(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

Osh gosh,

Yes there should be some basic rules.. Of course some rules can be bent later on if helper is good ..

I have 3 kids so I have more rules at home.. Some rules applied to the kids and helper too.. So it really depending on each household needs..most important is to let ur helper know what ur bottom-line is.. If she steps over then bye bye..

Emmanuel ...

Lately I am so tired and our boy here is fussing due to teething... And poor mummy and helper really has no energy to carry him...13kg 7mths plus..... He is so heavy that he can't stand or crawl[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Good morning, mummies! It feels like a Sunday today!!

Last Sunday my hubby let me sleep in till 11AM while he took care of the kids..it was so blissful! It's been a really long time since got to sleep in..even today was up and about by 8AM thanks to the baby who decided to crawl all over our faces and claw at our noses. Then he woke up #1, so really no hope of sleeping in.

Yesterday, he fell off our bed. When I got up he was sound asleep, stepped into the kitchen and toilet for a few minutes then heard this loud BUMP followed by wailing and my heart just stopped!! Ran in there (and I don't run!). Our bed is super tall..Luckily he is OK..hubby and I stared at him the whole evening to make sure he did not start vomiting or whatever.

Anyways, Abbott had a $5 (for every $46 purchase) discount coupon in the papers last week, valid only at Fairprice, if anyone is interested, PM me! I've got 2 pcs..


It's more food than The Line but Todai dun haf the Indian Food (Naan, rending and all). But in terms of seafood, pasta, pizza, chilli crab, tempura (prawns, fish, Korean ginseng), BBQ beef/sausage/chic etc.. I find the spread very fulfilling, they dun haf ice cream counter like The Line but got a ice cream machine like Mac & very yummy vanilla flavor. Nice soufle cheesecake,, u can go my FB see, tats only like less than half of wat they offer. Very good for sushi & sashimi lover, very widespread.


Glad tt BB is fine...

Debbie, i realy worried abt him. Actually, i wonder shld i stop feedg him while he slp... Jus wait he hungry, then feed. Last sat saw pd, he said i must heartend my heart nt to feed him until he v.hungry if i realy want to chg his eatg behaviour. Must try tis for 2wks. But i doubt i cando it loh.. Cos i wil feel demoralised if see him whole day drink so little..

How? Mummy out there.. Wat shld i do?

Below my boy feedg schedule:

8.30am 90-110ml (depend)

11.15am porridge abt 3-4tablespoon

12.45pm 100-120ml milk

2.30pm ppridge abt 3-4tablespoon

4pm 100-120ml milk

7pm 100-120ml

10pm 100-120ml.

Do u tik schedul too pack? reason y i giv him milk abt 1.5 to 2hr aft poridge is bcos he slpg n takin chance to feed when he slp.

Im damn lost n wonder shld i folow pd sugestn? But i knw if i do tat, i must expect his weight drop drastically.

Can u all share yr bb feedg schedule? N hw many time yr bb slp per day?

I realy depressed n tired w my bb.

Babe prob u wanna try change abit of the schedule? Cos 3-4tbsp of porridge and u feed milk again so fast like abit tight on the timing. I do feed my girl milk at 1hr later after porridge for lunch cos she only takes abt 1tbsp of porridge. He sleeps from 10-830? Inbtwn do u dreamfeed? Think bb at 6mths shld stop dreamfeed or not it's not good for them. I was still doing it cos my girl can't even take 1tbsp of solid until recently she has up her intake a bit, I stop all the 2 dreamfeed from her night sleep till she wakes up. And instead I increase the amt of milk she drinks which I always wanted to and told myself I will do it once she increase her solid. And thnks to amuro for giving me the assurance to go ahead too. Hee. So work ard w the schedule ya. Don't stress.

