(2011/10) Oct 2011

winter_bluey: no problem .. will head down to baby fair, probably on fri afternoon or sat morning .. will keep you updated .. are you on the facebook secret group?


Ya when is the baby fair ah? I'm also thinking of signing up with Origins Jamu. Last motherhood fair never see them leh?

Winter bluey: where u buy ur baby stuff? I have been buying those more fanciful outdoor wear, haven't buy those home wear yet? U mentioned about those clothes with kimono string and pants? R those the traditional types? Looking for those traditional cheap comfortable types for home wear, plus traditional cloth diapers and diaper liners. I know some mummies here buying fr Jusco but lazy to go into Msia esp with the long queues at custom due to new fingerprint identification system. Heard some mummies here bought fr Chinatown but the auntie gave attitude is it? Got other places?


hello mummies! sorry to interrupt, i'm a sept 2010 mommy.

I have a 400g tin of Karihome infant milk (0-6mo) to let go @ $18. Expires late 2012. Got it for standby for my son last Oct but didn't use it.

Pls PM me if u are interested. Tampines collection. Thanks!

All the best to all of you ! have a good birth!

gilera & karen: baby fair at expo next weekend .. any mummies going? went last motherhood exhibition but missed out on buying some items, especially disposable diapers which was on GREAT sale (as I did not know what size to get for my baby) .. going to reach 3rd trimester and it is getting tiring to go around with my getting-bigger-then-ever tummy, so going this time round and get whatever is still mia ..

I thought I saw origins jamu at motherhood exhibition (somewhere near the stage) .. anyway, going to check out booth to booth more thoroughly this time round ..

someone ask abt uno.. my advice dun get it unless you dun mind the heavy weight. i have an uno - abt 15kg, i bot it bcos it has a huge basket and i always bring my toy poodle out w me so he sits inside. But it is a very sturdy stroller. I have a P3 too this is good, if u wan something lighter go for SI. Another cheaper version is axis which i use it when i go out alone cos it's only 3.9kg.. but very filmsy stroller. But P3 is good cos it's umbrella fold very compact. I am a Peg Prego supporter haha!


i went ard to search for playpen ytd at MS alr promo but price still close to $300...

saw lotsa mummies keen to sign up wif origins jamu, r they v gd or has anyone tried them b4?

morning mummies!

gilera: ur hubby's v. comical!

piglet: I do use a small cushion behind my back.. can slp better..

royal: haha ^5! feels really more secure when bb moves.. Must hear heartbeat each time see gynae too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tamms: think we bought a similar bed! But I bought more ex at e MH fair, bout $350.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] we both love the all natural finish NZ pinewood & adjustable, can use until our ger is 6yrs old..

Ginn: how long does ur Clarins oil last? Have been applying diligently for e past 3 weeks & it's almost 3/4 finished.. Hubby's wondering if I apply too much (twice a day mostly)

Karen: first time measuring.. 33inch.. Heh..

Re: Constipation

aku constipate even when am not preggy.. used to be a fan of papaya & banana.. now preggy le, was more cautious as each time to e washroom, will use strength (which has an impact cos i have placenta seperation earlier, doc say dun exert).. so i got Duphalac (stool softener) fr gynae but only ate twice, cos i thot it's better not to eat.. so i heed my chinese physician, went to e washroom at e timely manner.. E.g. 9pm daily.. it works! even w/o eating papaya or banana (i heard not to eat e del monte type cos it's more liang), can still do big biz.. of cos i do have my daily intake of green vege & fruits..

Re: Housework

used to share e load w hubby.. but now, with my condition, he dun dare to let me sweep floor nor to let me carry much when we go NTUC.. xin ku my hubby le.. gotta cook + do hsework..

fantastar, I will be going. I have yet to get a single thing for my bb. Seriously other than the big items like playpen, cot, stroller, car seats, bottles and pump. I have no other ideas what else we have to buy.

For those taking train, I am wondering should I stomp on those whom obviously take seats from us, particularly the reserve seat, and we are jus standing next to them and they have the face to seat down. I usually dont expect ladies in mid 20 to mid 30 to give up seats, as they too might be in early pregnancy. But I realise women aged 40s usually dont give up seats and still got the cheek to sit down in the reserve seats when we are jus next to them. Maybe I should stomp this people.


