Disneyland hotel n look 4 other nice egg tarts to gorge! :p

lizy, tenzero: yeah high5 :p I was so happy wen MS didn't cum n was feeling really gd. Den bam! Lost all appetite for lunch n dinner. Went to sleep the discomfort off yday 8.45pm n woke up 3+ n 5+am to a sleeping kid n a nice hb who for once in nearly 2 years, let me sleep alone without bringing the kid (if he's fussy) to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] MS came back juz now n I woke up feeling really hungry.

KWXY, yes u can go to your GP. Do tell him u r preggy and he'll give u mild medicine. Take care!

TGIF! Enjoy your weekend!


tenzero, u on any anti-nausea tablets? my MS also getting bad to worse, dunno hw to survive esp when i have to go work. sigh