My girl schedule:

730am - 250ml milk

10am - 2tbsp cereal

12pm - 1-2tbsp porridge

1pm - 180ml milk

330pm - fruits

4pm - 180ml milk

7pm - 3tbps porridge

930pm - 250ml milk

morning mummies

hope everyone yr NDP celebration

remember i mention tat my sis gg to giv birth on NDP, guess my nephew decided nt to hv e same birthday as our country, he cm out early on 08.08.11....hehe


i think after e 11++ porridge (sm more 3-4tbps) den 1.5hrs later giv milk a bit too fast...u may wan to drag longer den giv him milk

my gal used to drink little milk but nw we will take cue frm her n her feeding time is abt every 4hrs, we try to giv her b4 4hrs to drink she wldnt wan to drink...so mayb u try to take cue frm yr son

i cant tell u my gal's schedule cos her timing depend on wat time she start her 1st feed n wat did she hv cos its my MIL who do e feeding, currently she onli hv 1 feed of porridge which is @ e IFC.

i agreed wif Cherrry tat u shld stop dreamfeed, i aso heard nt gd for bb. i guess if u wan to feed him milk after his porridge den mayb reduce e amt otherwise u may wan to drag his timing.

morning mummies and daddies ^_^

terribly late today as i forgot to turn my alarm clock on! catch up on the post later. great day ahead ^_^

morning mummies, hiaz feeling sooo blue n lost today as hubby has fly off for 20 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] or maybe enjoyed too much on monday n yest too much, just feel so blue.. hb 1st trip after 2 kiddos born...so he hasnt fly for 2 yrs, then he informed me another one next yr Apr to TW for 1 mth!!

so these 2 days prep my #1 papa gng away cos 1st time for her...she was quite moody...yest nite before my hb left hm to airport, he said bye to her n she keep asking we kiss, my goodness so embarassing! so she laughed n giggle as we peck kisses on cheeks to each other n on her little face too..just nw when she woke up, she didnt ask papa where cos she will ask me every morning but i remind her daddy take aeroplane n go work, she give me a sad face, hiaz i feel like crying so i hug her n immediately she sayang my hair n face with a smile then she also sayang didi alot nw...aiii hving a daughter is such a bliss!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so u all will get such hugs n sweet moments frm ur gers in future or even now esp Muddypaws's Liz is so sweet liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sorry if my post is abit irrelevant cos is abt #1 nt my boy...but just want to share mummies who feel dwn at times wif bubs who is cranky stage now...just look fwd to their growing up to toddlerhood cos they are really sweet if really minus the terrible two moments,hee...

Roz, glad that ur boy is fine[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


When you say tbsp of porridge, do you mean cooked or uncooked rice?

In the morning my helper will cook 3 tbsp of rice (uncooked) for my son.

On average this is what he eats:

Morning: 1 banana / papaya (fruit)

Breakfast: 1/2 of the cooked porridge

Late Morning/ Lunch: 1/2 of the cooked porridge

Late Afternoon: Cereal

In between will have milk of about 90-120ml here and there.

7pm-730pm(last feed): Will take 180ml-240ml of milk then sleep.

The last feed sometimes can last till 4am or 5:30am. If not if he wakes at anytime between 11pm-1am then I will give him a bit more more milk then all the way till 5-6am

On average he drinks about 600-700ml a day on top of the solids.

Good morning mummies.

My boy woke up at 4.30am to play! Zzz.. and he only went back to zzz after milk at 5am and playing for another 15mins. So tired. Any solutions to this? Should i make he sleep less in the day?

Babe, Don't worry so much. based on what i see, your schedule does not seem so worrying. It's ok to make baby wait a little longer before feeding milk after feeding porridge. Your baby takes solids quite well as compared to my boy. Sometimes my boy will go for 12hours without milk and he won't fuss for milk. He can have his last feed at 9pm and then at 9am then drink he also not super hungry. I guess babies will know when they are hungry. If i force my boy to drink when he is not hungry. He can only manage about 100-120ml.

Here is my schedule for your reference:

6am: 140ml-160ml of BM

9am: 160ml-180ml of BM

11.30am: 1-2 tbsp or si shen fen brown rice powder + vegetable(carrot/spinach/sweetpotato)

12.15am: 150ml of BM

4pm: 170ml-180ml of BM

6pm: 1-2tbsp of porridge or brown rice powder

7pm: 120ml of BM

9pm: 180ml of BM

For me, i feed the milk about 45mins to 1hour after solids because my boy doesn't take much solids. Also, i don't force him to finish all the milk after taking solids as i know his stomach is a bit full already. Don't worry so much ok? You can try drag 2 hours after solid food then give your baby milk?

