(2011/10) Oct 2011

Qiu Ling,

can u PM me instead? im the one to add u in secret group. I dunno why based on the email u give me, i cant find u...

starry: boy wouldnt turn into girl meh? now that i told my parents and parents-in-law that its a boy, they so elated (although me so-so only la)/ scully become girl girl.. wahhahaha


ya wish for a boy so can stop factory liao. too stress cos everyone around me ask me quickly give birth boy. as if i am a machine, put money inside i want boi press boi will come out boi.


can send me de list too. thanks~

I think better way, PM me your updates as sometimes I wont be in the forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My family is coming to Singapore, so gonna be little busy bring them go around...



be a happy mummy. don't take this rice counting too seriously either as it's just for fun. ignore comments from those ppl. they are just tactless and simply put, no manners!

i also get comments like "wah, so fast pregnant again? better be a boy since ur first is a girl." or stupid ones like "hope not girl again. i think boys are better, cuter!" i always tu back at them that i'm fine with either gender. if they dare make face or senseless, baseless comments, they will really get it. egg is from me, sperm from hubby, what right they have to decide boy or girl is better? unless i give birth, they sponsor the child everything??


unless ultrasound scan doc see wrongly lor. otherwise not possible for baby boy's birdie and balls to disappear! glad that your parents and in-laws are happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my in-laws wanted a boy, but they also didn't show disappointment (if they really felt any) when turned out a girl.


Actually I think boy/girl still a blessing gift from God. Doesn't really matter. As long as they are healthy, nothing matters.


For my 1st child, my gynae told me 90% boy. But it turns out to be a boy. But that was during the initial scan. You will know the gender once you go for the detail scan around 5th month.

haha, in fact, ultrasound 2 times. last week doc say its a boy, but i didnt reveal la, coz not v confirmed, only 14 weeks. on tuesday (this week), she said "its still a boy", haha, then i revealed lo, coz 15weeks shld be quite accurate le right?


Yup dont worry i know this rice counting is for fun only. Mil say not accurate de. hehe!

To me, my baby healthy can le.

Ya lor dont like them say things like that. Even is a gal, still our bb ma. Some ppl want bb also difficult lor. Y bother abt the sex and stress on ppl. hais!


Yup is a gift from god. like my #1 i got the prize on our wedding night. hehe! didnt expect to get preg so fast, some ppl are saying is shotgun marriage.

starrymommy: so far nobody gave me such comments .. if anyone dare to make such comments, i will probably tell them to go and give birth themselves =p

kids are gift from GOD. When i was with the first one i want to have a boy but turn out to be a gal. However, she is soooo cute and wonderful that i am happy that she is a gal cos she is my little princess.

Even the second one is a gal, i will be happy cos another princess.

gender is not important [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I guess if she says so many times, it should be confirmed. Last week I went for my checkup and my gynae told me it's a boy. I told my elder daughter about it. She sounded so sad... she wanted a girl. She told us "I don't care... I want a girl." Feel so bad....


some ppl are just more offensive lah. really dislike these type of ppl. i think they are those that can't reach the grapes and say the grapes are sour, in other words, JEALOUS. with my #1 pregnancy i get some funny comments. at first i just ren. but after a while, it really gets on the nerves. i think most of us here will get remarks from ppl like - cannot drink iced lemon tea 'cos baby will have asthma, cannot watch violent movies, cannot eat chilli, cannot drink mutton soup, cannot this, cannot that...


i'll be over the moon if this one is a girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] love little girls.


when your girl sees how cute her didi is, she will be very excited too!


yeah, some ppl want one also cannot. doesn't matter what gender. it's all predestined and all babies are gifts from God.

Princess is closer to mummy. My gal till now sticks to me. Everyday when i open the door, she will run to the door and "mama mama" so sweet. like ytd i was so angry but when reach hm c liao, everything melt... so sweet! and a kiss from her.

