(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

mummies and daddies ^_^

how was your weekend?

mangogal: hang in there and jia you! hope you and caroline will have speedy recovery.

stefie: hope alexis will have a speedy recovery. good lah, she can change club le. chey is still in the bo gay club. lol..

rough nights: chey also has not sleep through yet. waking up for milk and play is here current routine! she is so so so cheeky nowadays. haha, cannot stand her!

neko: i forgot about the canned peas picture. will try to snap a picture and whatsapp you tonight. if you dont hear from me, please remind me! lol...

dewdew: chey has been super sticky also.. especially so after her episode of viral fever. can be real real tiring. hang in there. i hope this is just a phase!

lena and yvaine: long time never hear from the two of you!!! you are missed!! ^_^


yvaine, i also hv 1 can of Friso 2 900g, can give u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let me know when u wish to collect. pm me/txt me, i thot i hv yr number but i can't find it in my hp! dunno if i accidentally deleted or the phone ate up my contacts?!

as for powerful lungs, mine is also one of the louder ones, in fact so loud that it embarrasses us many times. :p

yvaine: yeah!! i also have friso.. same as dew.. lemme know ya.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u poor thing. how come everything come together at the same time. real suay to fall sick now when hb is away.

hang in there. hope u and yr gal get better soon and trevor will not it!

mango: hope you, caroline and trevor all get well soon. Hugs...

lena: Liz brushes her own teeth. She would hold her toothbrush and brush, brush, brush... I think it's cos she likes the taste of the toothpaste!

dew: While it's great to know that Gwen is sticky to you, it can be super irritating too. Like what the rest of the girls suggest, do try the baby carrier. Or plonk her on the hi-chair in the kitchen while you do your chores. We resort the BabyTV to keep Liz occupied, so she'll be so busy watching TV, she won't bother us.

Bbribena: Heard that you're also falling ill. Do take care!

Eon: Chey's doing ok already?

Stefie: Is Alexis better?

Re: febreeze

we use febreeze on those stuffed toys who can't take a bath (eg. parts in them that can't touch water). So far so good.

Re: pasta sauce

mummies looking for organic pasta sauce (no sugar no salt). Brown rice paradize is going for $9 a bottle. Same brand in VItakids is going for $6.30.

Leelee, sure.. Let mi Noe if need help.. I Soo Lookin forward to the day I collect key too.. Haha.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eon, u r missed too! Hehe.. Ya.. Seems like alot of us facing the slpin issue.. Tin the babies Reali playful at this stage huh.. Little cheeky babies.. Haha..

Dew, yea.. Agrees that Gwen got loud voice too cos I heard her at the bash.. She's Reali so cute when she gets excited! All the shrieking n baby talk.. My Ger too does that alot.. The last time I brought her Ylto pd in june.. My pd was shakin his head n sayin my Ger got good lung power cos his whole clini filled with her voice.. Hahaha.. But she wasnt cryin, more like shrieking away becos she's excited abt hr bear pic on the wall.. N yes.. Their loud voice can Reali embarrassed us at times especially in restaurants:. Hahahaha.. But still very cute la..

Muddypaw, I thought brushing is a motto skill that babies will only know at later stage? Wow.. Ur Liz so fast mastered it already.. Super fast man.. Hahaha

rough nights> haiyah i long time give up trying to keep track of how many times my boy wakes up during the night. just stuff my boob inside his mouth and continue to zzz. heehee. but still, how i long for a night of uninterrupted sleep!!

yvaine> yes, sept hols! well, hari raya first, then teachers' day, then break!

eon - thank u!!! miss u all too!!! i want to chong jian jiang hu... hahaahah...

whisp - for online BP purchase, there's no guarantee on the workmanship. in fact the toy rack i bought had a slight chip, the seller said bo bian, cannot change. it's a good item on the overall and i'm happy with it, but there'll be some minor defects u might have to put up with. so may not be so good for people who have high standards or are fussy (me included!). otherwise, i usually go to those furniture warehouses. can check out newspaper usually on the weekends. where do i live? there're some in serangoon north in the industrial park, there's one that sells lovely toddler beds (but lovely prices too hahah).