Debbie, my boy too, recently also wake up play n dun want to go back zz after his milk!! usually he will wake up at 6 for his morning feed n zz..but these 2 days he woke up n play n make alot of noise, i so scared he will wake his sis up,hiyo...


Hang in there, i fully understand cos my hub is always away... I remember feeling so blue when he left during my confinement during no 1's time... Even now, i still feel sian whenever he leaves (which is every 2 weeks) cos it means i hv to do eveeything on my own... Got helper but the feeling is still different..

Hope u hv help fr ur mum, cos it can get really tiring..

Sigh mummies, i see all the babies here eat and drink a lot, think my gal seriously underfed... She cant seem to drink more than 500-600ml a day, with about 1 tablespoon of cereal twice a day.

And last nite and today she keeps crying before sleep and during her sleep plus drinking abt 70ml of milk every 4 hrs..

Dunno wat is bothering her cos she seldom cries until so bad, w tears and face all red.... Wonder if its teething although i dun feel anything yet.

Any bb the same?


your baby is big! 13kg is no joke to carry around. are your 2 elder ones this weight too at this age? u poor thing.

my baby has been waking up at 3am or 4am for feeds, my poor hubby has been complaining lack of sleep as he is the one doing night feeds. can anyone tell me how to prolong his sleep time? here is the schedule"

7.30am milk feed 200ml

10.30am porridge 3tbsp

12pm milk feed 200ml

4pm milk feed 200ml

6pm porridge 3tbsp

9pm/10pm baby cry for milk feed 140ml to 200ml depends

3am/4am baby cry for milk feed 140ml to 200ml depends

oshgosh, maybe this is the 1st time my hb gng away so i feel emo, hiaz..hope i can get use to it, the most worried thing n i am praying very hard is my kiddos dun fall sick! if it does, will be a nitemare:p

ya my mum will try to come n help on weekends, weekdays i am alone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oshgosh..maybe Leah is in a 'new 'pharse', think their pattern change as they get older, cos my boy too, been very playful n dun want to sleep after waking up at 6am, hiaz..so tiring n scared he wake his sister up, no choice gt to zap him in my carrier to do things before #1 wake up for sch

Andrea, is ur boy teething? give ur boy a dream feed at midnite before ur hb sleep..that is wat my hb do cos he do nite feed to for him

good morning mummies & daddies.. had a wonderful mini picnic with other mummies & daddies.

yst me and my hb went to watch Zookeeper.. Very nice.. if mummies & daddies got a chance, go watch it and have a good laugh.

Babies waking up in the middle of nite

Seein so many mummies facing the same pro here kinda makes mi feel better cos i'm in the same ship! My ger will keep whining every now n then in her slp starting from 1am till dawn.. In between she will cry so badly that i gotta carry her for awhile... If still dun stop, i will change her diaper and feed her milk.. Sometimes, she will go to slp after drinkin but sometimes, she will wan to play for another while...

Oshgosh, i hav been havin this pro for weeks.. It's only how serious cos at times i have to keep wakin up hourly but at times, maybe abt 2-3 times i need to wake up only... Mi too dun understand whats the reason for cryin cos doesn't seem like teethin or hungry to me... Haizzz... But mine cries durin slp and not before slp... Did your ger shows other signs of teething like droolin alot, watery poo poo etc?

Cherry/lovebyte, wow.. Ur feedin schedule seems gd.. Giving fruits etc.. I seldom give leh... :p Did ask my mum whether we should make a menu/schedule but she said no need so seems like we r not reali doin a good job in this area.. My ger also takin little solid.. Hai... Wonder when she can improve in this area...

