(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

lol~~ bb G will jam his tongue out when he is full with milk.. As for porridge, he will give me the vomit action, and turn his figet around his high chair when he is full... :)


The Little Gym

23rd Apr (Sat) is Bring-Along-A-Friend day for Kayden's class at The Little Gym. Kayden can bring along a friend for free to class. Actually Kayden dated Javion but Javion is down with a cough thus unable to go. Anyone interested to come along?

Venue: The Little Gym @ Forum

Date: 23 Apr, this Sat

Time: 3.20pm to 4.05pm

Baby's age: 4mths to 10mths

Daisy: Thanks for the info, will check out Katong cc then.

Playdate @ Babycoco's house: How many pple we need to prepare the food for? If I order bee hoon enough for 15pax, do you all think is too much?

Valerie: If your girl can drink more milk then let her drink, my boy doesn't. Prefer to eat alot of "junk" food. If he is not sleeping when at my in-law house, they are always giving him food. I realised I had to replenish the melts, puffs & biscuits at my in-law place alot more time than at my own house.

xbeanniex, your baby doesnt take morning milk feed?

My gal normally wakes up quite early for her morning milk.

6am - 240ml milk feed

9+am - Breakfast cereal

12pm - 240ml milk feed

2+pm - Lunch (Cereal or Porridge)

5pm - Milk feed

7+pm - Dinner (Fruit)

9+pm - Milk feed

Sleep by 10pm

Ann, my gal drinks alot of milk:p

Has anyone put their kid in infant care? how long did they take to adapt?

Valerie: BB C wakes up only the minute reaches sch gate most of the time... (8am - 830am)

I carry n put her in the car seat at about 645am - 7am. Most times slping ... at times wakes up but once car moves off, she slowly fall back to slp.

my BB C is in the IFC since 3 mths old. not much an issue... only 1st day cries the most and i have to visit her at lunch hour to coax her to slp. after that no more... thou i still visit her not letting her I visited...

xbeanniex, oh ok. I am planning to start my baby with half day at IFC for the first two days then slowly lengthen her stay.

Any mummies had put her baby at Creative Kids? I remember there is one mummy in this forum.

Valerie: ya... the IFC my bb C goes have parents accompany their BB in the IFC for 2-3hrs then goes off for an hr and then rtn to IFC... slowly lengthen the hours away... most of them within a week no problem ready... and BB would be happy to go into IFC each morning... my BB C is like that... hahaha !

haha that's good!

but my IFC doesn't allow parents to stay there

I have to go once I passed her to the teachers[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh! Dont the teachers and principal knows about separation anxiety of a child can lead to future fear when growing up...

haiz... no wonder u say u put ur bb in for half a day...

my BB C is in PCF IFC...

Valerie: the teachers there are not that stable to divert attention of the bb there... for my experience at my bb's IFC, at 1 time 1 bb is to be enrolled in and 1 parent can stay with bb for few hrs of each day. I do see another bb might be crying but once teacher attend to bb with water/toys/carry/sing songs/play in the play yard etc, bb no longer crying and parents who stay/enter in the sch are to sterilise hands before entering sch.

I dont see any issues with u staying with ur bb in the sch and bb all cries for assistance or maybe i should say, bb all cries to tell u something.

anyway Valerie, do visit the IFC as and when to spot check on what are the teachers doing at ramdom hours.

As i also understand that different IFC have different values when comes to taking care of bb.

Peanut: I also gave cod fish to my boy cos I thought it's nutritious. I thought it wld be boring to always give thread fin. I like cod so I always cut a part of it to cook my boy's porridge.

Any mummy brought their babies to travel? I am taking him to malacca in jun and wonder how to lug stroller with our bags as we won't be driving. Any mummy still sterilizing bottles? What to watch out for and bring?I won't be able to cook for my boy though it's a four day trip? Any advice?

Aiyoh, gave my boy porridge with threadfin yesterday and he did not like it *headache*! Kept frowning at me, tried 3 small spoons, make a face then put his hands in front of his mouth to cover it so I cannot feed him anymore... but when I feed him HB puffs started smiling immediately! Think am gonna try plain porridge plys his fav apple puree first, then intro to fish again... haiz!

Ling, I still sterilize the bottles (recommended to do so till 1 yo) but sometimes when out of home for longer than expected, will just rinse w boiling water and reuse bottle. so far np lei, hehe. You can try to buy sterilzing tablets, but it has a chlorine smell wor.


