(2011/10) Oct 2011

Rabbitbb, they will all turn out to be very entertaining. My nieces and nephews are equally entertaining!

I restrict guns/violence so though he's a boy, his playtime is non-violent and more of creative thinking (cos I don't buy fancy toys, only simple toys).



can complain and get a refund? I finished taking the medicine already... no more to return [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I was worried to death that my left abdomen was so painful this morning that I thought the urinary infection moves up to my bladder. (TMC told me if bacteria is quite bad, it might take up to a week to test, so, today is already 1 week) So, I called TMC scaring myself, end up it's negative!


Ya, never ever trust KKH. So scary. Nightmare. Took 1 week of antibiotic when there is NOTHING wrong with me!

good morning mummies!


wah KKH test u in everywhere and charged you... so unreasonable.. why test for H1N1? crazy... luckily you go TMC and get thing solved.


I like your boy! so cute and pet lovers!


later let me dig out the receipt and tell u vscan how much. if im not wrong like $20 also... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i am wearing fitflops! i love them. was having bad ankle during my last pregnancy and walk a bit ankle will hurt. so changed to fitflops and the difference is very very obvious. i can walk comfortably and for longer periods without feeling the pain. it really helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


why not just try? you were instructed to take the medicine mah, so finished no choice, but i think you have a case here... it's bad enough they misdiagnosed, they still ask you to take antibiotics for naught. tell them that you are pregnant and this whole issue has caused you and your family a lot of emotional and mental stress. best is write to newspaper forum. they sure respond.

creamdonut> oh ya, thanks for the info, I didn't know that I need to keep the receipts for medisave claims. The first two times I went to bishan 8 clinic the nurse even ask if I need receipt. Lucky I kept the one from Dr Ben.

Starry> Ooo good review..ya, been looking at the spree section and very tempted, will try to get a pair to try the size first. Where do you get ur Fitflops from? Spree too?

hello mtbs!!


sorry to hear what u had to go thru. i think its best to stick to a gynae that's more positive & reassuring than 1 that's prone to negativity. perhaps he just wanted u to be prepared for the worst but to suggest that u do a d&c first is beyond comprehension. maybe u want to stick on to dr. lawrence or switch to woody lah (u staying in sk like me right). woody is the chop chop type but he dun anyhow say things that caused unnecessary worries & panic for mtbs unless he's very, very certain. that's why i opted to go back to him still.

for me, during my #1, i think i told my family & posted the gd news on FB by 8wks. din know abt the 3mths rule of thumb then. after reading so many unfortunate news fr mtbs in my previous threads & others, i realised the 1st trimester is really very vulnerable. i know of mtbs whose babies had heartbeats at 6-8wks but later the bb stop growing fr 9-12wks.

my cousin's wife miscarriage in her 7mths. i dun know the actual reason as they kept it hush-hush. also know of this mummy who gave birth to twins & one was stillborn. these are all very sad but sometimes, it happened.

for #2, so far, only my hb & parents know abt it. havent told my fil/bil/sil although we are staying under the same roof. and my parents only knew becos i was admitted to kkh for 2nights & they were very worried abt me so my hb went to tell them the truth. to my fil/bil/sil, only told them i was warded due to stomach pains.


i bought from cottage kiddy. you can search for her on facebook. she keeps ready stocks most of the time. and it's a lot cheaper compared to buying from local retail stores. i tried them out at paragon first to know my size then bought from cottage kiddy.


precisely! I was having flu only and they made me take H1N1 test. $150.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I am not good in writing complains and quite lousy if I am to argue with people. Hmm.. got to discuss with hubby. I think KKH won't bother with complaints.


better write a complaint leh... they treat u like a doll like that. test this and that. $150 so expensive! i also donated $130 to them for a nightmare...

starry> thanks for the link, will go Paragon to try the size first then cos I'm like a half size.

HS> 9pairs?? waa..haha.. thinking need good support when tummy gets bigger and flats and heels are afterall not so comfortable.


yeah, have made plans to go phuket. actually already booked and confirmed everything. it's a company trip which was planned before i was even pregnant! anyway, hubby will be going with me so treat it as babymoon for both of us. there are a lot of fun programs lined up and just hope that we can take part in all of them.


the fitflops are really better than other flats especially when we hit 3rd tri. the feet will hurt and also the back due to the added weight.

oh... which hotel/resort you staying?

which airline you are taking?

im tempted by this UOB travel package to Phuket... 4D3N, costs about $1.5k for 2 to go. wondering is it cheap?

oh someone added me on FB.. Wxxxy Lxx. who is it? just wanna know so that i won't get confused with all the mummies here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i want to go on babymoon, but must see when hb is free... maybe somewhere near to shop like bangkok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so poor thing, your cousin's wife miscarriage at 7mths, must be so devastating! the bb couldn't be saved? so sad... i'm also still playing safe with this pregnancy, will wait till 14 weeks then make announcement, provided my tummy don't give me away first!!


