(2011/10) Oct 2011

HappyMoMo, their package go by 20days. So if you choose 3 times a week, the next cycle will be after 20 meals delivered to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can choose twice a week also.

Roxanne, the tingkat works out cheaper than if we buy/cook lunch... Cos 1 order for 1 person, enough to share between me, my boy & my maid! I order 3 dish 1 soup... But certain days when I'm more 'hungry', then the dishes not enough... my maid will quickly fry egg to add or heat up leaftover dish from dinner :D

1d1r, the portion very big ah? hmm, like that even cheaper! maybe if i finish my food, i ask my hubby eat on his own.. haha.. okie, i shall go place my order.. hee

Roxanne, the portion quite big. Maybe cos I'm not a big eater. The soup is one big bowl, like those container you use to tabao fishball noodles type. & they will give meat & vege in the soup too (quite a few pcs, not just 1 pc).

Hi all mummies who're planning to close shop after this time... do you mind giving advice on what's the most ideal option? Someone mentioned that tying tubes will result in being dry in our private area? That's the option my gynae advised, not sure if there's any alternative with least side effects?

Venny, congratulations! How old are your two kids? Did you give birth in Gleneagles before? Seems like Gleneagles not very popular here, me considering whether to go Mt A since it seems more popular. Haven't given birth in Singapore hospital before.


I was telling my husband to do the op. :p

Theory... I suffered 3 times liao... now his turn to do something for the family. haha

Hi mummies....

pretty bz day for me as my colliek was on MC for these two weeks....


I cant leave without chilli too.... but i only take chilli padi or chilli sauce. I've leave out sambal or balacha chilli... initally i'll fear to take chilli when i'm having serious MS. cos when u vomit out the food, my thorat hurts so much n it's aweful.. Think chilli padi is good as it has vitamin C.. haha


My mom only brew thrice for me as i was having veri bad headche last few weeks... Then she stop after my headache doesnt goes off. She sheard that only after 6months then can drink tonic again.... And i'm drinking bottled bird nest/ concentrated bottled bird nest every 3days in my first 2months until i read that BB will hv phlegm if we drink bottle bird nest. Then i stop... not sure how true it is...


My mom used to order Tingkat when she was working last few years back. MY family of 4, my mom, myself & 2 sisters. We also ordered for 3 person share n the portion is quite ok for 4 of us. We ordered 5days a week so on every wed, there is a special meal which is like fried noodle or chicken chop or other items that is only for 3 person share. We have tried a few catering but i forgot which is which...

Roxanne, now they got 20 liao... & their first 19 kids all healthy and pregnancy was smooth.. But #20 was premmie, born at 25 weeks!

Any mummy here hav tiger bb? My #2 is 1yo next mth n many colleagues were like 'wow' u r preg AGN!! Sound unfriendly thou, but I agree wit u mummies here, having one is always a blessing.. My #1 is 6yo n I tried 4 yrs for #2 n suffer 2 m/c in between. I'm really happy tat #3 is here so fast cos after all those trying n m/c, dh n mi r planning for 4 if we could afford it in future [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ver: wow four kids will be a handful... I'm from a family of 4 sliblings and I agree that it is really fun! Nowadays given the economic situation, a lots of parents are forced to stop at either 1 or 2. If u can really afford and don't mind the sacrifices, having more kids is worthwhile. My sis has a tiger BB and now she is also pregnant due in august. 14 months gap...

Bubblygeekypig, u also doing amino? My date is set will b doing it on 16 may... By then i'll b 16wks... pray tat everythin will b normal....Realize tat this test cost a bomb coming to 2k if it's a rapid test meaning to say 3 days later will have result instead of the normal 2 weeks plus... Argghh.... Still need to wait for 3 more weeks.... It's such an agony....

1d1r, prettymums, thanks for the suggestions... my gynae also suggested to have hubby do the op but since I'm going for CS for my current pregnancy, might as well tie the tubes during that time... I'll talk to my gynae abt the IUD!

good morning mummies,

i got milky discharge? is this normal? just wake up and suddenly feel the flow, then see it...it's milky one...

good morning ladies!


white milky discharge is normal. as long as it doesn't smell foul. I read that as we progress in our pregnancy, the discharge will get heavier.


I havent book my amnio slot yet, intend to book it this wkend-my scheduled chk up date to meet gynae. I presumed might do it a few days b4 u. By then will be ard wk 16-17 too. I dun intend to get e rapid test result as i suppose if anything unfavourable they'll call u immed and e rapid result dun give u full details, ie still need to wait 2wk for full details. I shall jus wait 2 wk for e result n i think it'll cost me ard $800++.. Since e last OSCAR test until e time my amnio test result is out, it'll be a long wait of abt 1 1/2mth...