Currently I'm in the midst of helping my boy to drop his dreamfeed at ard 1030pm. Sometimes I'm lucky [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So currently his feeding/eating schedule is such

7.30am/8am - 220ml EBM or latch on

9am - 1 small bowl of cereal n puree

1130pm - 1 small bowl of porridge

1pm - 220ml EBM

430pm - 220ml ebm

6.30pm - 1 small bowl of porridge

830 pm - latch on

1030pm -df (which I'm trying to help him drop)

He zzz through till ard 7ish in morning. Normally he will stand in the cot and go Ah ah ah to wake me up. Or just play on his own.

For Zzz at night, after his 830pm feed, normally will read to him n his bro or play a bit. Then we will off lights on music and lay him in his cot. He will play with his bolster then zzz on his own.

Quite happy with the progress of sleep training and feeding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The other thing that is not so good with him is his temper when he sits in the car seat. He will cry till he throws up if he is unhappy.

Cod fish

Yeap, me too. Started to feed BB with cod fish last week. He turned 9mths old on 10April so I think more or less he is ready for fish. I will cut a small pc of cod, put a bit of ginger on it and then steam it. Then add to his porridge which is cooked with stock. Very yummy

Shann: which cake? the sesame pop cakes? the idea is from www.bakerella.com - it's DIY

Ling: i've stopped sterilising baby's feeding items since she turned 9 months (early April). initially i thot to extend till 1yo but then her bowls, spoons i've not been sterilising since 1st use, so decided to stop all together. but i still rinse with hot water when i wanna use them. no problem

as for your stoller to Malacca, i assume you're taking a tour bus? buses have big compartments to store luggage, large items - not where the seats are but below. and you won't be checking in and out of hotels, right? can lah, can be done. no worry

i've not done any travelling yet, but for a 4-day trip, can pack cereals, food jars (ready meals). fruits should be easy - baby can eat them raw/fresh

Phy: how about playing Rayden's fave music when he's in the carseat?

Re: Fish - if you don't want to steam the fish separately, one way is to slice it real thin, then when the porridge is about done, put in the fish slices, cook a while and it's ready for makan. same for green, leafy vege

Pasta: over the weekend, made pasta for baby. i steamed and blended tomato, carrots, chye sim to make the sauce. baby finished it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but the pasta, i thot i overcooked it but when i tried some, it wasn't as soft as i thot, so had to mash a bit. baby has no problem with tomato

ica: I also intend to intro bb pasta. I bought Bellamy's bb pasta. which kind of pasta you used? bb likes and has any prob eating it?

Mouth ulcer:

My bb has mouth ulcer on his upper inner lip. But he still can take his milk and eat abit of solids. Any way to ease the pain, or just let it be? I have been forcing him to drink more water. I cannot even wipe his teeth cos he will scream!

CB: i think it's Bellamy's too - pasta stars, made from brown rice. i mashed the pasta up into tinier bits, bb had no problem eating it but i think it's the tomato that helped - more sauce than pasta. i tasted the sauce- the tomato was yummy. i used organic tomato so maybe sweeter?

if your baby has been eating puffs or any finger foods without problems, then should be fine

you can also sautee the tomato with olive oil, garlic

bdmummy: Do you buy freah fish to cook for your baby? As on the very day from the market when u wanna cook it for baby to eat? I realise Kayden dun like fish that are not fresh. He cannot tahan fish from NTUC or fish kept in the fridge for days before cooking. He will onlye at fresh fish from the mkt. My mum always cook fish porridge for him on Sunday night as dinner. When my in-law side cook fish porridge, he totally dun like it. My MIL told me that my boy dun like fish, i told her that my boy is picky and only like fresh fish. My MIL was surprise that baby know whether the fish is fresh or not.

Justina: Great! Kayden would love to bring Jaden along for class this Saturday. We see you at The Little Gym directly? I will PM you my mobile number.

ica: haha! thanks! so inspired to experiment with the sauce, but I doubt I will intro tomato so soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Phy: I have stopped Dfing my bb already, his last nite intake is at 7.30 to 8pm. As advised by some mummies, need to upp his milk intake in the daytime.


Yeap I've try playing his fav music, dangle diff toys, feed him(if someone with me).. But hor, once he flares nothing will stop him unless he's being carried out of the car seat. Waiting foe him to grow out of this phase.

