(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


Thanks for the link. Already send my enquiry to MOM. Hope they can reply to be fast.

Congratz to you.. So you can now relax & wait for the BB arrival. =)

Talking abt sleeping, wow now really so hard to sleep. Phy, I also have the same pro as u.. was so difficult to toss from side to side.. upper chest feel so painful.... sleeping was like a toture. =(


morn mommies

yesterday, my #1 accidentally gave me a v hard kick on my tummy while i was patting her to sleep... thru the nite, i had v strong BH. tmr seeing gynae hope bb okie...


congrats! so now can go on ML without worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


your wedding gown was really cheap and looks nice too! some more MTO


dun recall Mrs. Wong saying not to immerse baby in water in the 1st week when bathing but you can do sponge bathing if you want, then by 2nd week, gently lower baby into the water and softly tell baby that while doing it

keer, atomickitten,

ya, just fold the top of the cloth nappy if not using pins - just like you're using a sarong, so you fold 2-3 times to secure the sarong. think pigeon brand diaper should be big enuf coz that's the brand Mrs Wong recommends


a rooster?? LOL. ya la, just go complain, if not your sleep will sure suffer - roosters not only crow in the mornings, also evening, around sunset. skali they say it's a pet instead. hahaha

sleep deprivation,

me also getting very little sleep these days. will go to bed by 11.30pm and by 3am will wake up to pee, then cannot go back to sleep. and baby keeps moving


she's fully packed today as well, so i dun think i will get a chance to see her... bb's movement is damn weird these days as well...


when you say baby's movements very weird, how weird are they? coz if baby has been shifting around and then you feel sudden panicky movements or jerks, have to tell gynae oredi. may signal distress

gd morning ladies

Ann: Aiyo keep rooster at home?? What a nuisance. I think it can be one of those shops at hdb area as well that keep as a pet.

bathing baby: I remembered that we shouldn't immerse the baby immediately. Instead we scoop water up to them so they are used to it first.. then slowly put them in legs first.

jellypurin: take care gal... till now i donno how BH feels like. I do have some cramps here n there sometimes, wonder if those r BH. However not painful just uncomfortable.

Sleeping: I am having problems sleeping as well. Pelvis quite sore so when I turn to the other side, it hurts like crazy! Also I need to wake up to pee about 3 times every night.... didn't used to have to do it until 1-2 weeks ago =(

Hi ladies,

long time never post here, but i read daily still.

Have been quite a tough period for me previously, due to frequent contractions earlier on. I am still on the two med, ventoline and adalat. Just seen my gynae yesterday in my 34 weeks and 2 days. My bb gal is about 2.5kg now and I will probably deliver her in 5 Jul when I reach full term at 37 weeks. Looking forward to seeing her in 3 weeks time, counting down now...

Hope everyone here is doing well. Take care all!

morning mummies,

Am on leave tdy....when home @ 9pm after the meeting, no proper dinner & was frigging tired.

Tot tdy can wash the remaining batches of BB's clothes, etc.....rain again. Looks like it's gonna rain whole day tdy.

jelly>> Monitor your BB's movements tdy & ya, if need be...go down see your gynae on an urgent basis liao...dun care lah.

morning ladies.. week 37 today! can say officially in waiting game.. seems bb is pretty comfy inside.. at the same time.. i feeling more and more heavy..

Hi mummies... thanks!!!

ytd i also got a scare, kept having cramps on and off.. i couldnt even walk fast because it felt like my tummy was so tight! it's the 1st time i experienced something like this lor. but after i had my dinner, everything went back to normal. just that my tummy feels really heavy nowadays and i cant sleep well either. back also aching when i stand for too long. but before i deliver need to do a lot of walking as hubby and i are busy with our house reno and gotta select tiles, lights, etc. (he dun trust his own taste) anyway, on leave today to go checkup. so scared he will tell me to deliver today. haha

carol, i thinking maybe next week starts ML.. although i feel like challanging myself if can tahan until the day baby decided to come out.. but now taking public transport is really getting difficult..

