(2010/12) December 2010 MTB

leelee: The organic pasta sauce has carrots, pepers, zuchinni inside, so can let kiddo try first before attempting to murder the pepper.

I don't mix the biscuit with milk. I started liz on baby wafers first (to get her motor skills right), then slowly progressed to bolo biscuits.

re: toothpaste

liz uses the First Teeth toothpaste.


she likes it so much she brushes her own teeth. It's good cos it's safe to swallow, and it doesn't have artificial sweeteners like some toothpaste does.


Okies! Thanks dear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anything, i will ask u on ur FB too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hiaz, mummies I am feeling so down, feel like crying and a lousy mummy cant handle 2 kids alone at hm, boohoo[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hubby gt a shock last nite when I called him crying...

Hugs to Mangogal! Cheer Up! It might just be a hormonal thing. Think of the Joys your kiddos bring to you. Don't fret too much about the little stuff!

Leelee: I was at Cold storage and they sell the baby organic pasta. You can go check it out.

Btw, I'm thinking of introducing green peas but what kind of peas to buy???

I would like to seek your advice and experience on your encounter with your CL. I am super traumatized by mine. And if I am going to go thru another round, I do not want to suffer because of the CL. Any recommendations?

E-Square... U mean all ur 3 boys r heavy babies? Wow.. Izzit in the genes or?

Ribena.. Ooo.. So you actualli minced them uncooked and just freeze them? I just made Brocoli and carrot puree too.. But i steam them before blending.. Gotta add water cos i realise my blender cant blend it w/o any water..

U very hardworking leh.. Using sift for the purees... Reali not easy huh.. I'm plannin to let my ger try pumpkin soon too.. Hehe.. I let her tried just potato (i mash myself) alone before, n yes.. gotta add water cos too dry and she dun seem to like it... Hahahha... u reali adventurous man... Already let Leah tried yellow pepper... I myself dun reali eat those kind of pepper so doubt i let my ger try too... :p

My ger is using Pet Pet and Mamy Poko... Used to wear Drypers, but after they change the packaging, my ger get rashes from using it so i stopped...

Muddypaw.. Liz reali seem to be a easy-take-care baby leh... Soo good.. I was hopin my ger to hav a more routine pattern but so far not reali.. She can get up as earli as 6am+ or lastest 8am+.. N of cos, i always hope she slp longer so i can wake up later too... lol.. BUt hardly i get the chance... Liz got gd hours of sleep.. DOes she wakes up for feed or play in between? My ger keep cryin on/off tru her slp nowadays and at times for feed or play.. Makin me soo tired at times cos keep wakin up...

We can blend different types of food together n freeze? Will it spoil easily? How long can you keep them?

Littlemay, my ger's slpin hours abt same as urs... But mine can be worse cos she may only take abt half hour nap twice during daytime.. Nite, she slps at abt 9+ n maybe till 6+ or lastest 8+..

Stefie, Hope Alexis is fine now... Wow.. ALexis so fast usin XL size for Pet Pet... I changed to L previously n find too big cos will leak so i change back to M.. Haha.. But tin soon i upgrading to L also...

Crystal.. Ethan probably showing his 'manly' character ah.. Cos dun like sweet stuff.. Haha..

Mangogal... Hope u feelin better now.. Tin probably u too stress n tired out cos not easy to take care of 2 kiddos... Wen is ur hub comin back? I rmb u dun hav helper rite? Maybe can try asking ur mum or ur sibling to come over n help abit so at least u can take a breath?

Baby with teeth

Mummies, any idea when we should startin brushing bb teeth? My ger only got 2 n i believe she wont open her mouth to let mi brush even if i wan to.. bUt i notice that her saliva seem more smelly even since she start porridge.. Haha

Pauline, thanks for ur advice regarding the FB contacts.. I jus went to check n reali saw all my friends contacts! SO scary ... Mi too wanna remove it cos that's privacy..

Yup Lena..

All 3 are sumos... Each gets heavier and heavier..

Heavy also stress .. Light also stress[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lena: At least your girl wakes up at 6am. Liz sleeps by about 8pm, and wakes up at about 430am to play till about 7am (before she naps for another hour or so). She used to be able to sleep from 8pm to 530am, but recently, she has been waking up for 1-2feeds during the night. Not sure if it's a growth spurt or teething. During the day, she has an afternoon nap of about 1.5hrs.