I also have this discharge which itch at times.. Gonna ask my gynae during chk up over e wkend.. it's been almost 2 wks n hasnt clear yet.. hrrgh!!

normally i have white discharge that come out and i don feel it. but this one sudden comes out... and i feel it. so i wonder is that really normal? now stop aredi...

Hey! When you say take Ru Yang Seng Cordyceps, you mean the capsules? I still have the capsules but I nvr take cuz I dunno safe not leh.

By the way, you gals buy the bra got wire? I'm getting tighter and I'm not sure what to buy..

Mini diary! Waiting for you to add me in FB leh!!

good morning!! happy thursday! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me! i've a little tiger baby. she's turning 1 when #2 pops. wahahaha!! talk about close age gap!


hubby and i love watching the duggar family on discovery home & health. the whole family is really loving and very very united. some of their teaching methods also very good. can see that the kids are all very well-mannered and beautiful! kinda envy them.


my friend went for IUD. she said painless and very effective so far. only thing is that it is not permanent, have to replace after a few yrs.


normal to have discharge. change liner a few times a day k? otherwise if don't keep clean down there you will get itchy or have infection. be ready for more discharge in later months.


I did my amnio on Monday and got my rapid test result back just yesterday, only 48hrs. The cost of the entire procedure including rapid test is $1350 for me. I'm seeing a private dr at Mt.E. Hb and I agree that its worthwhile paying $250 more for rapid test rather than to have 2-3 long weeks of anxiety. Works out to $11.90 per day of worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The rapid test will clear the hurdle for Down Syndrome and some other chromosonal abnormalities which I forgot. Originally went to have the procedure done at 16w last week but the position was not very good and my membrane was still lax. On Monday at 17w, position was good and membrane firmly attached to uterus wall. It was quite a freaky experience because halfway drawing the fluid, the syringe got STUCK and dr cld not draw anymore. Scan revealed that baby was HOLDING the needle. Quite shocking at that time but when I recounted that experience to my mom yesterday, she only laughed and said that baby was very alert, aware and very cute that he was so aware of his surrounding. After the procedure, Dr will check baby's heart rate and activity level. My dr said that when she had the amnio done on herself, her baby reached up and held the needle too.

So happy that its good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rested at home till Wednesday, but am told to take it easy for the next 2 weeks. It was not a painful experience, but there is some discomfort when the needle is inserted through the uterus, which is expected.

Confirmed BOY so minidiary can you add that to the list? Thanks!

Any mommies wanna ask abt the procedure please go ahead to ask, we're all here to share. If no reply from me can PM k? My DS risk was 1:25.


My friend's IUD shifted position and she got pregnant. It was a very rare case but the IUD pierced its way out of her uterus and ended up in the abdomen! What is worse is she got pregnant and with TWINS. Unfortunately one was ectopic and the other fetus implanted normally had no heartbeat. She had to have surgery to remove 2 fetuses and blood clots formed by the damage the IUD caused. After knowing about her case I will NEVER use the IUD.


happy for you! can breathe a sigh of relief and start enjoying your pregnancy le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] what was ur ration for DS from oscar that prompted u to go for amnio? you little one is so cute, reached out hand to grab the needle!

re: IUD

wah.. that's very very kua zang. first time i heard of this incident le. feel sorry for your friend. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tamms, ur boy held on to the needle?! Omg leh.. He must be thinking he is under attack and trying to defend himself... Congrats on ur results.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Good Thursday to all of you!!

Amnio test is optional right? I'm going for my regular check up this sat, and im 16weeks. Hope my baby open legs big big so i can see the gender!

Discharge: i also have discharge and i realised that the amount increased from weeks ago.

Cordyceps & other chinese herbs: my mum is skeptical in giving me these supplements as she said it might be too heaty for me. some distant relative lost her baby after taking these chinese herbs on a regular basis.. so, mum says gynae's vitamins shld work just fine.

bras: other than unwired bras, do you buy new, bigger bras to accommodate our growing boobs? i was quite small before pregnancy and am wondering if i shld be spending money on new bras.. would be a waste if my boobs shrink after giving birth :p

mini renovation in the room: my MIL intends to do a mini renovation next week: change new aircon for the whole house. im not the superstitious type, but my mum is quite unhappy with the arrangement.. as long as im not in my room or the hse during the process, it shld be fine right??

