(2010/12) December 2010 MTB


u interested to go mah??


ya...hd to to bring non-member den can gt freebies but i go is to seek e experts advises on e nutritions tat i m giving my gal.

i been to Gold Coast few yrs ago...went there wif my HB, we stay in a apartment instead of hotel, we took their public transport but if u drive i'm sure no pblm, ppl there r vy friendly, food portion is quite big...e onli dwside is their daytime is quite short but depending on e season, we went in may so daytime is shorter...other den that everytings is prefect.


mummies, my nanny just inform me that she will be taking in a 4 month old baby next year. i know that this will happen ultimately haha but just wan to noe wat shld i expect moving forward? anyone have experience?

Crystal: my babysitter gives 2 meals porridge, 1 meal cereal, others will be milk n water n fruits. My boy eat almost every 2 - 2 1/2 hours. No need to cut the number of meal time, i think. From the books i read, they suggest 2 -3 times of solid in a day. I m trying to feed my boy a biscuit or a bit of cereal before latching on. So far, if i do so, he can sleep a bit longer compare to just latch on before sleep. Means can last him about 5 - 6 hours before the next dream feed. Last night was the miracle, where by he slept about 7 1/2 hrs before the dream fed.

Dew, haha.. true.. I dun mind my ger like my MIL lah.. Just got the 'weird' feeling at times... When she's younger, she dun reali like my MIL to carry her.. Maybe becos my MIL keep playin wif her these days so she likes to b ard her... Ur mum takin care of ur ger when u work rite? But she still prefer u than ur mum?

I only bought the shampoo to try... Haha.. Not bad... My scalp is less itchy now n also drop lesser hair but haven completely ok... Maybe like wat u say... Have to use abt a month then can c result... Tin i only used abt 3 weeks?

Eoneon/Crystal/Dew, Haha... we are a group of panda mummies here.. My ger also keep waking up either to play or cry during the nite a couple of times... Though tiring but i kinda used to it... Cos i realise i cant slp when i stay at my mum which my ger slps in my mum's room... Lol... Dunnoe izzit becos she's not next to mi so i'm not used to it... Though i keep tellin myself to make use of this chance to slp earli but end up slp even later...

Crystal , ur boy is eatin very well so i tin should be quite ok since he not takin alot of milk.. My ger dun eat alot so i will try to gif more milk...

Mummies, NTUC is havin a promo for NAN PRO 2 selling at $29.40 till next wed... Saw it from the newspaper n i tin should be from Swiss cos it stated 'New' on the tin...

Lena, i saw the promo at ntuc just now went to kpo and check. The ones at nex is from philipines.

Velcro bb, yup. I've got one too. And a broken record player tt goes mama neh neh. Non stop when the sun sets... Strange thing is she only plasters herself to me during nightfall. Daytime she's ok with everyone.

Crystal, 400ml shld b fine. Si en only drink during dream feed at 6am, and night when she latch on to slp. I guess also around there. Checked with the pd before she say as long as gaining healthy weight it's alright. Some bb prefer milk more some prefer solids more. If not u can try mixing milk into the solids. Like bkfst cereals I mix with milk. Some recipes from annabel karmel also mix milk inside to cook and puree.

Good morning mummies!

I'm finally up and about without leaky nose! Have been on MC on and off this week.. actually I must confess other than physically ill, I also didn't feel like coming to work..

Anyway.. it's Friday! We are going back to KL tomorrow, will not be back till next Wed! Although worried for my dad's operation, I am still happy need not come to work for few days.. eh.. damn demoralising eh!

re: midnite wake-up

I have never had good night sleep since zaizai is born.. he'll wake up a few times depending on mood.. sometimes 1+, sometimes 3+.. then once more at 5+ and then 6+ when I need to get up.. we are used to it, sometimes I wonder how we managed to pull through..

Let's enjoy the last day of work mummies.. have a great weekend ahead!

PSH> I went to gold coast like..err..almost 8 yrs ago. But that time is backpacking and also stay apartment. Will look into apartments too..can cook right? hee.

Anyways my boy still having fever. He doesn't want to eat, which is very unusual for this garbage disposer unit of mine. Haiz. My mum took him to the doc yest but he only gave panadol....he said to look out for any rashes or ulcers. I miss my little active boy.