Lena, Dew, Leelee - thanks for the powder!!! Lena I replied you liao, Dew, Lee, I will PM u now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dew - yes i recall, Gwen may be petite but she makes her presence known! xiao la jiao, yea!

oh ya i still owe you 2 packs of Heinz teething rusks!!! i'm so sorry! has Gwen outgrown them? if so, i return you the money, so paiseh. Otehrwise, i must make sure i arrange to pass to you. my K doesn't seem to like the rusks, would throw it away after a few bites... so wasted..

Muddy - i recall u were asking if the other babies watch tv too? now i'm reading a book by Dr. Dimitri Christaki... he does research on the effects on TV on children and has very interesting findings. can take a read if you're interested. i borrrowed it from the national library. Title "The elephant in the living room".

Roz - hahahah i totally understand the bit about stuffing the boob to silence the babe... it worked very well with my no.1, but no.2 not consistently. happy holidays!


i'm going on a short road trip with hubby, 2 babies and a helper this wed-fri. have been there once and enjoyed the chicken rice balls. Mommies, any other recommendations on the things to eat, shop, do there?? pls share if any!

lena: I dunno about brushing as a motor skill... it started when my maid let her brush up on her own after her shower. Then it just continued from there.

dew/lena: Liz can be loud when she's frustrated too. Was at vivo with her on sat. She was sitting in the hi-chair, and while we were eating and she started waving and smiling at people walking by. Gosh, people were coming up to her to say hello!

Re: waking up in the middle of the night

mummies! I feel that I'm not alone after knowing that some of your bubs here wake up for pacifier or milk at night! Sometimes my boy can just wake up once for pacifier/water and sleep till morning. But there are bad nights where he wake up 3 or more times for pacifier and wake up to play! Glad I'm not alone. Yearning for uninterrupted sleep.

Muddypaws, what kind of pasta you feed Liz? Angel hair? Or the spiral type? Do you cook it till it's very very cooked? Btw, any type of pasta that states "no preservative" is acceptable for babies right?

Mangogal, stay strong!

Hi Mummies, a really long time since I posted. Was frustrated cos I always had probs logging in to post.

Do any mummies need nan pro 2? I have and am thinking of giving away. No exchange needed. It's brand new and never opened before.

Reading about all your babies, bring a smile to my face. Just a year ago, we were all 5/6 months along!

joyfulbliss> oh my! that is true! Last yr at this time, baby was still rumbling around in the belly >.<

pasta> hmm...maybe i should start pasta soon, too. i've seen the packs of baby pasta at the supermarket but it's going to last forever and ever. probably will use angelhair pasta instead.

debbie: i used normal angel hair, as well as organic star pasta. Liz is not crazy about the star pasta. She loves the angel hair.

mommies, I need to complain about Princess Elizabeth... I was playing with her on my bed last night when she grabbed my arm and bit down on it so hard my hubs heard my screams from the shower. Now I've a swollen bump on my arm. Then she refused to sleep even when she's sleepy, so I put teething gel for her thinking that maybe her gum hurts. She chomped down on my finger so hard I've a blood clot on my finger, and finger's swollen. On both instances, I cried cos it's so painful. Our dear friend also decided to chew on hubs leather recliner in our room, so now the recliner has liz' 5-teeth mark on it. Anyway, we see signs of the 6th one breaking through....

hi mummies,

just something i read off babycenter:

"The Velcro baby

If you asked many babies of this age what their ideal world would be like - and they could tell you - their answer would probably be a world in which their primary carer never, ever left their side. Some people call these babies clingy, others call them demanding... and they are demanding. If you leave the room to go to the toilet, they cry piteously. If you go into the kitchen to hang out some laundry, they whine until you come back.

