(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

2mimi, bboy2010> apart from his rash, he seems to be ok. will be taking him to the doc later this evening. i didn't know heat rash can cause fever, hmm.


i went to White Sand to buy e Nan Pro frm Swiss...pblm is they dun put e old n new stock together so like wat Lena say u gt to see a "New" on e tin.

Morning mommies

Babies sleeping in own room

Do any mommies here let their babies sleep in their own room with only a baby monitor? Am thinking of trying that but worried that I will end up spending my nights shuttling between the 2 rooms. My gal sleeps from 8 to 5am but occasionally will cry for du du

Good morning mommies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

Alexis is having constipation again (today 3rd day no poo), yesterday poop until cried for long time and whole day very cranky, cry on and off and even at night 3 am. I try to dig, wow make things worst, so please do not try this. I went to get del monte prune juice, it is not helping at all. So went to Unity, the lady suggested this ICM Lactus syrup. I think most mommies were given this after we delivered in Dec to help us poo. This can be used on babies. 2.5ml x 2 times per day. Now will have to wait till evening to see her IFC booklet.


All our fault, we gave her 2 x nestle brown rice cereal on Saturday.

Btw mommies who are keen to go on holiday, ANA is having some promotion. We maybe planning to go to Osaka in Dec with Alexis, tickets for 3 of us is about $1500+, if USA is about $2000 (to LAX) for 3 (2 adult & 1 baby), Hokkaido tickets only is about $1900++ for 2 adults & 1 baby) . Can earn Krisflyers miles if you travel on ANA, cos under star alliance. My hubby more keen on Osaka cos we haven't been there. Now need to get the tickets and plan for the itinerary. I am so excited cos I just love Japan, even things are ex but the quality of stuff and food is good leh. Hope everything will work out well[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little may

My baby sleeps in own room since birth( first month with CL)

I use monitor and check on her once a night, more often after vaccination to check if fever.

littlemay, ethan sleeps in his own room own cot since birth... i tink now he is old enough not to make noise anymore? some shuffling is expected occassionally. are ur 2 rooms far apart?


Oh oh hope Alexis will be better, prune juice no use? My baby also cried when she pooed on fri sigh

I gave prune yesterday, not sure if can help

Brown rice cause constipation ?!

Ha ha holiday again, u r seasoned! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie!!! u tempting me... hokkaido onli 1900++ for 2 adults 1 baby??? very worth... i shall go home tonite and psycho hub SERIOUSLY!! haha maybe can bring ethan there for his first birthday.. hhaa

sorry to hear that Alexis constipated le... hope she will poo poo today.

Thanks 2mimi, I think the Syrup will hwlp. The only comfort is this syrup is sweet treat to her lah. I find whether prune help or not is up to individual. If can use the insert one I would have done that for instant relief. But that is only for 2 years old and above, that's why the unity aunty suggested this ICM Syrup.

Stuff like brown rice, sweet potatoes, pumpkin will make poo more compact, so must let baby drink alot of water to loosen up the poo.

Yes yes, we are very seasoned already. This friday will be off to Chiang Mai with tour group then next wed will be in Bangkok till Sun. Am already packing since yesterday cos Bring baby for Holiday is like bring our whole house out.

Just few baby things already take up almost 1 baggage.

1) 1 bag of Petpet Diapers (56 pcs)

2) 1 big tin 900g + 400g of Enfapro

3) Her biscuit + Cereals

4) Milk bottle insert (We use Playtex drops-in)

etc etc.

Crystal, I think my hubby blur, that $1990+ is exclude taxes and fuel surcharge. I check first hoh, hold your horse first.

Thanks, I must pray to for Alexis to poo man. Even my hubby 1st sms today is "Did Alexis poo this morning?" Ha!! ha!!

