(2011/10) Oct 2011

let's not bother ourselves with all these idiotic comments .. what matters most is that babies are healthy ..

on a happy note, OG is having 20% storewide .. anyone going? was thinking of check out whether does the 20% applied to strollers ..

wow - i trying not to gain more than 10kg since i already over the scales...

getting anxious about birth. exclaimed in front of gynae "SO SCARY" , think she was taken aback as was my HB then she started telling me its not scary, just be prepared know what options there are lalalala no need act hero and not take epi. lucky i have her assurance and that she shares with me, advises and just feel she is steady.

been feeling BB move alot nowadays.. day time also - but whenever get HB hand to feel, BB dun move. wanted BB to kick HB hand. sigh!


It really helps to wear a girdle after birth, you should try after this baby pops. I only started wearing it after baby started taking more solids from 8 months, I think it was the main factor that helped me lose the weight. Of course its not comfortable but I lost weight after 1-2 months of wearing during waking hours, so I think its worth it. Can give it a try. No need to wear to sleep.


cheong choon doesn't display pricing online. have to call and ask. if you are getting big items like cot, playpen, stroller, play yard etc all at one shot, can actually call winnie for more discounts. that's the good thing about cheong choon - you can bargain a bit. and they offer free delivery so definitely convenient for families that don't drive. think the way they operate is a bit old-school. 'cos have to order via phone and no online catalogue. maybe that's why some ppl don't like to shop with them since cannot see the items for themselves.

your mention of gymnastics in the womb reminds me she looked like she was doing sit and reach in there. hee hee! wanna show off her long legs lah.


so small how to frame? wanna do scrapbook but i have no flair for designing. failed in art during sec sch days! :p


i shld have told the auntie that i hope her daughter will keep having sons! the more the better, best is have another 4 or 5. lol! so fast you got sick of the massage? i like leh. very shiok! the binding felt good too, just a bit hot initially cos of the jamu herbs. but after a while it was okay. i started around 11am then removed the binder at 8pm in the evening. after 2-3 days can really see diff in tummy size.


really not funny! i was hopping mad and can't believe he said such things..


lol! i didn't think that far. :p

what do you all eat in a day?

usually mornings i must have my fishball mee pok + half can soft drink

lunch usually mac meal

snickers bar + ice milo

eco rice dinner + bubble tea

no wonder i am constipated right.

will try to have salads for dinner hereforth


go OG get the hot water flask and thermos. will come into good use during confinement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] worth it to buy during sales as good brands are quite expensive.

tamms, roxanne,

i also heard good reviews about girdles helping to regain figure. but must get good brands like wacoal, triumph. expensive but very long lasting especially those with the 'bones'. thinking of investing in them after i pop. the flabby tummy is kinda unsightly, felt depressed looking at it last time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

starry, I took all the ultra scan n did scrapbook. my mum was like ultra scan also muz make until so pretty ah. I told her if not, I dunno wat to do with all those ultra scans pix.

I not very good either, juz put a title, stick some stickers n paste the pix.


ya lor e royal package v ex leh... but i remb my fren is saying hers is $50/hr so it depends on how many times u wanna use them but she says hers is not gd so i dun intend to ask from her... ya ignore abt others senseless remarks... aft being preg i feel it's more impt to have a healthy bb than its gender... didnt noe preg is so complicated


oh then need to have a CDA ac b4 e bb is born?? sorry quite blur on this..

aiyoh gilera... sure fat... cannot eat snickers bar ok? I put on 2kg eating Snickers in secondary school! and so many sweet drinks!

here's my typical:

Breakfast: Cereal with low fat milk / jam sandwich + 1 horlicks (no condense milk)

Lunch: Sushi rice bowl / mix veg rice / duck noodles

Snack: 1 cup low fat milk

Dinner: Rice w soup + veg + fish + meat with Ribena / juice

Fruit after dinner

gilera: breakfast - soya milk/milk + noodle/chee cheong fun/bee hoon/sandwich; lunch - rice/noodle; dinner - rice with dishes

starrymommy: oh yeah, i need to get the flask!!


I bought mine from Chalone think it was $89. It's quite stiff, has bone and is a zip up. very effective for me but must tahan.......


made an appt with GPLS. Mil and hb advised me to get one. Guess they dun want me to turn into a tired and grumpy monster after 1 month.


Any mommies staying in the Bt Merah/Alexandra area? I'm moving there in a few months and looking for fulltime cc for my coming 3yr old. Any experienced mommies put their kids in cc around that area? Looking for recommendations.


u've an unhealthy diet.....

usually bfast i've 2 slices of wholemeal bread with cheese or sometime mayo tuna with tomato & soya milk or milo or milk powder. weekend, Mac bfast or /BK bfast...

Lunch: Fish soup, economic porridge, niang dou fu, double boil soup or nasi lemak....