Everyday after work, all i wish is get home quickly cos she will make my day worth it. ^_____-

starrymommy: in front of eldery (especially my MIL & mum), i will not do whatever they told me not to (in fear of their naggings) .. but of course, i am no angel =p i still go for cold drinks, etc .. when SIL initially knew that i was pregnant, she told MIL and my hubby that i cannot take chilli (if not my baby will be like hers -> bad-tempered) =.=

piggy_jas: that is so sweet =D


understand how u feel.. cos my NT measurement wasnt tat gd as well thou blood test seems ok n im not even 30 too.. was stressed initially but realised it wasnt doing me or my bb gd n it was a long wait b4 i decide on doing e amnio test so decide to stop stressing myself.. i noe it's diff but do overcome any -ve feelings. Gd luck to both of us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My bb bump looks more like 'tu nan' than preggie n im too tight for normal pants esp aft meals but too loose for maternity pants. Saw this jeggings at Giodarno those pants like but stretchable selling at $29. much cheaper than those maternity pants n fits better (right now). For those MTB in e same situation as me can go chk out Giodarno [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Precisely she saw her didi (present one), she wants a girl. Haha...


I agree. Girls tend to stick closer to mummy and they are very very sweet.


Talking about chilli, my husband told me to take "liang cha" from now cos I'm carrying a boy. He worried that this baby will be having the same temper as my boy. haha...

prettymumscom: do not know whether is it true or not, but apparently there were some research that Mozart pieces calm a baby down, so i am listening to it daily ..


ya lor! dats y they are all so sweet


yup dats y she always cheer me up!

y cannot take chilli, i cant do without chilli so i always eat alot de. =x


=D next time can go shopping together lehz..

minidiary: me!! actually my mum & MIl started me on those since 1st trimester .. for cordyceps, it is advised that we do not take often as it is very heaty .. according to MIL as per quoted by chinese medicinal hall, bird nest is good for baby's lungs ..

Re: Boy vs Girl

Starry, I also did the rice counting. haha.. The first time I poured out a little rice into my hand and a few dropped onto the table top but I managed to count 135. Gosh it took me quite a bit of time to finish counting. :p But hor, when I put back all the rice, I found 1 on the floor.. donno was it dropped by me when I took out the rice or was it dropped by in-laws when they cook porridge for my girl. haha... So I tried again, this time I used my fingers to pick some and count. This time the number was 7. Let's treat it as odd bah. haha! I also keen to find out how accurate is it. But I donno the gender yet. hehe

My last ultrasound was the Oscar Scan done on 13wk1d. Doc didn't say anything about the gender of the baby but she did show us the scan of baby's bottom and legs. Both hubby and I saw a nice 'U'. We both think could be a girl. hehe... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I guess if baby is a boy we should see 'W' right? Anyway, it's too early to tell. hehe.. At least the 'U' tells us that our baby has a nice bottom and 2 legs. wahahha!

Recently, my 2yro has been asking she wants a 'didi'. This is what she said: "Mummy, I want didi. I want purple colour didi." And when I asked where can I get a purple colour didi for her. She answered: "From purple colour mummy." Currently, purple is her favourite colour. She wants almost everything in purple. This morning she was telling my bil to give her a purple colour 'jiejie'. -.-"

prettymumscom: no harm trying =p high-5!! i also love chilli padi =p

piggy_jas: SIL's logic is that baby will be bad-tempered =.= if like this, a lot of food cannot take because of this and because of that ..

minidiary: gynae says mine is likely to be a girl, but need to confirm at screening scan next month.

sigh, me having sore throat for 2nd day. i'm refusing to take medications. trying to drink a lot of juices and water.... but still have to work. one of my colleagues went off cos sick and need to cover her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

feeling miserable...

I understand the girls vs boys frustration.

My mum has 3 girls. A lot of relatives commented when she was young-> "Aiyah girls again".