Roz, sorry for confusion. Heat rash can't cause fever. I was suggesting it could be heat rash or rash due to fever which I read your boy has.

hi mummies, panda again today. think gwen might be teething 'cos last night she got fever so i sponged her, gave her water & cuddled her to sleep... but this morning she's ok again. so weird.. i thot the fever shd last for quite a while? anyway, we brought one of our dogs over to stay since last Friday and he peed in the living room sometime last night. haiz... dunno what's wrong also, maybe he's feeling territorial 'cos i didn't allow him to sleep on gwen's mattress. :p

stefie, how do u do it with your 2 precious? i might need to paper train mine.

alexis constipation - let her hv more fruits - solids would cause constipation if baby doesn't get enuf liquid and fibre. prune juice will help but sometimes it's not immediate. gwen battled with constipation last time, what we did was to give diluted prune juice every morning after she wakes up. i think we did that for a month or so, until her bowels became regular. jia you! if she's hving trouble with 2x solid then maybe cut back to 1 and in meantime intro more fruits to her.

osaka holiday - so lucky! envious leh, always travelling with alexis. i cannot imagine bringing gwen on an airplane, i think she'd fuss until the pilot will be forced to make an unscheduled landing. :p she's such a little terror.

i need advise re: putting baby in car seat. mine just hates being in hers 'cos it restricts her. how do u train yours to sit in there? gwen will cry until she's sobbing so hard we think she'd pass out. haiz! see what i mean about little terror? need advise here. headache... tsk tsk..

Mommies sorry for the wrong info, The price I quoted for ANA fare is exclude taxes and fare surcharge. So whatever I quoted on my previous post, need to add another $1048 for the taxes and fuel surcharge. Sorry my hubby these few days very blur. I guess my Osaka trip will not come true liao.

Crystal, sorry for the wrong info. Include Tax will be $2990 for 2 adults and 1 baby.

good morning mummies and daddies ^_^

its a brand new week!

1st year celebration: i wanna do cause the rationale is that since its chey's first birthday. but like what you gals mentioned, she is too young to remember but i thought at least i can have it capture in photos. 2nd year onwards im not gonna do a party until she is old enough to understand and have her own friends.

2mimi: i also use slow cooker. i usually puree & freeze the ingredients and then add into her conpoy porridge when its almost done.

for constipation, i give prune instead of prune juice cause chey doesnt like it. it works well thus far.

roz: have you brought adam to the pd? for chey, the rashes was all over her body.

stefie: thanks on that. will go check it out! hehe...

dewdew, I also panda cos of Alexis yesterday cries in her sleep. Thanks, now will see if she poo. I will dilute her prune juice and bring to her IFC for her teacher to feed her.

Ginger was already paper trained when we bought her, she is 95% accurate. When Ebi came to our house. Ginger teach her bah, cos Ginger pee and poo on paper, so Ebi just follow lor.

Maybe you can try this.


I think your dog is confused cos of the new place bah.

my dream holiday gone liao lah, hubby too busy with work, till he read things also blur blur lah. I think maybe can plan for Taiwan trip in Dec instead, cheap and good[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis is too guai lah. So she is gong gong when up the plan also during our May trip, now maybe different cos she is more aware of surrounding and more vocal as compared to before.

Baby in carseat, maybe bring her fav toys and you sit at the back with her till she is more comfortable. Has Gwen being using car seat since birth?

stefie.... dreams crashed hahah.. but its okie la hahah... now i just look for more "nearer" dreams to fulfill hahha...

dewdew, my dog had the same issue when we brought him over to the current place. we fence him for a week or so until he is very used to his area then we started letting him roam around.

Sorry crystal.... My dream also crash liao. I can even smell the cold Osaka air now...Now only SIN hot and humid air niah... Sorry hoh.

haha.. a bunch of pandas at work today.

ah, Ginger taught Ebi, so good! hahaha... like da jie...

thanks for the link. i think i'll need to go and buy a gate for cordoning certain areas where he's supposed or not supposed to go into. and buy a pee tray. haiz.. already one chunk of $ gone 'cos had to bring him to the vet as he has skin problems... sores all over his body, dunno what bacterial infection. old dog liao, problems all come. poor thing also...

taiwan is just as good lah, i heard a lot of nice food everywhere. hvn't been there since i was 12! hahahha...

we put her occasionally in the car seat when she was younger, but not all the time. maybe that's why lah, now resistant to it 'cos used to be able to climb and stand up. :p oh well, hv to give her some tough training then.

Good morning all! Very long didn't log in liow, abit inconvenient to login during office hours..too obvious dy coz I took out my privacy screen.

I only read thru this page, abit lazy wanna go back to read past posts.

PSH/Bubbly: hope u guys are feeling better now. I had afew days of stomach flu, horrible but all good now. I had to quarantine myself fr my boy, missed him so much.

Roz: Think quite normal to break out with rash after fever.

Osh: Congrats on your last day last Fri. Enjoy full-time motherhood!