Dinner: Depends sometime hubby cook, else i'll take fish soup or other soupy stuffs or fast food or westen food.... some weekend go back mom's palce for ai xin dinner... i'm not a rice person so i dun really like to eat rice ...and last few weeks i hate lost of chicken wings, fries n chicken chop.

but everyday i'll eat fruits... apple or kiwi or pear or payaya or mixture... n take some yogurt too. I try to drink fruit juice n not soft drinks.

bubblygeekypig (bubblygeekypig), no problem abt it.. during admission, the nurses will give u all the neccessary forms.. then once u register a birth cert for the baby, u can submit all the forms, the cda forms also inside.. for tmc, u can submit to the counter nurses when u check out.. birth cert can also be done at hospital..

for my case, i took 2 weeks after birth to get a name, so i mail in the forms myself..

Hi everyone

About the cordlife price increased, anyone knows how much is the increase? I am wondering if it is another sales tactic?

i nvr track what i eat leh, but i dont have habit of taking breakfast since young.. if morning i hungry, i just drink abit of milk.. if i take breakfast, i no appetite for lunch then it will affect my dinner...

if i am hungry, i will snack on nuts, yogurt, fruits (normally orange/apple), if got bread will eat bread with nutella, chocolates n chips if got any... lunch n dinner, see either rice or noodles, very standard one... i will tend to take soupy stuff cos 1 serving now not full leh... take soup will make me full...

tamms - my friends don't have good reviews on GPLS leh...word of mouth prob better?

re: girdle

i bought a lot last time but always no determination to continue using it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully this time will be better. can try maidenform one also not bad..i got 2 n buy from spree is cheaper

LOL - very big reaction that i have bad diet

it must be the snickers and soft drinks that were highlighted to your eyes.

nasi lemak and western food also very high fat

ok i will eat better now. craving for some CRUNCH


no wonder will constipate. seems like your baby loves sweet stuff! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] try to substitute the soft drinks with juice/yoghurt drinks bah. at least juice/yoghurt drinks will give you other vitamins and gd bacteria. you eat snickers everyday?

mine is roughly like this:

breakfast: bread/beehoon + half cup coffee/tea

lunch: porridge with 1 meat 2 veg (sometimes have mee soto etc) + juice/water/vitagen

snack: biscuit + milo / mini cornetto / bread / fruit / yogurt etc. sometimes no snack at all

dinner: mom's homecooked food with nutritious soup + fruits

i realize i prefer porridge and soups now. very xin ku to eat rice sometimes. and almost every evening will have bloatedness. very sian about the bloatedness which can be quite painful in the intestines. last time will use ruyi oil but now cannot 'cos womb moved up le. scared will harm baby if apply everyday.


you make scrapbooking sound so easy lor! haha!! i got no talent. :p


nv heard of chalone. where to find?? most common ones are the triumph brand.

it seems very difficult to get healthy food while outside. u see, one salad from subway +2.50 price of a sandwhich = ard $10 liao (set meal)

else salads alone also $8 from cafes etc.

our local foods also all very starchy, rice, noodles, bread, prata....

must prepare our own la... cereal w milk also must eat at home. cannot da bao to work...

thing is HB cant take diary products, so milk, cheese etc i cannot consume all by myself.

he can take goat milk which stinks to the max


It's always 50-50 when get fr agency... a CL was recommended to me this week, when I contacted her she said she is now with agency, and I can put in a request for her, but there's no guarantee, so that's why I called up GPLS and requested specifically for her. By now its pretty tough hiring a good CL. I called up my ex CL in April, unfortunately she got her dates mixed up or perhaps had a better offer and just informed me last week she could not be cl for me.


Yeah...Western food that may b the reason why my bb is the heaviest... haha.. but i duno y i like to eat chicken chop when my MS is gone....

Nasi lemak no choice, the next door auntie at my work place every friday lunch cook nasi lemak. but usually i ask for plain rice as coconut rice make me very bloated... but her chicken wings is so tempting....

no, today only eat snickers la..

i nv use ruyi oil in my life but bought one for BB already. i prefer teh orange shang piao you.

is ruyi oil not safe for us now? shouldnt be...

by evenings i feel very zai already - so dinner no mood, just eat incase hungry then house no food to eat liao.

okay - i am now very inspired and motivated to eat better. for cereal i can bring to office and buy small packet milk. salad i also can prepare put in tupperware and bring teh sauce.

ehy cany good substitute for salad sauce?

those low fat thousdand island / caesers are terrible . tehy are gluey.... yuks.

sorry to blab about food. just wanna kaypo wat u all eat - lunch time i always dunno wat to eat.