E-Square, ur E3 is reali having a good weight.. My ger is lighter and my arms already achin if carry her for too long.. Ur arms muz be gettin muscular huh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mummies who are makin purees to freeze for porridge.. Do u add water to it when blending it before freezing? I thought of doin this but my mum worry that blending veg n freezing it is not gd for babies... So i'm confused...

mango> keep calm and mother on! Just keep your wits about you..don't panic..try to relax and have a good time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] YOU CAN DO IT!!!

thanks mummies..my boy is pretty hardy it seems. very active also, crawling non stop around the house. loves electrical cables and his sister's masak2 set. he was falling over quite a bit last few weeks, sometimes hitting his head. Until I kena scolded by my mum for not watching him, saying that it will make him stupid zzzz

am home with the two of them today, babysitter went to KL over the holiday. my hubby just started a new job today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] doing something he's really keen on, so, am happy for him

lena> yes sometimes i would add water to thin out the puree to make it smoother. i think the elder folks say it will cause 'wind', is it? if you can prepare fresh every day, then better but otherwise freezing is convenient alternative. my boy eats frozen purees all the time and ok leh...

i don't have a schedule of his feeds but over the past few days since he is home with me, I think he gets about 4 x 180 ml of FM a day, 2 meals (about 2-3 oz) and a snack like biscuits or fruits in between. And also will latch him on whenever I can but i think my supply really CMI now.

Last week when I weighed him at home, he was about 9 kg, that puts him around the 60th percentile [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] happy coz previously he was at the 10th percentile in the past months. And getting quite siong to carry, I don't know how e-square can hulk a 13kg baby around??!?!!??!

gonna try and put the kids down for a nap soon..

Lena Sun, I don't make frozen purees for porridge now, except for pumpkin and sweet potatos, coz these two need to be pressed thru sift to get rids of roots. I do minced all the vegetable together, eg. this week I minced broccoli, spinach and cauliflower, then press them into the ice holder and freeze them. I just pop one cube of these when cooking porridge. The reason why I didn't cook these first is that I feel cooking them, puree and freeze, then cook again into the porridge, prob the nutrients will all be gone... moreover I think my girl should start exploring with food texture. btw, I usually slow cook the brown rice porridge in small slow cooker, hence all the vegetables will be very soft and thoroughly cooked after 1.5 hour of slow cooking.

Yay, my aunt also said best not to pre-prepare the vegetable puree, but really I prefer to control what goes into Leah's mouth, hence I pre-prepare everything on weekends. So far so good, no wind for Leah.

Lovebyte, my girl takes 1tbsp for lunch and tats after cook. Tats hw little she eats. Before cook, it's only 1tbsp of rice for lunch and dinner. The rest are the veg.

Oshgosh, prob Leah is teething? Wanna try damp washcloth for her to bite?

Lena, mine got quite a fix scheulde cos her pattern abt the same cos she has a fix wake up and bedtime. Unless go my mom place she can play till no need to sleep and that's when her bedtime all mess up but she will still wake up at 7plus even she sleeps at 10plus. Or not if at home she will sleeps at 8plus then her last feed will be 8plus and dinner will be 6plus instead I'll make all the adjustment to jus fit her timing. So also gotta see and play ard the timing. From wat I read, freezing is actually better than put in fridge.

Debbie, sometimes my girl also wake up at 430 to play. Faint right. She can jus sit up clap hands an play. Ahyooo. But only some nights. Think it's shld be a phase?

Mummies, any idea hw I can keep my girl occupied? Playard can't keep her long and she gonna outgrown her exersaucer. So tired of keep catching her as she crawl and cruise ard the house w danger. Is there any other things I can keep her in? Really like the exersaucer but got the limit and she's out if it le.

Roz, thanks.. it's quite possible for mi to make purees everyday cos my ger is at my mum's on weekday... But every mon, fri and weekend/PH, i will carry her back to ILs to slp.. N i only bought a blender for my mum's... Quite a headache in this aspect so most likely like Ribena, i will do once a week to blend all the stuff so it's easier... My ger also havin 4-5 feed of milk and 2 feed of porridge everyday.. But the amount of porridge/cereal she eat is soo little.. Aiyo.. wastin all our effort to cook...

Ur boy is growing very well now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My ger seem stuck at 50 percentile for quite sometimes already... though it's dangerous for babies to crawl all ard but bumps and fall is part of their learning too.. Just try to keep a close watch... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good job in bf ur boy for so long.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ya.. i tin my ger only abt 8kg+ and my arms already aching... Thats y i tin Equare hav muscular arms now cos carryin a 13kg bb is no joke!

