(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

hershey: i had hoped to have a complete family for the sake of my bb. i do realise that divorce is difficult for the children but as what you said, leaving the biological father may sometimes be the best way. two parents constantly at conflict and having the baby witness the dad hitting the mum. what kind of messages are we sending?! i just hope i would be a good enough parent to bring bb G up well.

we have tried conselling, but in vain. we have had talks between families, but his mum has ended up scolding my mum. he is resistant to therapy, reluctant to open up. his family are supporting his foolish antics.

the extent of violence is sufficient to justify me being granted a protection order by the family court.

meanwhile, i can only count on the law helping me. Tomorrow, i hope to get good news from the lawyer about the court order.


Julie, sorry to hear that ur hubby is so bad.. STAY STRONG!! I believe the court will see who is the best to look after baby.. Plus what i heard, baby below 3 years old, is confirm granted to mummy de.. PLus u have the edvience that ur hubby hit u.. blah blah.. that u have got no problem.. :)

My ex was some wat similar to yours.. >_<||| but i'm quite forunate, coz ex-MIL support me.. and also witness some scene...

julie, be strong.. baby need u.. baby love u..

Julie: reading ur posts my eyes went wet each time, I feeled the pain in u... Really hurts alot. A man u loved so much before did that to u, u give him an adorable bb. He still hurts u. threaten u with bb.

Bear with the pain n hurt, will be over soon... I pray for ur success of getting bb back.


Julie: I hope things turn out well for u & yr baby. Let's hope your lawyer is able to get a court order for the baby to be returned to u. Its even more upsetting when yr MIL is blind to her own son's faults!

babycoco: I want to order a bento diaper bag & 1 zoo bee bowl. Tks.

babycoco: sorry, I want to order another zoo monkey bowl. Pls PM me the pymt & collection details. Much tks!

Re: birthday cake

I made an enquiry with ovencreations.blogspot for a 2.5kg custom cake on jungle/animal farmyard theme. Price quoted is $190! Very ex but am really tempted to splurge on the cake.

Julie, very sad as I read what has happened. Cannot imagine being separated from bb. Mother's instinct will guide you to do what is best for bb so continue to believe in yourself, stay strong. Maybe you can bring more friends and relatives to support you? Will pray that you will be reunited with bb G soon!

Babycoco: thanks for having us over for the playdate! Nice to meet the mummies for the first time and hope to join more such gatherings.

Eliss, Chelz: Your little ones are not very small size ah, most importantly they are healthy, active and happy!

Sweetkiss: My boy has a gap between his 2 front teeth too!

dear hershey, thank you for sharing your story. your ex-MIL supports you in D? very unusual. my MIL has similarly been hit by her hubby in the past. and now, she feels that there is nothing wrong with her son. do you have sole custody of your girl? is the bringing her to see grandparents relatives compulsory or optional?

now it has gotten so bad, i hope to get sole custody of my baby. in the past, i have been too soft hearted, hence he is now able to use her to threaten me.

Julie, I pray that things will work out for you. If you're really going the D route, the law favours the mother if the child is young, unless your hubby can prove that you're unfit to bring up baby G, which I doubt so.

From what you've just shared, looks like it runs in the family. Your MIL is already immuned to it. In such a situation, IMO, it's best for baby G not to grow up in such an environment, lest baby thinks that such actions are ok

Hugs! Be strong!

ica- Wonder if there any more slots for the baby birthday bash..if there any...do let me know? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Julie: I hope all will go well for you. You must stay strong for yourself an most importantly your bb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babycoco: I can't send u PM.. Dont Know why...

I want to have these:-

Zoo Lunchies - Penguin - How much?

Zoo Plate - Bee $12.50 ($9.38)

Zoo Bowl - Bee $8.75 ($6.56)

Thanx !

xbeanniex, the zoo lunchies is $21.90 before discount. let me know if you want.

bdmummy, hope you had fun.

skiphop orders - waiting for my friend to get back to me. then i'll pm those who want to order.

anybody interested in trunki? my friend can also get 25% off retail. let me know.

Sean - I'll put you on the waitlist [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xbeanniex, trunki is $84.90 retail. after discount $63.68. they have toyboxes too. really cute. aiyoh, this friend of mine is making me spend sooo much money.

babycoco: arggggg.. .....trunki, I have been eyeing that...

julie: been following the thread. Just wana say take care of urself so u can take good care of G and if u need any help/company.. let us know...hugz

hershey: u too.. u have given F a very healthy and happy family now so dun think or look back.. if she ask again on y she have so many grandparents,..tell her that it is great and that means there are more people who loves and dotes on her.. just like we have god parents :> I think u are doing very well!!


i want to take trunki (blue). i will pm you my total order. what other things that your friend selling beside trunki & skip hop???? :D :D :D

babycoco: i agree, your friend is burning holes in our pockets. haha. but i like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

what does this toybox look like? i'm looking for a toy chest - something similar?

trunki: very cute, thot of buying, so i did a search for reviews. on webbies, most parents say it's very cute but the novelty wears off for the kids after a while. and not good for travelling - very cumbersome. thot you guys wd like to know

Chez: u go where see the options ah ?!