I used a mixture of Clarins oil & Clarins Stretch mark cream. I also apply twice a day but only for Clarins stretch mark cream. For the oil i apply at night only. I've used up a bottle of stretch mark cream, now into my 2 one but still have around 1/2 to 2/3. The oil I still have ard 2/3.

I've found out a cheaper place to buy the Clarins product. My sisters went BKK on Tuesday. They've check out the airport DFS store selling at $66.50 each. It's much cheaper than Robionson private sales for memeber. I'm getting another bottle of the oil & the stretch mark cream.

Good morning Mommies,

Guess, i gotta give the baby fair a miss..sigh.will be in HKG for holiday next weekend.

MiffyM2B - ya ya..must see scan and hear heartbeat then can fang xin right?

on home clothes for baby, I have bought some from Giant, and BHG, the prices are quite alright.

I also heard that there is a shop selling baby clothes n stuff at Bugis,opp the chinese temple, shop is located among those dry food stuff stores..Not so sure..have not go take a look yet.

bubblygeekypig, I think kiddy palace has cheaper playpen, but if u decide not to buy baby cot, maybe we can get more expensive one. I hv been thinking whether to buy cot or playpen or both


no i havent decide whether to get playpen or cot was doing 'research' ytd b4 going to babyfair next wkend.. i went to kiddy palace at MS price for playpena ard $200+ some almost $300 despite promo.. hb was saying cot seems more sturdy but i told him tat depends on bb's preference.. as we r staying wif in laws not much space for us else i think hb will get both haha!!

oh btw anyone noe wat's e diff betw stemcord n cordlife? which is better?

i went the bugis shop last wk. very cheap. one pack of 6 tops is $12, pack of 6 long bottom is $13. those are for newborns. bot handkerchief also.. quite worth it.

the top that is tie string one only have plain colour. with button one then got design. but that pack of 6 is a standard pack lah. cant choose color. anyway its for bb to wear at home, so anything la hehe.. comfy can liaoz...

fantastar: yup, I m on the facebook group.

karen yeo: I got mine at beauty world, the floor where the hawker centre is. There is another store on the second floor which is called 快乐城. we saw them selling the rocker for 26.90 n 2 boxes of diaper liners for 10.90 only. too bad, we bought the stuff from the store upstairs first.

I m not too sure of the individual prices cuz my mum was the one picking up the stuff and we only pay. She only bought like 3 each, short sleeve, long sleeve, shorts n long pants.

I m only left with disposable diapers, baby wipes n some other stuff which I might have forgot.

my baby sleeping on mattress as per my house "tradition".. haha.. so save money, not getting baby cot.

Morning Mummies,

I bought latido playpen at kiddy palace (toa payoh very big outlet at HDB hub) @ $99, complete set with changing tray, side tray and got 2 layers in the playpen.

can go take a look


what is the bugis shop?? in village or junction?

Oh HS & ROyal,

I "ar gar" know where is the shop already thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubblygeekypig>> this is my understanding for the both cord blood banking providers.. but i forgot which one is which one liaoz !!!! anyway one has a package all the way up to 21 yrs, store the cells in 1 bag. tink it shd b cordlife. the other one is store cells in 2 bags, the package is on yearly basis one.

i also dunno which one is better. sometimes these ppl will be at baby fairs to promote and usually haf promo rates during fairs. if u see them, maybe jus sit down n listen to them.. got goodie bag one hehe...

if its me, cost is the main factor. cos the way they handle and store the cells are similar bah..

Miffy: aiyo my bump will look more swollen beside yours .. Haha.. Your husband so good still cook leh

happymomo and ginn cai: I only use clarins oil. Still on my first bottle since 2 mths plus ago. And I still have half bottle left. I only apply once every 2-3days cos very "le chey". Instruction says have to apply on moist skin and cool shower after tat. So wat I do is that I will bathe myself first as usually, then massage on the oil on my tummy, back of thighs and butt area. Then cool shower again.. So tiring after that. But I like the smell, relaxing.