Apart from her bedtime, we didn't deliberately plan her schedule.

Re: Toothpaste

We started liz on gum massager when she had her first tooth, then started her on toothpaste and brushing when her second one came out.

Re: Green peas

My maid gets the peas in a can. She removes the skin off each pea and adds them whole into liz' pasta or porridge.

Mommies, I realised that Liz is starting to get possessive of her toys. When she sees us playing with her toys, she would quickly crawl over and snatch them over. Then she would drop them to the floor, and go back to doing what she was doing before. Hubs would purposely irritate liz by taking her toy one by one to play, so liz would go back and forth.

Liz has also discovered leg hair! She would stand by hubs' legs while hubs is reading papers on the sofa, and she would pull hubs' leg hair one by one.

Does sound like they are taking turns to irritate one another huh? Haha...

Muddypaws, hahahhaha Liz is sooo cute!! My son loves to pull my Hb's leg hair also! It irritates my hb very much.

Alluring, regarding CL, the only way to avoid traumatic horrible CL is to get good CLs that are recommended by the forum or your close friends? My CL is not fantastic but she still helped me out a lot and took care of my boy well with lots of love.

Hi Mummies, saw on Brandsfever mail that Raycop is on BK200 at S$245 and the sale is ending in 6 days. If you are keen and have yet to purchase, can check this out. Have a great weekend!

Mummies, want to ask for somber advice. Do I need to bring bb to see pd if he is having runny nose n cough? Not sure if its due to teething?. Really sian he just had fake measles not long ago n now this. I totalled up all d bills I spent on d pd visits n it came up to about 2.8k including d vaccination package. This bb its really high maintenance ! Faintzz!


I just returned from my business trip to India. Omigod! The customs officer don't know what is a pump. They didn't understand when I told them it's a pump and asked me to show them how to use. Luckily I manage to bring my pump back!


oh gosh u must have gone through a lot of explaining...which airport was that? Mumbai or Delhi?

I think they are like Indo, most feed direct and never use a pump before.

Did you manage to store and bring back your milk? any tips?

Now I am even more worried.


Would like to check if possible to be allergic to rice cereal? Rice cereal is one of the most unlikely one and when I googled, most reaction are for those young baby (4months) but mine is already 7.5months?

also my baby has rashes around her mouth only, not whole body and she does not have projectile vomit.

Does that also mean I cant introduce porridge soon since its rice right?

I was at kochi airport, south India. I hand carry my pump, that's why the customs officer checked. Not sure if you check it in, it will be better. Anyway I pump and throw there. Dare not bring the milk back because not confident of the hygiene standard there and troublesome.


It's possible to be allergic to rice but highly unlikely. Rashes ard the mouth only could be due to increased drooling cos of teething.

My elder girl has very sensitive skin, so when she was a bb and she drooled a lot, she would get rashes on her face and even ears. Pd said it's cos of the milk residue in her saliva tat cos the rashes, but she's not allergic to milk.

Even now when she eats oiler stuff and gets it all over her mouth and chin, she will get rashes if we dun clean off in time.

Best to confirm if bb is really allergic before u decide whether to hold back porridge.

hello mummies, i am still in holiday mode leh!! haha!

muddy> yes i think he's a good weight. so amazed to see this fat baby, his sister was never this chunky and he's tripled his birth weight in 8 months ^.^ actually i'm wondering what the bbsitter has been feeding him, or does he only eat the food that I prepare and send over.

littlemay> so how? did you demo how to use? :p

2mimi> the rashes could be due to drool..or are you adding into the cereal, like milk? why not try giving something else, like applesauce or bananas and see if the rash persists?

littlepigpig> it's best not to think about the $$ spent on our little ones...haha. for me, if the running nose and cough is not causing too much discomfort, can still sleep and feed and no fever, i would wait it out. but that's me lah :p

my boy is really all over the place now..he's really attracted to the master bedroom toilet for some reason. and he's figured out how to climb the stairs at my mum's house, much to our horror. pengz pengz pengz.

my #1 turns FOUR next week! She's very excited about her birthday but I'm a little sad because there's been 3 HFMD cases at her preschool and a lot of parents are keeping their kids at home. They usually have a small celebration and the kids give the birthday girl or boy a card. Wonder if anyone will be around to give her one...she's really looking forward to the cards, even when my parents asked what she wanted for her birthday, she told them she wanted a birthday card! (I told her to tell them she wants a credit card, but she was like "NO! BIRTHDAY CARD, LAH MUMMY!!).

neko> i think frozen peas are also good, but you have to sieve them to get rid of the 'skins', which are a little tougher to digest I think.