Ribena.. Thanks for your advice.. SO you puree the veg before cookin them and just freeze them after? Need to add water? As for pumkin/sweet potato/potato, i tin need to cook, add abit of water before blending? Btw, hav u tried ur colourful peppers? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cherrry, Oh... my ger still dun have a fixed schedule so quite difficult for us to fix one too.. Haha.. Ur mum plays alot wif her huh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ya... I thought of freezing cos can keep longer... I tin purees cannot put in normal fridge ba cos will be contaminated soon...

I thought ur ger is exploring all ard ur hus so should be quite occupied already rite? I tin it's hard to keep babies at one area once they wanna explore.. I seldom let my ger crawl on the floor so cant reali comment on this.. PS.. Maybe you gif her more toys to play in one corner?

Ya boy Lena..

My 3 boys really give me muscles..


All my 2 boys are 97 percentile .. This one .. Over the chart already..my body starts to ache .. Maybe also for the fact that I am no longer young...

cherrry, ya really can faint. My boy will sit up and laugh while playing with his pacifier, and then start crawling over me and my HB at 4.30am. My HB also buay tahan. Really hope its just a phase!! haha. Regarding keeping Aly occupied, i also got an exersaucer which is really useful. But i know he will get bored of it after 20mins. However, I realise that when my boy has something new to play with or chew on, he can sit in the baby cot and play with that while i get busy with my stuff. Ya, maybe you can try that for Aly? But it's really their nature to be explorers.

Lena Sun, yup, I washed it, then minced it, until it finely chopped up (look like this: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150374622713345&set=a.10150374621828345.428097.545053344&type=1), not to the consistency of puree thou. Then press them into the ice cube holder, and freeze them. I didn't add any water coz I'm afraid it might dilute the taste and porridge. For broccoli and cauliflower, I wash them and soak them in hot water for 10mins before mincing, coz friends told me sometimes there may be tiny tiny insects in the buds of the broccoli and cauliflower. I tried putting one week's supply in container in fridge, but I find that it turns sourish after 2 days, hence now I freeze them into vegetable cubes.

For pumpkin/sweet potato, the amount is too small to blend nicely, so I manually press them thou a small holes sift. Usually without adding water coz these vegetable are high in water content. But recently I tried Australia Pumpkin, the water content is so-so, it was really hard to press them thru the sift, and the puree turns out to be creamy instead of watery. I think if I add water in, it'll be easily to sift.

As for potato, I tried blending it with alittle water, it turns out to be very flurry, prob need more water. I also tried pressing potato thru the sift, very very difficult IMO. Plus I think potato tends to have no roots or 根 in it, no point pressing it thru sift la.

I tried yellow peppers puree with Leah... I only gave her once coz I myself cannot stand the smell of the puree!!! It gave me headache! Yucks! I still like peppers in solid form, shall try to put it in Leah's porridge one day.

roz: Adam has good weight! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cherry/lena: Liz has fixed schedule (eg. she wakes up automatically at 6plus and sleeps by 8pm), so life revolves around these timings.

cherry: Liz hated the play-yard so much she attempts to climb out of it. So now the whole living room is her play-ground, but I've a lot of little toys on her play-mat (eg. stacking toys, puzzle toys etc) that keeps her entertained for the day.

lena: my maid would steam broccoli and pumpkin together and then blend and freeze. She takes a cube of the frozen puree for the porridge and so far, Liz loves it.

lovebyte: maid cooks about 2-3tbsp of rice for liz to make porridge for 2 meals. When cooked, it's equiv to about 4oz of porridge per meal. She takes fruits after her meals too.

See that most of your babies r eating well. Usually I will also steam and blend into puree then store them in the freezer using baby cubes. Use one cube each time to make porridge or mix with cereals. Puree are usually permutation and combination of pumpkin, carrots, spinach, broccoli or sweet potato. I use 1 tablespoon of rice to make porridge or 3 tablespoon of cereal. If it's the si shen cereal, only 1 tablespoon. Usually my gal cannot finish. Her schedule is like this.

6am milk 180ml

9am milk 180ml

12pm porridge 1 tablespoon uncook rice with puree but cannot finish

2pm milk 120ml

5pm cereal 3 tablespoon plus mixed with puree

8pm last feed 180ml milk

As for naptimes

Morning nap 930-1030

Afternoon nap 230-330pm

Night 830pm to 530pm

Considered very little sleep right? That's why she only 20th percentile., eat and zzz so little. 7 months only 7kg. I wonder how come esquare your Ethan is do big. How's his schedule like? I'm so envious.

