(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


u r not alone.

my bb also refuse to take any food especially after i get rid of my maid who look after since he was born. he has been like this for the past 1 month.

He only can drink max 30ml awake(up to 120ml dream feed). As for porridge only can take max up to 1/2 of pigeon bowl. He refused to take any snack for the past 1 month.

He used to take full bowl of porridge/ cereal in the past. he used to love pigeon bb snack & gerber puff in the past. last time he could drink 120ml when he is awake (up to 210ml dream feed)

I am so envy with other mummies whose bb can take so many solids, self feeding snack, drink milk up to 210ml & will cry for milk.

most of the time my bb will vomit from his mouth & nose if he take more than 1/2 bowl porridge. He does not want to open his mouth for any snack at all for the past 1 month.

I dont know whether i hv break his trust with getting rid of my maid or this is just a passing phase...

everyday keep praying for my bb to be like other bb who will ask for milk/ food [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

He was 9.68 kg @ 8 mths old & he is only 9.4kg now (9 months + 2 weeks)... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](

think he will get thiner & thiner from his eating pattern if this keep going on.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](


thanks.. I dunno is it my container not good or what. By 3-4 hrs, it isn’t hot anymore.

Must go get a gd one!

My mum taught me to keep porridge warm at home by standing a bowl of the porridge in some water inside a rice cooker, using the “keep warm” mode when im at home.

Maybe I’ll try so can feed 2 portions.

SK And Chelz

I share both ur sentiments. My girl refuses to drink from bottle, only wants to latch, but my supply is only abt 100ml each time.

she is not keen on food either. feeding milk n solid always turns into a battle ground for both of us. i wish i hav the answer to her behavior.

The whole of yesterday she only drank 200+ of milk , as i'm down with diarrhea i could not nurse her.

It's really heartpain to see my baby not eating/ drinkin much.

everyday i only prayed for her appetite to get better, tt's all i wished for for now. At Almost 10 mths old, she is less than 9kg :<

I also facing similar problems wif Keila's'solid feeding recently. She only takes 3x180ml a day wyth 2 solid feeds. Recently she's'on eating strike and refused to have more than 20 mouthfuls of porridge or cereal. Wonder if its becuz i puried the meat together with her fav vege pureen froze and thaw and she hates it. Going to let her have fresh meat/vege cooked in porridge and see if therea's'improvement! So heartache to comments abt her being thinner. Can even see she the smallest build among the rest at the gathering yesterday. She still weighs 9kg at 5 days Short of 10mths

hi mommies,

may i know where to get finger toothbrush?

I would like to get Orajel finger toothbrush for my gal but Agape selling a combo set with toothpaste which i dun think i ll use toothpaste for my bb before she turns to 2 yrs old..

can anyone share with me where to get it? Thanks..

Chelz, have u checked with the PD? For me my girl has times when she refused milk & everything but it usually lasts for less than 2 weeks.

She doesn’t take much solids like I mentioned but her milk intake is normal.

But my PD did ask me to give her more solids as they need to get used to having regular meals by 1 yr old.

Im still trying, her best was finishing half Pigeon bowl of porridge only.

At this stage, bb’s growth rate will slow down right? ”? I’ve also been told Kayleigh is slimmer now too.

So not necessarily they get “thinner”. In fact I guess its also because they are more active now?

Teeth: My gal has 4 teeth now. 2 on top and 2 bottom.

But there’s a gap between the 2 top teeth! Is it normal?

Sk,but I tink ur ger look good!

at times I console myself cos my boy is now "taller", he is at about 73cm at 9mths old.

so he look slimmer..

My boy yest drink only total 360ml of milk..


Is Marcs teething tats y reject food? I think it's a passing phrase. He always throw up when u feed him more? I read from some website tat we need to make eating an enjoyable time for the bb. If they feel stress up during meal times, the more they would refuse to eat. If he refuse, then just leave him as it is for now bah. You don't want to make him hate eating if he is throwing up every time its feeding time. For snacks, maybe u can try to make a game out of it so tat he feels it's fun eating.