Re: Bb sleeping in separate room

My financial planner who has a 4 month old sleeps thru oredi and I think becoz he let the bb sleep in separate room since birth. He didn't put any bb monitor also. Seems to work at bb being able to slp thru but now cannot dy coz my boy likes to stand up and that day, after his nap, he slipped onto our bed and then slipped to the floor. We only heard him after he cried upon falling to the floor on all fours.

Stefie: Holiday again? So good! I haven't had a holiday since don't know when. Prob year end, try to go somewhere nearby lah, staycation also will do.

1 year celebration:

My hb recently raised this question, whether shd do or not since, for the boy, he won't know anything but i told him, for me, it's more like to celebrate that milestone ie he is 1 year old, and his first b'day. U can have alot of birthdays but only 1 1st b'day. So me def gonna celebrate but just whether to do it with close family or do a bigger one, not sure yet.

My boy having cough now, the worst I've seen him, so poor thing. Initially he cough abit, I didn't give him cough syrup. Yst I tried to boil the chuan bei pear soup but he took afew spoons only, then we went out. Came home, didn't feed dy, I drank the rest. So now milk intake drop.

The chinese med hall lady ask me to get 'zhen zhu' powder. Is it really good and safe for babies?

Anyone freeze stock? What do u use to freeze? I tried to find freezer bags but all quite big sizes. I've been wanting to do stocks to freeze and then use for his porridge but until now haven't do.. lazy mummy. I wanted to blend his rice to powde form so that easier to cook also haven't do. Gosh! I need to buck up!

dewdew, no need pee tray. We use newspaper especially The Straits Time (sorry hoh side joke during May Election, cos the news is not worth my time, only good for my dogs to pee and poo) Ha!! ha!! Pee tray overrated and need to get the pad also very ex leh.

Ginger has jie pi, if the news paper dirty, she will purposely pee in the corner almost to the kitchen tiles. Alamek,

I also don't mind Taiwan, it will be cool end of the year[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We can go to the onsen also in Beitou[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Taiwan is like 50% Japan and 50% China.

Now just slowly let Gwen get use to it. Just think to maximise your carseat, so must not be soft hearted, don't carry her when she cries.

Jul, could it be cos K is teething that's why coughing due to excess drooling?

I think I am the worst mommy, haven't even cook her any porridge. Only depended on her IFC to feed her porridge during weekday. My colleague was telling me not to spoilt baby by cooking porridge and bring out for their meals, just feed whatever is available. If not babies will only take home cook food when going out. I have been only feeding her the mostly puree or nestle cereal when we are out since she started on solid. Good excuse for lazy mommy like me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes going on holiday again cos I still have balance of 12.5 day Annual leave. Hubby will be free in Dec, co just plan lor.

wow UK, crystal. Nice place leh. Can go to Paris if you are going to London[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Save more $$$ to buy stuff back[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my dog has been paper trained since puppy. when he was a puppy we bought those fences to confine to the kitchen with pee pad inside with him. we put pee pad on one end and his doggy bed on the other end. doggy instinct is to pee furthest away from his bed.

u can also buy those pee smelling spray to spray on the pad so he will know that's where he has to pee.

slowly we extend the range of his fencing until now he roams freely in the house.

if it's a new place, he's prob peeing everywhere to mark his territory. we had that prob with my mum's dog when we move house.

re: car seat

my gal has been in car seat since day 1 but still she screams until no voice nowadays in the car. it's a phase la cos she dun want to be confined and dun want to sit leaning back. i hv no choice but just let her cry.

now she's on solids, i bribe her with biscuits in the car. it keeps her quiet for awhile but she finishes the biscuits before the end of the trip and will start screaming :p

stefie, hahaha u wont believe the no. of days i going UK onli hahah.. uber short trip. planned the places to visit back to back liao haha.. so no chance go to paris le.. but i will go to bicester village. hope can get some good buys there too.

Stefie: No wor, it's really cough with phlegm. Sian.. That time he lost weight coz he was sick from stomach flu. Then after that he can drink quite alot of milk. So last weekend checked his weight, went up to close to 8kg dy, up by almost 1kg in afew weeks. Then now cough, milk intake drop again. Sian sian sian..

Then his teeth also seems like keep wanting to come out fast fast, so contribute to more milk strike. Now 4 lower, 4 upper. I hope after this, got some break, so he can enjoy his milk and food but so scared he used to it oredi, then dun want to eat or drink.