$1.5k quite ex. but then again depends on which hotel you are staying and what airline. mine is tiger airway, less than $250 (incl. tax) for 2 pax. hotel and everything (breakfast, lunch, dinner, phi phi island, elephant ride, phuket fantasea...) is less than $700 for 2 pax. so total still less than $1K for 2.

KWXY > so happy to hear that... what a relief. I'm sure your baby will grow strong and healthy.

1dog1rabbit > haha... that's the problem. Last time my gal brought back fishes from school. In the end, my husband went to buy a fish tank for her... haha...

gilera > For normal checkups, my gynae will not ask me to do that. But for detail scan, they will ask me to drink lots of water so that can scan clearer...


sorry to hear what u had to go thru anad im glad that everything is fine now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the hotel is called Sala Phuket.


i have not been to phuket so dunno the price of the hotel there... i see this Sala Phuket aredi feel like in heaven... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when is the date you going?


Bangkok? i have not been there before. guess is shopping heaven is it? hahaha I wonder if i can really walk so much during that period...


it's a very nice hotel! no wonder more expensive. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but if like that and $1.5K for 2 i'd find it very tempted also. anyway can R&R there, no need to go island hopping or what. ask your hubby? hee hee!!

i'm going from 5-9 May. looking forward to it!

minidiary and starry> I love Phuket! The last time I went during my birthday, I stayed at Banthai Beach Resort at Patong. nice and clean place, on my birthday the hotel people even snooped me, they saw we returned to our room and they send a cake and fruit basket to me. So thoughtful hhaa. I joined the optional tour too and visited the Hong by the starlight, quite an experience too.

I'm still headache over my babymoon location.


ya the package include Garden Pool Villa, so im thinking preggie cant do so much, as well just relax in the pool villa... haha but normally ppl go phuket for island hopping, visit here and there and tour around... still thinking leh...


wow so many hotels u stayed before. i go goggle those hotel u mentioned first.


wow so nice the hotel had some arrangement for u. can we say we on babymoon this time? then arrange cake and flower to me? hahaha

i went phuket in end jan!! i miss that place... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but strictly no island hopping for preggy mummies i feel...sometimes the waves v rough...even i also cannot take it almost puke...one lady fainted in the speedboat!

that time we took tigerairways...having promo, air tix $80 per pax!!! (2ways includ tax)...i took hotel recommended by Pommes from Sep thread...decent hotel with excellent location...just 5 mins away from patong beach and very near to pubs!! Per night ard $90...

So air tix $160 + hotel $180 (2 nights)...then we spend $$ on seafood and water activities [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minidiary- i went phuket for 5 times le. rest of the hotels i cant remember le.

phuket -cheap n good.

i brought my # 1 there when i was preggy. he enjoy the trip very much.

Hi! Mummies,gd afternoon!

Jus taken my lunch, very full now :)

In Jan, I already booked the ticket to Taipei. we will be there from 13/04~19/04..hee..hee..now is looking forward to enjoy the food + shopping there :)


in jan means once u know u preggie, then u book? yeah i received my dumex mamil mama aredi! havent try yet. thanks for the website!

pray&love, when i made the booking that time i stil in 2WW. actually is thinking to go there for "baby making"...hee..hee.. anyway, hope everthing will be fine during the trip there :)

Oh, so fast you receive the sample alrdy. Any other free goodies from them?

Good afternoon ladies!

Just got back to work after my gynae visit this morning! 9weeks now and bb is 2.2cm. So glad that everything is ok. Though gynae told me I have lumpy breasts.. Forgot to ask what that means.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I did remember to ask her about eating soft boiled eggs. She say those at Ya Kun is fine!! Yay! But not too runny, just to be sure. I'm going to enjoy my Ya Kun eggs this weekend!

kwxy, so glad that everything turned out well for you. I'll pray for your bb's growth!

Re: Phuket

I just went there two weeks ago! It was a really exhausting trip because I was feeling nauseous and tired all the time. Stayed at Millenium Hotel in Patong Beach. We did activities like island hopping and ATV! Luckily didn't hurt bb during all these activities. Just a suggestion, I find Kata Beach nicer than Patong beach. All the activities we did there, we had to drive pass Kata beach. So it would be better to stay there. Kata beach is heaven. So blue, so clear, not so crowded. Patong beach is terrible. The view is blocked with many ships and is really really really crowded.

got some spa voucher, full month voucher, Spring maternity $10 voucher, $3 discount mamil mama voucher, Cocoa Palmer stretch mark cream sample, Baby wipes sample


you so rock! hahaha can play ATV somemore... thanks for ur recommendation. i will continue search, thinking either to get tour package from agent or book myself.

pray&love, actually I was so worried about my bean when I was playing the ATV. But it was so fun! We played for 2 hours! Hehehehe.. I don't think you need tour package from agent. We went there ourselves and sign up with the local agents. I think it's cheaper that way. Just remember to bargain really hard there. Like more than 50% off! Shopping is definitely NO NO. More expensive than Bangkok because too many Caucasians there.

