(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

yvaine, O dear that is really very sad news. Condolences to your family. sighh life is very fragile.

dewdew, that's sucky le. 1230am?? so bu zhi dong. they hoping u all ask them to stay the nite issit?

stefie, yesh! hahah mine is A380 both ways are the premium economy class. so very looking forward haha.. planned the shopping details already haha.


crystal, enjoy your 28 hrs of A380[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I tried both upper deck and main deck. I preferred main deck[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie: Ok since u say nice, I will let my boy try. Think he doesn't like sour stuff. At most I mask in within his cereals but I'm still hoping he will like more flavours, that's why want him to take it on it's own.

Yvaine: Oh dear, so sad.. my condolences to you and your family.

Dew: Gosh! Really not 'seng mok' lah the relatives esp knowing got small bb. For my hb's frens who sometimes comes over for dinner party, if they stay very very late, I will just go ahead and sleep first, let my hb clean up. I won't stay up to clean lor, hahaha..

Me too wanna get part time cleaner lah, too tiring to do hsework and partly lazy also. Esp this coming weekend onwards, the hse will be very FULL coz my sil, nephew and bb niece, together wif my mum will be here. Any reco for Sembawang area?

Crystal, I preferred main deck cos more spacious, whereas upper deck seat like smaller. Enjoy that huge "Airbus"[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You choose the overnight flight leaving SIN at 2330hrs, reach London Heathrow at 5+am?

Hmm main deck seats bigger? I chose upper deck for my upcoming trip to US..

always thought upper deck better cos upper deck seats run out faster than main deck...

Shivan, Your flight will be via Narita, Tokyo? Then their inflight makan will be better cos have Japanese meal. We enjoyed it that time when we go to USA. Your seats the front, middle column for Liz Bassenet? Will be okay. If window seat will be smaller cos the added compartment beside the seat (at upper deck)

People like upper deck cos like last time Mega top (Now retired liao), only Business Class is on upper deck. I travelled to SFO on business class before, abt 10 years ago. Wow shiok. Now A380 has economy class on upper deck so people would love to have the feel, whereas for main deck like normal B747, B777, no difference.

Enjoy your trip hoh, need help in your itinerary? Please feel free to ask[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, most biz traveller will prefer that cos save time and less jetlag[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have booked many many SIN_LHR_SIN tickets for my colleagues, till now haven't have a chance to go UK. Wow enjoy hoh, I am so excited for you at outlet shopping[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will be still cold in Jan.

stefie, ya.. haha i'm very looking forward hee.. ya will be quite freezing i tink.. hope wont get too cold. i leaving on chu 4 nite haha..

Hello mummies, just manage to read up a few posts... Can'tcatch up on e rest

Stefie, yr colleague too much lei. But u're right, if u hv to apply leave just apply otherwise who to look after bb a. Now our ALs are only meant for our bb;)

Dew, i use to let my dog wonder ard e hse and my grandpa is her daily companion before i shifted to my new plc. Nightmare! She started to bark whenever we're out cosno one is home and messed up e entire hse. So eventually i fenced her up in kitchen but still doesn't stop her barking. Heng i've goodneighbours thatdid not complain of noise.

Eon, planningfor yr trip? Good wor, bb's things will occupied 1 luggage[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, my deepest condolences. This is e 2nd pc of news i heard on road accident in m'sia. Last week my coll bil died in car accident leaving behind 3 kids and his wife. Youngest is 4 mths old. Really must treasure our family cos we're nvr know wat will happen tmr.


my condolences to your family.


wow...u travelling again...shiok lei...hehe...i cant wait to go curise end of Sept, den Nov go Bali den Dec wan to go HK/Macau...

Crystal: Wah, go UK.. syiok! i like London alot, miss it..