At least u got do puree and give cereals. My boss told me, for his #1 son, she gave purely bottled food, those Gerber baby food, nothing else. So we considered quite ok dy lah.. hahahah..

My hb wants to go holiday also but he said wait till i confirm at work which will be after Sep.

jul, i think u just gave me the idea on how to shorten the porridge cooking process. usually i hv to cook it for more than half hour just to give it the right consistency but you are right, breaking the rice first will hasten the cooking process. thanks!

i will cook the stock on friday night and just keep it in a tupperware 'cos by the weekend the stock will finish already. i dunno how much stock klitz cooks 'cos she could always stock up so much! my mum cooks 1 big potful and pours them into plastic bags after it has cooled (those that u tabao fishball noodles in).

grumpus, thanks for the tip. i will go get a fence then. maybe the spray also need... ah, we'll see how. sometimes i just feel like, as if hving a baby and housework is not enuf, now hv another issue to face. but that's unfair to the dog lah, i know. :p

yah, i tried bribing gwen with a biscuit as well but she loses interest in it halfway through the trip and will start to fuss. then i'll hv to sing songs continuously on repeat mode... tires me out 'cos i dunno that many nursery songs to begin with. sigh...

stefie: oh! i was quite excited luckily havent tell hubby...lol

dewdew: i think its quite common for dogs to do that in new environment leh. even though its toilet trained. mine used to do that when its in a different house.

sitting in car seat. chey will cry real hard at times too! cause she refused to lie down so we adjusted the car seat to an upright position now. but of course she will still fuss and ask to be carried on and off. i bought those dangling toys that are stuck on the window panes to amuse her. it works on and off too.. so its really dependent on her moods. she will free her arms from the car seat belts too and then sit upright and look around.

Crystal, like that then must buy more stuff, if not travel all the way to UK 14 hrs 1 way leh, not worth the effect of travelling all the way. Are you taking SQ? Then try to take A380, more comfy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jul, things will gets better lah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When K is hungry he will eat or drink more lah. Eventually he will catch up.

I find that Gerber food not too bad, just more ex. I see no sugar or salt, just pure fruits, veggies and some water only. Last Sat my 1st time try feed her puree papaya with Nestle brown rice cereal, wow she love it man, so easily contented. Make me so guilty for not cooking porridge for her. Heng she very chin chai Baby. I just bought the Thailand organic mixed brown rice, will try to cook for her when I come back from thailand[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We jia you hoh.

Even this coming trip, I only bring Nestle cereal, her FM, the pigeon '8" bowl, so I can just peel and mash in that bowl any fruits available. It is blessing that Alexis is not fussy baby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks Goodness.

Then high time to plan your holiday after sep, since year end tickets sold out quite fast[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, sorry hoh. If have good promotion I will update you. How about Taiwan? Your hubby stationed there before right? A good place to bring Chey around.

Dew: You only cook for half hour? I use slow cooker, so i cook 2 hrs! Then after that I still blend, stupid hor?

So have to start early but recently instead of putting all the ingredients together with his porridge, I steam the veges separately, just 15 mins before I plan to feed him, blend together with the porridge. And his salmon, I just last min put in the porridge coz fish cook very fast.

Stefie: Ya, gerber exp esp when he don't want to eat. So far I never buy but someone gave me 2 bottles. One was the mix fruits, he dun want to eat, so wasted, throw away. Then I still got 1 more lentils and 1 more free prunes one from Nestle goodies. Sigh, now also, i feel abit wasted when I cook he only take in half or less.

Btw, mummies who cooked fish porridge, is it always having that fishy smell? I usually cook threadfin and recently salmon. Very very fishy wor..

jul: i used plastic bags to freeze my stock too cause i dont have a lot of ice cube trays.

stefie: aiyoyo, dont need to apologise lah. yes, we will be bringing chey to taiwan soon but end of the year can be super chilling. so im afraid chey cannot take the temperature. need to plan again. hehe... in fact i miss taiwan!!!

jul: once kieran is ready, can stop blending liao. else he will be too used to too mashy food.

not wasted if you dont mind eating his porridge. lol... im chey's dustbin! lol

jul, over the weekend i discovered that different pots uses different amount of time to get the same result. my wmf pot i had to use almost 1.5hrs. my endo teflon pot i only had to use 0.5hrs. i dun blend the porridge after cooking 'cos it's already quite mushy. she can chew her food now (even without teeth, lol!) so i don't make it into puree state.