I saw 1 tiger print one... hahaha ! Exp i think !

Babycoco: got webby to choose the trunki ?

babycoco: Your friend is also making us spend...but i like good bargains. Hee!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Does your friend sell Benbat Travel Pillow?

ica: This is the trunki toybox: http://www.cutiesjuniors.com.sg/shop/storefront/trunki_toybox_main.asp

I've been eyeing it but dunno whether worth to spend or not...

babycoco: I am interested to order the following:

1)Zoo bowl - bee

2) Zoo plate - dog

3) Trunki - Do your friend has the Tipu (The Tiger Trunki)? If yes, would like to get 1.

hahaha ! Now i like the toybox more then the luggage !

can get the yondi small 1-4yrs old ? my darling princess needs that badly... napping in the car is common for her...

Huggies Ultra: Any mummies using Huggies Ultra? I use that for my boy when he sleeps at night. When he wake up in the morning, the diaper smell so badly that I had to get it changed. Wonder anyone experience such thing when using Huggies Ultra. Not sure if it is the diaper or my boy's urine stink so much.

Mummies, is your baby very clingy to u nowadays?

In the past, my girl will play and roll around her cot & sleep on her own when she’s tired but now, she simply wants to be carried to sleep.

I dun have to carry and rock her but she will be content with just me cuddling her in my arms..

Once I put her back in her cot, she starts to cry.. so tiring lei.. I had to adjust her bedtime 30min earlier cos she drags for 1 hr to sleep instead of 30mins.

SK: hmmm y not use that cuddling time to tell her stories ... or maybe just talk to her.

at times my C is like that, so I will just talk to her like "bb gal, big big gal rdy, still want glue mummy to slp like that ah, shame shame eh"

"ok ah, mummy hug hug u for awhile then we sing song then milk milk, bb slp with mummy ok"

or sometimes I will suddenly just roll her off my arms onto the bed and play tickle with her.

then talk to her again like "bb, late late ready, play awhile more, hug hug bb slp rdy ok, dun worry, mummy always with bb, mummy will hug hug you for tonight to slp"

hahaha... i talk alot to my bb actually...

Haha! Sk, my hubby always says bb sticky to the mummy is gd cos his female mum colleague told him so. Consider it bonding.

Beannie: talking to bb is gd mah...hehe they love our voice!


it happened to my bb 1 month ago... he cling to me for about 2 weeks... scared of stranger & only want me... so shag...

He likes Little gym instructor so much when we attended the trial class (2 months ago). We signed up the class bcs he enjoyed & laughed throughout the trial lesson.

Who knows on his 1st & 2nd lesson, he only cling to me & cried when any stranger touch him... felt so paiseh bcs never expect he become so clingy & scared of stranger.... Also, he only want me to carry him to sleep during that period...

Lucky all these only happened for 2 weeks... otherwise the full course fee i paid will go to drain & got to carried him to sleep during the 2 weeks....

I think your bb is like my bb, just passing phase...

sweetkiss:I think their anixety for stranger peak at around their 9th to 10 months..it also hard for me n wifey cos he will start to look out for us, want us to carry...but when carry him..he want to stand..or play...sometime i am puzzled by what he really want.....very hetic..hahaha

Beannie: hehe yup I did.. but she is so active at night, must play till tired and sweaty then start crawling to me to carry her.

My girl very funny… the other day, I showed my girl her pair of socks.. then I asked her to pick it up and pass to me. She did and I clapped my hands to praise her.

Now, whenever she holds anything and I ask her to “pass to mummy”, she will do so followed by clapping her own hands. Hahaha!

- she saw daddy wiping his mouth with tissue, then snatched the tissue away to wipe for daddy (very rough!).

Sean: Maybe my bb has not reached this phase, he is still ok with strangers. But bet the dad and me, he is more sticky to me obviously.Tiring yes, but it is all worth it when we see our bbs grow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charliebrown: really? Actually I went to do some sort of numerology reading for my gal and me.. I was told my gal and I has very similar character (both stubborn) so she will be closer to daddy. Hmm maybe when she reaches her teenage years I will be a crazy mum.