Finally it's Friday. Madness madness...

amelia/klitz/lena, I see i see.. cos my bbsitter she feeds him cereal with EMB in the morning, noon porridge, 4pm porridge so ya i tink in a day he does eat quite substantially. okie shall not worry bot his milk intake now haha... if he drinks he drinks if not its fine ya... okie must be a cool mummy hahah cannot everytthing also worry haha..

Roz, do you want to get a second opinion in case?

Klitz, you've been missed. how's your new job?

roz: Maybe Adam is teething? Continue to sponge him...

mommies, i've been stressed with my job recently. I am in Accounts and I can see from the company bank balances that payroll this month is a BIG BIG problem. I don't know if I can get my salary this month, and I also skeptical about the salaries in the next few months to come. I love my job, but for survival (i still need to pay for liz' FM etc), I think I need to find Plan B. I've been here for 4 months... should I move or hang on?

klitz, i rbr the other day at the gathering u mentioned using some vege to cook as stock... besides sweet corn and carrots, i cannot rbr the other things u listed. can help? i'm getting my hb to do some marketing today so that i can cook stock for the weekend's porridge. thks!!

roz, is yr boy teething? poor lil bub, hope he gets well soon!

bubbly, good to hear you're better today. and long weekend holiday for u, woohoo! i know exactly what u mean. i've been coughing for the longest time and kept wanting to go doc's and take mc but when i think of the work load here, i force myself to get up and come to work. just wish i can take the day off and SLEEP! hahaha... but oh well.. :p

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

wow! has been a mad week thus far.. not very very busy but not very free either. looking forward to the weekend and im planning for another long weekend again. see if i can pull it off. need to check with my boss. lol

crystal: if ethan is eating well, drinking 400ml is ok. chey is not eating well and is drinking less than 400ml. haha.. she is the real concern here. lol

grumpus: i co-sleep with chey until 2 months back. now she is taking over the bed from daddy again. lol... im just too tired to kneel beside the cot patting her to sleep with her constant waking up!

psh: yes, im interested! need to find out ways to make little chey eat eat eat and drink drink drink!!

crystal: hmm... just hope your nanny can handle 1 toddler and baby at the same time bah.

lena: haha... i am telling myself to sleep whenever chey is asleep but ended up doing something else.

bubbly: good to hear that you are well now. may god bless your daddy with a speedy recovery after the operation. maybe its time to move on?

roz: oh dear! its definitely very heart aching to see our little bubs suffering. hope adam recovers soon!

muddypaws: hmm, i think its safer to move on. we are not saint! cannot work for free cause need to earn diaper and milk money.

dewdew: the list of items for veggie stock are - sweet corn cob, carrot, mushroom stems, leek, celery, stems of broccoli, stems of cauliflowers, onion...

the corn, mushroom, broccoli and cauliflowers can be used to cook the porridge hence use the stems and cobs to cook the stock. not wasteful at all! hehe

Eoneon, ya... handling 2 hor.. but i was tinking of registering ethan when he reach 18 months for those 3 hours play grp so she will onli need to look after 2 in the afternoon lo.. let me arrange and see how it goes.

muddypaws, do you know if its possible for any new fund injections? Did your CEO say anything? Cannt be no one is doing anything right? just wait for company to fold? a little strange.

anyone know if bbs can eat sea cucumber and frog legs?

Dew/Eon: thanks!

dew: push klitz to open up business to make baby food tingkat! hahaha..

Eon: thanks for your prayer.. :) it is indeed time to move on, hung on coz I kinda agreed to lady boss to hang on a while, but it's not working.. I feel so miserable.. another colleague intends to tender by Sep, gosh.. it'll be a blow to lady boss... and it's not helping I didn't see many job that I really want, I have been procastinating in job search.. duhz!

crystal: yes, klitz cooked frog legs for her gal.. :)

crystal: My company was supposed to be taken over by a swiss group, but the takeover has been delayed. My MD knows the cashflow problem but is not saying anything. Hard to get any financing cos we currently have a huge huge loan already. I'm working with everyone to get their customers to pay, fending off suppliers... but even if I can get by July, I don't know about the subsequent months.

TGIF mummies!

Today is my last fri of work w this co cos my last day is coming mon!! But i'm all alone in the office tdy cos whole grp went offsite for planning retreat..