tamms, thanks for sharing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think your boy must have thought that the needle was a new toy? For all 17 wks, he's been playing with his ambilical cord and suddenly got something new for him to play with, he confirmed grab one. lol! I'm glad that the whole procedure turned out well for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello Mummies,

I am finally back to work after 2 days mc each week. (last week and this week)

finally less coughing, made me so worried about bb inside, because i coughed and sneezed very hard.. trying to remove as much phelgm as possible

tamms: so cute your baby held the needle! he'll prob not be scared of needles in future haha

my sore throat has abated but i still feel under the weather...tried to sleep more but still consistenly waking up at least once a night...

and very bad news at work place... my colleague is down with chicken pox!! so prob will be on mc x 2 weeks as well... i hope it will not cause me to have shingles but fortunately i had chickenpox before as a child.

well, i guess no point fretting, just hope each day passes quickly... and that i don't fall sicker. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

may i know if the rice counting method works like this??

Grab a small handful of rice grain with your hands and count the number of them. then count in twos. If you left with 1 means its a gal, if it ledt with 2, then its a boy... this is a traditional method ... ]

<< quoted from mummysg forum.

hahah cos i also want to know bb gender


Congrats on ur result [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I choose not to have e rapid result as my DS seems low risk but NT measurement was thick so i suppose i'd wait 2wks for detailed results to be out. hubby was so afraid tat once e needle is in, it'll poke bb! now tat i c ur bb is holding on to e needle think for me i'll freak out too!

btw mind to explain ur amnio procedure and is ur hubby allowed in e room during test?

Tams, congrats on your results. I can't wait for the day to do the amino n know the result... Btw any difference between the results for rapid test n the normal one? I think I read from babycenter tat the normal one the long wait it's more accurate than the rapid test??

jgladys, I survived on my normal wired bra with extension all the way until I was in my 3rd trimester when I had my #1. I had to buy bras with bigger size (mixtures of wired and non-wired) to accomodate my enlarged boobs. I continued to use those bigger bras (non-wired only as wired ones gave me engogement) all the way until I stopped to breastfeed my girl when she turned 1yro. After that I slowly fit into my normal wired bra again. This time round, I find that I can't apply the same method. Wired bra makes me feel very very uncomfortable even at this stage. I just bought some new non-wired bras as they are so much more comfortable. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Renovation: I'm not superstitious on this too. But I remembered when my house was having renovation, I went into my house to check on the progress. Few minutes after I stepped in, I started to feel uncomfortable and then I could hardly breathe and had to leave the house and left the checking to my husband. A few weeks ago, I went to causeway point, the building was having major renovation. After spending sometime in the building, I felt the same thing too. I could hardly breathe. I think this is all because of the air quality is bad when a place is having renovation. You know the dust created by all the drilling etc. We pregnant women are more sensitive than anyone else since we tend to breathe in more air. Sometime it's also because of our mother instinct to sense that hey the air quality is no good for the child in us. Our body will make us feel uncomfortable making us leave the place. This is my opinion of why there should not be renovation when there is someone pregnant at home. For your case, since it's a mini renovation maybe you might wanna stay outside until the whole process is completed?

Today is a little quiet here!

I think for bras, I bought Sorella ones, those non wired and seamless. I could no longer wear wired bras as it hurts me so much even when I am sitted down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I felt so lightweighted and 'airy' when I wore the new braas! Bought the bras at Parco, 2 for $49.90 and add $10 for 1 more. So 1 bra costs about $20.

Hope the bras can last me through my pregnancy! ;)


I have it too. Everyday also have. But not alot. There a few times it discharge alot and I think it's because I walk too much or stand too long. I guess it's normal cos I rem reading from a pregnancybook I borrowed from library.

hi everyone, taken ur lunch. I had curry again lol.

This baby like spicy ! My tummy look round round should be a gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

About renovation, i in charge of renovation work so i must ask little one still with me while i check on site, lol, juz supertistious, juz in case

princessi, not true de. My tummy looked very pointed when I carried my girl. Ppl around me said I must be carried a boy eventhough I told them ultrasound showed it's a girl. My parents even said doc see wrongly, must be a boy since my tummy so pointed. They won't believe I have a girl until they saw her themselves on the day when she was borned. :p


Hi Mummies.....

I had a super full lunch..... My boss bought Nasi Lemak for us from Changi Village... It's super big packet, there's fish, fish fillet, deep fried chicken, fish ball, ikan bilis & peanuts. But I finish all the rice, expect the chicken cos it's breast meat.... Think BB hungry... opps

