(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


Jaden is around 7kg+ nia... haiz.... dun like to drink milk. at one time he was drinking ard 190ml. then now at most ard 150ml.. getting so worried. hmm.. is it d fault of their names? seems like Jaden n Jayden both also small size hor..


justine, jasline..

My boy Javion - still stuck at 120ml..

and worse, he rejected milk for 2 days liao!

i have to swaddle him so that he can drink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

BB start with "J" belong to small size?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


actually, don't worry about the teeth part. as long as he is eating well and growing well, hvg teeth is not a real concern

today bb sydney weighs 9.2kg and 72cm @ 9mths 1 day old

anyone want else want to exchange the following for 400g Pro Nan 2?

fazzy - one 400g Similac to Pro nan 2 for exchange on Sun's gathering confirm?

I still have

one 400g enfapro

two mamil 400g

Irene: i've seen fresh persimmon at NTUC Finest and fresh cranberries in Cold Storage. but fresh cranberries are really sour. another fruit you can try is watermelon. don't think cherries are in season yet - summer fruit

how about guava, ciku, dragonfruit? any mommies know? i bought them but not sure babies can have them yet? actually for my consumption. just thot of asking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ica: thanks for the info! shall head to cold storage later during lunch. actually I saw persimmon some weeks ago but recently when I want to find, I don't see it anymore. Watermelon sounds good too!

Exchange Similac 2 to Enfapro

I have a 400g similac 2 and wish to exchange to enfapro. If anyone interested please PM me. Thanks!

Justina & Cheese,

Cheese think ur bb should be heavier than ours???

Hmmm mine also rejected milk everytime... Normally is 180ml but he always drink n will automatically stop at 40ml n dun wan... Worse dun drink!! Wow waste alot of my milk powder..

Mayb name starting J is like tat.. Lol... I dunno.. Haiz headache.. Keep worry he dun gain much weight..

Justina u have FB.. Wanna see ur bb.. =)


My boy coming 9 mths on 25th and he is also bo gek. Enjoying his toothless grin now. Once teeth starts to come out, no chance le! haha..


Do you mummies still steam the fruit? Or can just give raw?


I fed S Gardenia bread. I tear the bread into strips and give it to him so that he can self feed. He loves it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thinking of stopping sterilising soon..cos i dun sterilise his spoon and bowl. So it seems a bit pointless if i just sterilise bottles but not his spoon and bowl.

Sun_tan: can stop steaming the fruits oredi. started off with those fruit purees in jar - so those are cooked fruit. mid Feb (bb was 7.5m) decided to go natural and have been giving baby raw fruits since then

I've stopped sterilising baby feeding items when my baby hit 9m, around early Apr. same thot as you - i don't sterilise the bowl, cutlery, so no point sterilising the bottles lor. and the toys..she likes to taste them. i can't be sterilising them all the time, right? it's your call really. see what you're comfy with

Fruits: Oh.. I dun steam fruits anymore... I just let him bite himself. Like grapes, plum, banana, rock melon (real soft portion), papaya, etc. He love to hold the fruits and eat himself. If you take it away from him, he will cry big time. Haha!!

Sterilising: I still sterilise his bottles and magmag cup but of cos not cutleries. Think will do it till he is 1yr old ba.

Cleaning of toys: How do you all clean your toys? Wipe with plain water or dettol or other solution?


Mummies, JTS, sterilizing bottles is impt because milk deposits can get caught in the grooves of the bottle openings and the teat rings if not washed very carefully. Bacteria breeds easily there. Its different for cutlery because there are fewer crevices for food to get caught. but of course it's up to your comfort level, and if bb is fine without sterilizing then should be alright la. I still sterilize bottles and teats but not cutlery although occasionally I just throw the spoons into the sterilizer heh

Ann: usually i use damp cloth. if i'm diligent enough, i will use Pigeon liquid cleaner (this one can be used to clean fruits, toys), wipe the toys, then wipe again using a damp cloth. i only clean once a day lah, at night - it's like a ritual to me. kekeke. soft toys i usually go for those that are machine washable

Babycoco: Thanks! Got it!