Velcro baby

Hmm i hv 2 at home, how? No 2 cries when she doesnt see me/or any other adult at home.. No 1 now cries when i'm not in the same room as her! I think she isnt comfortable w new maid in the hse so gets v frightened if i'm not in the same room.. These few days hub ard still not bad.. Nxt week when he is away i hv no idea how to spilt myself in 2 for the both of them, sigh


Not sure abt sea cucumber but ya they can eat frog legs.. Old folks say will strenghten their legs so they can walk earlier.. I dun believe la so hv nvr given it to my no 1..


No 2 still wakes every 3 / 4 hrs for milk or pacifier, shack.. But we hv jus moved her to the study room for her to sleep on her own.. The idea is tat if she makes soft cries (we wont hear) so hopefully she learns to fall back to sleep on her own,.. But not quite succeeding cos i realise she doesnt make soft whiny cries at nite, all her cries v loud so i end up getting up in the dark and stumbling my way to the other room [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I'm sure management shld be doing something abt their cashflow issues?? Hope u get ur pay.. Quite sad if u hv to look for another job when u like wat u are doing..

Anyone looking for job? Haha.. Since i leaving, there is a vacancy...

bubbly, thanks for the info on frog legs.

hahaha bb tingkat sounds good haha

muddypaws, I see. hmm.. then ya I guess you might wan to keep a look out in the meantime. Cos with the EU uncertainty now, the take over might never happen or might happen on a worse off term compared to previous so...

Oshgosh, CONGRATS!! last day liao shld be fun right? you looking forward to your PTWM life?

hahha I didnt tink of the eat legs bu legs theory hahha.

dewdew, so you just use the frog legs to cook porridge and then remove the legs and feed gwen the porridge huh? hmm okie.. maybe i try this weekend and see how things go.

eoneon, for the vege soup issit a clear stock? can we make it into like those western soup kind and feed bubs instead?

crystal: hahaha.. ya, bb food tingkat was one of the thing we discussed that day over brunch.. :p

oshgosh: how nice! u resigned to work part time?

muddypaws: my my.. I hate to live in uncertainty.. I've always think that Accounts/Finance is a good dept, will know when the storm is coming.. maybe try to lookout.. can't work for free right.. :)

oshgosh: maybe I should apply for your job! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bubbly/crystal: Yeah, I'm anticipating a downturn soon, so I better work fast.

Crystal: my nanny has given my boy the frog legs already. Apparently, my boy loves it. About nanny handling 2 kids .. my nanny is nw .. one 5 yrs old girl(her granddaughter), the other one is my boy. So far so good .. the girl loves my boy. .


i went in 2008...i gt photo in my FB show e plcs i went but e photo of e apt is nt inside so if u wan to see i can send to u, when u free u can go take a look n yes apt can cook...=) btw i stay near Surfer Paradise...


wan to go together??=)

Amelia, arrhhh okie okie.. i shall try tis weekend haha.. o but your case the age gap is big so its more manageable? i hope she can manage hahah...

crystal: yes, good to let ethan go playgroup. im also gonna enrol chey into playgroup so that my mum can have a break.

bubbly: dont procrastinate liao.. move move move.. lol

oshgosh: good for you! can spend more time with your princesses.

its tougher for you to cope with 2 velcro so jia you jia you jia jia you!

crystal: yes, the stock is use for porridge, but if you wanna do a western soup also can. blend the ingredient loh. now you gave me ideas for chey's meal too.. thanks thanks..

psh: sure sure...

eoneon, ya ya.. haha i tinking of those 3 hours type of playgrp let him socialise hor haha..

but if blend the ingredients do we need to add cream or anything cos western soup usually have cream rite? or we can add milk instead ?

littlemay: i'm throwing a small party for my ger @ my bro-in-law condo's function rm...juz inviting 2 side family members onli...n order a small buffet for dinner.

psh: okok....^_^

littlemay: am doing but no idea. most probably will be those holiday bungalow or chalet.

crystal: i dont think i will add cream. just dont use too much water i think the soup will be dense enough, else can add milk/cereal?

oh yes, i wanted to ask mummies with an older girl - i need to get a bday present for a 2yr old girl, what should i get?? i'd like to get something educational but not too boring... any suggestions?

dew2, i always get books from borders for 2 yr old.'And of cos crayola is a hit.

