(2011/10) Oct 2011

jinnous, i nvr buy.. i told her i will consider.. it is too expensive, more than $3.5k for the machine.. but my hubby says he likes the technology cos got a rod at the vacumn head to hit ur bed and the dust will fly up and got sucked into the water...

then to me, end of the day need to still get someone to use the machine mah, and so end up the person is sure me de.. then i dun want.. but i think it can be used as air purifier... it is better than osim and other brands in the market, cos dont need to change filter... long term also save cost


haha i also eat wateva i like but things like crabs n sashimi i abstain.. cold n deep fried stuff still continue to eat hehe my fruits intake in veri minimal loh.. though one thing i constantly eat is my maternity milk powder!!!

btw i bot a delphine vacuum cleaner last yr even b4 bb came along... we too soft hearted le din reject e salesman loh.. we paying by instalment.. sooooo expensive!!!! but we seldom use it hehhe lk a white elephant in my store rm now...sooo really gotta tink thru if u are hardworking enuff to use e cleaner... i tink quite troublesome to use... haf to change water n dry it before keeping.. normal vaccum cleaner use finish liao then can keep le..

but hor during e demo u will b convinced to buy it cos if u see e amt if dust n dirt in e water after cleaning ur bed, u will freak out!!!! but really u haf to tink thru w ur hubby if its a worthy investment...

Rox! The technology seemed really good but I had my doubts. And the lady was coming across as hard-sell. I rejected her so many times and she's like not taking no for an answer. Her whole face changed to black when I was very insistent.

Somemore she asked me is it because of the price. I said yes, and she asked me how much I'm willing to pay for the machine. I mean, if your machine is that good, then that 3.5k surely would justify the price of the machine rite? Then why are you asking me how much I will pay for this machine. So it made me doubt the worth even further.

My hubby asked her for a name card so that we will think about it. And her reply was,If you are asking a name card from me, confirmed you won't buy!". She was so arrogant! And I wasn't feeling very and kept telling her thanks for the demo but I dun wan to buy at this moment. But she kept cutting me off... made me even more pissed.

After that I was upfront with her that I wanna do my own research first and she said there's only 1 product you can compare. She asked me if I know which brand. I said no. She said you dun even know how are you going to compare?! Wah biang... you know I really wanna vomit blood at that moment. And she also kept taking out the invoices she just closed and showed to me, saying those ppl staying around me all bot... blah blah... you pay installment per month can't see the money... blah... blah...

BTW... she has a chauffeur... drive Merc... new model one... I saw when we looked out to the car park. So I was thinking, no wonder can drive merc lah... god knows what's the ACTUAL price of the machine...

morning mummies!! it's FRI!!!!!

hmm..that time also a lady came do demo for rainbow...but it's really too exp. like many say, it usually becomes white elephant at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

must be really hard working to bring out this bulky thing

HS: yar, v.v.v.v.v. heart pain.. next mth my CC come i will faint! if u pay one shot, got 100 bucks Kopitiam card (but no 10% on the card).. yeh me also have to resist my craving for sashimi.. haha~ hubby keeps grumbling that he cant eat buffets now (cos i cant eat as much at a go)..

winter_bluey: heh.. am also gonna scan in office.. =P

rox: yup can also purify air but dont think i will use the essential oil they gave (FOC for 1st time) cos i think it's not gd for preggy to use (although the lady say it's safe to use cos it's natural.. dunno if use dettol gd or not..

jinnous: i had my doubts too.. cos e sales lady say she's been using it for 7 years and it's still just as good.. so i asked, did the product had any improvement so far? she said no, cos the technology that they used is tat gd already, no need to improve.. i thot that was crap lah.. haha.. but hubby thot it would do us some gd so 'ren tong' bought it.. there goes my overseas trip.. have been wanting to go hokkiado & spain!!

knocking off! yay!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jinnous: That's not a very nice sale lady. very pushy. 3.5k for a vacuum cleaner, I will give it a third or forth thought.