PSH: Wah! you also going for so many holidays wor! Envy.. u bringing your girl for all the trips? All the talk abt holiday make me wanna go real soon.. hmm.. need to do research before natas next week.

hello mummies and daddies, have been bz working this morning.. now then hvae the time to login..

stefie: been a long time since u login.. alexis teething ya.. and just saw that she is constipating now.. hope she can poo poo soon.. brown rice will really cause constipation.. siao liao la.. i just brought the elephant brown rice and healthy times brown rice cereals leh.. and Jovan drinks very very little water.. how much is alexis water intake?

dew: ya, guess its an unfamiliar place for ur doggie.. have to train him.. put newspaper or toilet train.. as for car seat, i trained jovan since 3 months and he is a motion sleeper.. so whenever he's in there, he will sleep.. guess u give gwen some entertainment, on the nursery songs and play with her?

yvaine: my condolences. sorry to hear abt that.. life is so unpredictable..

jul: did the chuan pei works? Jovan also coughing, think due to teething.. i also dunno... i very anti medicine.. while my hub is super supportive.. too much western medi will cause limbs to feel weak lor.. sighhh.. dunno how also...

Water intake:

how much is ur bb drinking? jovan drinks very little water.. is there some guide like how much water to drink everyday like the FM intake?

Re: porridge

wow cook in 2 hrs? my mum helped me to cook porridge at 2pm, then 6pm steam the veg, fruits, etc at 6pm.. then i feed jovan at 7pm... in our porridge, we either put fish, pork or chicken... I just blend the steam stuff and blend then pour inside the porridge and mix to feed.. am i cooking the porridge too long?

Leelee, was silent reader mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis drinks very little water but alot of milk 800-900ml of FM per day. IIRC Eon Eon Pd gave a guide, 100ml per 1kg of baby's weight bah. Brown rice more heaty than white rice. Alexis has no problem in her IFC leh, cos they cook brown rice porridge. Maybe hubby gave her too much Bolo biscuit and we fed 2 times nestle brown rice cereal on Sat bah.

Today I will see she poo or not if not will have to give her "sweet" treatment again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Crystal, wow lau envy leh, cold cold weather[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: 100ml water per 1 kg?? then jovan must drink 700ml of water everyday?? equal to FM intake? oh IFC cooks brown rice porridge liao ar? ic.. my IFC still normal porridge.. I haven try bolo porridge though... i have beenm trying heinz apple biscuits but jovan dont seem to like it.. hehehe

Leelee: He only took afew spoons, so don't think got any effect. Since he cough so badly yst, no choice but to give him cough syrup coz he so poor thing. Sleep that time, cough and cough. I decided to off aircon and use fan only, hoping he will cough less but still cough.

I still got 1 more portion of the chuanbei, maybe will try to cook again but time being no choice give cough mixture. Sigh..

My boy doesn't drink much water during weekend. At IFC, I have no idea but weekend, I will keep trying once awhile. So ranges from 10ml only to maybe 30/40ml only. Very little. He seems to be sucking at times but somehow when I compare, very little moved.

good that your mum help to cook the porridge but need to cook so long? My mum told me 2 hrs can dy. I wish i can cook porridge for him for dinner too but no time but now I plan to make rice powder, see how much faster can cook. But at times, he come home hungry, have to give milk and he will fall aslp.

Or maybe I will do like Eon, cook all the food together and puree, include starchy food like potato so that he will get his carbo fr there instead of rice.

Eon: That time I stopped pureeing his porridge but seems like he dun like to eat. My fren suggest to puree it, so last weekend i puree it again. He seems to eat more. Very strange lor coz at IFC, they dun puree one i think and teacher said, he can eat. The teacher said, no choice have to eat if she feed.. dunno how true lah. I try to distract him, ask my hb to distract while i feed. Sometimes it works but taking too long, porridge cold oredi.

Me now, like very onz on paper only coz I use Evernote on my iPhone find recipes to save but so far only tried one of it, the salmon porridge. Maybe coz initially i was intent on getting organic veges but hard lah coz Sembawang dun have. nearest is Yishun.