Sun_tan, so this applies to Milk right?

Tink i've been forcing my boy milk.. he see the milk bottle scare le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Im so bad..

I should stop it!

but for food, he like everything and will go mum mum mum all the way. milk is the problem

Babycoco: thanks for hosting us. nice place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SK: I'm using zujiroshi food jar. The porridge doesn't turn watery, in fact it becomes thicker. You check the gasket/rubber lining or any parts that can be unscrewed - maybe it has a tear or not screwed on tightly

If the porridge is already cold after 3-4 hours, most likely it's becos you didn't put enough of it into the thermos. for mine, after 6 hrs, can still see a bit of steam coming out but sometimes, if i didn't put enough, it gets cold fast, too.

Chelz, Eliss: Marc and Keila look ok to me. Not underweigt or too thin. Our babies are moving a lot, so they're bound to get slimmer

Dragonfruit: i let H tried it over the weekend. passed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ToysRUs: JTS, there's a member preview sale on 27 April. Email flyer says up to 60%. wonder how good it is?

Cheese, Javion also looks very chubby to me. Kayleigh has chubby cheeks but her body is of normal size.

When I look at her baby photos hor. She really seems to look leaner too.

Ya, cos they grow longer ma. Haha..

Now in lying position she can stretch to touch the cot mobile liao..

Baby G is opposite. He eats a big bowl of porridge for lunch and finishes it really fast. 10 mins tops. His mouth keeps opening and asking for more.

He gets yogurt for tea on alternate days and can finish a tub of baby yogurt as well.

Milk on the other hand... its my daily mission and "chore" to feed him milk. The only time he can actually drink a full bottle (full only means 150ml) of milk, is when I dreamfeed him in the middle of the night. When he is awake, he refuses the bottle.. wriggles around, closes his mouth shut, turns his head away. I tried to cup feed him, but he'll take a maximum 100ml. All in all... I try to achieve 500ml of milk a day which is very little =\

For night feed, he can normally finish 2-3 tablespoons of cereal with a puree.. but only if its a puree he likes (for eg, sweet potato, pumpkin etc).

jac. Javion lugi worse.. 360ml per day.

How?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope this is a phrase.. if not I hope for 500ml per day also..

SK, photo look chub? haiz, been so stress with other ppl remarks..

Hi Mummies ;)

Any advice on different recipes of porridge to share cos running out of ideas to cook for my bb? My boy also dun seems to like any thawed pureed veg I gave him in his porridge. If were to cook the veg fresh, how to go about preparing the veg?

Read that some mummies gave cereals to their babies in btw porridge feeds. Are the cereals meant to serve as some light snacks for them before solids? Are they meant to slowly wean them off their milk feeds?

Any recommendations for vacuum/thermal jar to bring his porridge out? Can't seems to keep it warm outside when I heat up at home w my thermal magic cooker beforehand.

Sterilizing: yes currently still sterilize his bottles & teats but not his cutlery.

Cleaning of toys: Used tollyjoy baby bottles cleanser to wipe them ritually every nite too.

Sweetkiss: my boy also has small gap btw his two front teeth...my PD didn't mention anything either...

Ica: how much is the zojirushi? Actually mine may not be a proper thermal jar because it is those with a metal exterior but inside has 3 multiple plastic containers.

So I will only fill one of it with porridge.

Skaly is not thermal one but just basic container like Tupperware. Faint!

Jaclyn: must be ur porridge too yummy. Maybe the porridge I cook not nice but (not I thick skin) I tried myself, I think not bad lei, considering I cant cook.


Mommies if you're not into sterilizing.. then just dip into hot water or use hot water to wash so as to kill the bad stuff.

I only sterilize G's baby bottles and teats.. his bowls,plates,spoons i'll just wash it clean with soap, then before I need to use, i'll rinse with hot water.

hihi julie,

U still interested in the talk cos i need to register already.

