(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

cherrry: thats alot of FM leh... wow... usually the small bottles, i will use for plain water...

stefie: jovan's IFC sometimes 2 or 3 times of milk feeds. but I realised nowadays only 2 times milk feed and one time porridge.. Ya lor, jovan also sleeps 1/2 to 1 hr (2-3 times in sch), very little meh? think they complain Jovan cuz they have to attend to him and could not do their things.. but their job is to take care of the kiddos ma... anyways jovan always kena complained by teachers.. hahah.. Alexis is guai hor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melissa: maybe small feeds and more frequency.. say feed 2-3 hourly and about 120-150ml? but I feel its up to individual bb.. my boy cannot take more.. if take more, will puke all out.. so i rather dun force.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Avent teats

Mummies, those using avent bottles... what no u using for teats? no.2 or 3?


cherry: You can buy the adaptors and change the small bottles into sippy cups. That's what I did for the smaller avent bottles (though liz is still using the small ones!)

leelee: Maybe Jovan would catch up later? No worries...

stefie: My parents are super superstitious... liz a bit sneezy etc and they would think it's the supernatural.

PSH: ya lor... leave to fate.. as long as they are healthy can le.. Btw, did u say PD or doc if her weight is ok? is she underweight or acceptable weight ma?


yr gal wt is vy gd...if u plan to hv another bb den keep those smaller bottles, in future, juz chg e teats can le


Happy Birthday, Princess!!=) i feel better le...i was quite surprise parents aso giv presents to other babies too...crayons, will they put it into their mouths?? hehe

Leelee, psh, Melissa, think as long as bb satisfied from feed shld be ok le? Mine will cry for milk when I giv her 7 scoops and hit the 260ml Bottle max le. So they will take in wat they want and enough for them?some bb are small eaters and some are big eaters. Some bb will weigh less and some weigh more. Think no standard measurement for all ba? Cos I also explain to my mom some bb are big eater can eat alot doesn't mean aly hav to follow tat measurement. Every bb different lo. Hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, she's using straw from magmag le. Hee. I hav 5 of tat small bottles. And I use 1 for water at night too. Don't knw wat to do w the rest of the 4. But ur idea is good. Haa!

Leelee, aly has been using teat 4 since 6+ mths old.

PSH, wow you good leh, bake cupcakes. I cannot bake so need to buy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Leelee, Alexis is too guai already, we also worry cos will kena bully easily by teachers or skoolmates or even us:p

The short naps is normal lah. His teachers shouldn’t complaint, if all babies so guai, then no need so many teachers liao.

Now Alexis IFC has 12 babies taken care by 4 full time teachers and 2 Part time teachers. So the ratio is still okay[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Alexis is using Avent no. 3 teats at home, in skool she is using playtex fast flow teats. Easier for us to feed, she will drink faster also.

Thanks stefie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So we go by whole day intake ya. Thanks dear!

Psh, we can reuse Bottles for nxt one?


e last chk up was a few mths ago...tat time she is 6+kg...PD say she is ok cos both parents nt big size...i feel like bringing her to see PD again to chk her wt...after so many mths gain abt 1.5kg...i feel tats too little le...she is drinking n eating well lei...realli scare she is underwt lei...sigh

anyway she gt eczema @ her bk, ardy see GP, given cream to apply, if hvnt recover by end of e mth will bring her see PD.

cherry / leelee - but she haven been putting on much weight and pd advice us to up her volume of milk. So now I just came up with a feeding schedule for my mil. Going to try it out for a month to see if it works and if she will put on weight.

PSH - my girl 9mths only 7.1kg only. I also dunno how..

leelee: Liz is using Avent No. 2.

cherry: agree that some are big eaters, some small eaters. Liz would stop when full. SHe's still drinking 110ml every 2hours. You make them into shakers for Aly to play?

stefie: Go buy the bolo biscuits and give them out... or buy bottles/packs of baby juice and give out.


i didnt try b4 so dun kw will succeed or nt...*cross finger* hehe


personally i feel tat if e condition of e bottles r stl ok shld b able to reuse...

cherrry: aly still drinking enfralac? i thought 7 scoops = 210ml? will hit 260ml? or u make the milk more diluted? Teat 4???? wow, the flow very fast ya? she must have finish her milk by 5mins?

