(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Crystal: I don't think I will use the cup if that happens to me...

Stefie: is Alexis better today?

For the tiny round biscuits, can buy from isetan supermarket if you want the Jap brands. They carry wakodo and pigeon biscuits.


Crystal, eww I hate xiao qiang! well discardc ur cup la, meanwhile drink mineral water if there is any at ur office pantry or vending machine? buy a new cup later during lunchtime :p

Oh..didnt knw so many mummies here using petpet,hee...i never use before so no comment, m y 2 kiddos are ok wif mommy pokko leh, day time they use pureen

Amelia, wah ur boy so adventurous!! even my 2.5 yr old ger is nt taking any of those food u mentioned, turnip/kangkong..:p


oh dear, hope Alexis is feeling better..she has been coughing on/off ah? PD gt say anything or gt chk her lungs?

Well nt easy for you alone taking care of her since ur hb nt ard too...if u feel lonely, maybe can ask ur mum or ur sister to come ur place to keep u company? at least gt someone to talk to is better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at least my mum/sister or even my neighbour try come over to play wif my kids so i feel better too

I stop usin mama poko once size M cos i find it a bit bulky. Usin pampers nw. Wil stock in whenver ntuc gt promi. Buy pck $37++.. My boy oso kip wake up midfle of nite.. n look so energetic. Damn slpy..

I stop usin mama poko once size M cos i find it a bit bulky. Usin pampers nw. Wil stock in whenver ntuc gt promi. Buy pck $37++.. My boy oso kip wake up midfle of nite.. n look so energetic. Damn slpy..

mangogal: i think we the parents who are adventurous .. lol .. i m going to give red pepper n leek (if possible) to him this weekend ..


yes my toothing is teething, can see his 2 front teeth on top coming out soon. but seems like hes been waking up for night feed like for the past 1mth. teething can be such long time? cant wait for him to get over this phase.


is pampers better than mama poko? $37+ is for how many pieces? can last the whole night? my boy can use up 2 pieces of mama poko L size.

friso 2

anyone keen is this? 900g selling at $20.

Mangogal, No chance of buying cup during lunch. i work in a bird dun lay eggs area. i using co's cup now haha.. i dun get how did xiao qiang get in cos my cup is covered. anyways that's not impt.. its soo * skin crawl*

amelia, how do u give the peppers? i like red pepper too i also wan to give to ethan haha but i'm not sure how haha

Neko, ya ya mine is the wakado brand. I paid 4.20 for the pack i bought. Its 6 individual packs in a box.

hi mummies


hope Alexis is better nw...for my ger when she 1st teething she aso gt mild fever, nw whenever she teethed she is ok, no fever or cracky...her 5th tooth is cming out.

mummies, nd sm advice, both my mum n my MIL find tat my ger nt chubby euff, nw i feed my gal every 4 hrs, @ IFC teacher will feed porridge, i dun kw hw to make my ger chubby lei...my ger nw is 8.5mths weight abt 7.4kg...

hope mummies here can help me.

Crystal: Roast is to peel the skin easily. Cant give bb the skin, too much fiber, difficult for them to digest. Of course, also to kill the raw taste .. :) Hope your Ethan likes it since it is not so sweet ..


teething can b vy long...but its up to individual bb...izzit tis yr boy 1st tooth??

when my ger 1st time teething, she will wake up quite often at nite...


i prefer Goon n PetPet...but Goon is quite ex so nw chg to PetPet.

PSH, regarding your que, maybe you can give your bb some avocado? see if it works? but not sure if your bb will like the taste. or maybe more milk?

Amelia, i see i see.. to remove the skin. oki. thanks.

Hi, I am looking for mums for a survey for 20mins. Token - 30 bucks NTUC voucher. Criteria is you must be user of Abbott brand of milk formula, e.g. Gain or Similac. This survey will start from next Monday, 15th Aug. Anyone keen just sms me your full name, your age, yr hp no., your baby age and brand use. My hp no. 97640028. Thanks, Sally.

hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i see some already into feeding peppers hehe, i also tot of trying that to my fussy eater :p

crystal, i read abt the baby cockroach, yuck! i will throw the cup, i hate cockroaches!!

cindy, i threw liao... i cant get the image out of my head when i open the lid and the cockroach was crawling inside.. okie okie dun make ppl lose their lunch hahaa. how's your babe?

any mummies have any idea how to prevent mozzie stinging our babes? i've an ultrasound device, mozzie netting and i apply the J&J anti mozzie oil liao still ethan gets bitten. at wits end. sighh..