If your baby is like this, remember that the best ways of helping him through this phase are to understand his concerns: he really, truly does not know if you will ever come back, once you are out of his sight. To help him feel confident about your coming and going, and to reassure him that you will always come back, never slip away when he isn't looking. If he knows that you could vanish at any moment, he may well become even more anxious..."

for more info:

• Find out more about the best ways to help your baby through separation anxiety : http://www.babycenter.com.sg/baby/development/socialandemotional/independence/

• Why separation anxiety can affect your baby's sleep and what you can do about it : http://www.babycenter.com.sg/baby/sleep/wakinginnightexpert/

Hey mummies can't seem to log in yest.

Dewdew, aly started her stickiness a mth ago and stil doing so. She won't be in playard as she will scream to tear the house down. I must sit beside her in the living room while she plays. She will look back to check if I'm still there every few seconds and will climb up to me and play her toys. Follow me to toilet and kitchen then pull my dress pj while standing up. And will whine along the way when crawls to me. There's no one moment I can do my stuffs. But nvm la jus let them be. This is the only period they will stay close to u. Haa! I'm stil loving it though it does drive me crazy as it's 24/7. Even fall asleep will still wake up to check if I'm besides her as she sleeps at 8, I can only do housework after tat so hav to keep going back to bed and fake sleep beside her when she wakes up. Everyday sleep at 12+ le. Lol and she wakes up 7sharp.

Mummies, I think my girl also v fierce. She doesnt seems like a 8+ mths old baby to me. More like a toddler. She can be v demanding, will scream for things and attention. Plays like a big girl. Follow the adult actions after she sees us doing it. Hav been doing the "oh" and "a" all the time. As we adult always "orh" when we answer or "oh" when things drop. So she has been dropping her things and shout "oh" or play w her toys and shout "oh". Faint!! And now she likes to "A" ppl also. Really dont seems like a baby to me..

Muddypaws, aly also loves to bite ppl now. When she put her mouth on me, I will also tell her no!

Mommies, if your kiddos are on Mamil, I just got a call from Dumex that Dumex is having an offer now for Mamil STep 2, 3 and 4. Buy 5 tins, get one free (all 900g). Free delivery. Call 67422722.

cherrry, thanks for sharing that aly is also behaving like a velcro tape. LOL! it really drives me crazy 'cos i'm just not used to it, i can't stand stickiness. but after reading, i guess i need to teach her that i'll return and also to teach her to be independent. haiz... so true that this might be the only time they'll stick to us so we had better cherish the time together.

lol to the fake sleeping beside her. hahaha... gwen will wake up in the middle of the night to look for me too, so i will search in the dark for her pacifier, stuff it in her mouth, then try to get her to go back to sleep. thankfully she drifts off quite fast, hope that won't change!

muddy, her gums must be itchy but i think u'll hv to teach Liz not to bite u and the sofa. only bite the teething toys given to her.

muddy> OoOOh. I'm such a Mamil fan haha! but yah, the biting...grr. i remember the white blinding pain for my girl chomping down on my nipple back when i was bfing her. KAOZ CAN DIE LOR how can something so small hv so much jaw power, right??

velcro baby> AWWWW. velcro baby. mine likes to go down..free range baby.

dew/cherry: Liz started being sticky a month back too. Would chase after us when me or my maid leaves her sight. Would hug my legs and stand, or cry pitifully when I leave her alone in the room or cot. When she gets upset, I would always tell her that I'm leaving the room to do something etc and I would be back. Would then leave her to fret for a while before I pop back in. She would normally be sitting there waiting for me, and would welcome me with a big smile. Now she's ok when I leave her alone.

roz: I have that exact thought... so small yet so strong!

dew/cherry: We normally would stop her when she bites on furniture. For the chair, I thought she was happily licking the chair, so didn't say anything. Too late, damage done. Hubs says he would get a replacement chair from Liz' bank account! haha.....

mummies... wow! busy day for me. finally can take a breather.

muddypaws: thanks, chey is fine now. but the clingy, fussy and whiney her is making us all very tired.

lena: yes to sleep issues with chey and her super cheekiness nowadays. can be a handful at times. haha

yvaine: ya lah. must chong chu jiang hu liao. keke

haha, so many of us are going to malacca for road trip. rachel went liao. mine was postponed. and now you are going. lol... enjoy hor!

muddypaws: liz is using you as her teether. must be so painful!

dewdew: thanks for the information on the velcro baby. yes! thats very apt for them now. velcro baby!

cherrry: all along i feel aly doesnt behave her age. she is a fast developer.

i do fake sleeping with chey too. but most times doesnt work. wahaha..