Subject: Nurturing the Creative Child

Date: 28 Apr 2011

Time: 12pm to 1.30pm

Venue: NTUC Centre, One Marina Boulevard

A Summary of the Talk

Nurturing the Creative Child

Besides learning, creativity is the new buzz word in schools. How can parents nurture the creativity in children? From a simple drawing experience, to folding an aeroplane and to planning a Kids Art Village.

Find out what you can do for your child in fostering a creative mindset.

**I can only bring 1 person.. If any mummies interested and would like to attend, please drop me a msg today b4 1630hrs.


For sterilizing, there’s one method which my friend does since her son was born.

She will boil a pot of water every morning and put all bottles and stuff inside. After every usage, the bottles will be washed and “soaked” back inside the pot of boiled water.

She said both her kids have no prob with it and she nv bought a sterilizer. She also uses normal mama lemon dishwashing liquid.

I did that when I was expressing, so I dun have to keep sterilizing 2 sets of my pumps.

My mum, as she has no sterilizer at her place, used to steam the bottles in a pot.

But now she also uses the same method as it is easier also..


anyone organising trial class for iGenius?


Marc is not teething le...all 6 teeth already came out 1 month ago

i followed yr recipe but he still cant eat more than 1/2 bowl. end up i finished the rest...

Maybe u r right, he is too stress up during meal times, bcs every time we put him on his highchair/ rocker, the moment we put on the bib, he will show that type of crying face... once he see the pigeon bowl, he will keep shaking his head...


checked with PD. but PD only said ok bcs his weight is still normal... sigh...i only can pray tomorrow will be better..

Chez: Thanks for yr info.

Thermal: I bought a set of Thermos brand flask with food jar at Jusco last week at RM 118.

actual promotion price is RM139, member additional 15% discount. i think is a good buy. Promotion til 2nd May.

Sean Lau Photoshot:

Any mommy keen to take photoshot with Sean Lau?

Previously i have signed up classic baby package with Sean Lau during baby fair at $198.

But i just knew that the slots are fully booked til 9th May.

I don't think i able to take leave after that as i ll start on leave from 2nd May til 6th May =(

pls kinldy pm me if u keen to take over. Thanks..

Happy Bellies:

Hi mommies,

Recently my baby started to reject cereal and only like porridge. Previously he used to finish 1 tin of cereal in a week so I stocked up quite a lot. I have the following excess for happy bellies. All expiry in end 2012 or early 2012. I am letting go at $5.80 per tin to recover my cost. If keen please PM me:

2 x oatmeal

2 x multigrain

1 x brown rice

igenius: the trial class, known as introduction workshop, has quite a small class size so actually no need to organise. The one I attended only had 2 babies, mine & sean's haha. They usually run the workshop every Sunday afternoon. The school is at city sq mall. It is $30 for 1 parents & 1 child. For 2 parents it would be $45. If interested can just email Juliet (very nice lady) at [email protected] for details and reservation.

Chelz: why not u try feeding him at other areas instead of the usual high chair? Or serve food in a different bowl?

For K, I did manage to “cheat” her into eating sometimes. I chop fruits into small pieces, pretend to take them out from the tube of puffs (which she knows is her fav snack) and quickly pop them into her mouth. She loves to be fed by fingers coz she knows it will be yummy food compared to her spoon of cereal. Perhaps u can start w small pieces of treats then slowly re-introduce porridge again?


yeah, good idea, will buy cuter bowl this weekend, hopefully he wont be so stress up with the new bowl.

already tried on feeding him at every corner of the house but still does not work(facing the main road let him watch those cars & buses passing by,facing the pool,watching tv at the living area, dining table)

but have not try on changing the bowl yet... hopefully this will work! thanks !