HS, royal and winter bluey: r u all talking about the same shop for the bb stuff? Got address? Dunno where based on the description. Paiseh..

Snuppy: ur recommendation for playpen sounds gd. Will take a look. Tks!

karenyeo>> hehe.. yup its that temple.. i tried to google, shd b tis address:

Shen Kwong Trading Co

Blk 269 Queen Street #01-246 (S) 183269, Tel Tel: 6338 3260

they not open on sundays...


went home then hubby and my kor helped to set up to see if there's any defects.. stable and sturdy, the lower layer has a side zip which my brother wants to train bb to escape next time T,T

I haven't buy mattress set which i am intending to buy at chinatown store.. alrdy check up prices.. selling at $30, combi well comfort will be the stroller we gettin priced @ $319 still hoping it will drop .. hence will be buying later ard late aug or sept? i also tempted to go and see baby expo.. but again crowd wise? afraid end of to be a futile trip.

hope this map helps.. mummies who went there before, help me confirm if im right hehe..


If u stand in front of the temple, facing front.. the shop is at the 11pm direction... corner shop near to the market.. i bought my gal's home clothes there... but then, other shops in amk, tpy also got sell.. price difference is around $1/pc... so gotta decide if u think it is worth it to buy from them.. 1 shot is min 6 pcs from them...

ya, hs u r right.. it is the inner row of shops under this flat, at the corner, near to the toilet..

this sat n sun cordlife having a talk at marina square, i think got promotions for ppl who want to sign up..

miffy, yalor.. i think with no 1, quite hard to do housework too... last time i do housework until i pop... this time, my energy is vacumned by no 1, always want me to dance with her.. then i only manage to tidy the house, let hubby do the rest.. think he v tired too.. we are trying out a part time maid this sunday, she is a maid of someone else, doing part time to earn more money on sundays... hope she is good, $12/hr.. now got ppl help me clean toilet, bathroom and change bedsheets! haha..


Cordlife has got a certification from the government or duno wat bodies. i havnt research it yet... but my cousin recommend me Cordlife.... cos if she refer me to cordlife, she got a $50 shopping voucher. but i'm still looking ard. but as heard from the cordlife agent, there will be a price increase with effect from 1Jul 2011

karen - We shld be talking abt the same shop.

HS, Thanks for the address. I only heard abt the shop, hv not go see for myself. Maybe this weekend..will need to buy handkies, towels etc..

hi mommies, i haven't been in here for a few days. thread's running fast! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i signed up with origins jamu last year november for 10-days package. service was good. the therapist came by on a daily basis except on sunday. the herbs and binding used was effective and the package also includes hot stone massage for the breast area to clear block ducts and engorgement. my gf signed up with this co too and she liked it! her tummy went down very fast from the herbs and binding.

i just went for detailed scan yesterday and it's confirmed to be a girl! hubby was a bit sian but don't care lah! as long as she is healthy, all else doesn't matter at this point. here's a scan pic! her name's Jazeree. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ginn, cordlife got accreditation but not stemcord.. accreditation is to recognise company's competency in the particular area they are in...

if cordlife is paid the full amount for 21 yrs in one shot, got further discount..


can show me the picture the playpen that you bought? sounds like very good leh...

karen yeo,

i saw traditions cloth diaper selling at Bugis BHG also... tat time got extra 20% discount. now im not too sure... maybe u can go there take a look

morning mommies..

that's really alot of threads to go thru..*sweat*

starry> congrats, that's such a clear pic. I never got such clear pic of mine, cos he is mostly always belly down, bottoms up -___- haa..

I am going to sign up for Origins Jamu classic 10day package too, not too sure about freelancer, any recommendations on the therapist?

the shop I m referring to is not the same. but I think the shop royal referring to shld be much cheaper. the shop I referring to is at the west side, inside beauty world shopping centre.

happymomo >> i forgot exactly wat they say liaoz hehe.. i tink its like they put the cells in 2 bags so at any time if need the cells, u can jus use 1 bag. the other bag still can use for another time.. BUT BUT BUT not every bb have so much cells to store loh. and one full bag of cells is sometimes not enuff to cure the disease completely.

starry.. ur scan pix v clear le. mine not clear one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ya,, as long as baby healthy. dont care the gender. My hubby and in-laws also sian cos 3rd one also girl. now my in-laws dont even bother to call n ask how i m etc.. wahaha,,, they totally bo chap!