Chez: mine since all along afraid of strangers.. that’s why all the trial classes didn’t work for her, except for those with few babies.

but now she is more clingy to me than ever.. I hope is also a phase like ur boy and she can be less timid or else when she goes childcare she will suffer…

sean: yup same same! Want me to carry, carry liao want to stand and wriggle around. only new things can keep her occupied for a longer period. Currently my computer mouse can entertain her for very long. haha

SK: Where did you do the numerology reading? I suspect my hubby likes bb to be v sticky to me so that he has more free time! but anyway is gd bb is close to us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Same, mine likes to play with things now- everything from remote control to paper to tissue box he also wants to touch and bang.

SK: hahaha ! there's alot more to come dwn the days.

Sharing with everyone here then:-

over last weekend, Saturday, having lunch at this chicken rice place at queenstown, forgets to bring her barang dwn the car as thinking to grab a bite then moves off since she had her 3oz milk 15min ago. so usual routine, will give her some mouth of my plain rice(instead of chicken rice that i can have) then faster eat myself. Suddenly she got choke of few grains of rice (she is fine actually) then i didnt know how to give her water when there is no extra clean spoon to use, so i push my cup of water chestnut, with the straw into her mouth, hahaha ! she happily drinking from the straw... which we didnt expect her to do it... end up HB got to rtn to car to get the plain water and pour into the mug to let her drink water. and that entertains her for quite a gd time for me n HB to finish our meal.

So from then on, she started drinking from very own straw btl we get for her that day.

C also imitates other actions of ours, like coughing, smiling, making fun faces, sticking out her tongue, moving her hands to say bye-bye, using her tongue to make sounds, n now she is watching BB can read and she is poking her fingers to her "best frds" "minnie" & "Hippo" eyes and ears all the time... becos the video shows her all the time...

oh ya !! blinking her eyes to her daddy all the time... making her daddy melts! HB says not melted but got "elecrocuted" by own daughter. hahaha!

Charliebrown: I got it done by Renae Chan. (u can google for their web) I dun usually go for such things but went ahead with the purpose of seeking some personal advise as things were not smooth-sailing for me this year. i told her I have a child so she just calculated my girl’s date for me just to see if our personality matches. anyway, wad she said is exactly same as what You Long Zi told me when I went to do my girl’s chinese name, except that Renae is more detailed.

my lawyer just informed that the court hearing will be on Friday. Hopefully, bb G will be back with me on Friday.

Tonight, he will receive the lawyer's letter. And then, I will wait to see how his response is.

Tomorrow, we will meet in the family court for the PPO review. Luckily, my lawyer will accompany me. Dunno how else to face him and his remarks.

talking abt separation anxiety, i wonder how my bb will respond when she sees me. now, i just go hang around at fren's place, otherwise, i will feel the urge to dash up to his place and get my baby back.

Hi Julie, no worry, everything ll be fine after this week..

abt the bb, u dun have to worry that she ll forget u..im a weekend mommy who only get to see bb on every friday nite to sun nite only, she ll still stick to me whenever i go bek home..stimes she even prefer me to carry compare with my parents..

then my hubby away for business trip for 2 weeks, i also thought she ll forget him, but surprisingly she still wants my hubby to carry her..FYI, my gal is super fussy type who only allows my parents, my hubby n i to carry..even my younger sis who stay with her everyday she also doesn't want..

my mom used to tell me no matter how, bb ll know who is her mother..

cheers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup Julie, dun worry, I was away for my bb for 6 days and she clung to me when she saw me. in fact she suddenly took my arm to kiss and smell . she nv does that before.. even when my parents or hubby were away for more than a week, she still recognizes them cos these are the faces she is most familiar with. U mentioned ur mil told u only left 1 pkt of BM for her? Do u need to bring more over? Will that be a chance for u to see ur gal?


Has been reading your posting...

Take care and I hope tat u can hv ur bb back by fri... Me too feel tat if u are to fight for the custody you will stand a high chance...

yes get someone to go with you whenever you have to meet him...

Dont worry of baby forgetting you..Its been two weeks since my bb had not seen my parent just brought him back last weekend and bb still want my parent and brother...

you have my support...

Any mummies free from 30apr – 2 may?

It’s a long weekend again but unfortunately, my parents are going overseas and my hus going on a 2-week biz trip.

Will be all alone with baby. Im thinking of what to do, where to go, at the same time if any of u mummies r free maybe we can bring the babies out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Beannie: water chestnut isit too liang for bb? Actually I want bb to try more adult food, but I am not so adventurous yet. Recently just let bb try bread n chui Kway with no toppings.