Going to be a busy week at work...just have to make it through the next two weeks before the next long weekend heehee!

hi mommies, what type of finger food do you give your babies? my mathias is almost 8.5 months old. saw a few types/brands of finger food at ntuc etc.. but not sure which are the recommended ones.

Good morning mommies and daddies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mommies remember to drink more water and eat more fruits[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Another week of hubby travelling. I can only make myself happy by playing iphone games after Alexis sleeps.

I just completed this game Ellie Help me out...please (iphone app). This is a very good game and it is free. Not easy game, but very very interesting, scary and creepy, not for timid and weak hearted. Of course I am not so smart to finish the whole game, I read thru the walkthru here:-


Best to play at night, with your ear phone on. Really really very thrilling[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy

Good morning everyone..

Neko: Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wonder if cold storage sells pasta sauce for bb as well?

muddypaws: hahaha... liz so funny.. dunno what to irriate and she pulls daddy's leg hair..

2mimi: yes, its possible.. My boy also allegic.. PD says its enzema and reflux so cant take cow's milk.. he's on organice cereal now..

roz: welcome back... stairs can be dangerous hor.. that day i carry jovan down the stairs and i slipped... luckily i kneel down and he didnt fly.. just that knee cap got bruised..

Stefie: hows alexis? getting better? teeth cut thru [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Peas

i bought those packets one.. I thought remove the outer and just steam the peas itself and blend.. correct?

Good Morning Mummies!!!

it's been quite a while since i log in liao. busy with renovation stuff, sigh... think it's easier to shift house then to renovate while staying in, esp with a baby ard...anyway, the reno is done now, left with some packing to be done, and buying of cupboards for bb's room, other than ikea any recommendation where to get nice and affordable furniture for kids? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie, hugz hugz! my hubby also on travel duty this week, me super duper sianz. juz wish everything go "soon soon". [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm still stuck with the burger queen game, still trying umpteen times to get 3 stars before proceeding to next stage. me really lousy in games. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is this Ellie game very scary? hmm... maybe i'll play when hubby is back...me chicken! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so so suay! This is the worst period or nitemare of my motherhood life! My ger last nite dwn with high fever of 39.7 fever n vommited in the middle of the nite,me dwn wif stomach flu again and lao sai 3times,my boy is very cranky due to teething n tummy wind cos he didnt poo for 5 days,n sleep at midnite these 2 daays! Actually eversince hb nt hm my nites re not good cos my ger n boy wake up n middle of nite for attentionn milk taking turns,best saturday nite 4am both wake up at same time for milk,so jialat n super stress! I think i am gng crazy soon n enduring the stupid tumy flu pain, telling myself cannot cry n not making my hb worry,good thing my mum came last niteepay too,if nt i am so gonna breaking down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

super duper jialt n suay!

hello mummies,

been a long time since i posted but hv been trying to catch up here when i can. hope everyone's doing well!

mangogal, be strong babe! good thing yr mum can help out but since you r hving stomach flu, please keep away from everyone. can anyone help to take care of your lil ones for a few days? all that vomitting and lao sai will make u very weak, doubt u will be able to take care of your kids now (in fact u need someone to take care of u!). rest when u can, ask your mum for help with your kids and try to get better soon. disinfect your house after the whole episode is over. take care! and try to think positive... i know it's hard but maybe can cry it out, then pick yourself up again. hugs!

stefie, poor thing, hb still away? hope alexis is better now with her teeth.

my gal is SUPER DUPER sticky to me, i almost cannot take it!!! at home she clings to me like a koala bear, put her down on the floor she'll wail and fake cry. do housework also difficult. wanna cook also she'll cling to my legs and stand up, so i hv to drop everything to make sure she doesn't fall. it's just craziness! i wish i can just forget everything and spend all my time with her but i can't... how how how??? sometimes i just let her cry but feel bad about it when she doesn't stop. try to distract her with her toys but she'll only be distracted for while before crawling over to me again. now whatever i do i hv to keep an eye out on her so she can keep an eye on me. am i making sense? haiz... how can i teach her not to be so sticky?