stefie: i dun think alexis will be bullied la.. ren jian ren ai [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cant bear to do so.. i thinking to change to no. 3 but the flow is kinda fast.. how long it takes for them to get used to it.. cuz the milk just keep flowing off from his mouth.. very wasted leh

PSH: how come she suddenly have enzema? GP give steriod cream? do u know what brand? cuz jovan also have enzema and using steroid creams.. but i dunt like the idea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning err early afternoon everyone,

been MIA for a couple of days very busy august month for me. jsut finish scanning thru the posts.

milk intake

ya any idea how to feed them more milk? ethan is now on 2 bowls of porridge/food meal a day and he is onli drinking about 400ml or so milk for the whole day. sighh very little rite? i would still wan him to have milk as the staple instead of food but seems like he prefers food now more then milk haha.. or we too hardworking liao gave him so many things to eat?

Oh ok thanks muddypaws [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) hee!

Leelee, yup 210ml water and add in after 7 scoops milk will hit to ard 240-250ml le. She wants 8 scoops at night so can't use the 260ml bottle. She's drinking nan now. I think she likes milk and ya she drinks quite fast. I leave her alone To eNjoy on her own. Lol

Ohya mummies who tried nan2 Swiss, I find it having bubbles. Is the amt bubbles acceptable?

Thanks psh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cos hb says shld throw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Muddy, thanks! Am still drowsy from the med I took for the past two days. Still coughing and flu, fever went down, throat err.. ok. Hiyo! Hopefully can get well before Friday coz we are bringing Leah for photoshoot and family portrait!! Sigh..

Miss hugging my girl... =( Thankfully my hub took care of Leah when I was down, esp the last feed and morning feed.


GP say she allergy to smting...ask us whether we gt giv her smting new to try or gt chg other brand washing detergent...we didnt chg anyting except gt one nite, my MIL let her try pear den nxt day when wan to bath her we spotted 2 rashes...initally thot its insects bite but its nt cos e surface rough rough one...

hw did jovan gt it?? i aso dun like e steriod but GP say its a mild steriod cream so ok to apply. i cant remember e cream name, tonite i go bk n chk den let u kw.


i see...i thot Taka one can trade-in...hw abt those @ Istena sales can trade-in mah?? i kw pigeon always gt tis trade-in bottle.

btw i'm giving my gal nan pro2 frm swiss...after shaking stl gt bubbles but i stl can accept...compare frm phill, tats a lot.


hope u r better nw...gt to drink more water.

cherry, dun tink its the brand that's the issue cos ethan does not have a fixed brand its more of milk being the issue hhaa.. dunno y he suddenly dun like milk? but he can drink loads of water.. sighh my water monster now.

Muddy, Yes.. i tin brushing teeth is also moto skill cos i rmb seein my students (age 3) brush and some of them cant seem to reali hold very well or the exact way to brush... Mus b a very cute sight to c Liz brushing her teeth.. Next time take a video n show us ya... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha.. ur Liz became the restaurant's star! the noise that my ger makes is not those attractin ppl to say hello type cos she just wan us to carry her ard or out of the place... Unless she baby talkin on her own... Haha...

Joyfulbliss, Totally agree.. Sometimes i will also tin back a year ago from today n kinda miss the pregnant feeling... Haha

Cherrry, my ger is takin Nan Pro from Swiss and i find the quality better than the one from Philipines cos easier to dissolve... I tin the bubbles should be ok cos my ger has been drinkin it... In fact, the bubbles seems lesser than the one from Phil too.. I notice if your bb drinks fast, more bubbles will be created... Aly is a big drinker leh... Wow...

Small bottle, I'm using NUK and i kept my small bottles (150ml) when Clarissa is 3 months cos she outgrew it... I plannin to use for No 2 leh... Tin just change the teats will do... Throwin them away seem very sayang cos still in good condition...