Now if there are pole in the car, all will go ssshhh n be very quiet when R starts singing to himself(indicates he wants to zzz). Very stressed n funny!! Hahha


Ya, I'm trying to do tt too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so hope he drops df soon so I can get some ME time when both my boys zzz ard 9pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

$5 Mamilgold voucher: Mummies, I just received a $5 discount voucher for Mamilgold. Anyone interested? Valid till end of Dec 2011. Only valid for puchase of 900g Mamil Gold Step 2.

peanut: You can have the voucher. No need to exchange anything for it la. Maybe you PM me to liase for collection or maybe you can post me a self reply envelope so that I can post it back to you.

Ann: thanks for the tip... the fish was indeed frozen for couple of days, but it was purchased fresh and frozen immediately (furthermore ex one lor). I tried it after cooking and it tastes yummy, but I am sure bb's taste buds are way sharper than ours!

Phy: hehe, my boy just started 1 week ago to hum to himself (Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm...) before he goes to sleep, haha they are so cute hor...

Ica: Was thinking of buying the pasta stars or macaroni too. Does it take long to cook till soft?

bdmummy: Actually, if you didn't cook your fresh fish on that very day you bought it, it will have some fishy smell & taste liao even though it is only a day after. During pregnancy, I always have craving for fish and my MIL will cook fish for me but I really dun like cause not fresh.. I only eat fish prepared by my mum cause fresh ma from the mkt in the morning. Maybe that's why my boy reacted this way. Haha!!

Cod fish

I bought frozen ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then cut into small pcs and thaw only when I need to cook for boys.

The frozen ones can be kept for few months in freezer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1 kg of frozen cod fish (from Chile) costs me $40.

Musik Garten

Me, Pris and Lynn are going for Trial next Tues at 1pm.

Anyone wanna join us? 1 or 2 more babies should be fine.


Yaya, my #2 goes Ah Ah Ah Ah whenever he calls out to us.. so I told him we have names i.e. mama, papa, gor gor, nai nai ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

His ah ahs can be really loud.. so cute indeed

Mommies: any idea how to choose a cake mixer ?

With bowl or w/o bowl better?

Speed; i saw 3 speed/5 speed/7 speed/Turbo etc.

Power; 300W/450W etc.

So confused with the options... and best part is the price! Can range from $22(hand mixer, no bowl) $36.90(hand mixer+bowl) to $69.90 (hand mixer only) !

How to choose ?

Phy: ya lor, my boy always goes Aye Aye Aye to call us... he knows Singlish already lor! Will go Ah very very loudly too when he is happy... seems like both our boys hv similar behaviour!

Beannie: I got mine a long time ago. haha, mainly to whisk eggs la. I am no expert in baking, but 3 settings for speed is ok for me. Preferred the handheld mixer without bowl coz then I can use any bowl, and also takes up less space to store away.

xbeanniex: For mine, I bought Philip mixer with bowl. Actually if you are not baking very often, just buy a cheaper one will do. I baked quite often before kayden is born.. now my baking equipment covered in dust liao.. haha!! Must start baking again soon.


It's a homebased class as shared by Irene above. At Jurong.

U wanna take ur gal there? Currently Tues class only 3 of us.

Wanna go trial before u decide?

Pm me ur contact number. We whatsapp each other to keep each other in the loop.

Thanks, bdmummy &ica. I was excited bat bringing my boy to malacca as it's the first x I m bringing him out. Guess he will hav to take veg food.

I didnt sterilize the cutlery but I still sterilize the bottles.

Anybody tried feeding bits of bread?

My gal is coming to 9 mths and still Bo-geh. Any of your babies are like that too? My friends' babies all seem to have teeth since 6 mths. I wonder if my baby may be lacking in any nutrition.

valerie - i used to worry like you until baby K just show a first tiny white opening on her lower gum. She was nine months old too...

Ling: I do give bread to Kayden to eat.

Valerie: Kayden also start to have teeth @ 9 mths old. So don't worry. Your bb will teeth soon. Old pple also believe baby who grow teeth at 9mths, their teeth are stronger. Dunno how true. Hehe!

Valerie: Jaden now 9 mths n 2 wks liao... still no sign of his teeth. I am also getting worried. coz he is very small size. not sure is it becoz of not having enough nutrition.


Our bb having the same name but different spelling...

Jaden & Jayden..

My bb coming 10 mths this 26 April.. He is super small size too.. Now only 8.1kg lor...

What abt urs?

Hi mommies, other than the following fruits, any other suggestion on fruits that I can give to my bb? I wanted to try apricot, cherry,cranberry and persimmon but can't find fresh ones.





-melon (rock melon & honeydew)









Playdate 24/04

I've emailed/ pm my address, but some of the mummies do not accept pm. If you have not received my address, please let me know ya. See you all Sunday.

