(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

oh dear Julie, hope everything will work out for you soon. Since they demanded you to go back to the inlaws maybe for baby G sake, you should go back first just to get close to her? In any case, after that you should try to sneak out from the the in laws.If not can call police again to claim unlawful restraining? just a thought....


Geri, Ica, Vernie, Phy, hope everybody had a good time. It's always fun to see our babies interacting. Must do it again soon.

Vernie, you were very generous with the chips. I was so surprised to see a huge box on the table, haha.

Julie, I was just going to suggest what Eliss posted. That might be the fastest way to be with your bb. Hope everything will work out for you.

Skip Hop - anybody interested in ordering Skip Hop? My friend can get from distributor here. Discount is 25% off retail. This is the website : www.skiphop.com. Prices on that website is in USD. I'll let you know what is the retail price in SGP & how much the item will be after discount. Let me know if anybody wants to order.

Julie: Sorry to hear what happen. I would go crazy if my baby is taken away from me like that. If you have PPO, why can't the police action on it? What if anything happen to the baby? Is the police going to be responsible? Police need you to prove that he child abuse? So are they trying to tell me that my baby must get hurt before they do anything? I would go to the MP directly (election next week) and complain big time and demand they do something about it. You are not even asking the police to catch your hubby but maybe can act like a mediator to at least get your hubby to open the door and let you see your baby. Then see if you can get your hand on Baby G. Not sure if it is workable but anything is worth a try. Or try out what Eliss had said, go back and then find chance to run away. Hope you will get united with baby G soon.

Julie: *HUGZ*

I also had a big row with SIL... those have my FB go see my profile wall!

She really very shameless and still able to talk that way... really dont know what is call giving her parents some face... haiz...

Julie: hugs! ya maybe try Eliss' suggestion. maybe when hubby is out, then get a bunch of ppl to pop by unannounced, then leave the house with bb. I'm sure your hubby will have instructed your MIL and SIL not to leave baby out of their sight, so if you're alone, they'll try all means to prevent you from taking baby.

Ann: Police can't do anything coz no physical harm to Julie or baby lor

Babycoco: very cute SkipHop stuff! think i wanna get some stuff. let me know the prices ya. thanks!

thanks mummies. i just called my MIL. She still insisted that her son did no wrong. well, i'm going to my lawyers now to get the documents signed. his family is all in denial. denies responsibility. she told me she only has one more packet of BM and that should be enough for one more day.

Julie: OMG!! 1 packet of BM nia.. if they dun return bb, then how? MIL also a woman and a mother, how would she feel if her children kanna taken away from her?

Ica: That's why police also very funny. Why must wait till pple get hurt then action? Isn't it too late liao? Pay them so much money, they also just sit at the counter doing nothing. Sometime wanna report things, also push from 1 officer to another. Sometime even worse, got to run different police post to get 1 simple thing done. Dunno what is our SPF doing.

Hi Julie,

According to the law, if parents divorce & bb is under 5 years old, her custody is definitely goes to mother side.

Be strong, we always support you..

Red rock chips: Glad you mummies like the chips. Next gathering I bring a carton of Doritos? As long as my hubby continues to work with his current company, I can get them at distributor price. Soft drinks also have. =)

Babycoco: Can send me the Skip Hop prices too? Think I’ll get another set of the Zoo bowl. My boy loves his Bee bowl. =)

Julie: *hugs* Hope you get reunited with your bb soon! And yes, law is usually in favour of the mother...Take care!

Julie: I am stuck in ur situation totally... I put myself in ur position I think i will just bang n crash my way to bring my bb away. Even if i have to resort to asking my team of angry aunties and uncles up to help me win my bb back...

25 yrs back, this is how my mum helped my youngest auntie to force carry back my cousin who stays with me since the day she was brought home by my mum and brought up by my parents.

I feeled you Julie !

Hi Julie

Just logged in and read about it, very sad to hear about your plight. You are a very tough mum! We will be here to support you. Hope all will be well for you and Bb G.


I m interested in getting skip hop pdts. Will pm u my list soon.


Hugz! Let us know if you need any help ya.

Hey Julie *hugs*! stay strong for your bb girl k. We're here to give support if we can. Trust that u have a good lawyer who's advising you well. a mum's instinct is always to hold her bb tight away from harm but these days it may not be the best thing to forcibly snatch your bb back from the father. The father has rights too and he can bring u to court using your actions against you. I can't imagine how emotional u must feel now but think of your bb girl's well being and stay rational k. *hugs*

Hi Julie,

Just checked.. still can register. If u interested, can send me ur information as below:-

Can pm or email me soon?






may, i emailed you.

thanks mummies. yes, peanut, i want to act cautiously and carefully and avoid any drastic actions that may put me in unfavourable light, if i were to fight for custody.

i just came back from lawyer. she will apply for court order to get baby back. once she gets the court order, she will accompany me to get baby back. hopefully, this can happen tomorrow, or thurs or friday...i dunno.

my hubby's latest msg to me is

Hi dear, can't reach you. Dun worry. But I am worry that she might forget you if you are not around for more than 1 week. Do you agree?

i'm not communicating with him anymore. i have to stay firm on this. cause when two persons are on different wavelengths, it is pointless to communicate.