Yes, it's fri. looking forward to the weekend so as to laze on the bed and rest my aching back.

jinnous - these sales ppl very pushy one. thats why i don like them to come demo..plus i scare i will xin ruan so need hb to be ard too

the lady that came demo told us the driver is from company one..

i believe the price of the machine is nowhere different from our normal machine...they are selling the brand name

the rainbow no filter - teh filter is WATER the best for trapping dust, dirt and mites. then can throw away dirty water. and u can see how dirty it is after cleaning your house

as i said, my mom first generation ranbow lasted us a good 30 years before it conked out. it is still repairable just that the parts are no longer manufactured due first generation model.

so my hb and i bought new model as it will clean at least 7 inches of dust mites from mattress and can clean air n really just better for sucking up dog fur.

service and after sales all very good all teh while. if need fragrance or teh anti bac solution they will deliver. can also clean pillows, clothes and shoft toys with their vac bag accessory.

demo had no obligation and managed to bargain for good deal. we also use the blower end to blow dry dog - very powerful without heat from a hair dryer. like professional dog groomer ahahaha

the filter bag from old vac reeks each time we use it due to dog stinky fur. as we vac, the whole house stinks from the dirty bag filter.

rainbow ley-chey thing is the winding up the wire, not automatic due to safety measure. those auto winding ones will cause fire sparks.

it is pricey but for worth if can last for years to come.


check with you,

the baby shop at the shophouses opp the kwan imm temple in bugis closed roughly what time ??

anyone knows.

Gilera: means Delphin sales lady lie to us? Sales tactics!! Hubby recalled she mentioned bout hepa filter on rainbow, like wad rox say.. Should at least do abit of research before e demo.. Ha.. Was too confident that we won't waver no matter wad she say..


Shen Kwang Trading Co

Bugis (Opposite Si Ma Lu, Guan Yin Temple)

Blk 269c Queens St #01-246

Mon - Sat: 9am - 6pm

Sun & PH closed

met a super nice guy on the train who held on to a seat for me .. there was this lady who wanted to 'snatch' the seat but was rejected by this guy .. the lady was annoyed when the guy told her that the seat is meant for me, and she stared at me from top to bottom .. the seat is a reserved seat somemore lehz .. felt thankful to the guy and annoyed at the lady ..

Angeline- I have spare brand new in box (never opened) pigeon cloth diapers to let go.

Most stores sell for >$25 per box of 10. I can let go for $15.Let me know if keen.

angeline: You shld be able to get it from the place miffy indicated.

fantastar: that's a really nice guy.. some woman r really very funny, they shld know the preggy cannot stand for long still wan to snatch preggy's seat.

Hi Starry, you went detailed scan on 22nd! I had mine on 23rd.. kekeke..

I'm also having a BB Girl but I cant seem to get any name that I like.

starry you mentioned you had signed for the Classic package for the post natal massage. How many days did you sign for?

Went Shen Kwong Trading at Bugis after work today.

Bought 6 white kimono top ($12), 6 coloured button top ($12), 6 white non-covered pants ($12), 12 cloth diaper ($15), 4 pairs of mittens & bootees ($10), 12 hankerchiefs ($4)

Total: $65.

Tops can be worned up to 4mths.

Pants r available in newborn sizes but the girl recommended free size which can be worned up to 4mths. I see the free size pants very big leh for newborn. But she says most mummies buy free size, so in the end decided to buy free size pants.

Rompers and diaper liners not available

HS: wat's the buddy benefit for Origins Jamu ah? So u going to expo next week to see got Origins Jamu? If have, I dun mind buddying up with u. ;)

Bb just kicked me really hard on my right side. Made me gasp!

Seem to repeatedly kick same area a few times then another area a few times!

wat's the best brand for disposable diaper? any recommendation from experienced mummy?

I see diaper liners at ntuc too. I got mine from beauty world shopping centre, is at the west side. 2 boxes for 10.90.

winter_bluey: i have previously checked with my friends .. they recommended pampers .. not sure whether to get a packet of it ..

winny: my friends recommended pigeon; praising it for its softness ..

bluey, i personally like pampers. Tried mamypoko (too thick), pet pet (cant hold urine), huggies (weird cutting), dryers drypantz (for day use okay). And pampers are more afforable nowdays because Giant keep having this jumbo box promotion 2 for $47.89. So 1 pc is less than 28 cents.

Morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Forum seems more active during weekdays than wkends!!

Rox: yup, hubby's been using it.. Just did our mattress thoroughly for e first time yesterday.. Water was pretty disgusting! Shall see if it's e same next mthend!

Fantastar: Mayb she hasn't given birth before, dun understand our situation.. My fren told me there's once she read a lady posted 'why do preggies think that they need e seat more than us? We might also be tired, not feeling well etc.. & we r paying e same train fare'..

Minidiary: wads e brand of bb bath & shampoo u r looking at? I haven started researching on this aspect.. Heh..

