(2011/10) Oct 2011

FYI: No ginseng during pregnancy. Cos they naturally contain chemicals similar to steroids.

No dangui also. Cos it has natural chemicals which mimic female hormones. This is known to cause a drop in supply of breastmilk.

If you want chinese tonic, simple stuff like red date & wolfberries is enough. It's the chicken/pork that you add in the soup that has the nutrients.

minidiary: me have been taking them since i knew i was pregnant and will probably take until beginning of 3rd trimester .. worried that baby will be too 'bu' and resulted in difficult delivery ..


can take thru out. but bear in mind to cut down a little on all these 'bu' stuff after 32 weeks or so.. 'cos ard that time our body will start getting 'heaty' (or so ppl tell me). you will feel hot very easily and sweat a lot also. eating too much bu really won't help. for bids nest i continued taking 3-4 times a week all the way till gonna deliver, plus coconut juice also. actually all depends on individuals. if you body can take it, then just continue. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: pao shen

i love it even with just plain water.


no need to eat so much actually. just eat healthily and everything in moderation can already!

jasmine.. i also nv take any herbal stuff... im waiting for my mummy to double boil bird's nest for me... now i just take bottled bird's nest when i feel like it.. so far only one bottle nia hahha.. else no other herbal stuff for me too...

Re: Pao Sheng

Pao Sheng is for 提神 so if you always feel tired, it's good to drink this. But do not drink it at night or even dinner time. The other time I didn't know, I drank it during dinner time. And woalah... it kept me awake throughout the night. So if you wanna drink pao sheng, drink it during the day.

now i also feel very hot alredi... haha

need to see how much cordyceps to buy if take until 32 weeks. actually i don really like cordyceps because it's ugly leh... but i do cough often, so i think better try to take for my own good and baby.

thanks for all the info!

koi (goldfishy), just take a small pinch of rice.. take too much, will need to count for very long...

Cherylden (cdbaby), unless ur gynae mistaken the umbilical cord as penis.. that was what my gynae has done during my first pregnancy!

Hi Rox, hahaha, we shall see. coz i think i could see the balls actually. hahaha. aiyah, to me, boy/girl also ok de. although i prefer girl girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmine, Starry, I also went through the same thing as both of u... When I told ppl I am trying for #2, then they will say " u r trying for a boy ah??", Sad to say, even my generation frens also say the same thing.. everytime I will shoot them off and tell them straight in their face and say " dont u know that sperm / gender are random selection? & why issit try for babies must have boys?" I always tell them to read up on DNA, there isnt such a thing as "carry the bloodline or family line", it is all traditions and pls, if they are educated, dont succumb to tradtions because since olden days, many women have suffered just because they cant bear a son..

end of the day, i will just tell them that i tried hard for this baby for a long time and my wish is just not to have a preterm baby, a miscarraige.. Because of my condition, I thank god that I have a gal and now I am pregnant again... A healthy baby is all I want.. then they shut up..

I know deep in my MIL's and hb's heart that they hope for a male offspring, but I dont wish them put their hopes on me because I prefer a gal to a boy and end of the day, it is my children... My MIL has 2 other sons, hope she will place her hopes on them.. They know i super sensitive over this topic and no one dare to say anything in front of me...

Frankly, i met so many males around me, around my hubby who are quite useless though they are around my age or some even older lor.. Useless meaning: Nvr work, gamble, owe money, treat family badly... Ya, it is upbringing or maybe it is just my luck that i see so many useless males.. Of cos, there are good ones ard la.. but i nvr see useless females before leh..

Of course, many ppl will say cos our #1 is gal so i sour grapes and reacted so strongly.. I just dont understand why they cant put the male/female aside and look at healthy/unhealthy babies... all babies are blessings and gifts from heaven... and i will not be like other ppl, try try try, give birth to 3-4 children just to "gamble" for 1 son lor.. Last time my wish to is to have 3 gals and 1 son.. I can picture my 3 daughters running to me and my hubby and hug us... but now, i think i will stop at 2 ... if i can cope, then i will have 1 more...

Actually, i think boy or gal at infant/toddler stage are all very sweet de.. I think the real difference will show up when they grow up.. But whether we think that gal is more filial or boy is more filial, it has alot to do with own personal experience... Just like my fren whose family is all boys, think that by the time her son grew up, the time will change for boys to be filial and not gals.. so she hope that she will not have any gals.. To me, I feel that it is the inherent attributes of Mars and Venus, it will not changed with centuries...