1st Birthday Bash - Payment $40

Original 30 mommies: mommies who are still interested but have not paid, just a gentle reminder that the payment deadline is 1 May, just around the corner. Details have been emailed to you on 31 March. Have also dropped you a note (either email/sms) on the deadline. If you can't make it, please let me know so that I can quickly inform the next mommy on the waitlist. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Additional 5 mommies (waitlist): if you've not paid and are still interested, just to let you know that your payment deadline is 8 May

Hi Julie,

Is it one of the way ur hubby trying to patch up with you but using the wrong way?

I think for the sake of yr baby, you should try to have a good talk with him, sort out the things nicely, k? Be strong ya..


Any mommy has recommendation on good photographer?

I'm interested in SkipHop diaper bag!

I'm using one right now but feel it's not big enough to contain all the stuff. Sometimes I wonder why my diaper bag is so heavy & full cuz I bring alot of things....?

Will PM u the model for enquiry on cost, thanks!

Hi gals, abt the gap between e 2 front teeth.. Dun worry the teeth will slowly move to meet one another when other tooth comes out.. This happens to my elder gal..

Thermal flask..

After cheese recommends tiger food jar, I simply love it!!! I only put in a small portion of porridge abt half a tiny bowl.. Watery n after 3 hrs, still pipping hot n guess wat.. Porridge becomes mashy n not watery..

Hi mummies, any cream to apply on bb's insect bite? My bb has this angry red bite on his hand for few days already.

Mvh: oh thanks, my bb too has an obvious gap bet the two upper teeth as well.

just had a boo boo by the lawyer, she forgot to get my marriage cert. i had to go home to get it.

my hubby may say he loves me but he uses threatening tactics to achieve his aims. the conflict is too deep. he refuses counselling and thinks that i'm the cause of the hitting.

my MIL just called me. She told me what she has feeding baby all this while. Told me that she has just woken up from a nap, sleeping on the same bed as baby.

Hi Julie,

i dono what advise i could give u.. & dono what is going on between u & ur hubby..

But maybe u could have a good talk with ur hubby & some ppl.. like strong supportive friends & family.. tgt with his family side.. an open talk, might able to help..

even after the talk, u & ur hubby still cannot tolerate each other.. the last solution is the D..

Afterall, the most innocent party is ur bb..

I've been through D, a peaceful D though, and my gal who is 6yrs old now, had suffer during her childhood life..

Although i have re-marry, giving her a proper family & life now, but i had already torn her childhood life into 2,3 pieces.. Even i have give birth to her little brother who is coming to 10months old, to divert her miserable life to a happy life.. She is still living in so many "lifes".. WHY?? coz too many grandmothers, grandfathers, relatives to remember... Plus 2 fathers? 2 mothers?? 2,3 homes or to make clearer, is to do visit..

and too many information to let her know..

last few years, my gal will asked.. "why my friends have 1 papa & mama.. and i have 2 papas and 1 mama..." "why we nv stay with "bio'logical father"... many many things to consider..

whenever my gal asked this, i feel so heartache.. But then, i know.. leaving her bio-logical father is good for us..

Julie: I am also not sure abt the extent of the domestic violence your hubby has inflicted on you. But I myself cannot tolerate a guy using verbal or physical abuse on a woman, no matter who is wrong. And sad to say, many of these guys will not change even after they have apologized or showed remorse. Yea and he should go for prof help if he is keen to salvage the marriage but he is not doing it? Think you should try to ask him to go seek help again, if not really no point in talking to him.

Hershey: you are blessed with two cute children..stay happy n be forward looking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Julie: I agree with what charliebrown said. No matter what, man shouldn't abuse woman verbally & physically. Most imptly, man shouldn't use a baby to threaten us women to go back to their side. It doesn't show that they love us, it only shows that they are weak. If he really love you and Baby G, he should agree to seek help. If he doesn't think he needs it then at least do it out of love for you and Baby G. At least do it to give you a peace of mind.

Skiphop bowl: Looks very cute. Maybe I should buy too. Anyone organising spree now?

charliebrown: Maybe you can try using calendula cream from California baby.

Ann, I'm getting Skip hop from my friend. 25% off retail price.

Here are some prices :

Zoo bowl - $8.75

Zoo plate - $12.50

Zoo bib - $13.90

Above are retail prices. There's 25% discount.


if hubby is violent, than forget it lahz.. don nid to think so much.. But u also nid to let ur parents know what is going on too.. After the D, ur family support is very much important... :)


Been reading the thread not sure wat has happen between u n hubby but do stay strong. All that is happening now will eventually be over but it just needs time and time will tell. I'm sure ur bb will not forget u.


I am also interested in getting the skip hop zoo bowl and maybe a diaper bag too. Will pm you to check. Thanks

julie, sorry to say this but your hubby's sms does sound like a threat. like what the other mummies said, don't worry your bb wont forget you after just one week. don't let him psycho you like that. and for him to blame his own violence on you is just BS. no matter what the issues are, it's completely within his control whether or not to be violent (physically or verbally). he absolutely cannot blame his abusive behaviour on you. really hope that the two of you can get through this and work it out. stay strong dear.