So happy after seeing baby.. No mood to work.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


why no mood to work? see baby liao then of coz got mood to work ge ma... haha

that time when i was TTC in Bintan thought of play ATV also, but don dare... haha now preggie, lagi don dare liao. can i also have your gynae details and hsp and EDD? u havent update me!

pray&love, my gynae is Adelina Wong, TMC. EDD is 13 Oct!!! thanks for the update! You can try the buggy if you don't dare to take ATV loh! Buggy is safer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't know leh.. Boss irritated me when I just stepped into office. So many questions.. Buay tahan.. Should've taken full day leave. WO REN until October!!


happy for you that everything is fine with yr baby, hope tat my baby also growing well as yrs when I see him/her on next Mon :)

Really we can eat soft boiled eggs? Last time I wait till 5 mths then start to eat cos heard that eat soft boiled eggs our baby will become more cleaver de wor..hee..hee..don’t knw is true or not lah!


so gd hor, they giv you so much free stuff..after you giv birth, you can request milk powder sample from them too..

When are you going to Phuket? i tot you will go HK with yr dh in April?

emilybaby, give us an update when u see yours! everything will be fine for you too! so many old wives tales about food! I don't care, just eat what I like.. Hehe..

TMC's carpark is really too small. I had to be driven out by the valet because they moved my car to another carpark!!! So ridiculous right! First time I need to be driven to get my car. I thought valet means the car will be driven to me. Hmm..

emilybaby.. i tink to play safe dont eat soft boiled eggs bah... soft boiled eggs sashimi are totally out of my eat lists.. im so sad when i go japanese restaurant... i cant eat salmon, swordfish, octopus.. boo...


why REN until Oct? resign?

your details updated!


hahaha HK trip is my hubby's biz trip. so most of the time he is working from morning till night. thinking to have another short trip lo to beach area... if really cant, then stay in Sentosa lo. but Sentosa also expensive!

pray&love, we'll be on 4 months maternity leave from October mah!!! really looking forward to that! Hahahaha.. HK trip don't need your hubby to be with you la! You can just go shopping and eating on your own! Wah salivate at the thought of all the good food in HK! Maybe I should go there for my babymoon too!

tabbyz> ya, tmc parking is terrible. If go in the morning sometimes so jam, hard to go in also. Btw our maternity is 16 weeks, not really 4months lei. I don't think i will take all one short, Thinking of taking 10 or 12 week, balance take throughout the year.


ya ya, sometimes I also don’t care too much liao, I also eat watever food that I like. Especially the Malay’s stall gantang mutton, yummy yummy, I try very hard NOT to eat this food, but in the end still eat. I heard people said that eat Mutton may caused baby have “yang fong tio” de, I scared scared.

HS, oh I c, then I better not to eat the soft boiled eggs first bah, but do you knw when then we can start to eat mah?


Haa..haa..ya ya even go Sentosa still expensive leh! Don’t think too much, if you really want to go then just go lor, otherwise maybe it will be very difficult to go for holiday liao after your baby come out cos most of the time you will be busy with yr baby liao. That’s why this April I wan to go for a holiday first before I giv birth my #2 :p


ya la don eat Mutton lo! still dare to break rules! haha Sentosa also bout $700 for 2 nights. so expensive hotel here... better go other countries.


my mum will be following. so at least can go walk walk around with her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rabbitbb... i tinking of taking one shot 16wks maternity, if i decide not to stay in my current co... of cos if i staying, i will take 3mths then spread out the other 4 weeks for the 1st yr... dilemma.. dunno if i shd stay on anot...

emilybaby... i heard from my SIL that preggy can eat sashimi n forbidden stuff 2wks before due date because by tat time, bb have already absorbed the things they need... after bb is out, no sashimi/soft boiled eggs etc cos breastfeeding mah... dunno if these things will affect quality of milk... i told hb yest tat i got at least 1 yr that i cant touch these foods...boohoo...


no lah. sashimi and soft boiled eggs if really wanna avoid, avoid thru out pregnancy. although i know a lot of mummies don't avoid such things and still eat once in a while in moderation. after giving birth, it's perfectly fine to continue with such foods. sashimi is especially good because of the high levels of fish oils and the fish protein can help you produce more BM. soft boiled eggs' yolks contain high amts of good cholesterol, needed for your baby's brain development as the human brain is made up largely of cholesterol. i had soft boiled eggs often thru out last pregnancy and almost everyday during confinement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


what is "yang fong tio"?? i had mutton curry a few times when pregnant with my girl. she came out okay leh.


starry... shiok !!! soft boiled eggs throughout pregnancy and confinement... haha i doubt my hb will let me do that...

i tink "yang fong tio" means yang dian feng (epilepsy) ?