Leelee, thanks for your concern. Alexis 1st teeth is out. Just some cough cos of phelgm. Now body having rashes cos of her itchy hands, sweat and saliva lor[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Whisp, no sian lah. I worry I can't keep her entertain. So just upgrade cable TV to add in baby TV, so far I enjoyed it more than her lah. No worries lah, as long as we do what we can liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My hubby play all the stages first then go back again to play those less than 3 stars, easier and will keep your attention longer also.

The Ellie game is not that scary if you on silent mode, but no fun leh. It is the music that makes the difference[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And the file is pretty big 196 MB, will have to use wifi to download instead. I played 3 times liao, cos there are 2 endings. Really nice game. Love the storyline, glad that it is free.

dewdew, my hubby is back last wed cos his KUL trip was cancelled. Then today he will drive up to Kedah and back on Thu night. So only me, Alexis and her 2 doggy sis lor. Thanks she is better but her cough is still there cos of her phlegm. It gets better cos it came out from her nose instead[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It could be a phase, Gwen will get over it. Now she maybe having too many things going on bah, need you around to feel more secure.

Alexis will keep pulling down her cot bumper to just look out for me and see what am I doing. Sometimes can be quite overwhleming cos whatever I do, there is a pair of goli eyes looking at me. Ha!! ha!!! Things will get better, at least she is sticky to you and not to MIL, Helper. Just enjoy it now, when she can walk, Gwen may not look for you anymore. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia you[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dew: long time didnt see u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] great to have u back here.. I guess its just another phase.. some separation anxiety.. Jovan also always fake cry.. maybe get this chance to get your hubby do housework and u take care of gwen gwen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stefie: Jovan also cough and flu-ing.. think its cuz of their teething.. Did u bring alexis to see doc? alexis on any medications?

mangogal: know its not easy, furthermore u are sick.. U must get yourself well first before u can take care of ur kids.. Ur mum is the best person to help u.. jiayou k.. hugs hugs..

Leelee, I still have medicine for her. But trying not to feed her and let her recover by herself. It is the teething that cos the cough and flu (cos too much saliva).

stefie & leelee, thanks! i miss my jie meis here also, work and home is taking such a huge chunk out of me... staying at my mum's was waaaaaay easier. i also felt more secure when back there. lol!!! maybe gwen also felt the same. hahaha...

i even tried searching on the internet to see what i can do about clinging babies. seems there's nothing i can do other than letting her cry or strap her to me with a carrier. maybe i'll try the carrier thing when it gets too much. can't carry her with 1 hand while doing housework so strapping will hv to do. suddenly i hv this mental image of Oshin... anyone rbrs the Japanese drama back in our younger days? hahaha...

Leelee, yah, i get my hb to take care of her when i'm bz, otherwise he'll do the housechores while i take care of her. lucky thing is he doesn't complain otherwise i'd be even more pek chek.

stefie, he drove all the way to Kedah? wow, that's a looong drive isn't it? why not take the plane, so much easier and faster...

btw mummies, dunno which floor cleaner u all use, but i was recommended Kleenso which is a product from M'sia. wow, really so clean! love the squeaky clean feeling. moreover it has tea tree oil so i like it even more. hahaha...

stefie,glad alexis is beeter so when ur hb be back?

Dew,nobody help me take care of my kids leh only my mum, i dunno when can i rest,hiaz so stress!

Leelee:hope ur jovan running rose will recover soon too!

Mummies n jie mei here:

pls help to pray for trevor dun get stomach flu frm me n viral fever frm his sisi ok? I worried him most cos his teething make him very cranky liao hiaz,i so suay also ganna stomach flu at wrong timing,remember i gt it last time n was admiited to TMC for early contractions? This time is hubby nt ard n my ger dwn wif high fever,arghh!

dew: yeah.. i also worried when i get my new hse this year end.. cuz too used to having my mum and MIL ard.. one in bedok, one in eunos. next time i moved to punggol, i have to rely on myself and hub... Happy for u to have a nice hubby.. doesnt complain and will do.. share the burden together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mangogal: thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is getting better now.. yeap yeaps.. dun worry ya.. will pray double hard for u..