i also put the ingredients in at different timings, the harder to cook ones goes in first (like carrots, broccoli) and the easier ones last (like soft vege / fish).

stefie, yah alexis really chin chye, i think u taught her well. or maybe she takes after either one of u in that area? i'm fussy, so my bb also fussy. haiz! more mafan to bring out.

jul, gerber has one item called summer fruits - like a jello texture. that one is nice! gwen didn't fancy so i ate it up. LOL! surprsingly she and my nephew liked the prune one. :p there's also a pumpkin puree which smelled and tasted gross, imo... that one gwen didn't like at all. (u can tell i taste everything that my gal eats. HAHHAHA!)

Mommies, I want to rant. When I told my that lousy coworker about my Leave plan in Dec 19 - 26, she shoot me an email about her leave plan from 27-Dec till, 06 Jan and Chinese New year whole week. When I told her about Alexis IFC 6 days centre closed, she gets very defensive and said she booked her flight already. What a crappy person to work with. Every Public Holidays, she will take before and after the Public Holiday. She win lor. If not for Alexis's IFC close in some Public Holiday eve, she basically will chop all lor. I don't care looking forward to my Sep and Dec Holidays, she can plan all she wants[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Nothing will spoilt my mood now.....

Jul, K don't want cos it tasted very commercial. The prune one is quite nice. Maybe just cook less, or you can try to mix it with the Nestle cereal or the organic cereal you just bought?

Just add sweet veggies (like Pumpkin, carrot) to round up the fishy taste bah.

Eon Eon, dec in Taiwan still okay, just need to layer up Chey's clothings plus 1 windbreaker.

dewdew, we didn't teach her, she has no choice, either to take it or hungry. I think we are simply really take everything easy parents, just go with the flow with our way and blend in her pattern. I am fussy leh.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gwen is fussy in her cute way, till you cannot reject her right[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Alexis Go Li eyes has no effect one me, so she has to take it our way[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also think that babies learned from us from everything. We have try to be as positive as possible and I smile alot to her when she looks at me when she is with us. So that's why she is like that no temper, just keep smiling and thankful for what she has bah.

fever rash> yup took my boy to the doc and he said it was viral fever. but the rash is so ugly lor. really hope it goes away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

car seats> this reminds me of the time we just got our car and went to get a car seat for my #1. Oh how she cried and wailed and screamed, refused to be put in it (try on for size, bah) in the store....then we brought it up to the car and then she went in without a complain. KAOZ.

#2 has always been in his seat since birth. doesn't complain too much..only recently did i reclaim the front seat, prev my girl sat in front while i sat at the back with the baby. and everything's been quite smooth sailing, they entertain each other or he will zzzz.

when we were in the US, my girl was around 8 months old..i remember breastfeeding her while she was still in the car seat. gosh.

i think when you switch to front facing seats they will not be too fussy. but for now, it's just something you have to put up with...can buy those mirrors that hang on the seat so you can see each other? or I've also seen iPad holders for this purpose (lol)

i had a pretty relaxing weekend, as far as weekends go but suddenly, today from the moment i got up at 5 it's been non-stop busy..zzz

hv a good week, everyone! love you all lots~~

stefie: but you can have priority since you cant force the ifc to stay open mah? yes, dont let her spoil your mood.

eh, really cold leh. i was there during december twice and i was freezing! if really planning for december then have to wear many many layers for chey liao. lol

roz: gosh! at least the rashes break out means adam is on the road to recovery.

hi mommies,

received bad news this moring so now on urgent family care leave. my relatives in malaysia met with a car accident. my cousin in law, who's 7+ months pregnant, died, and my other cousin broke his limbs. the rest are also injured. my parents rushed to go back in, while i take leave to tend to my kiddos. very heavy hearted. my cousin in law leaves behind my cousin and their 3 yr old. its a very tragic accident. unfortunatelty with my 2 kids, very hard to bring them in. so i stay back here to tend to them.

was in malacca last week for a road trip. it was ok but rather tiring with the two kids.

anyways, for all drivers, pls stay safe! life is just so fragile...

stefie, wah, your colleague not very nice hor... so selfish of her!

roz, lol! how in the world did u bf while your gal still in her carseat?? must have taken quite a bit of manuevering.