But hubby is beginning to accept the reality that its a girl again. He has even thought of a name for her liao.


got a pic of ur playpen? urs sounds cheap n gd haha! cos there's a playpen i saw during e last fair selling for $99 but there's jus e playpen w/o extra layer nor e changing tray.


Yes, cordlife has a talk at MS this wkend but i wanna be sure of which one i wanna sign up wif 1st cos i still dunno wat'd e diff.. Jus noe cordlife is aust co n store in 1 bag n stemcord is sg co n store in few bags..

cos was thinking of signing up at fair but now tat MS has a talk dunno which promo is better haha!! but if like wat Gin say 1/7/11 going to increase price then better to sign up during e talk.. It can be deducted from CDA ac right?


ur gal scan v clear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nice

btw did u sign up for e classic package or e royal package? heard my fren was saying she heard some use chilli oil for tummy massage but i dunno which 1.. btw we r not suppose to bath so often during confinement right then aft e massage, our body is so oily how to we get rid of e oil w/o bathing??

mine $99 looks something like this.

cos it's old series cannot find lei. except w/o the hanging toys.

they also have $79 one is those with side tray and changing table.

this one i attached is $129 at kiddy palace comes with all these n a 2" mattress.


all their cots come with mozzy cover.

sorry didnt manage to take real photos.. cos was soo tired setting up after detailed scan.. we also hand carry this home by cab. it's pretty compact with the case.


this one above is $119 no mattress included but the design is nicer.. was tempting to get this.. but in e end afraid didnt use the shield, hence go for the $99.

can call and ask kiddy palace at toa payoh for colors.. just quote price $99/119/129 they should be able to know.

hi everyone...

have been following the thread quietly for sometime now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hoping to join in the fun here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This is my 2nd preg and a bb gal. EDD - 25 Oct @ TMC

anyone going to next week fair?? I'm working nearby expo so can drop down

oh..have you all found any good post natal massage??

I didn't get a good one my first time round..so hoping to find someone good to reduce my big tummy


thanks! those pic r gd enough to show my hb.. cos more particular than i am haha!! dunno y diff kiddy palace has diff thing cos i didnt c this at all!

Ginn: i see i see.. so it's quite normal right? haha.. thanks thanks! u have any frens working in DFS? can ask them help u buy.. ard $55 nia cos of staff discount..

royal: haha~ yar lor.. Enjoy ur trip!! so envy u gers can fly.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Karen: maybe cos im late Oct mummy? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Roxanne: heh.. am only having #1 now but cos of placenta seperation, gynae advised to rest more and dun exert.. i hope in future w #2, this wun occur! yar lor.. hubby always look quite shag these days but as we not comfy having another person at hme, not considering part time maid.. & we just bought this delphin vaccum.. hubby quite euthu to use it.. haha~

Re: Shen Kwong Trading Co

me bought some kimono style tops, shorts and towels, receiving blanket and nappies fr there too.. pretty economical.. one thing to note besides it's not opened on Sun & PH, i heard it's also opened fr 9am to 6pm on Mon-Sat nia.. so working mums, have to either take leave or go on Sats!


ya agreed with that.. i think maybe toa payoh big enough to showcase the playpens they have...

don't worry with the sturdiness, we tried it's pretty stable and sturdy.. I bought the $99 in blue&yellow - very colorful..setting up wise also quite easy and simple.

if you can afford get can the $119 (my initial choice).. looks quite unique la.. inside the cover got hanging toys also haha..


Isit.... I've a colleague's bf's sister working in DFS... that time she help me buy a burberry pouch.... haha... tks for the info. then i ask my colliek's bf's sister to buy for me instead. although a bit ma fan but i can save more $$... haha.... Tks...