RE: cleaning toys..

Btw, have u all tried using febreeze to clean your kiddos toys? Im thinking to buy, just spray spray on the toys.. but hubby ask issit safe cuz if we spray, will it be harmful? got chemicals inside?

mangogal, wear double masks then, and disinfect your hands whenever u hv to handle their stuff. and rest when u can, never mind if the house is messy or dirty... haiz, poor thing u... can yr mum handle trevor for now?

leelee, yah, really very different. but i enjoy my own place rather than ILs... 'cos over there not very clean. :p i dun mind going ovber on weekends for them to play with gwen but am really glad i'm not staying there anymore. lol!!!

as for febreeze, i got a bottle but i also wonder if spraying on the toys will be good 'cos gwen tends to put everything in her mouth. in the end i just use water to wipe clean. :p dunno what i'm going to use the febreeze for now. buy already put one side. :p

mango> ugg sounds like you're having it pretty bad. just try to keep it together...get well soon, everyone!

leelee> ooh lucky baby is OK when you fell! Also worried that I might slip and fall when carry the baby also...the other day he almost rolled off the changing table (I'm always tempting fate like that) and I almost slipped and fell while trying to catch him.

dew> sticky phase..unfortunately will just hv to deal with it. it can get quite bad though, my neighbour's son is very very sticky to his mummy and she just gv birth a couple of weeks ago so it's been a real trying time. but look on the bright side, in a few years she won't want to be held or carried and snuggled...you can be a babywearing expert :D

stefie> you and your iphone games..i'm still stuck on burger queen world, was almost late for the work the other day because of it!

i had a pretty rough night too..my girl peed on the bed (haiz) and then she cried, woke up the baby, probably woke up the whole block coz she got upset, I got upset, this morning didn't give her a hug when we dropped her off and heard her wailing all the way to my mum's house.

leelee> personally i would prefer to sun it..for me febreeze is more for odour. if I can wash the toy I will, then give it a nice sunning.

Muddy, U r wrong.. Haha.. my ger at times wakes up ard 1-2am+ for milk.. Or she jus cry or whine till wakes up cos she cried in her sleep nowadays so i dun feel she's getting quality sleep which i'm worried abt... N like Liz, my ger also may wakes up ard 5-6am+ to play and refused to slp.. Haha... Liz will open her mouth and let u/helper brush? Now my ger dun even wans to open her mouth to let mi clean her tongue which i tin brushing even more impossible.. Haha.. Ur hub n liz is soo cute... likes to disturb each other.. Haha.. My ger not so interested in my hub's leg hair but in his armpit hair! lol... SO funny to c her 'admiring' his armpit hair then when she wans to touch it, i quickly stop her... Hahaha

Dewdew, Hee... Definitely better to hav own hus though more shiong.. Maybe it's jus a phase that Gwen's sticky to you.. N it's always better that she sticks to you than anyone else rite? Haha.. My ger also cannot play on her own for long so i got hard time doin housework too... Like when i preparing her porridge or doin laundry, i will bring her high chair to the kitchen to let her sit, watchin mi from a distance so at least she wont cry so soon.. But of cos, she still gets cranky after awhile cos sian of sitting there.. Haha...


i have been using that to spray on my ger's matteress and soft toys.. I will spray first then air it to dry... SOft toys r difficult to wash so i use that... My IL hus difficult to get the sunlight so no choice...

Leelee/Mummies, my hub is in design & renovation line, so if you guys or ur friends need renovation, can look for mi ya... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mommies! been out of action so long, missed you all! so hard to log in now. office is monitoring web usage, so i'm sneaking in during a quick lunch break. when i'm home, i can hardly ever find time to even turn on the comp.

Roz - wah the sept hols coming soon, just nice for your holiday mood, hahahah...