Hello Mummies,

Am ordering NanPro2 (Made in Switzerland) min 12 tins per order. Anyone interested?

Will only get goods early september. PM me if interested. $28.50 per tin.

Mommies, what diapers are your babies using? Leah is using Huggies Ultra... she tends to have redness and fungals, I'm thinking if trying out another brand may help...

bbribena: Liz is on huggies (L-size). She has a tendency to have redness too if we don't change her diaper frequently. So now, whenever we smell her pee, we would change it. Now she's ok.

Muddypaws, Liz on L size already! I was doing some readings these few days, apparently better to wear larger size for better ventilation. Perhaps M size is too small for Leah... =P

bbribena: We started her on L-size about 2months back as she was leaking pee/poo for her M-size diaper. I do agree that she's doing better with the larger one.

mommies, do your babies watch TV? To entertain Liz, we have been letting her watch BabyTV (on starhub cable), and liz is now a TV addict. She can sit in front of the TV, holding her toy and watch and watch. When her fav cartoon comes on, she would sit there and dance and cheer. Quite funny to see her do that. I've to say that it has somehow helped in her speech development as now she picks up words easily from me (now she calls everything 'dog' and 'duck'!)

Yeah muddypaws my living room also her play area all the toys but only keep her entertain for awhile then she aim for tv console all the time. Hw do u all box up all the wires?

Debbie yes eh hope it's jus a phase for u. Hee.. Aly gonna outgrown her exersaucer ya so fast is the best but don knw anything else to replace it. She's not interested in toys. We hav bought so many but she jus can't sit still.

Cherry: If you recall, my TV console is 'open concept' so all the wires are exposed, but hidden behind the rattan boxes under the TV. Liz goes for the main switch sometimes but more often than not, she's distracted by the TV. With the TV, she doesn't even care if I'm sitting next to her or not!

Hi bbribena, trina is using petpet/pampers during the day and mamy poko during night.

anyone know which formula is best for 6mths and above?

ribena, think most mummies here using mommy pokko brand, u can try this, i use it since my #1 born

muddypaws, i let my kiddos watch tv to hv my sanity...esp this period when my hubby out of town

morning everyone ~~ woke up by my son at 5 plus, reach office n start work at 7am .. hope everything goes smoothly then i can knock off earlier today ~~

Good morning mommies and daddies.

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits.

Alexis was down with fever yesterday cos of teething. So have to take urgent leave and take care of her. She is only drinking 60- 120ml of milk now. Her teething problem subsides, by afternoon she is okay already. Just her cough is getting worst. Just pray that she will recover soon.

She is now in the phase of "Mommy I can't sleep, I want to play" stage. Really tiring. Yesterday she can only sleep on my chest after she toss and turn for 2 hrs.She is not light leh, 8.6Kg (Slimmed down by 100g since her appetite is bad since monday)Heng hubby's KUL trip was cancelled and back home yesterday evening.

Ribena, Alexis and Leah is about the same size. Alexis is already wearing petpet/Pampers XL size. All along we up her diapers size cos it will help to air her butt, only disadvantage is diaper per piece will be more ex as the price gets higher as the size of diapers gets bigger.

She is using petpet and we love the good price (If based on Petpet XL size (56 pieces), per piece is abt $0.28, if I get from the Loyang point Medical hall $15.50 per pack. As compared to pamper which is $0.38 per piece and Huggies ultra $0.43 per piece for XL size. These pricing I get from here http://luvbabies.kimsang.com.sg/category.php?id_category=4) and hubby find it is as good as pampers. And I find petpet is good cos it has no chemical smell like pampers and of course the good price. We don't really go with the weight tag in the diaper, it is craps. Babies comes in all sizes and shapes. Maybe Alexis has huge bum or thighs bah.

Btw I hate huggies, momy poko. Ex and not really good. I guess some mommies here are fan of Petpet also.