I just found out Sin Sieh is nicked lilmum - her baby also delivered in early June.

So we have at least 3 July MTBs who popped in June

1. Lilmum

2. Eunice

3. Sito

oic..when is ur edd? i wish to take leave n rest at home 1st but i afraid ll be even scare to stay at home alone..

some more dun wish to waste my leave too..hehe,wonder got HL from gynae or not..

carol, i have the same concern also.. my EDD is 6th jul... actually my doc is predicting bb is going to be out this week, because the position is very very low liao.. but seems my bb is pretty stubborn ya.. keke..

rabbit,haha, so coincident!!my bday is 6th July..i hope my bb ll be out on that day too although my edd is 4th July..

wow,ur bb might be out this week??!!then sure you are very nervous waiting for bb to come out now..

u must take care oh!!hehe,waiting for your good news..

carol that is doc prediction lah.. so i think my baby is trying to challenge the doc.. hahaha..

yaya nervous now.. will get tense up with even a minor discomfort.. thinking if is the sign.. keke.

hehe,last weekend i oso had contraction after i ate 3 big bazhang continuously!! thought bb coming out soon =p

ok,we have to enjoy our remaining pregnancy period ya..after bb come out, we cant be queen alr..hehe

rabbit, carol me week 37 today also. Edd 6 July. Still working. Don't want to stay home alone. Counting down though no signs yet. Not sure how BH feels like too but there is more urge to pee these 2 days. Difficult to sleep too.

Rooster issue: Actually I am unsure if the rooster is located among the hdb flats or inside the school next to the flat. Can only hear the crow of the rooster coming from that direction. I think the rooster is a newly acquired animal cos i only hear it starting last Sunday. I must try to locate the rooster then lodge a complaint. So deprive of sleep le and still got this rooster to contribute to my lack of sleep.

This morning, I have contractions again despite taking Ventolin at 8am. I have contraction every 5mins for about 45min. But then something happen to my dog and i lose track of the contraction timing. Now luckily it stop le.

haha,who knows we might admit to the same wad later hoh..my hospital is TMC, how abt u gals?

vernie, u try to sleep on ur left hand side, see whether can help to reduce ur pee time or not..

mine oso no signs yet except last week..my mum n sis said my stomach still very up, maybe not so soon to due..

carol: I am going to Mt A. So cannot meet lar...haha! Me sleep left, right, centre also got urge to pee. Think bb is heading downwards. My colleague said my stomach still very up too. Guess it will be a waiting game from today on. Just keeping fingers cross that no drama will happen while in office. Planning to work till end of next week though dreading it. Supposed to be handing over things, but ppl treat me as if I am not going off and give me new things to do! So annoying! Sekali sabo them and disappear to give birth...

can i check with those who went for pedi? DO u skip the painting part? Can do simple foot massage ma? coz usually pedicure got come with short foot massage. As fot foot reflexology.. we cannot do right? I am thinking of going for pedi later.. hee

carol i also going to Mt A. hehe..

my colleagues was saying my tummy very low.. asking me why am i still appearing in office.. at the same time my tummy has really grown big.. getting abit lazy to apply stretch mark cream.. keke.. only apply when going to bed..

Ann, relax and bed rest ok..

vernie, my boss is super nice..he alr reduced my workload this month cos he said doesnt wanna to stress me..

i plan to work til 30th June then take 2 days mc..

hope my bb ll come out on 6th July..

carol: your boss so nice...i was still rushing quarter end reports last week lor...this week supposed to quiet down and handover things to the contract staff but then...*sigh*...i also plan to work till 30th too coz don't want to waste the maternity leave...but the longer i hang around office, ppl expect me to do more things lor...sianz...

AK: Normally I skip the painting part but I will do spa for my feet.. very shiok. Haha!!