See you mummies this Sunday. Am currently in India now on biz trip, can't wait to come back tonight. Missing my boy so much!

Babycoco: i didn't get your email on your address. Can re-send please? Thanks! or i can get it from you on Sat for the gym class. see ya!

Playdate: Babycoco, thanks for having us over! My hb may also come, if he is not too tired... haiz he still cannot decide wor. Looking forward to meeting mummies on Sunday!

Jasmine: My boy drinks Mamil Gold. If it's still available, would u mind passing to me on Sunday? Thanks!

Cleaning toys: 90% of the time I just rinse with tap water and air dry. If not lazy will use Pigeon liq cleaner.

Cheese: My boy really likes the laughing cow soft cheese. IMO it is not very salty so that is good for bb.

Hi all,

I have Mamil gold stage 2: for 6 mths, the middle size tin @ 900g. Selling at $26 each and give away $5 mamil gold stage 2 voucher. I bought too many. I have 6 sealed tins so if buy more save more. Expiry date: 27 July 2012. If anyone is interested can PM me.

Hello Mummies. Have been away for such a long spell. I have just managed to catch up as much as I can. I have finally found another maid to help me at home. Im still not totally satisfied with her but I guess I will have to manage for now.

Eliss, I read that the venue for the Birthday Bash is now changed... I have my name waitlisted but have heard re: availability as yet. I guess the places have been filled up.

My Girl has turned 10 months today and have 4 teeth on top and 3 teeth below. She has her breakfast at 9:30am - cereal. 11am - Snacks. 1pm - porridge (home made recipes - some copied from the internet which includes fish, chicken and vegetables) 3pm - fruits. 5pm - cereal or porridge. I have yet to train her to eat around 9pm coz by then she latches and wants to sleep. Apart from these she latches on me (on-demand).

Im now in the process of cracking my head as to how to celebrate her 1st birthday. Have you ladies started planning already?

babycoco & mummies,

Sorry, i'm down with sore thoat..

Guess tml playdates i have to give it a pass.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



Sorrie mummies I have to give a miss for tml.. I'm not able to come cos bb now down with flu.. Haiz..

Catch with all mummies soon...

any mummies went to the Baby Fair@Expo? Wondering if the Fair has stalls selling pre-walker shoes?

BTW, any of u let yr bbs wear shoes already? I bought a pair from the BP, think its 11 or 12cm size. But my boy cannot wear! Too small. Luckily I bought it at only $9.

Hi Mummies

Understand that some parents here signed up for gym classes for your babies. Is it good? Any recommendation on which gym is better? Heard that such classes are expensive. How much do you pay for the whole training? Will really appreciate if you can PM me the details. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrslong, i bought a pair of pre-walker shoes from smaller by see kai run. mothercare having promo, buy 2nd pair 50%. so for 2 pairs was $75. you can consider those.


Birthday cake: Just tried Jack's Place (Eatzi Bakery) mango mousse cake and blackforest cake on friday, it's good (much better than B Solo)! But depending on size of cake, if not able to put in fridge, may become slightly soft when served coz of the mousse. JP Pepperdine card gets 10% off, free delivery within timeslot for orders > $100. SO quite a good deal.

Catering: Had lots of good comments for the Orange Clove food, great change fr the usual chinese asian selections from Neo Garden! The teriyaki chicken, grilled dory w lemon butter sauce, fried rice, choc puffs were yummy! Tauhu goreng nothing special. Catered for 35pax, but was enough for 43pax coz did not hv a lot of countible items (which always run out very quickly). Overall way better than my expectations, and IMO better than Neo Garden. Ordered 1 mth before and got 18% early bird disc w Neo Garden VIP card.

Babycoco: shoes from pediped, smaller, etc, are very nice but exp! Dun wanna spend so much on baby's shoes when he can only wear a few times, hehe.