Thanks Neko, PSH. Alexis is better liao. Still playing and nagging quite alot still even down with cough and running nose. When she saw her daddy yesterday, she was so happy.... I think she call pa pa or ba ba liao..... Ha!! ha!!


my 2 girls are perpetually being attacked by mozzies! i recently even got dengue and was admitted for 4 days!

we have those anti mosquito device that plugs into the wall socket. we bought from ntuc. http://www.mortein.com.au/product_odour_mozzie_zap.php

the girls wear mosquito patches all day and we spray california baby bug repellent on their arms and legs several times a day. http://www.agapebabies.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=48&products_id=142

when everyone is out of the house, we will light mosquito coil at the dark corners to chase any mosquitos away.

occasionally one or two will still get through but it's much better from when they were getting bitten few times a day.

stefie, how's alexis? sorry i missed the post that she's not feeling well, guess she is better now?

cannot le very smelly my current place very small i tink we will all smell like walking mozzie coil haha. i tink its my blood type. attracts mozzie like mad type.

grumpus, u poor thing. i was afraid he will get dengue that's y i put up so many 'barriers" hahaha. his bites doesnt heal fully. Does this happen for your gals too? i bought a similar plug in but that uses sound frequency cos i turn on the whole day even when we are out cos I'm afraid the mozzie will bite my dog haha..

does the patches work? where do u get them from? i shall buy the bug repellant. thanks for the info.


thks...but i dun kw hw to choose avocado n hw to prepare??


same as my ger but yest nite juz notice her 5th tooth cming out aso....regarding e red pepper...if toast it, nd to toast hw long??


glad to hear tat Alexis is better...my ger aso coughing, she will always cough when she is teething smtime stl gt running nose...but all tis we cant do anyting, can onli giv them more water n hope e cough quickly go away.

crystal, haha i cant imagine the image in my head either, but i dun wan to see any :p

my girl still picky on her foods, i had my PILs over the last week, MIL been helping with her feeds, she can feed her much better than me, i have to admit...so i up her, today i tried again, failed, alamak!!

maybe u can use the mozzie band or something, not sure if its sold in SG, put the band around baby's wrist?

or maybe like wat stef said, ethan got sweet blood, yummy!! hehe

PSH, choose avocado with dark almost blackish skin, press it lightly it shld be soft to touch. you only need to mash it up, if its ripe its very soft and easy to mash.

Crystal, no worries lah. Alexis is better now. Happily playing and nagging[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That time Ethan kena mozzie bites right. That looks bad, see liao heartpain. your area so much mozzie?

PSH, thanks. I think when teething baby will drool more to moisture their gums to aid teeth growing, so more prone to cough and running nose bah.

Cindy, Clarice bully you lah. Notti gal.

Hi mommies,

My gal is a December babe and I have been following this thread silently. Anyone planning for #2 now? My DH has been talking to me about it. But I have mixed feelings.

I love my family a lot, of course but I have to admit that I am quite a career-minded person as well. My job is very challenging, stressful, demanding and request long hours. Having said that, it gives me more than 100% satisfaction as well. Already with my gal, I am struggling with meeting my expectation from work and from home. We don't have family support and gal goes to IFC.

I love kids, I do. But I also know that if #2 comes along, I will definitely have to change to a more stable, routine-like job. I am not sure if I am ready to do that but i feel that by thinking like this, it is very selfish to my husband cos having a more than 1 child family is what we had agreed on.

Frankly, I thank God that my child is quite an easy one. But I don't know what is in store for me for #2. I did struggle through the first 2 months with #1 a lot. Had trouble BF, had a horrible CL, no one helping us... Now things are more fun with her being 7 months already and I am sorta dreadful of going through the same trauma for the second time.


my girls bites swell up really big and red and hard. my pd said that it's quite common for kids to get that kind of reaction to mozzie bites. pd advise to apply a bit of steroid cream to let them heal faster. my girl has eczema so we already hv steroid cream.

the bites have healed but the marks are still there lor

we tried the frequency thing before but find it doesn't work as well as the one that gives out the insecticide. even then, these work better in small enclosed area like bedroom. doesn't work so well in the living room.

mosquito patches we've tried many too. even those that selling on the BP. they're cheaper but we find that they dun last as long so end up we hv to change more frequently. now we just get those tiger balm ones from pharmacy. more ex but can last for the whole day. go check out pharmacy, they hv many brands.

we stick on the back, at the bottom of their shirts so they dun breathe in too much of the smell. but it only works on a limited area, so we found that if use patch alone, they still tend to get bites on their ankles or arms. that's why when they're outside or in the living room, we will apply the spray on their arms and legs.

the spray is really good. previously my elder girl used to come home from sch with bites on her legs. now i spray once before sch and i get the teacher to spray one more time in between and so far so good, no bites.

allur: Hi, it's alwaya tough the first few months. I can agree with you on the trauma esp having to wake up every 1-2hrs for breastfeeding.So lack of sleep.

i think give yourself some time to consider and prepare yourself for the 2nd one. I plan to have 2nd only next year so my girl is over 2 yrs by the time the 2nd one is born. Smile! God will take care in His timing.

Hi stevie

Hope Alexis get well soon. I'm also struggling with 2 kids at home while HB overseas frm sun nite til tml nite. First was my gal, then pass to my boy n myself.. Haiz.. I had so little rest past 2 days and still have to 'work' around the house the nxt day. Luckily today brought to PD, and the med makes him slp better so I can get sum slp earlier... And he also dun wan solids, jus milk.. =( heart pain rite?

Mossie bites

So far, I dun haf tt at home. Maybe also cos high floor? Must be so poor thing to see the red bites swellin up. Do take care and be careful cos quite a few dengue cases around.