Mango - aiyo sounds like you're going through a rough patch! hang in there ok! you're doing great oredi. i'll also be super duper stressed if left alone with 2 kids and sick as well. i really salute you for being able to do this... btw, do u go for sat 5pm servcie at PL sometimes? realise (the other) Andrea and I both usually go for sat 5pm, and would leave our kids at nursery. so her no.1 is at N3 with my no.1, and our no.2s are both in N1 and they play together during this time. If you're bringing the kids to nursery, maybe our kids can get to play with one another!

whisp - with kids room, i find it best to buy moveable furniture and minimise build-ins, cause the children's needs change as they grow and you may find yourself changing the layout or the furniture themselves. actually, the BP in this forum also has furniture sellers... i bought a nice toy rack here. only problem is u don't get to see n touch it, so if you're the type who prefers to touch and inspect your items before purchase, then have to buy from the shops ;)

dew dew - u have ergo or one of these type of carriers? if so, can just babywear her while you go about with your tasks. i ergo my Kaelyn sometimes when we're out and have more or less mastered the art of eating with her sleeping on my chest, haha. at home, maybe you can try babywearing and see if that works for Gwen? she can watch mommy do housework and be entertained, hehehe...

rough nights - me too too!!! i feel comforted i'm not the only one. cause i'm under the impression most of your babies r sleeping through. mine's not. and she does get real hungry and would finish 4 ounces of milk in the middle of the night. sometimes twice. plus sometimes she'd cry in her sleep, and she's loud. thankfully the father and sister are both deep sleepers, usually only wake me...

stefie - not sure if you were the one who shared Friso2 lobang? now i changed from enfapro to friso, i recall u shared there's a place selling friso2 at $26.50? or any other mommies aware of cheap lobang?

lena - wha your hubbyin reno line... your house must be very nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvaine, Haha... So u r havin roughin nites too.. Mi too and my ger also cry very loud at times... Can even wake my ILs up...

My own house will only be ready in abt 2-3 years time so now stayin wif ILs and my mum.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But i already tinkin of how wat kind of design i want for my house... :p U wan Friso 2? I got the 900g sample... Can self collect from mi if u ok... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lena - yes yes i want! I pm you okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] where's your new place? it'll be fun to do up your own house, esp when you have ideas already... hi5 about our girls and powerful lungs. hsahahaha

Leelee: I didn't check if cold storage sells the organic pasta. But will let you know if I see.

Re: green peas

Personally I don't like the taste of frozen peas... I will go look for the can type. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mango - salute to u for coping with ur current situation. it's definitely not easy, but u r doing great! hang in there! it'll be a better day tomorrow! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U take care, k? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvaine, thanks for your advice. agree with u on the no built-in furniture for bb. in fact yet to get any furniture for her, all her barang barang are in those toyogo plastic storage box now. quite attracted to some of the bp furniture, but been a paranoid mummy, not too sure how's the workmanship i.e. any rough edges. how do u find the quality of the toy rack u have bought? maybe i can consider that too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And oh u r definitely not alone with the rough nights, my gal also wakes up at least once for feeding and couple of times in search for her pacifier and requires patting back to sleep at night. wondering when will she sleep through the night...

"sticky" baby - think my gal starts to recognise ppl liao. i'll usually carry and hug her before going to work and pass her to mil in the morning. for the past few days, after I hugged her, my mil will call her name and wants to carry her, my gal will "pretend" never hear it and turn her head away from her granny, and when granny want to carry her, she will hold onto my blouse tightly... sometimes dunno whether to laugh or cry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dew: yeah!! i also looking forward to have my new place soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its always better.. cuz we have our own family so should have our own house [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

roz: yeah.. good idea to sun.. now im just getting a clean cloth to clean.. if not i will just use wet wipes to clean

Lena: oh.. contractor or ID?

yvaine: mine should be ready by end of this year if not Q1 2012.. I dunno my road name.. hehe.. I'm staying punggol sapphire, the one with a house in the middle of the land.. it's called maltida house.. where u staying?

Neko: I just checked harbourfront cold storage.. they sell Heinz star pasta and normal pasta.. but they dun sell the sauce..

Re: green peas in can

What brand? issit those colourful ones where those zi char stalls use to cook fried rice?


Anyone feed cheese to their kiddos?

Yvaine, have pm u.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my new house is at fernvale.. Soo Lookin forward but still long way.. Haha..

Leelee, his co got their own contractors n designers so depending on what u wan, my hub can do a quotation for u to c first.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] they havin some package promo rite now too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