Hi Ng, I guess you are new here, please introduce yourself, so the mommies here can know you better.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

There is no best FM, only what is suitable for your baby and of course your budget also.

morning everyone. so sian to come back to work after my uber long weekend. prior to the weekend planned mentally the things i wan accomplished for the long weekend ahhaha end up onli finish 50% of them but it still feels quite good haha..


i alternate btw huggies L size and petpet L size for day, night we are still using pampers L size for Ethan. so far the only "bad" diapers is mamy poko cos it leaks hhaa and it causes redness for Ethan but again its baby dependant.

sweet stuff

do we have to give rusk biscuits, apples, pumpkins, sweet potatoes etc to our BUBs? Ethan totally HATES sweet things.. he like sour things he will gladly eat kiwi then apple.. i dun get it hahah..

arrghhh a welcome "gift" in my office cup a freaking baby cockroach.. shit... now i dun feel like using my cup anymore.. arghhhh... fruthermore the cup is empty and cleaned before i left last week.. howww...

200ml milk? Oh gosh.. I so demoralised aft knwg it. My boy milk intake is so much lower than yr bb.. Almost haf. yr bb even can stil eat 3tbsp poridge aft 2hrs? Tats v.gd. Wat milk yr bb drink? Hw cum can drink til 180-200ml.

I did nt dreamfed my boy @all since born. He nvr wake up for milk in the middle of milk since he 3mth+. the earliest he wake up is 5am for milk. Duno is it bcos if tis n nw his stomach bcum smaller n dun like milk .

Now, bcos he refuse to drink whole day, i got to dreamfed whole day. Haiz.. I tik no bb like him nid dreamfed durin daytime too.. Mummies, wat shld i do??

Oshkosh... My boy n yr bb same same lah.. 7kg. But @least yr bb drink when awake.. Wat is yr bb height? Wat FM u giv him? Im realy realy upset n sianz. 10hr no drink is normalfor my boy. He can dun drink thou oredi 13hr..

I notice most of u giv poridge durin evening.. U all use wat to cook poridge? Slow cooker o pot? I use slow cooker. By the time late aftn, the poridge like over burn leh. U all cook 2nd time for eveng meal?


i m using mamy poko n pet pet. I still prefer pet pet .. once i finish my mamy poko, i will stick to pet pet ..

Crystal : Ethan is totally different from my boy .. he loves sweet stuff .. he can takes 1/4 sweet apple , if it is sour, he will only takes one bite, then spit it out .. i hope he can take some sour stuff though ..

change a new cup !! i wont use back the cup .. unless i soak it with dettol for days ..

babe, for me I do not re-cook. I will usually cook more during lunch time and then split into 2 portions. I will use rice cooker to cook porridge and then add in the ingredients separately. Not sure bot other mummies.

Amelia, that's why i think Ethan is so strange hahaha.. you know those baby bolo biscuits? those round round type that will melt when placed into the mouth? he HATES it. get him to eat 1 like I'm torturing him hahaha.. teething sticks, rusks, momoo biscuits ALL reject. must be all the tom yam and mala hot pot i ate during preggi i guess hahaha..


I will HEED your advice!! hahah i cant stand to look at the cup now.

babe: i do not re-cook. I cook the porridge with vege / chicken stock on stove .. keep the portion for the day and freeze the remaining in the appropriate one meal portion. I just reheat every time i wan to use with other ingredients .

Crystal, for my son, i think as long is food, he welcome except sour .. i love spicy food during pregnancy but the truth is i dun take spicy food usually .. i think next time my boy will be a chili padi .. last night we tried to eat him carrot stick n sengkuang(mangkuang / sweet turnip) as finger food for him .. he loves it. He even gave up his favourite - papaya

Crystal- what's baby bolo biscuit? I've been looking for biscuits that melt in the mouth but so far all those I bought are so hard, I don't dare to give to my girl. Where do you buy from and what's it called?

crystal : eat raw .. basically, he unable to bite n shallow .. too hard for him .. i let him have more because for him to ease his itchy gum, i feel better than give teething biscuit

chuck: u can try heinz or happy baby

hi Chuck,

i have attached a pic of bolo biscuits. I did not buy this brand. I bought mine also a made in japan product from cold storage. I've seen the same in some big NTUCs as well.


Amelia, Ya i guess its a good alternative. i shall try this weekend too heee.