Eating: Actually for Kayden, he keep eating non-stop.. that at times I worried he overeat.. after 1 plus Pigeon bowl of porridge, he can still eat fruits then snack non stop at my in-law place. Really scary lo. At home, I will try to control him from eating so much snacks by bringing him out and play with him in the playyard. At my in-law house, the maid tell me that he always ask her to go kitchen so that he can snacks. Hai...

Porridge recipes: Dunno of any recipes but only put in what I can find at home or what I can think of on that day itself. If I have pork, I put in pork to sweeten the porridge and then add in threadfin fish or silverfish and vege puree. If I dun have anymore pork, I will just put in 2 dried scallops to cook porridge and then put in sweet potato to cook together. Sometime just add in 1 kampong egg and vege puree if I have no other meat and tired of dried scallops. I think Kayden not a fussy eater so not much of a headache for me.

Chelz, Eliss: M & K also look ok to me yesterday. Dun think K is the smallest built either. At least they have hit 9kg. Ian is only 8.28kg at 9.5 mths. Length 74.5cm. Long & thin baby! PD said he is underweight for his length. And he takes 3 milk feeds (600 to 700ml) a day, 2 solids of porridge & cereal and 1 snack (usually yoghurt). So I really don't know where all the food went? Now PD ask me to slot in another snack time for him & increase his solid portion. I think he is just too active & has high metabolism - non-stop crawling around and pulling himself up to stand where possible.

Yeah, maybe like what suntan said, gotta make meal time enjoyable. I use the Skip Hop Zoo bowl which has a bee face on the surface. I will tell Ian that he can see "bee-bee" after he finished his food and he always smile when he is done and I show him the bee. =)

SK: Food jar - perhaps can consider Thermos? I got my Thermos Spongebob jar from the BP section (http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/5356758.html?1303721547) at $38. Overseas spree section also have - more designs and could be cheaper but I did not want to wait. I also have a Tiger food jar and it works just as well but it is too big to carry around, so I got a smaller Thermos one.

hi mummies,

A pity I cldn't make it for the playdate yest. Had family gathering & I am down with sore throat, so thought I better stay away from the babies.

Hope there will be another playdate soon.

Re: Kindermusik trial class

Went for the trial class last Sat. Isaias didn't enjoy it. This is the 1st trial class he went to that he cried! Haha. Think he likes gym type of classes better.

Re: drinking milk & semi solids

Looks like drinking milk is a challenge for many of us. I will try to make sure my boy drinks at least 500ml of milk a day. Except for his 1 nite feed where he drinks 210ml, the rest is between 90ml to 150ml for the 2-3 day feeds. And everytime day feed sure "chut' a lot of pattern one.

But luckily am glad my boy enjoys his semi-solids and snacks. Yest at family gathering at a restaurant, we had the dessert "or-no" (yam paste I think) & we let him try a bit. He doesn't quite like it, maybe cuz too sweet. Hehe.

my boy simply love food! haa.. but milk intake.. really CMI... vernie, ur boy eat a lot lei!Wow, he is Tall! my boy @ 9mths is quite tall le.. he is even taller! :D maybe he really move so much since i see the way u say, he eat alot..

Chelz: gd luck, hope it works!

Ann: me very “old-fashioned”. My porridge will always have 3-4 red dates & wolfberries.

For the flavour, I will put pork bones if I’m cooking fish. If im cooking chicken, then it will be chicken meat + the bones. On lazy days I just put minced pork.

To further sweeten the taste I add pumpkin, carrots or sweet corn.

Then I will add in another veggie puree of my choice such as spinach, broccoli. Sometimes will put in tofu.

I dunno wad other veggie/meat to cook le!

cheese: Ya lor...i thought his eating is quite ok lei but PD said still underweight. Maybe he also started small - born 2.6kg only. And when he was 7 mths old, he was sick for 2 weeks plus, eating very little that time. Guess he has to continue to catch up on his weight vs his length...my fren's bb who is 2 mths younger is already 8+kg and bigger than him!