My boy dun like solids but likes his snacks like the puffs and biscuits. His teacher said, he saw her giving to the older kids, he crawled to her and pat her back, make noise. She gave him, then he kept quiet.. hahaha.. think the teacher like to make up story to make me happy.

jul: my boy also cough until his face turns red.. if worst, will throw out all his milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i think offing the aircon does help abit..

yes, mine also.. good times can give 30-40ml.. not sure abt IFC.. cuz they only put water.. we can only gauge whenn he finished sch and we checked how much he drinks from his water bottle.

my mum helped me cook before she goes to work.. next time when i get my new hse, i dont think i have the time.. i cant be leaving the porridge from 7am all the way till 7pm when i come home.. so next time is a problem to me as well.. maybe u can try instant ones - like si shen fen? i think cook for 15 mins and can feed already..

Eon, klitz are really hardworking.. super hao liao and big big pot..

thanks for the link.. with bb less than a year, we dont have to worry... hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i guess we make them drink at least 2 oz of water per day if possible..

jul & leelee: with porridge, what i do is to cook for both lunch and dinner. in the morning abt 10am after gwen goes for her morning nap i'll quickly prepare her food. then will let her hv for both lunch and dinner. can just heat it up for dinner time if the porridge turns cold. if u hv rice cooker, can just put the remainder of porridge in a bowl and put in the cooker to steam, very easy.

in the past when staying with my MIL, she'll cook the porridge but she'll use the slow cooker, so in the end my gal could only eat 1 meal a day. slow cooker too slow lah, use electricity expensive also. might as well just switch on the gas stove and cook for half hour.

jul, for the chuan bei, why not try giving via the bottle? maybe yr boy will drink more?

2oz = 60ml.. seems like a challenge also. Oh at least u know how much he drinks. U bring his water bottle everyday is it? I leave 1 bottle of water at the IFC, so I won't even know how much he drinks. I also know they write there H2O but don't know how much. I know they got feed him but think not much coz he will sip water when I give but really just sip lor. I would think he got this habit from there since 5days a week at IFC.

Dew: Yes, weekend i will usually cook for lunch and dinner. Last time I leave it outside then heat up. Last weekend, I start to put inside the thermos to keep warm.

Ya, next time I cook chuanbei again, will give in bottle. There's a bitter aftertaste right? But at least he will still sip abit but think after awhile the taste puts him off.. hahaha..

jul: IFC dont bring back the water bottle back to sterilize? IFC help u tp sterilize or wash? oura will bring back every morning what we give and return every evening.. only bed sheet we bring on monday and return us on friday for washing..

dew: u started work late? i guess next time when i moved hse, i will only cook porridge for dinner.. i gotta wake up very early for work..

crystal, the new job is very very busy... so dun really have the time to pop in... plus a velcro bb at home.. so i really miss coming into the forum too...

oh ya, i feed bb frog legs. dunno if tt's the reason why she's starting to let go and walk now.. but u might wanna try.. haha... see how true it is..

dew, vege stock is white onion, carrot, sweetcorn, celery, long chinese cabbage(i skipped cos liang), mushroom, tomatoes.

bubbly, tingkat for bb? haha... dunno how many mummies will "entertain"

Stefie, wow!!u're gg japan... so xian mu... i dunno how i'm gg to travel alone with a bb... so still kiv my travelling plans..

ohz.. cereal is heaty.. mayb tt's y she constipates.. poor alexis... must be feeling very uncomfortable..

Juliana, i freeze them into ice cubes. then put in tupperware boxes. ya.. grind rice, cook porridge is faster.. haha.. i'm a lazy mummy.. so cook weekly..

dewdew, i didnt stock up a lot.. about 1.5litres of stock each wk... but use up very fast.. can onli last abt a wk plus..