Karen, I had Csect for #1 ;) cos cervix not dilating and no contraction. Waterbag burst. Opted for GA.

The line is really not visible at all cos somewhere near the bikini line. Also the scar faded now more like those fold lines ard neck and elbows. Lucky me, my gynae is really good.

winter_bluey: I am fine with standing throughout the journey since it is mostly the cases .. but I do not like the attitude the lady gave so I sat down .. my hubby told me to wear a t-shirt next time to indicate I am pregnant =.=

miffyM2B: the lady was with a boy around 10 years old so not sure whether is that her son .. it is true that we are paying the same fares but there is a reason why SMRT have reserved seats for the few categories ..

Karen Yeo, MiffyM2B,


Ytd i just went to the Shen Kwang Trading Co

Bought 6 bath towels @ $14 and small sq washcloth 10 @ $4.00

both feel quite soft and i must agreed they sell in bulks.

wanted to get long pants (not covered) but is in pack of 6 afraid will not get to use them as much.

hence decided to get them in the later dates if not enough..

I'm looking at iherb website. Selling organic baby brand called earth friendly baby... Not sure is it good though. Tot wanna give a try. Here selling very expensive $19.50 for that brand shampoo wherelse iherb sells a lot cheaper...

Oh... One day 12pcs, my mum will use traditions cloth diaper too. So I'm thinking how many should we get...

hi fantastar, thanks for the advise. have you heard about Silicon Nursing Pads?

Adding to the topic that Miffy and Fantastar is discussing, I think nowadays the public is not considerate at all. I nearly faint in the train at least 3 times and luckily for me I rushed out of the train on time to sit. Breaking out in cold sweat.

Really sad to see people like this.

winny: is it washable or disposable? me got avent washable breast pads (as free gifts when i bought the breast pump) .. contemplating which brand of disposable breast pads to get ..

there are a lot of posts on stomp.sg on reserved seats .. think we are not the unfortunate few .. thankful that i only need to endure the journey home as hubby sends me to work in the morning, and that i have been encountering nice souls ..

Hi Fantastart, it's washable. like nubra i think. Never tried before. But sounds soft.

Dear All mommies, i just googled for the things to buy for first time mom and it's a whole long list. Gosh!!

winny: if silicon, can absorb the excessive milk?

me also 1st time mummy .. went to takashimaya and Cheng choon store to get the checklist, then came up with my own list on what to get .. a longgg list of stuffs to get .. so far, I have got 2/5 (when I thought I have got everything) .. going to try to get everything at this werkend's baby fair as I doubt I have any energy to go shopping upon 3rd trimester ..

Happy mondayss everyone~!~!~!

creamdonut, i am not sure if they sell muslin cloth, cos no wordings on the packaging .. sorry ne.

they have those receiving blankets and towels thought.

they also have bibs, mittens and socks set..


so how did you went down Kiddy palace to take a look at the playpen?


I like Pigeon best, followed by Tollyjoy. Tollyjoy is cheaper.

Disposable diapers:

pampers are good, they have a line that turns blue indicating that baby has wet himself, so you don't need to keep checking.

A good week ahead everyone!!

Breast Pads: Highly recommed pigeon. Soft and abosrb well. I personally dun prefer the reusable type as I was already exhausted during confinement and want convenience. :p

Diapers: My 1st bb was allergic to Pampers brand so end up giving away. Do not buy too many of a specified brand as you may not know if its suitable to bb skin. TMC is using Huggies for newborn now.

PJs: Can check out OG in Chinatown, they have a few nice PJs that is front button down. Convenient for bf.

BB Shampoo & Bath: I am using AVENT brand till now. Highly recommend. If you do attned prenatal conducted by Mrs Wong BB from TMC, she has also recommended this brand. Sticking to this brand for now as my 1st bb developed enzymes after using other brands.


I find pigeon the best. The chinatown store selling at $9 per box if i'm not wrong. slightly cheaper. but tollyjoy is more cost savings. So i will alternative between both. If going out, i use pigeon as it gives better contour too. At home, i just use tollyjoy since no one sees.

re: wet wipes

I like the texture of pigeon. Thick and smooth but also more exp.

so i just use kodomo only $1.95/per when watsons on sale.


re: bb shopping list

Saw some discussion from 1st time mummy. I also got a list from someone last time and i tailored it to only get the necessary as their list too much stuffs. if anyone keen, can pm me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