Velcro baby... Does ur bbs jus stick to u mummies or to the caregiver as well? Lately my ger seems to like my MIL alot n will wants her to carry when c her... Makes mi feel abit jealous at times... But lucky, if i put my hand out (like wan to carry her), she will wan mi to carry... My ger more like wans alot of attention than being sticky to a particular person... But usually she needs mi during nite time... I just let it be... as long she's happy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ladies, we are looking for mums whose babies are now 0 to 12 months for a short 15 min survey in our office. Token - 30 bucks NTUC voucher. Criteria: You must be user of Abbott brand of formula milk e.g. Similac or Gain IQ. Interested mums, kindly SMS me yr name, yr age, hp no. and baby's month to 97640028. Thanks, Sally

melissa/ PSH: girl tends to be abit lighter i guess. so nvm ba... as long as they healthy can liao.. my PD also asks me to increase and see if he can finish anot..at most waste only.. i did tried.. sometimes can finish, sometimes cannot finish.. so i only up the amount for his first and last feed.

PSH: jovan got enzema since young.. I suspect is that i ate alot alot alot of chili when i pregnant.. but i dunno if its true.. but some says it runs in the family. me and my hub dun have.. my dad and my sis in law have mild enzema.. so dunno if its inherieted.

cherrry: drinking NAN liao? how come change? I heard these two brands are the best - enfra and nan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and my colleague told me that bb who loves to drink milk are smarter.. no wonder aly is soooo smart [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just continue to give as much as milk as possible..

ribena: get well soon ya!! drink lots of water..


a lot of ppl say gal no nd to b so heavy but as a mother we juz cant help worrying...its a gd idea to increase his 1st n last feed...i shld try tat too...

i aso like to eat chilli too...but my gal dun hv tis pblm onli recently...dun tink its related to chilli...

gwen is using no. 4 Avent teat as well. the smaller 125ml bottles, we use them for water or for night feeds when she doesn't drink much before drifting off to sleep.

lena, dun jealous, your gal will always prefer u. i'm grateful for help, be it MIL or aunts, 'cos at least i'll hv some time to do my own stuff.. such as taking my meals! lol... oh yah, how's the shampoo working for u?

for babies with eczema, what are the usual causes. my fren's boy, 2.5mths, has really rough skin on his face. he's so cute but i see the skin, really so poor thing. sometimes can be so bad that it'll crack. she's using calendula cream so it helped some but it's not going away...

i noticed she uses normal washing detergent such as mama lemon for his bottles. will those affect??


wat e GP told me...tings tat is used to clean bb stuffs could b e reason aso...so mayb can ask yr friend to use detergent tat is meant for cleaning bb bottles...see does its helps or nt

my boy same as Crystal's son .. prefer food than milk. He can easily finish 1 bowl of porridge or cereal. If it is milk, he can only finish 120ml at most .. But he is 9.7kg at 8th month.


my PD asked me to change baby shower gel to Cetaphil or Sebamed. She mentioned that J&J or Kodomo is not suitable for Eczema or dry / sensitive skin baby. If you insist of using it, please put a few drops of baby oil into the bath water. Apply moisturiser / lotion immediately after bath.

Leelee, she couldnt take enfapro will hav puke out after an hr. Tried 2 tins then switch back nan 1. She had nan1 cos nan2 was in Philippines so we dont buy nan stage 2. End up enfa cant take it, we continue nan1 till nw we jus bought a Tin of the nan2. Hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eczema> actually i think nobody is really sure what causes eczema..sometimes it's the food, sometimes it's the environment. like my colleague's son, stress and canned food and durians can make it really bad.

I got a call from the bbsitter this evenibg, she said tt my boy was running a fever. Haiz. He's not his usual self, didnt even smile when he saw his kakak [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] give booby also reject [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]( Took his temp, it was about 37.9.

On the other hand, my girl is on a super high because she got her cards and cake and some presents, ha. So extreme. Either way, i'm shacked!

Clingy baby:

My boy started being clingy ard 3 weeks ago. For the first 2 weeks, he needed me to be physically present in the same rm as him. He'd scream and cry if I stepped out.

It got worse this week. He wants to be carried every single second. I'm going crazy. Nothing gets done when I'm ard him.