Juliana, i cook ngor hee porridge.. ok lei.. not fishy. or salmon got heavier smell?

yvaine, yeah.. not only drivers.. passengers too.. last wk i took cab to run errand for my boss. met with a minor accident and knocked my head into the driver seat. lucky i got seat belt on. else lei... dunno wat will happen...

leelee, i think u're cooking quite long.. dunno if tt's gd.. but from what i know cook too long will lose nutrients.

Juliana, from the older folks, better to avoid zhen zhu powder for boys.. this powder works better for gals..

Just my 2 cents worth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvaine, condolences to your family. Really sad to hear about it. It's so easy to forget how transient life is, always need such a jarring reminder. Mummies, really treasure every moment with your loved ones, when things get hard, just take a deep breath and remind yourself that we hv much to be thankful for.

Work stress, you know what, there are more important things in life. Sometimes I really wonder, why we work so hard, apart from bringing in a monthly paycheck, is it worth sacrificing a better quality of life?

my neighbour is a sahm with 3 young kids under 5, her hubby is serving his notice now and he hasnt got a job yet, they are living with her parents but i can't help but be envious that she gets to stay home with her kids!!

(ramble ramble ramble..yeah..been really busy at work. and sometimes i cant help but ask myself..y am i doing this??)

then today..haiz..bbsitter woes lah...she wants to drop off the baby at my mum's hse at 5 pm coz we pick him up quite late sometimes. i'm not sure if she's trying to ask for more $..but I told her before we started that my schedule was not regular and she said no problem..



i aso giv my gal IFC a drinking water n tat bottle didnt bring bk hm...i take it as they will sterilize bah.


i try cook ngoh hee porridge aso gt a bit fishy lei...always nd to find ways to open her mouth...she will eat one scoop den will giv me e wan to vomit look...so nw i seldom cook fish for her...

stefie, crystal, Jul, Rainbow, PSH. leelee, klitz, Roz: thanks... i think my parents will get it a lot more intense than me since they're there now. the helplessness that comes from being with the grief-stricken family can be unbearable and painful. sigh. for the rest of us it's business as usual after the few days of wake, but for them, it'll be a very long time of healing. my mom called me and shared more details with me. really very sad still. but need to distract myself and move on.

Rainbow, Roz: agree, must really remind ourselves to treasure our loved ones. life is just too fragile. thanks gals, and sorry for dampening the mood today. let's talk about things more upbeat.

crystal: when r u leaving? have a wonderful trip and enjoy the airbus ride ya..

wow some of your babies are quite advanced feeders oredi.. i haven't introduced fish yet. landed animals less likely to trigger allergy so i tried all the 'land' animals first... i think shall start fish soon.

Roz - your babysitter sounds like the calculative sort hor? my friend last time lagi worse, her babysitter would refuse to wash any of the baby's clthings, saying it's not part of the 'protocol'. so she would always end up with a bag of clothings at the end of each day to bring home to wash. can you imagine all the regurgitate on the clothes that stayed on for so many hours??? apparently, if she washes, she'd charge more. my mom, who was (and still is lah, just that she's now babysitting her own grandkids) a professional babysitter (most of her life) was appalled when she heard that. she said it's obvious that the babysitter did not have genuine love for children and was just 'doing a job' and earning her keep. i think it's that love for children that somewhat separates the good from the lousy babysitters. and it's not easy to find good ones, but i'm sure some of you mommies have good experiences. if you do have good ones, must appreciate them!

Morning mummies & daddies ^_^

I'm on course these two days so won't be able to check in more often.

Regarding amount of water for bb to drink, it's every month 10ml. So 8 months equals to 80ml...

Jul: fresh fish usually won't be too fishy. Add other ingredients to cook together so can mask the taste a little.

morning mommies. seems like a busy morning, so quiet here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have a good day at work and catch u all later

Hi mummies.. greetings from the Boleh land..

My dad's operation didn't go as scheduled yesterday, it is rescheduled to Sep coz the hospital gave my mom wrong info.. by right yesterday was appointment with Ortho dept, not operation.. sigh..