Chalone is a boutique. they hv stores at vivo, wisma, millenia walk and carry a range at taka. http://www.chalone.com.sg/site_boutiques_mw.html


i'm lactose intolerant too just like your hb! but I find that if i split my milk intake into smaller portions my stomach can take it. Local food is ok to take, just try not to take too much fried stuff. Economy rice is good, just don't choose the fatty pork! Its not true that salads are healthy, usually they come with a lot of dressing which is very fattening.


your work place nearby any NTUC or cold storage? i see that they sell those handy organic salad packs at a few dollars, enough to split into 2 servings. maybe can get those on certain afternoons.


i love chicken wings recently. yum yum! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tamms - true also....i nvr engage a CL before. last tm my mum did it for me, this time my aunt will do it..

gilera - i also donno what to eat during lunch time...always look forward to fast food heehee..so i try to cut down to only once a week

for salad sauce, very little alternative leh...


is glad to knw that yr baby is at a gd size. Btw, what do u mean by umbilical got 3 vessels har? I’m really zero knowledge on it de leh! Actually I’m still wondering why my baby’s size is so light, only abt 500g+ @24wks. Comparing to the other mummies on our FB, mine is the most “small” one leh! Even though my gynae said that it’s normal but I still worried. Some of my friends said maybe my baby is prefer to be more “big size” in the end of the pregnancy guay?? One more thing is my gynae did mentioned to me that my placenta is at a lower site leh!

Hey mummies,

Are we supposed to reuse the diaper liner for cloth nappies? I remembered many many years ago my mum washes and reuse them. Do pple still do tat? Or throw after each use? Wondering how many pcs is enough


the cord contains three blood vessels - 2 arteries + 1 vein. will have major prob if found to have only 2 vessels or 1 veins + 1 artery. 'cos baby needs continuous gd supply of fresh maternal blood. if only 1 artery, means baby won't get enough blood and won't develop well. the weights now are only estimates, not really accurate. i remember my girl was quite petite too during my pregnancy and she came out to be only 2.7kg! very small baby. but it's really normal so don't think too much.


think very few ppl using diaper liners nowadays. i don't know anyone who uses them le. my girl is on cloth diapers and we also don't use the liners.

karen, throw it away after use.. they want to save money bah

my MIL reused the dry magic clean mop paper.. haha.. used liao then washed then reuse...

Emilybaby, maybe ur baby is a late bloomer in size, dont worry abt it.. some babies pile on in later stage one


liners help make cleaning the poo off your cloth diaper an easier task. You could wash and re-use them if the have not been pooed on, but they are meant to be disposables


you can try sesame salad dressing. it's taste good with salad...can be found in fair price, cold storage. previously, i ate with those caesar sauce, but hardly find the one i like and it's fattening. else you can try balsamic vinegar salad dressing. yummy!

karen yeo,

the diaper liner just throw away, don think can reuse.. reuse is the tradition cloth diaper lo. my mum wanna use it and she brought to sg yesterday... haha so no choice lo.


Breakfast: wholemeal bread with butter/kaya/nutella or 2 eggs, sausages, ham.

Lunch: Porridge, Fishball noodle, Fried bihun, Fast food sometimes

Dinner: rice with 2/3 dishes, sometimes with soup

Supper: Milo/Horlick with cakes/bread/biscuit.

Starry: i heard pple put liners to prevent poo poo fr staining the cloth diaper. If u dun put, isn't it very hard to wash if poo poo stain direct on cloth? Some mummies only throw away those liners stained with poo, and rewash those liners stain with urine.

read somewhere the umbilical cord got 2 arteries n 1 veins, so total 3 vessels.

I like fast food too, especially mos burger.

Diaper liner: I dun think can reuse ba.

karen, ya.. the poo initially is yellow one.. sometimes will stain the diapers.. must soak and wash immediately.. my Mil also used that kind of diapers, duno how she survived man.. i used disposable cos i lazy..

For my 1st bb, I used the liner so that the cloth diaper will not get stain directly and easier to wash away.

I only use the cloth diaper for the 1st month when the CL is ard. Subsequently swith to disposable. :p

The fruits at giant quite cheap, lychees 3.6/100g, golden kiwi 4 for 4.90, India mango 2 for 3.99 n longan 1 box for 5.50.. My hb only allow me to buy lychee ... Cos all too sweet

wow thread is so active!

gilera, yes it's good to go easy on the starchy and sweet foods and go for healthier choices. This way, you won't need to struggle over the extra weight after delivery.

I gained 10kg, son was 3.19kg at birth now 11.6kg.

Diet is now strictly controlled. Water is a must.

Bfast: Either vegetarian beehoon or low GI bread n low fat cheese spread w 4 teaspoon milo kosong

Lunch: Either white fish soup w thick beehoon n milk, less salt or plain porridge w fish n 2 veggies. Papaya or honeydew eaten after lunch.

Dinner: Pork rib lotus root/peanut soup with rice. Am looking to have variety over dinner.