Paoshen and cordeceps are good.. I used to take every week during my #1, but now cos I am still vomiting, my MIL hasnt start making for me..

During my trip to taiwan ( I was 7th week then), my gal sat on my stomach and I got bleeding the next day.. My MIL blamed me for drinking cold water and eating pineapple.. I already quite worried got bleeding lor, then she was trying to find out what i did that cause the bleeding and it is all not scientifically proven... i told her off quite rudely saying that eating all those will not pose harm to baby and it was my gal who sat on my tummy... then she kept quiet.. i still went on to eat my pineapple and drink cold water la...

Ppl say:

Cry during pregnancy = babies will be petty

Drink cold water = babies will have asthma

No papaya/orange food & heaty food = babies will have jaundice

My fren blamed her low placenta on her drinking cold coke everyday and said it is her retribution & she felt so guilty.. So strange right, educated ppl will say such a thing... cold water go into stomach becomes warm liao mah


ytd i took too much in the end i spend so much time counting again and again. ben ben de!

pei fu pei fu! agree with what you say. Before got #2, my hubby say he want 3, he even want half a dozen. I agree on 3 but not half a dozen. But now have #2, i do not have to have #3 anymore unless accident la. Too tiring for me le. Cant take it. Imagine headache every single day. OMG!

ya jasmine, i agree it is very tiring! 3 might be a crowd.. haha.. but my colleague who has 5 kids say that after 2nd one, 3rd, 4th, 5th quite easy liao.. cos u get used to it.. i got no guts to try..


During my 2nd pregnancy, I have cravings for cold drinks. This pregnancy even worse. I can't even drink room temperature water. I need to drink ice water or coke or bubble tea. Anything that comes with ice will attract my attention. Haha...


I'm now carrying my 3rd one. It's more tiring than my 2nd pregnancy as I have to handle 2 kids as they are very demanding.

This will be my last pregnancy. Really surrender liao.

Filial or not.... really depends on how parents teach & how parents are role models...

I watch my mum & dad take turns to look after my grandma, bring her to market, bring her to doctor, etc etc. & I model after them. My bro too.

Though my bro is quite spoilt (only boy), he still very close to my parents. The poor boy cried & missed home like mad when he went to Aussie to study. Everyday must chat on MSN/Skype with my parents.

& my mum has her funny way of communicating with him. If he stay over at gf house too many days, my mum will SMS him:"My son is missing more than 24hours. Need to report police or not ah?"

& my bro will call back immediately :p

So boy or girl, as long as baby is healthy, doesn't really matter. More important is how you teach your child.

Though I would love to have a girl, if I get boy, then so be it. My #1 is boy & he's so darn cute. So if #2 is boy, we'll teach him to be as cute as his korkor :p & we'll have 2 darn cute boys.

No girl then I shall spend my money on my nieces :p Buy cute dresses for them :D


can anyone recommend me tingkat dinner delivery?

I feel that i do not eat well as MIL not free to cook with my active #1 running about daily and need constant look after.

Isit 1d1r or pray got order tingkat?

Which tingkat u order?


kiki, eat those vege rice from coffeeshop? I always dabao 2 meat, 1 vege and 1 egg for proper nutrients de.. now i havent start cos i kept vomiting...

my neighbour's hse stink leh, everytime when i passed by their hse, i will vomit.. now i stop breathing when i pass by.. i am very bad la, cos they got young kids and old ppl in the hse, stink of urine smell

Kiki, I order tingkat lunch. Love their menu. When my mum's place was renovating they also ordered from them. You search empire food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


actually i got think of veg rice from coffeeshop also.

But the nearest coffeshop near my place, the veg rice not so nice.

For my #1, i used to eat quite proper.

I eat around 3 times at my mother place and 2 days dabao veg rice. But now, MIL cook but i dont really like her cooking and she got no time to cook as well. Another thing is, duno y, i hate veg rice now leh. CHamz... i so scared i got not enough nutrients for my #2.


Can add me to the secret group too pls.

[email protected]


Looks like those who knows their baby's gender are all having bunny boys except for me! haha...interesting to see what the final ratio would turn out to be.... =)


i dont dare. actually after #1 i very scared of giving birth. My best fren's mum ask me to have 3, they sae 3 is "you san you liang".

my nose nw super sensitive. can smell lots of things way before anyone do.