Yvaine: My hubby is reading the accident news to me.. it is published in the Chinese newspaper.. condolences to you and family.. I'm so sad because of some stupid idiot, the life of the unborn could not be saved.. really stupid stupid stupid idiot!!

truewish: many of us have given avocado to our babies.. :)

catch up with you mummies again..

oh btw, stefie: hope Alexis poo-ed yesterday! :-D

Good afternoon mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

Thanks mommies for your concerns, Alexis pooed 2x yesterday and this morning 1 time. She is back in biz now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I took 1/2 AM off cos Alexis had high fever at 3 am 38.7, then back to normal after I fed her panadol. She is cough and having running nose more than usual. Hope it is just cos of teething.

I am so tired, hubby busy his stuff till 1am, then played his Plants and Zombies till 2.30am. He slept like a pig when Alexis cries. The day before also, Alexis cries a few time, he ignored her altogether. I regretted telling him this game is fun.

On the happy note, we are so going to Osaka in Dec. We will postpone our USA maybe till later of next year. Cos Japan and USA trips are more shiong holiday. If do both together, we will have big big holes in our pockets. I am so happy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bubbly, just treat this trip like go home and have good bonding session with your family[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for your concern, Alexis pooed liao, yesterday 2 times and today 1 time. This morning one is soft stool[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think dragon fruit we fed helps[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mommies, it's been a busy day for me...

Liz was snorting yesterday morning (sounded like she had phlegm), so I took the day off and brought her to the PD. She's an absolute curious little monster at the PD. Saw someone with the iPad and iPhone and she cruised up to him, touching his shoulders to try to see what he was doing. She saw a bald man, and as she has never seen a bald man before, she cruised up to him and attempted to touch his bald scalp! Then she saw a couple sitting next to us, and tried to check out the contents of their diaper bag. Brought her to change diaper, and as the changing room was occupied, she got tired of the wait and blabbered at the top of her voice to get the fellas out. Anyway, the PD said her lungs are clear (no phlegm or infection), and said it may be just sinus (an allergy reaction to the burning outside).

Yvaine: May condolences to you...

Stefie: Hope Alexis poo-ed yesterday. I noticed that Liz drinks more water using the mag-straw. Maybe Alexis can try so the water would ease her constipation?

PSH: We booked HK tour for dec already. Totally F&E though.

Re: A380

I like the upper deck better. Not as noisy... too many folks on the lower deck, long waits for the loo and food. I needed ear plugs to sleep in the lower deck.

bubbly: Just traced prev post on avocado. Realised that.haha..thanks for highlighting.

Just went for a survey(last weekend) and got $30 NTUC vch. If anyone interested, can call 63385975. Think some company trying to change the packaging for similac. This survey once hit quota, will end. Just thought of sharing it with all of u. (Note: I'm not a staff there but i think it's a good lobang for foc NTUC vch)

Thanks muddypaws, Alexis can drink from cup already, just very messy. So now I use spoon to feed her. She know how to drink from Mag Mag straw, just that she like to sip out after a mouthful and smile at me, very notti

ng: yes... my boy loves it.. i mix half avocado with cereal and another half for next day..

bubbly: long time didnt hear from u...nvm lor.. treat it as a holiday and a break for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: great job alexis!! Osaka?? gosh, u are so good life... Alexis too!! so young travel so far already.. happy for all of u.. u feed dragonfruit, the white or purple one?

muddy: liz sooo cute!! guess our kiddos are very curious on their surroundings..how much u book the tix to HK? SQ?

thanks bubbly and muddy...

bubbly which part of m'sia r u in now?

stefie- wah envy envy... something to look forward to. it's a well-deserved trip!

muddy- wah ur liz so active. must bring my K to friend friend your Liz, next time might well be classmates in primary school, hahaha... is Liz a loud girl? my K is... even when i put her in my church nursery and she cried, the nursery helper also commented, 'wah she's very loud'....