Ginn: no probs.. heh.. my fren volunteer to help me buy cos she noes we need to save more for bb.. heh.. she also loan me some of her doll dresses.. really helped me save!

Rox: hm.. when I research online previously, didn’t read that it’s due to hard force.. e cause is not really known but if u smoke, take drugs or have high blood pressure, it’s more likely to happen.. im none of the above so quite upset with myself initially.. Accident? Sounds scary but glad ur bb is okay! Our babies are strong-willed! i was quite skeptical about the free pot (nearby my workplace also has the free pot promo for v. long).. but that day at e MH Fair, my hubby was too tired to think so just filled in his details.. we were pretty determined not to buy fr them but alas! we were quite impressed after the demo.. the price put us off though cos why on earth would a vaccum be so ex! Then hubby ‘xing ruan’ cos he thought of our health and bb’s health etc... hope the machine will last lor..

starry: yeh! Like ur ger’s sexy legs! Hee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for asking! Am better now, since am not bleeding anymore & doc didn’t mention it again although he told me it will take few months to recover.. took long before could share this cos was afraid I will just break down talking about it.. initial stage was quite terrifying cos I was given 4 days MC, just stay home n cant do anything except to research more and all I got from the net was negative info.. hubby cant take too many leave then so I was home alone for 2 days.. broke down many times just thinking why did it happen (know it’s bad for bb if mummy dun keep a good mood but just cant help it).. had to walk really slowly, and yes, slower than an 80 year old ah ma.. get weird stares fr others why im walking so slowly (cos my bump’s quite small)..

hm.. that auntie really v. mean lor.. only when I become a mum did I realized life is really v. vulnerable.. now I appreciate my mum even more..

hope you aint bleeding anymore and take care too!

gilera: does ur rainbow uses hepa filter?


Breakfast: wholemeal bread w egg&cheese or nutella or philadelphia, wholemeal cornflakes w milk, biscuits

Tea Break: wholemeal/choco biscuits

Lunch: Mixed rice, Roast meat, Fish porridge or Ba Chor Mee and fruits/fruit juice

Tea Break: wholemeal/choco biscuits, yoghurt, fruits (either one)

Dinner: Assorted bread, Mr Bean pancake set, mixed rice and fruits

Cos of my constipated history, hubby makes it a point for me to eat at least one mixed rice meal a day.. heh.. v. tempted to eat nasi lemak, Ayam penyet from golden shoe! But v. scared might vomit cos haven tried them after I was preggy.. been missing out on my Ben's & Jerry tubs too!

my tooth got even sweeter after i got preggy! 1st tri cant really drink plain water (used to just drink plain water, no soft drinks etc).. must be flavoured like milo, ribena then can.. haha~ now better le but still not drinking enuf plain water..

miffy, rainbow got filter i think cos i asked the lady what is the main difference between theirs and rainbow.. she said delphine no filter.. my hubby took the free pot during the fair.. haha.. he was so happy got so many freebies to take.. we bu she de the money.. too expensive liao.. actually it is good esp if ur kid got asthma or skin allergies.. my fren got the rainbow one, it really helps her daughter's condition

i wanted to post my gal's ball pic here but i realised i didnt scan and post on her blog, so cannot extract.. i changed 2 doors 1 rim and 2 tyres i think.. that idiot driver after that still send me lawyer letter to pursue after insurance company say i win the case.. i will nvr forget his sickening face.. i think he also suay cos me n him same insurance company then he got no say..

Morning mummies! TGIF!! So [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am on half day today..

Rox: icic usually foc then need our contact so we dun give.. Heh.. First time we gave & burnt a hole on our pockets! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hope can really benefit our health in e long run..

Winter_bluey: r u using e original copies of e scans? I heard fr some mummies it will fade off one.. So am scanning into soft copies then print them out for my scrapbook..

gilera, weight gain for me and baby's birth weight:

#1 25+ kg, 3.1kg

#2 ~15 kg, 3.1kg

Current diet:

Breakfast: 1 Fruit + Cereal with milk

Snack: Fried bee hoon (sometimes)

Lunch: Canteen food (Economical rice or noodles), sometimes McD meal, sometimes instant noodles

Snack: Sandwich or snacks from colleagues (sometimes)

Dinner: Rice + 1 Meat + 1 Vege + 1 Fruit

Supper: Chocolates/donuts/others (Rare)

Good Morninng Mommies..

TGIF..cant wait for weekend!! do any of you have MS coming back? this morning, I felt Nausea again..sigh!


miffyM2B: yup, I m using the original. lazy to scan n print. no scanner at home. maybe I shld bring the photos to office n scan.

I eat whatever I feel like eating or drinking, not as healthy as the rest of you. almost every morning take iced milo, weekend i will take ribena. really like sweet stuffs now.