Pei fu pei fu! my #1 takes up lots of my time. my hb say my #2 comes out i sure not much time for bb cos #1 always stick to me.


True! Is the role we adults play.


tingkat i think of the 9pm channel 8 show.


cannot take papaya? i took wor, if not will have constipation.


#3 plan de ma? or just natural come by itself. My neighbour got 3 gals just give birth another boy boy.


Not really plan. We actually took precaution. Like only once we did not as I thought it's safe period. Haha... then got #3.


some ppl ask me not to take spicy food as 1) it'll cos e bb's skin to be patchy 2)bad tempered bb but i love spicy food n i think bb love it too esp tom yum cos i cant stop craving for spicy food.


i still con'd eating papaya, oranges etc but in moderation. but i think even adults take too much papaya some parts of skin will turn orangy cos my mum has it b4..


i didnt take any tonics MIL scared it'll too heaty so hubby jus bot bottled bird nest n so far i only started.. intended to take once a wk ba..


Zhu ding is urs~ =D i took precaution for 2yrs too cos #1 was emer c sec dont want have #2 so fast. But once started plan, we strike after the first time. =D


Ya lor i took it when i got #1 also. I got bad constipation prob. I will eat foods that will make me go toilet.

jasmine, prettymums,

it's all fated. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] what's yours is yours. like my friend, on birth control pill still can get pregnant! her hubby and her been trying for baby for a few months but nv strike then after that they decided not to try anymore. so wife went on BC. few mths later, strike. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now very xin fu, have an adorable baby girl.


empire food's tingkat menu looks good. a lot of variety! best, no msg.

i totally agree that all babies are gifts from God. i prefer a girl cos i hope to have a good mother-daughter relationship, unlike mine with my own mother.... my hubs has no preference, although he said, if it is a girl, he will "be more scared" in his own words. he doesn't care about what family line and his parents are not around anyway. don't think my own parents will mind either gender.

of course having a healthy baby is what we all here pray for, but life is so unpredictable anyways....so we gotta just take it one day at a time i guess and ask for daily Providence.

30 minutes to knock off. i can't wait. i feel nauseuous now after drinking 500mls of honey lemon water....or maybe itz the bug...got work commitments until sunday, hope not to take mc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i also wonder. how to get preg?

my colleague told me tie tube liao bottom v dry will affect sex.


PM minidiary to add u. =D

I also just want 2 kids will do. So even my #2 is a girl, I'll still stop at 2. If #2 is a girl, she can take over my #1 clothes. Those clothes are very nice and still of good quality. #2 can also play #1's toys since they're all girls' toys. Can save $. woahahha! But hor, hehe I know myself, I'll continue to buy more nice and cute dresses for my girls and more girls' toys so that their mother also can play together with them. Muahahhahhaa! Wah, the more I imagine the more excited I get! lol! If my #2 is a boy, well good loh then my folks will be very happy. I'll also have more shopping to do. woahahhaha! But I have a concern for having a boy. Since they want a boy so badly, will they end up spoiling the boy and making my girl feel left out or not... I really hope such thing won't happen to my own children...

I also agree that Parents should set a good role model for their children. Parents should not expect/ask their children to do something that even they themselves can't do it. If parents want their children to do something good, then they should set a good example. I always believe that action speaks louder than words.

Starry, gynae explained to her that her tubes were TIED, not cut... so there's still a chance that the egg managed to squeeze past the tied portion :p

Also, even if there's no fallopian tubes, there's a possibility of the egg travelling to the womb on it's own! This was shown on the show 'I didn't know I was pregnant' cos this lady got both her tubes removed cos of cyst & ectopic pregnancy. Doc told her is IMPOSSIBLE to hv kids but she got pregnant (that's why she dunno)!


be it boy or girl for this next one, we will sure continue shopping. never-ending one lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


boy, will scared he grow up get girl pregnant before marriage. girl, will be scared she get pregnant before she's married. both got different sets of problems lah. as parents we can only do our best. what the kids do when they grow up is really quite beyond our control. that's the way i see it based on my growing up years.

re: tie tubes

will still have menses right? 'cos uterus still there. i heard of cases where some ppl want to play very very safe, remove the uterus totally.