Hi All mummies,

Just to let you all know don't feed too much orange food to your babies cos mine is turning orangy! My mom was helping me take care of her today cos my MIL who is the main caregiver went for a medical appt today. She told me that Liz is very orange. Her face, hands and feet all has an orange hue.

Me and my wife didn't realise it cos we see her everyday and we always thought that she is tanned because we brought her swimming but we did wonder why wasn't she losing her tan when the last swimming session was like more than 1 month ago?

At first we thought my MIL feed her carrots everyday but she said she only feed her once a week but she feeds her pumpkin every single meal!! *faint*

So we told her to lay off all the orange foods for awhile until her skin turns to normal colour. I checked on the internet and they said this condition is called carotenemia and not harmful but I still think that everything should be taken in moderation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine: Liz doesn't cry much but she loves to baby talk. I tried to teach her to say 'toilet' yesterday but she only mastered 'Toy'... yes yes, bring Kaelynn to play with Liz! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

leelee: I got tix on SQ for last week of Dec for S$1.4K for the 3 of us (hubs, liz and me).

shivan: yeah, cannot take orange food straight 3 days.. luckily u found out early.. not too worry.. just stop for awhile..

muddy: thats cheap! not including hotel right? i thought below 2 years old should be free.. so liz dont need to pay right.. u book the tix online?

Stefie: glad that Alexis is back in biz now.. hehehe.. zaizai on the other hand, always have hard stool when he comes back to Boleh land with me.. hehehe.. ya, treat it as a break and bonding with family.. I rarely come back so long.. actually think things happen for a reason, now my mom is not sure if want to proceed with dad's surgery coz today they went to another doc who says otherwise due to dad's age.. not sure manz.. when we get old, one problem comes after another.. re your holiday, envious!!

LeeLee: hahaha.. ya, have not been well previously and now back in KL, so didn't really log-in.. sometimes read only, coz nothing to contribute.. :p

yvaine: I'm in KL, my hometown.. :)

muddypaws: wow.. HK.. been longing to go since forever.. I think I would love the Canto ambience to death.. so far only been to HK airport sia! envious!

shivan: true, the elderly says cannot feed too much orangy or yellowish food coz they will turn orangy or yellowish.. in fact, not just babies, adults too.. my friend's mom drank carrot juice like water, and she too, turned orange! everything in moderation.. :)

leelee: yup, that's only the air fare. Liz' portion is about S$166 (i think). I've booked Excelsior at Causeway Bay for HKD1100 a night.

bubbly: We wanted to bring liz for a holiday, but too lazy to plan. So default is HK cos we know HK at the back of our hands.

Leelee, yes leh. Hubby would love to go to Osaka, cos we only being to Hokkaido and Tokyo. And I promised Alexis to bring her for cold winter holiday when she was in my belly last year (Outskirt of Osaka maybe snowing, hope so. Hope can try open air hot spring, wow...)

The red dragon fruits better cos higher anti-oxidant[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Just note the pee and poo will be on pinkish side. Just mash and feed. Alexis love it very much[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, thanks, my hubby's dream holiday lah. Even since the nurclear plant news, hubby being wanting to visit Japan again. Now he can't wait to get warm clothings for Alexis. He is trying to brush up hss Nihongo (Japanese). Mine already return to my Jap Teacher liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My co-worker not too happy, but I don't care, I plan 3+ months in advance leh. Heng I kept all my emails.

Bubbly, No envy lah. You also can plan for one mah[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Please eat KL Hokkien mee for me hoh, I missed it so much[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will there be fireworks competition @ Putrajaya (Btw I am impressed by the size of this place, Malaysia Government very rich leh, very very nice place) during Merdeka Day week? We have been to 1, it was very good, imagine Fireworks for few hours per day. Wow, nice[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope everything will be soon soon heng heng for your father hoh.



i try feeding my gal avocado...she like it =)


u gg to HK in Dec too?? when?? we wan to go F&E too but dun kw hw to go abt it so thot of gg to NATAS fair n see see n gt info.