Rabbit: I will but keep resting in bed quite sian too. Hehe!!

Oh.. hubby found a new job with quite a high increment.. told him that BB brought him luck. Then when he signed the new contract yesterday, another company called him up and wished to interview him too. I am like woah.. he's really in luck. Hehe!!

My in laws are renovating their house in early July. My MIL and hubby's sisters going to their aunt place to stay for 2 weeks. Then my FIL say he wanna stay home eventhough the house is renovating. Then my MIL say why not come to my house to stay. FIL dun dare to give a reply and keep looking at me. I was like.. why u look at me? Then my MIL keep asking him ok or not to stay at his son's place.. then in the end, he say ok.

My hubby say maybe his dad scared I mind. Actually for me, I am very easy going one.. as long as u dun interfere with my life and my way of doing things much, I dun mind you come and stay for 2 weeks.


Just had a great massage! All aches gone! Going to head out to meet friends for lunch.. Beautiful weather. Hope it stays...


Try popping yourself up on 2 pillows behind your head and see it helps... sometimes it helps me..

just came back from gynae visit, bb is still at 3kgs. gynae explained that these measurements are generated from the measurements of the head, abdomen, femur length. and sometimes these measurements are not exact. last week, bb's head measured at 39wks. today, the head measured at 38weeks, so weight remains the same. i was worried for a moment. thinking bb stopped growing.

gyane also said bb is "deeply enggaged" and i was having contractions. but obviously not ready for labour? she seems to think i'll be giving birth before 38weeks! i'm 36wks 3 days today.

Ann : So your FIL will be staying over at your place in july ah. If it is for 2 weeks still ok la hor.. when your bb is out..I think he will be very excited! Maybe by then he may want to extend his stay at your place le..hee

As for foot spa.. includes massage right? I feel like doing foot reflexology leh.. but think got pple said before better dun do when pregnant esp at this late stage. In case...early labour. But my bb hasnt engaged yet leh..

Carol : YOur boss is so understanding! so lucky!

AK: Dun scare me lei.. if he extend his stay, I will feel awkard cos by then, i might be doing confinement le lei. So awkard to be breast feeding or pumping milk in the house with other man around beside my hubby. So weird.

Rabbit: Ya lo.. DH wanted to change job for a very long time.. now finally can do it.

yaya,i think he is the best boss in the world =)

he is like my fren as well..he used to tell me bb is a gift, no matter how loving a couple is, they ll feel out of topic one day, so need bb to create new topic..

vernie, maybe u can take mc on & off? during ur gynae visit so that u can have a break? dun over work oso oh!!must take care of ur health..

Hi mummies, I hv a preloved peg perego p3 to let go.. Yr 2008 model.. Baby bjorn synergy to let go too.. Use less than 10x.. Pls pm for photo & price..


The FB photos posted by Allison display how exciting the PS is and how gorgeous u mummies are! Yeay!

Ann: Do have plenty of good rest, though I think u're the type who'd rather move abt right? Congrats to hubby! Ya, usually the children will bring luck.

Babycoco: Wow! You must be feeling so excited!

atomic kitten, ceres, me too. thinking of doing pedi this week. must paint nails then nice. but i heard they'll make you remove the nail polish when we're ready to give birth. very sayang also right?

rabbit, yup, gynae seems convinced bb will be out by 38 weeks. was so stunned, forgot to ask her what "deeply engaged" means.


regarding painting of nails, yeah the nurses will ask you to remove the nail polish.. especially true for those doing csec because you need to go into operating theatre where the environment must be very sterile. However i not so sure about natural birth.

As for foot reflexology.. omg this is the one thing i miss so much!! I used to do it very often b4 i got pregnant. When I went to pedi few weeks ago, i got them to just wash, soak and remove dead skin. I will be going for mani/pedi again this week.. one last pamper b4 the dreaded confinement!