Hi moms,

miaing for the longest time, as really busy non stop with 2 kids. Theres no such thing as quiet breakfast and lunch and dinner now that with 2 kids.'And no to mentioned when they both refused to nap together/

ANyway, littlemay.

for my no1 we did her 1st bday at gymboree. Very fun, no hassle of cleaning up and her lil friends had fun singing and dancing and crawling on all the apparatus.

But theres many indoor playground venues to choose from and if all else fail, rents toys and set it up at home.

rarely am i online at this time and that cos both nap late. But gotta wake em up now.

have a great weekend mom

I was originally thinking of holding 1 yr old party at a country club restaurant/function room. But hor, like spend a lot of $$ this yr (Italy trip + Caribbean cruise). No savings le. So maybe end up just hold buffet at home bah. But then I also think this is her FIRST birthday, shouldn't stinge hor?

Alamak, cannot make up my mind. haha

hmm I dunno leh..1st birthday they are so young, they won't remember anything. hee. but i'm game for a combined birthday bash!

my boy's fever seems to have subsided and he's back to his usual get-into-everything mode. but still a little whiny.

muddy> go by gut feel lah...if you don't feel good, then time to bail ship. like eon said, we not work for free ok..

PSH> i'll stalk your FB photos over the weekend, heehee.

have a good weekend, mummies!

today's forum so quiet!

TenQ, wah carribean cruise? shiok! where are u flying to for the cruise?

as for 1st bd,

i think i'm really the most bo chap and laziest mummy ard.. i didn't do any bash for no 1 and will not do so for no 2 too.. must be fair, haha

i jus had a tiny celebration at home w our immediate family.

i figured they wont know wats happening too so no point.

Even for her 2nd bd, i didnt throw a party too.. think will only do so when she starts having her own frens.

osh> friday lah..everyone must be chillaxing with the family [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but yah, we didn't do anything for my girl's 1st either. IIRC, her bday happened to fall on a family gathering with my dad's side so I bought cake, that's all. Tompang the party, haha! Her 2nd and 3rd she celebrated with the playgroup and recently the 4th, her preschool requested for parents not to send in anything, they held their own little celebration at school so ok lor. waiting for my kids to be a little older, then we can do a combined one, just like what my parents did for my brother and me back when we were younger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi there,

Roz, ya hor but I realised I only have time to post on Fri, no wonder usually no response, ha ha.

Can I check re solid

for those who have started on porridge, do you just cook rice into porridge, then grind to let your baby eat initially? My baby has been on rice cereal(pause as was not sure if rashes due to that), potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and fruits. Nor sure how to start porridge.

She seems to be mildly constipated? as well as she cried when tried to poo and her poop was rather dry, though not really hard. Can give prune/ prune juice?

I am using slow cooker, don't have to grind, and using "new" rice.

Add in pork + red date, sometimes add extra such as pumpkin / carrot / ikan billis (soup base) / dried scallop. Remove added items (except pumpkin & carrot) before feeding.

Klitz.. I went rivervale mall Ntuc jus now n they have the one from swiss n also philipines U hav to look for the 'new' label on the tin.. Tin they clearin the old stock Now as new one has come in too..

Eoneon.. Ya.. Mi too.. Haha.. When my

Ger slp, I tell myself to rest but end up surfin net or play games usin iPhone.. Then Wen I'm fallin aslp, she wakes up!

Crystal, yea.. We should be relax mummy as long our kiddos growin n developing well.. I seem more relax nowadays compared to Startin when jus delivered.. Haha

1 yr bd

Mi too keep Tinkin what to do for her bd celebration.. Wanna

Open chalet but seem waste of money cos doubt we stayin overnight as I scared my Ger is not used to it.. Even up

Till now I still dun dare bring her to weddin dinner ever since the last time I brought her which was a nightmare..

Hi Moon sky

oh ya, I think I should go get a slow cooker.what does "new" rice mean?

so the pork is also just for stock but dun feed baby?

Hi Muddypaws,

My post some how does not appear..just wanted to let you know I know of a financial reporting opening, if you r interested, do PM me.

mummies, today a rash developed on my boy's face..a little bit around the neck and back. his fever subsided yesterday evening. is this the fake measles thing? his appetite is OK but he is a little cranky and whiny.

thanks roz & amuro for your suggestions. i shall go check out the books section then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: 1yr old bash

i also agree they are too young to rbr anything, and it's mostly for the benefit of parents more than anything else. lol... am planning to just do a small celebration with immediate family, hv some cake and buffet and that's it.