my gal is already sitting in front-facing car seat - we went to buy 'cos we thot she didn't like the rear-facing one. she was ok for the first few minutes then started to fuss once she realised she couldn't move. :p think your suggestion of the mirror is good, i shall go find that mirror toy thingy she has at my mum's.

my weekend was so crazy busy, invited my ILs side of family over for lunch but they didn't turn up until 4pm+, then they stayed until 12:30am. *faint* i was so tired i fell asleep with gwen in her room, at 10pm. woke up at 11pm feeling very grouchy 'cos they were still around. :p after that still had to clean the house so didn't sleep until almost 2+ am. haiz... i thot invite them to come earlier means they'd go home earlier. who knew they would outstay their welcome. next time i don't dare to invite them already.

yvaine: oh dear! my condolences to you and family. take care.

dewdew: aiyoyo.... they should be more zhi dong since there is an infant at home. i will be super grouchy in your position too.

thanks dew dew... this is the third death in the family for the year, and the most unexpected and sudden. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Eon - i see... so you going after 7th month... with just one, can still enjoy. i remember we took our no.1 to malacca when she's just over 1yr, just 3 of us, can do more, quite fun. with 2, they take turns to get hungry, sleepy, tired, etc... so very tiring. enjoy ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie - wow u went on your trip ya, so good. actually u gave me ideas. i didn't think of mixing cereals with blended fruits. quite a good idea. what fruit is good?

dew - wow talk about unwelcome visitors. that's really buay zi dong. just as well u fell asleep with gwen, no need to entertain them. but the tidying up is quite annoying im' sure.

seems like quit ea few people/babies are sick. hope you all get well soon!

DewDew: I know this is very late but here are my inputs on the rash issue you posted last week. My son at an early stage also have very rough skin around the mouth area. WHat your friend can do is to constantly wipe the babies mouth after each feed with a wet cotton wool. DO not use warm water. Normal cooled boiled water will do. DO NOT wipe but rather pat it clean. This is due probably to sensitive skin. My son outgrew it. I also applied the cream when he was asleep and wiped it off when he was awake as I was afraid of him eating it.

RE: Velcro Baby

Hi Mummies, my little one started to be very sticky and whiny since last night. He wants no one but mummy. If he is seated in his high chair and he sees me, he'll start to whine for me to carry. Last night when I put him on his bed, he cried. Carry him pat to sleep, put him down again, after a while he cried again. Ding dong with me for like 1 over hour then i decided ENOUGH was enough and i gave in and put him by myside to sleep then he slept.... is this because he's teething?


I too find that the quality from Switzerland is much better. Dissolves better and less bubbles. NTUC finest was selling it at 29.70 last weekend. Its a promo price as compare to 32.70.

yvaine: yes, going after the 7th month....hehe.. thanks! just a simple road trip first then venture somewhere else. hehe..

lovebyte: it could be due to teething or the separation anxiety stage. quite a number of us are undergoing this now.

Yvaine, I was so sad when I read your post. My condolences.

Re sleeping in own room

Yes I think I shall do that. Since birth, it has been my mom or me sleeping in my baby's room. Guess it's now time for her to zzz alone. any recommendations on baby monitor?

thanks littlemay.ya very sad. especially when they said the little one in her tummy might have been some chances of surviving, if the ambulance had arrived promptly. but it only arrived more than one hour later.

babies preferring food to milk. mine too... she sometimes just drinks 1-2 ounces.. but can down a whole bowl of porridge. trying to give as much milk still, since milk is supposed to be their main diet til one yr...


Eon Eon, dewdew, I am used to her, she is the one who is partly the cause of my 2 miscarriages lor. Flowers will not always be red forever lor. Remember my pop corns and waiting for good show. Ha!! ha!! I should wait for the show man[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon Eon, if you need baby warm clothing, I think is icebreak merino wool, we bought the inner wear for our Hokkaido trip, really keeps us warm in -4 weather. My hubby found a website. I will ask him and let you know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, they buay zhitong. Really. Just sleep with Gwen and let your hubby do the entertaining. Wash up can do the next day lah. Poor mine.

Yvaine, poor mine. my condolences to you and family. So sad.

Oh fruits like papaya, banana, watermelon, avocado, chinese pear, any fruits that can mush up easily. I will see what I can find in Chiang Mai or see what fruits the tour meals provide. If in Bangkok easier for us, since we are going there free and easy. I just bring the pigeon bowl with 1 side can mash up the food.