Hi mommies and daddies, am busy at work.


Just share with those who are siao like me, who love chinese story book. Can read here for free[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I love Ni Kuang, Wesley series (Thanks to rediffusion, I listened to the stories read by Yan Kwee Juan and Xu Hui Ming, 20+ years ago already). I read them when I was 10 years old (cos my brothers are all his fans). The storyline is still very fresh in my brain till today.


Here we go[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]




High time for me to brush up my Chinese again[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jin Yong fans can also read his storybook here, enjoy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will catch up with the posts soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have a wonderful evening[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif];)

ESquare - thanks! i pm-ed you on the friso ;)

Joy - ya agree, very fast... the babes grow so fast!! i oredi miss having a tiny little IMMOBILE baby in my arms... now she wriggles all over and is strong enough to push, reach, grab etc...

Debbie - hihi!! same lor... mine also sometimes wakes 5-6 times... but now i'm putting her back in the cot (rather than on our bed) but still in the same room, and she seems to sleep better. if she just wakes 1-2 times for milk, me very happy oredi....

muddy - wow liz very advanced, now 6th tooth oredi... fierce sia! hhahaa... talking about injury, my K has injured my mom 3 times!!! first time, she grabbed my mom's face, and then bit her (!!).... second time, victim still my mom, they were on the bed, and my mom pretended to sleep when K woke, and K again bit my mom, this time on her lower lip! it got real bruised and swollen, my poor mommy. then third time was yesterday. K was trying to grab a toy form the toy rack, and the wooden xylophone fell and hit my mom's face, at the corner of the eye... my mom was in so much pain! she said she would probably have gone blind if it hit her eye... really poor thing, my mom.

velcro baby - such a cute term, hehehe... mine's a little like that too. i love it when i'm carrying her, and someone comes along and tries to carry her, and she'd hold me so tight and burrow her face/head into my chest/armpit.... oooh such a sweet feeling, heheh

Eon - oh really?? u also planning to go ah? cool! when have you postponed it too? my hubby just sms me saying he's coughing and has some body ache... pray hard hard that he won't fall sick... else really cannot go. hotel cannot cancel cause booked during promotion. so if cannot go, very sayang...

fake sleep - hahah i do that too! works only at times. other times she'd come over and kar cheow me so i wake too...

Hi Pauline,

My part time housekeeper has been with me for almost 3 years. Quite reliable and clean. We usually leave the keys with her. I remember she mentioned that she has a free weekend slot a few mths back. I can check with her. PM me.

Yvaine, oh my boy used to wake up 5-6 times when he was 5 months!! Super tiring. I know how you feel. Now, wake up once is considered very good. Actually my friend told me it's cos our bubs sleep too much in the day. Therefore they can wake up easily at night. So what I do is I don't let my boy sleep in yaolan in the afternoon anymore. Only morning nap can be in yaolan, the rest in baby cot. And he sleep shorter and less in the afternoon, night time sleep better.

Cherry, dewdew, my boy is a Velcro baby too! But I love it when he prefers me other than other ppl. He will crawl to me where ever I am. And he will prefer me to carry. Just that sometimes he doesn't let me do my own things. But I guess it's a phase la. And if baby not sticky to us now, 10 years later they don't want us alr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so I'm cherishing my Velcro baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hee yes Debbie, before we know, they will reach the stage where don want us lo. So treasuring all the moment. Haa!