Happimay: Sorry for late reply. I had so much trouble with my hubby. Yes, I'm still interested in the talk. But if someone else has expressed interest, it is fine.

Mummies, I usually don't like to share too much but this time, things are really bad and support would be good. I've been living separately from my hubby since Jan and usually he brings bb back on weekends. This weekend, he used bb as hostage and said he would not let me see her, unless I move back to my inlaws' home. So the whole of today, I had to talk to people and now getting legal help to get back my baby. I haven't seen her for 4 days...my SIL and MIL are on my hubby's side and not returning bb to me. How come these women SIL and MIL do not understand the pain of a mother separated from her child?

No way out except for legal means. His anger and family violence is the cause and he is not receptive to therapy/counselling.

Under the law, both mum and dad have equal rights to baby. So since we are not divorced, he has equal rights to baby unless I apply for custody of the child.

I think it'd be best all parties to meet up & talk. and tell them if not,things may get ugly.

and if legal means is the only way out, then guess u just hv to go thru with it. usually the law will side with mummy.

wished i had join the gathering.. bUT to bad, i'm down with sore thoat... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So sad....

Hi Julie,

Really sorry to hear that. Since you've already said there is no way to talk to your husband, the single most impt thing you need to do now is to get your baby back. I cannot imagine the agony you must be going through. I would go crazy if it was me. In fact, I would go knocking on their door with some backup like my parents or my friends or whatever. Try to talk to them and get my baby back, otherwise I will let them know that things will turn nasty and then if they still refuse my right to my baby, i'll call the police! I know it sounds dramatic, but it is your baby and 4 days is not a short time. I will be crazy with worry and I'm sure you are too.

Don't wait too long to do whatever you can to see your baby, otherwise it might be used against you next time.

take care dear, u can talk to us we'll b here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks. I've called police, MCYS and IMH. The police says they can't help. He is the dad and so I can't forcibly take her away. Getting a court order will take 3-4 days, before she can return. I will have to wait while my lawyer takes action.


I'm really sorry to have missed yest's outing. My girl had rashes all over, right after her fever subsided on sat. Today brought her to pd, turned out she got "false" measles -mild case of measles. Pd said will go off on its own within these 3 days. Poor her, seemed so irritable.

Geri: really sorry to have got u to bring irene's stuff for me

Eliss: i apologize for not bringing the nan pro. I can arrange a meet up where convenient for u.

Julie: sorry to hear abt ur story. Since u agreed that it's still both party having equal rights, ur hubby has no right to take baby away from u too at this moment. I feel the best way is really making things clear to them again that if u dun get to see baby still, the only mean is through legal way. I also cannot imagine the sorrow you're gg through. Be strong for ur baby k. U have all of the mothers' support

Julie, hugzzz..

Yes like what Jac said, I would go crazy too! Most probably go knock on door to demand my bb be returned ! Do u have the keys to ur inlaws' place? If so, go there with backup and try talk sense into them.

Mcys side mentioned anything?

Police said they can't help? But G is like being forcibly taken away from you by keeping her there longer than agreed!


Oh ya! Thanks for hosting us yesterday. We had fun watching the babies crawl, walk and kept us bz running after them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It was great meeting meeting up the rest of mummies too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ohoh vernie!! I didn't eat snuff red rocks yesterday ! Hahha

I'm happy. Managed to get my #2 to drop dreamfeed and also my #1 to be night diaper free! All in a few days! No more diapers for #1. no more df for #2. But I still gotta stay up till 11ish to take #1 to the loo half zzz b4 I go zzz.

Very soon I can start Zz ing ard 10pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks mummies. It is quite tiring talking to MCYS and police. Basically, they can't help much, unless i can prove he abuses child or he hits me (i have PPO). Main reason, I don't want to go to my inlaws (actually outlaws') home is that I don't want to create a scene, which I know, there will be a scene given the family's character. I don't want to distress baby G.

