(2011/10) Oct 2011

pray&love, so shiok! your mom and take care of you also! now you're tempting me to go HK!

HS, I'm also in the same situation - don't know whether I want to stay on in my current job.. but I think I should be taking whole 4 months off. Use this opportunity to take a break from work too..



Just went to see dr Tham for emergency. I bleeder fresh blood.

Did vs and do some test. Still got blood clot and slight bleeding. Dr Tham wants me to bed rest for another week. Injection today, next Monday, thurs and Mon.

He said sometimes it's an act of god. We have done everything. If really don't have, then don't have.

Now I will leave it in gods hand. I m mentally, emotionally n physically drained.

pray&love, I shall psycho my hubby to go with me.. Maybe can even psycho my family to go along. Tell my mom it's her last trip before she have to spend all her time to look after her grandchild.. Hahahaha!

esther, I'm very sorry to hear about this.. I'll pray for you. Let's commit your emotional burden to Him..


hang in there, and follow doctor's advise to bed rest. bb should be fine. i understand what you're going thru cause i went through all this when i was pregnant with my #1. so stay positive ok?


good that u see Dr Tham so fast. Do bedrest liao. strictly on bed and go toilet only. dont do other things already. be strong and stay positive!

so sianz, just came out of my director's room and he commented that he can see my bump le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


jia you!! be good and stay in bed. expect a miracle okay? we will be cheering for you here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


why sian? not good to show bump early?

esther, don't worry too much. I went through what you did in Week 6. Got a fright of my life with the bleeding as well. Now continuing Duphaston thrice a day and progesteron injections twice a week too.

Just go on bed rest and relax. We are all praying for you and the baby. Take care!

Mummies, any of you got cheap/reliable contacts for reno? Looking for license company cos it's for HDB shopfront. If you have, PM me k? Thanks. Looking for reno for my shopfront...

vivi, why sian? Bump showing early is good. :)

minidiary, I am craving for the HK fishballs ever since I went in Oct last year. Cannot get anywhere else. Oh you are so lucky...Ahhhhh!!!


don say lucky yet. been postponing the trip many times liao. keep change air ticket... my hubby biz trip schedule always changed..

the HK fishball nice? i dunno that, i just miss their desserts and roasted pork, duck rice. haha

and Dim Sum!

minidiary, hahahhaa..yeah, I remember how when we first were on the forum, you were telling me you wanted to go to HK!

Yes, must try their fishballs - super good! It's not like our fishballs here. Iced mango dessert...yum yum

starry n happyenough - cos dun like ppl to ask me... so sick of answering...cos now ppl will think if im fat or preg. i wanna it to be more obvious! haha then save the answering part

hk - u gals make me very gian to go!

my 1st n only trip was 2 yrs ago when i go there to watch sammi cheng concert. A 3 days 2 night trip there... too rush to enjoy anything ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

vivi, we all have to go through this stage of letting ppl guess if we're fat or pregnant! Hahaha.. Should be more obvious that we're pregnant in late 2nd trimester bah?

vivi, the fishballs are the street food kind, not from an particular restaurant . The texture is really unique.

I know what you mean abt being fat/preggers. A friend came up to me and said "Eh, you put on weight" Don't know want to laugh or cry.

happyenough-oic.. at which street huh?? i nvr try the street food cos of the smell. normally eat at cafe and/or restaurant.

Hi, my daughter (17th month) hit my pelvic area using her head yesterday.

Til now still very painful. dun think is painful for her.

Will continue to monitor. I think i shld be fine.

ya all the talk about HK food making me drool. My fave is the yu dan (curry fishball) too! haha..hard hard one. Once I was so crazy over it I think i bought like one big bag I think at least 30-40pcs then the uncle still gave me extra FOC. in the end i put it too near the tv table and it fell over into my shoe. -___-"

I love their egg waffle sold at the road side too, and the mango dessert, gui ling gao, wanton mee, claypot rice, milk tea..OMG *drool*

Huishan> whats ur daughter hitting herself against you? Oh no, have to tell her not to do that in future. Take care and monitor situation. take care [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RabbitBB, I love curry fishball too! To satisfy my cravings, we actually cooked it at home. Successful!

I love their claypot rice too...

1dog1rabbit> but how? their fishball is hard unlike those we have here so Q..teach meeeee..I don't think i will be going HK anytime soon, just went last Dec :/ Sometimes those shopping atrium here have food fest or something I see some stalls selling, you tried before? Wonder nice anot.

OH she is very violent heehee. she enjoyed hitting her head against sofa, bed. now she is aiming at me.

Yummy. Some days i am feeling hungry. some days i have no appetite.

RabbitBB, the fishballs made by the uncle at my mum's place the market is those QQ type like HK ones!!! But their curry is slightly different from ours, no coconut milk de...

huishan> she enjoys? lol. better stop her from aiming at you now sia especially as the target gets bigger and rounder soon :p

1dog1rabbit> i think the curry is important. come to think of it, i wonder if the HK hawker actually change the curry..haha..like those chi restaurant, some sauce never change keep refilling and boiling like for years and years. Say its the jing hua (essence) wor :x

tabbyz> ok lah, sgp prima waffle also very nice albeit not hard n crispy like HK's..haha can make do.

huishan, my girl aso quite "violent" too.. if i lie on the bed wifout looking out @her, she will run or jump & sit on my tummy (b4 preggy), & then loves to say, "mummy, yao yao"

Tenzero, which area you stay? My boy attended a few different phonics class and I was not happy with the results. Teaching at home yield far better results. Just need to spend a little on teaching materials.

Esther, take care!! If possible, rest more in bed. Don't walk too much. I'm sure God will want you to keep your baby. Keep Praying. Lot's of Hugs!!

tabbyz... u wan the egg waffle in singapore ah... i dunno if i remember correctly, there is one stall at raffles city basement selling that egg waffle.. outside circle one...i tink i saw the picture at the stall.. if u drop by there, u try to see if have... haha...

if u stay in jurong area hor, the waffle at jp basement is bagus... i cant explain to u how nice is it....... its sooo gooood !!! hahha...

HS, I'm staying in the West! is the waffle at JP basement the egg waffle or normal waffle? all the food talk is making me really hungry.. munching on biscuits now. Hahaha..

hello mummies...

esther, take care of yourself! rooting and praying for you and bb.

Huishan, my notti son also hit at my pelvic area few days ago. it hurts like billy-o and he got 3 tight smacks at the right thigh. it stops hurting after a short while. dun worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: HK i missed their egg tarts... cant find any similar texture here. Sob!

feeling miserable today... MS becomes AS. tummy looks much bigger than before. dunno whether i can stomach dinner later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yeah tabbyz,

i remember Raffles City shopping centre sell the egg waffle... but i see no one queue for that, so i didnt try... mostly ppl Q for Gong Cha! haha


wah crazy 30-40 fishballs.. how many ppl eat? I never try their street food before. mostly cafe and restaurant... because Im prone to food poisoning... the only street food i try is the egg waffle! nice, crunchy and yummy...

maybe i should try this time roung.


HS, I also wanna leave office ASAP.. I'm excited to find out how good the waffle is! Shall go there someday!

luv, I love the egg tarts in HK too! Especially the ones Tai Cheong at Lyndhurst Terrace. Super duper good.