Velcro BB

I am positively sure i haf one at home esp when nite falls. Sleep, drink, eat, poo-ed.... If anyone goes out, make a few noise or whine, done deal.. If i go out, i pity the person staying behind to take care of him. If at hm, not so bad.. At most, arms break frm carrying him to look at moving traffic.. If my mum plc, i think he will wail with all his strength til i'm back, non stop.. Proven, Tested!!! I seriously cant do anything!!! When he is sick, i am not allowed to be out of sight... =(

Like wat Amuro used to says, God is fair. 1 easy, sure the other difficult. I nvr haf such prb with #1. Teething, jabs, seperation anxiety and all... Now i am having the 'taste'....

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

realised that i never report into the forum yesterday. so am reporting now before i get busy with my stuff again.

muddypaws & yvaine: yes leh. fake sleep doesnt help much in our cases. haha...

yvaine: our trip was postponed till after the 7th month. my parents refused to let us travel with chey during this period. so we just heed their advice. whatever it is... its for the good of our princess.

psh: hope you are better le.

muddypaws: just take what your parents said with a pinch of salt. we are of different generation, thus thinking also different. ultimately they mean no harm. sometimes i marvel at what the older folks can come up with. but i try to accept it to the best of my ability. i love to "throw" chey a little into the air too. she enjoys it!

my mum was the one who reassure me of the separation anxiety this time round though. hehe, she said all her grandchildren went through this phase so its a matter of time before they outgrow it.

mummies: regarding drinking and eating for our bubs. chey chey is also one of the small babies here.. i was initially very very worried but have thus far more or less come to accept it liao. nothing i do can make her drink or eat more. she is only 7kg or lesser as of 8 months today! my boss was saying dont have to fret over it cause so long they are not classified under malnourished, they will be fine. i used to be small build too! so i guess chey takes after me in that sense bah. im sure our bubs will grow up healthy and strong with us watching their intakes with eagle eyes!

regarding bottles. im still using the avent 120ml... cause chey is still drinking 90ml max! lol... dont know to be happy or sad.

psh: what can we expect from the nan booth?

ribena: get well soon!

family portrait! im planning to go for one when chey is about 1 year. any recommendation?

roz: i think most probably your boy is teething since its low grade fever.

bboy: its just a phase. maybe if you really need to get things done, carrier him? thats what i will do nowadays.

dbaby: jia you! you are not alone. lets overcome this phase together ^_^


frm e website they say gt e following:

- complimentary samples & goodies

- free baby nutrition consulation by experts

- baby gym

- complimentary baby/family portrait & free balloon

velcro baby strikes again! i'm so very tired... gwen woke up 3x last night, sat up and wailed and looked for me. i didn't get to sleep until 12:30am, and had to wake up at 7:10am this morning, and woke up 3x in between, crawling up and down from my bed to her mattress. omg! HEEEEELLLLPPPPP!!!!

quick quick this phase over otherwise i'm going to be worse than a panda. HAIZ!

i finally got a taste of velcro baby... last nite it was soo bad.. from 6.30-9pm i just keep walking in out in out of the room the moment step out cry and wail and scream step in like angel.. wah rau... how?? book say to play peekaboo with bb to reassure them that we will come back but its soo tiring.. wah rau..

dewdew, i was reading that this velcro baby stage can last till 11 months le. wah can concuss man if this happens everyday.

Amelia, does your bbsitter feed your baby 2 meals a day? i'm tinking of cutting 1 meal and put ethan back on milk instead of food. dunno if this is workable.

psh: thanks thanks for the information.

dewdew & crystal: yah, this phase has better end soon.. else there will be a lot of disgruntled pandas in here...

i cant be bothered to leave her in her cot. i just kicked hubby to the mattress and let chey sleeps with me! too tiring liao.

crystal: why you wana cut down on ethan's meal?

Eoneon, hhaha pandas is understatement hor.. i reallie miss my 9 hours sleep days..

cos he now drinks only 400ml of milk in a day le. I think that's too lil?

Psh> but must bring non-member with you to get the freebies, right? Fasting mth i v sian to go out zzz

Velcro bb> err dew yah..if too tiring to keep getting up, then, co-sleep lor. But my girl is 4 and she still sleeps with us >.<

Thinking of going Gold Coast at the end of year for hols, my hubs not enough off days for NZ. Anyones been there? Can recc good accomodation and car rental?


Eoneon, dewdew,

My elder girl was a Velcro bb. I end up kicking hb to spare bed n co sleep with her on our king bed.

Now my #2 also heading in tat direction already.