So need to peel skin for peppers? I didn't do tt when I did the pasta sauce for my boy le. Alamak... And I am plannin to give him tml. Do u think it's ok, since it's purée?


I am nt sure how much u wanna sacrifice for ur family at the expense of ur high flying career. But I can tell u it's gonna to be tough if u are plannin for #2 with such close gap, without any family support.. I, a SAHM, with a 30month old gal & 8month boy. I am already struggling and HB fly very often so many times, I am alone with them. Lucky for me, my grandma stays with me, in case if emergency arises.

I gave up my job, possibilities of furthering my HR studies. Cos to me, I rather be a SAHM with my kids and I do not seek achievement thru my career but at home. So it really depends a lot on ur expectations. Actually it means no harm if u wait a couple if years for #2 if u really can't manage at tis moment for #2 to come along. As long as u r goin for more kids, I dun think u r being unfair to ur HB.

Having kids is a commitment and if u go for #2 when u r not ready, I feel it will lead to a lot of problems tt u n HB might come to. So really have to make plans. IFC or CC is not a solution, there wil come a time if ur kids are sick, who is gonna take leave and all.. Must really think properly and not let kids affect the relationship... Jia you...

Andrea, i prefer pampers. Duno leh. Jus feel its less bulky n tink bb more comfortable wearg it. i do chg his diaper if he wake up @5-6am. I chg his diaper around 10-11pm b4 he slp. Im a bit kiasu kind, wil alwiz chg diaper often cos im afraid wetness brin discomfort to bb. Size M is 68pc per pck. Size L is 60pc. If i rem corectly, per pc is abt $0.29 -$0.30.

PSH, ya gd to gv avocado. I wil add a scop of FM n cereal into avocado since my bb drink little milk.

i oso forbear to hv 2nd child nw aft tinkg of the sucks confinement time n all the trauma. Moreover, hubby nt helpg much in takin care bb. My health deteriorate due to CL din do well. Ple ask me to hv 2nd child so tat gt chance to improve my health.. But am v.reluctant givin my bb nw so dificult.

Well, the decisn stil depend on yr u n yr hubby.

Me dun intend to hv bb in the yr of snake, cos dun want to hv "liang tou ser" @hm.. (2snakes) cos hubby snake.

Oshgosh baby

Yes I will be able to collect from your place as I am staying in the East as well, not far away. Any weekend is fine with me, just let me know the most convenient timing.


Has been postponing my business trip to India but may soon have to go...Will not be convenient to pump.

Need advice on how to introduce formula milk to baby. My eldest was a bit milk allergic so she was on hypoallergenic formula, not sure if my baby will be too. Would like to try out.

What is the best way to introduce formula? If I give one bottle a day for a few days, will the reaction show up? or few feeds a day for a few days?

Mozzie bite

anti mozzie patch, I put like 3 on baby's clothes, have mozzie lamp and citronella spray too. not very effective, she still get bites on the face or ears!

I find the anti mozzie repellent from Hansaplast effective but supposed to be for above 2 years old. So I put on the clothes on the back.

Dear Mummies & Daddies~ following are some impt note for you.

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hello mummies and daddies, it's been a long time since i logged in.. boss gave me lots to do.. and I was on leave last thurs till wednesday.. finally have some time to log in.. really miss all of u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: hope alexis is better now.. Jovan also teething.. 1st one haven finish growing, the second one come out liao.. he's feeling abit hot.. but no fever.. IFC says his temp on a high side..


Can any mummies tell me can I give buscuits to our kiddos? big recturgular ones, or small rounds kinds? if I let them bite, will they choke?


besides pumpkin, brocooli, spinanch, corn, carrot, fish, chicken, pork... are there any food u all give? can share [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

leelee: we started giving liz pasta with organic pasta sauce, and maid puts bit of cheddar cheese in it. Liz loves it...

LiZ has been eating the bolo biscuits, wafers, cheese sticks, wakado animals biscuits, manna biscuits. She has 5 teeth already, so I think she's managing ok.

muddypaws: thanks! where to get the pasta, sauce? can eat cheese? what kind of cheese? you let liz hold the biscuits and gawn on them?

leelee: We use angel hair (normal brand), star pasta (organic from Cold STorage). I use Peter Rabbit brand of pasta sauce (from Brown Rice Paradise at Tanglin Mall). Cheese-wise, we are giving her cheddar cheese (broken into bits and mixed into her pasta). Oh, we put green peas into her food too.

Biscuits, yeah... she holds her own cookies. Gulps it down in 2 bites. Haha!


thanks muddypaws [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm gg to shop for some pasta.. tanglin mall abit far hor.. maybe i try the parkway organic shop and see if they sell...

yeah!! peas!! take out the seeds and blend..

Re: biscuits

Maybe i should try those big ones then slowly give the small bolo biscuits.. i was thinking if i should mix with milk anot.. cuz very mafan..

Re: peppers

I saw some mummies say peppers.. issit the bell peppers? give the red or the yellow ones? steam then blend can? must roast? how to roast?


Btw, do ur kiddos use toothpaste? any rec? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