When I was having my #1, my gut feel was a girl. I was feeling quite happy as I told myself not to be so "old-fashioned". But when everybody kept saying my #1 sure girl cos it is in the genes (Hubby side also many girls). It is kinda frustrating.

This time round, I m hoping for a boy.

Not that I am traditional but just hope to have both genders and have the feel to "break out of the cycle". My mum hopes the same for me, so that I do not have to go thru' her cycle.

See how things go.


u start taking aredi?

where u buy cordyceps? any recommendation? I just asked Eu Yan Sang... quite pricey oh... thought of taking twice a month for cordyceps... How bout u?

re: chilli, spicy

i LOVE chilli and anything spicy. even eat bee hoon soup also must have chilli padi to accompany it. not shiok to eat without. i don't find my girl bad tempered even though i had a lot of chilli (almost every day) when having her. she's quite impatient though! manners wise, quite mild. can be rough with her and she won't make noise or what.


my in laws bought me a lot of birds nest (with some pao shen inside) when i was in 2nd tri. same for this time round. everything eat in moderation bah. cordyceps is really good for baby's lungs, but keep to maybe once a month enough. too 'bu' also not healthy. my mum also soaked sliced thin pieces of korean ginseng (NOT american ginseng!) in honey for me. 1-2 small pcs a day with the honey and warm water greatly benefits both baby and mommy too. i took during 1st pregnancy and my girl's immunity is quite strong even though i only partial bf her for 3mths.

can't wait for 3rd tri to come. wanna drink coconut juice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have been eating curry at least once a week, and chilli almost everymeal! haha. i think my baby loves chilli lor.

i dunno if i shld continue my cordyceps tonics coz before preggie, i used to have it once a fortnight as i have asthma. shld i? i got mixed comments and advises leh.


got pao shen with bird nest inside? where to buy? u know im not local, and never take all this before. need some recommendation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I ask my mum to buy Bird Nest concentrate from Lo Hong Ka KL...cheaper than here. I dunno how to choose good dry bird nest and boil myself. Any recipes?

Pao Shen good?


you grabbed a whole bunch?? no wonder counted till tired. lol! i pinched a tiny bit only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your girl very funny! purple didi. -_-!!!

I like spicy food too and I love tomyum soup. Oh.. sour and spicy. Wah... even think of it will make me drool loh.. But hor, my body can't take spicy stuffs... I'll have LS after that.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But when the crave kicks in, I also cannot resist one lor. Sometime just eat first then LS later... hahaha...


have! can get from Eu Yan Sang. best is of course prepare the bird nests yourself. my fil bought those raw bird nests, i will double-boil it myself and add pcs of pao shen into it. another way is to make your own concentrate instead of going to LHK. just have to keep in the fridge and consume within a few days' time. of course freshly prepared is best lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starry, lol...! not like that meh... woahahhha! ok, silly me. :p Ya, the second time I smarter ler. I pinched a bit and there were 7 of them. Ya, it's really fun to talk to her now. Full of funny thoughts from her.

can make ownself concentrate also? my mum just bought 2 bottle LHK, will ask ask her to stop buying after finish consume. would like to try raw, but do i need to clean it or what??

Bird nest and cordyceps eat till which weeks?


mummycoccyx: take care ..

piggy_jas: simply do not know how it can be linked .. anyway, i am still eating chilli =p

minidiary: my mum bought the cordyceps for me .. it is quite costly .. the last i heard was 'yi liang' few hundreds .. anyway, my mum asked the chinese medicinal hall 'fook hua' and they grinded cordyceps & 'pao sheng' together .. super heaty so i am only taking once/twice a month (although my mum instructed me to take once a week) .. but i suggest you might want to try a bit first, as i find the taste yucky ..

other than cordyceps, bird nest and 'pao sheng' .. you can try brewing chinese herbs with black chicken .. i usually will add a bit of cordyceps into the soup so it does not taste yucky on its own ..