Babycoco: shoes from pediped, smaller, etc, are very nice but exp! Dun wanna spend so much on baby's shoes when he can only wear a few times, hehe.


i have 10 tins of s-26 promil gold for sale as my gal is now 1yr old n need to take stage 3 so i need sell these away due to overstock. i will provide free delivery if u take 6 tins n above.


so sorry abt the last min for not attending to the playdate.. my bb had rashes ...

hope to see you all soon...

Hi mummies,

anyone keen on buying bb can read flip card & flash card?

found 1 mummy gathering parents for bulk order from hong kong distributor. I am only keen on getting BB can read flip card & flash card but seems like she doesnt want to entertainment me since my order is only 1 set & only flash card. ("We don't just sell the flip card, the simple-kit set is the smallest unit we sell.. thanks")

Perhaps she might want to consider to order flip card & flash card if we can consolidate more mummies who are keen on this.

So far she only want to take order of:

1) 5 DVD + 50 Cards + Guide Book)

If you want only the flash card, I have a small kit version which inculdes: 5 DVD + 50 Cards + guide Book (see attached pic)

It is 100% new in paper box set. Best price is $35

2) Full set

It's 100% new, 2011 version DVD. I'm trying to gather more parents for bulk order from hong kong distributor. It's include the 2011 full English version of Your Baby Can Read.

It includes: 6 DVD + 1CD + 50 cards, + booklet + sliding books + 5 Books + 5 Blank cards + 1 Marker Pen + 82 Flash cards + 1 mother-guide book + 50 playing cards + 25 two way sliding cards + 6 x 2010 version two way sliding books

babycoco: Thanks for hosting us yesterday. Your place really very nice. I brought Kayden to play the swimming pool water by the side, he was so happy that he wanna sit in the water to play. Regretted not bringing the swimming costume for him. Hehe!! Thanks for the easter eggs too.. they are yummy and ended up in my tummy while kayden is sleeping in the car. Haha!!!

Chelz: I heard from the Baby Can Read Singapore office that they will produce new flashcard this yr end lei. That's why they discontinue the Flash card for set 1 and trying to finish selling stock for set 2. Not sure how true it is.

Hi all mummies,

been really away for a long time as was busy with lots of stuff...everyday our bb will throw us some surprise in 1 way or another...i am sure every bb is getting cuter too..

Now the headache is on how to celebrate his 1st year birthday..anyone started planning?

Hi mummies.. just back from a nice holiday at Taiwan, without bb for 5 days.

Really a gd time to relax & and im back to work feeling refreshed.

Sterilizing: I sterilize as and when too... sometimes just scald w hot water.

Solids: I’m quite envious of u mummies whose bb can eat many solids a day.

K still has 4-5 milk feeds and only 1 small bowl of porridge a day. I cant afford to cook porridge twice, but she refuses all cereals and all kinds of fruits.

I’ve practically tried offering any fruits I can. I give her raw, steamed, mashed, sticks, wadever she simply wouldn’t eat.

Thus, her constipation prob is still here, until I finally found parsnips!!!!

Cant find anywhere, cold storage selling $5+/stick.

She had mashy poo finally after taking parsnips.

Thermal food container: Any mummies have this prob? Whenever I put hot porridge in thermal container to bring out, the porridge turns very watery!

I already cooked till it was very sticky and congee type before filling into the container. When I reached home to check the remaining porridge in my pot, it was still sticky and mashy so I dunno hw come “transported” porridge is like this?!

Babycoco: Thanks for hosting us yesterday. Lovely place! Hope there were not too many leftover chips. I dunno how to estimate, so just brought the whole carton!

I think the daddies are starting to make friends too coz on the way back, my hubby started mentioning your hubbies' names like Stefano, David, etc. Hee!


Sean: Quite a number of us already planned our bb's 1st birthday. Venue booked. Cake ordered. Theme decided. =)

SK: Sometimes I will cook a bigger portion of porridge for 2 meals. The 2nd meal for dinner I will keep in Thermos Funtainer Jar. Porridge did not turn watery. Still warm, thick and nice to eat after about 5-6 hours. Before I put the porridge in, I will pour freshly boiled hot water into it for 5 mins to "warm" the container. After putting the porridge in, I don't open the jar until it is time to eat.