Eon, she really behaves like a toddler lor. Cannot stand her :p

morning mummies

i was sick yest...i tink i kana food poisoning...sigh...didnt see doc juz rest @ hm for one day, nw bk to work.

my gal rvc a gift frm a birthday bb in her IFC (dun kw its a boy or gal...hehe)...its a photo frame wif her name on top...so cute!!

juz chk e calendar tat to my gal's birthday stl gt 3+mths to go...muz starts to plan n source for gifts to giv her playmates le...

any mummies starts to plan for yr bb ardy?? i nd sm ideas what to giv to her playmates...=)

PSH, take care ya u better today?

Mummies, hw much milk average shld be our bb intake? It can be calculate as one day amt and not every few hrs le right?

And for their milk bottle, those tat alrdy outgrew, we hav no use gotta throw le?

good morning mommies!

Re: seperation anxiety

While it's all out in all the baby research papers that babies usually suffer from seperation anxiety now, my parents are positively sure that Liz must have suffered from some fright or something that resulted in her not wanting to be left alone. Say that Liz is timid... Blames it on my hubs for playing rough with liz (eg. Lifting her high into the air etc). Sigh...

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

PSH, Alexis classmate gave her a strawberry short cake passport holder and 1 piece of Polar's cake. Very cute leh.

Cherrry, I was reading Babycentre. FM intake is weight x 100ml - 150ml is the average intake per day. So Alexis is 8.7Kg x 100ml =870ml per day. Now she is taking 180ml x 5 feeds=900ml.

PSH: hope u feel better now... take soupy stuff and not oily and fried things..

cherrry: i saw an article in baby centre that once bb start to eat solids, their daily intake of FM should gradually decrease to about 720ml / 24oz. the recommendation for a bb established on soplids is that they should phave at least 600ml / 20oz of FM per day until they are one year old. Hope this helps. I see if i can find the link and paste it here...

good morning mummies,

stefie, wah, yr chinese so good can read story books? i read newspaper also hv problem. lol! impressed leh!

cherrry, my gal is now on 2 solid meals a day, with some biscuit snacks in between. she drinks about 180ml 4x in the day, about 720ml. so mine is still using her Avent 260ml bottle. Phew... for a while i thot i have to upgrade it to a 330ml bottle. :p


Brandsfever now selling Raycop Smart @ $245 (original $348).

Is this a good model and deal?

I know there are other newer models such as Hera and Magnus.

Hope mummies can give me some reviews. Xie xie! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PSH, hope you are feeling better. Avoid milk stuff, chilli stuff till you are better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dewdew, my chinese okay lah. Just skip the words I can't read and agar agar loh. I can read long and short form chinese, thanks to the chinese storybooks, my chinese then was super good until I started working. I just love Ni Kuang's sci-fi stories, like my bed time stories at 10 years old[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I even read Qin Kai Lun Romance story book also[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry Cherrry, I only feed 180ml first and last feed. In IFC, her teachers feed her about 120 - 150ml x 3 times on weekday. Weekend we feed more FM (180ml x 5 feeds) cos we didn't cook porridge or feed her cereal (When we go out whole day)

cherry: thks...i feel better today...lucky no more fever otherwise my HB wldnt let me cm to work today.

currently my gal stl drinking 180ml x 4 feeds per day wif one solid food n cereal in btw so she stl can use 260 ml pigeon bottles.

stefie: so far we rvc a photo frame n a goodies of bb biscuits...Alexis's classmate giv polor cake?? but she stl cannt eat lei...hehe

leelee: thks...i dun tink i hv e appetite to eat any fried or oily ting...will try to take soupy food.

stefie: Alexis is of good weight! Liz is 8.5mths now, and she's only 8kg!

mommies, just wanted to get something off my chest. I was nagged at by my mum yesterday for bringing liz for a walk downstairs at 845pm on Monday night. She says that it's the lunar 7th month now, I shouldn't bring her down. Told her I didn't have a choice as Liz refused to sleep, and was fussing. Hubs put her in the Bbay Bjorn and within 2mins of reaching downstairs, liz dozed off. Now she's also blaming us for liz being clingy, saying that she's timid because of the rough games we play with her. Gosh, I just wish they won't draw conclusions like that... it's tiring having to explain what seperation anxiety is etc, and she refuses to listen. She's nagging at me for enrolling Liz in GUG, saying that the class coincides with Liz' nap time.

PSH, the Polar cakes is for the parents lah. Her skoolmate mommy bought those individual small cake (Lilo and stitch) and indivdual pack in the polar box. Hubby said very nice and soft. The passport holder is put into those nice small bag. We will be doing the same for her birthday in dec[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take already, then don't think too much. Cos the milk will make stomach reacts more for some people.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Muddypaws, yes leh. She is quite tall for her age also, she is not fat. Her teachers said can see Alexis gain some weight from her fat fat hands. I wonder what her teachers fed her during weekdays, must be hao liao. My arms are aching from carrying her, I think have muscle liao.

7th month, I only pantang when reach home must wash feet and hands. Cos my Indian friend mentioned that evil spirit or ghost will follow us home thru our feet. So I make sure hubby will wash his feet once reach home.

stefie: same leh... jovan's IFC also feed him 120-150ml (2 feeds) and porridge for one feed.. At home we feed 180ml for first and last feed.. Just now jovan kena complained... they says jovan dun wana sleep in sch... make alot of noises.. will alexis be like that?

Muddy: liz is still not the skinnest... Jovan is 8.5 months and 7kg lor!! i so scared like what Juliana says baby being under norished.. but i also cannot do anything lor.. so i leave to fate lor..

Thanks stefie, leelee, dewdew, psh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my girl turning 9mths tmr! So fast! She's 9kg now. I feed 4 milk a day my mom ask me enough anot cos tot like earlier hav feed every few hr. Cos nw (finally) she's taking her solid better alrdy so I've stop all dreamfeed few wks back. Her first and last feed now is 250-270ml then 1pm 180ml, 4pm 210ml. Shld be ok le hor? Although not a big eater for lunch and dinner at least now she eats le. So I'm using 330ml bottle haa. But hw abt those smaller bottles? Those 120ml ones? Hav to throw le?

Leelee, Alexis skool is feeding her 150ml x 3 feeds, sometimes will feed 180ml depends on how long apart is her porridge and cereal time.

Alexis nap time is only 1/2 hrs - 1 hrs x 2-3 times bah in skool. Only on rare occasion like yesterday, she slept for 2 hrs and her teacher will wake her up to drink milk. But at home during weekend, she can nap 3 naps x 1-2 hrs with us napping with her. I think skool has classmate to play with, at home super bored lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Alexis all along very independent, even awake she will play by herself or with classmate, seldom kena complain by her teachers. Everytime her teachers will give her thumbs up. When Alexis cry for reasons, really mean she is hungry or diaper super wet and not for attention.

Good Morning Mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherry / dew / leelee / stefie - mine also drinks 170ml x 3 times plus 2 solid meals per day. Damn little I know, we usually try to squeeze in some 60-80ml somewhere in btw. Trying to come up with a menu schedule for my mil in follow soon. So hard to feed her milk.

How to make her drink more milk???

Cherrry, Aly is okay lah, a day abt 890-930ml. As long as she is gaining weight well don't be bothered by others comment. We mommies know our babies better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muddy, the elders are always like that...it's all out of concern for Liz, good intentions but..poor execution?

PSH> hope you are feeling better, yeah? drink more water, keep hydrated. So cute IFC also give presents to each other? At 1 yr old, can they do colouring yet? Crayons would be cute (haha)..socks? ABC book? >.<

actually my girl (who turns 4 today, btw! Happy birthday Princess!) is still drinking from 250 ml bottle..I never upgrade her to the 330 ml. She also used the No. 2 teat for the longest longest longest time.



my gal aso quite light...gg to 9mths n she is stl 7.4kg...my mother n MIL keep saying she is nt eating much n nt chubby...i aso dun kw wat to do...i aso leave it to fate le.


e cake is a gd idea too...i was tinking of baking cupcakes...hehe

