(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

jaclyn, so you'll do mani/pedi but won't paint your nails? i've always had long nails, thinking of cutting really short so i won't scratch baby.


AK: I can understand that a newborn is hard to resist especially to the grandparents. But then DIL still need her privacy too. Haha!! I also wan to spend time alone with my son.. I am a selfish mum.. haha!!

Fazzy: Thanks for your well wishes. Yup.. u are absolutely right.. I would rather move abt. I just told DH on sunday that I felt so helpless now cos I see the house in a mess I also can't really clean it up well. I can only direct my focus on the cleaner part of the house and hope my mood lighten up.

babycoco: yep i wont b painting my nails. I will ask them to cut really short and neat as well. Deeply engaged I guess it mean that your baby's head is already very low into your pelvis. Do you feel discomfort there?

no, haven't felt anything. and when gynae said i was having contractions, i didn't feel anything either. so blur. probably won't even know if my waterbag burst. haiz...

babycoco, probably it means abt 3/5 to 4/5 engaged liao.. waiting outside the birth canal, waiting for your cervix to open.. keke.. welcome to the waiting club..

rabbit, ya seems like i'm in the waiting club with a few of the mummies.

fazzy, i'm very stressed out. haven't washed bb's things. was waiting for cupboard to be delivered. better start now.

Hey ladies...

i am going thru a very bad time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

as you know, im staying with my ILs, and its been 5 years that i had been putting up with all their weird logics and nonsense.. and today, i cannot help it and start crying and crying when i talk on the phone with my mom...

my mom called and asked if i eat liao..

Me: Ya

Her: what u eat?

Me: bread

Her: with? got make milo?

Me: house no milo, i eat plain bread

Her: huh? bread with water?? then ur niece and nephew?

Me: Nasi Lemak, FIL bought

Her: He can buy for them, how come never buy for u?

then i started crying liao... cause lately, i realise that no one was preparing any confinement stuff and i got curious and asked my MIL

Me: Mother, u need anything for confinement things?

MIL: u jus bought 2 bottles of sesame oil lor

i was like...... ok.... then i told my mom.. she was very angry.. she ask me how come sesame oil this kinda things she cannot buy.. i jus kept silent and started crying..

then she ask me about my hospital expenses.. i told her, i think i got enuff.. she was like.. "nvm, u dun worry, hospital, i will help u if u need"

i cried even harder.. i told her no need, but i feel that theres no one i can confide to when i needed, everyone in this household is simply inconsiderate towards me like turning on karaoke, radio as early as 9am and i cannot get enuff rest... and everyone thinks that im being very pampered for eating my mom's bird nest..

i told my mom that my MIL got make red dates but when i told her not to add sugar, she give me black face and she expects me to finish a flask (about 10 cups) of it if not she will angry also... my mom asked me to pour away... cause 10 cups of sugary drinks a day is very dangerous and prone to have GD... she say.. "its not a sin to throw away, its for ur own good"

i cried and cried and tell my mom that i got no one to talk to... and i feel that im bottling all these inside me.. i feel that im being tortured here but yet i cannot get a house to stay by myself and have to stay here and suffer...

i know there are solutions but to be honest, me and hubby discussed a lot to decide on what we do.. and i dun wanna add on any more stress on him...

my mom tell me that my MIL is super narrow minded.. and shes getting very pissed with her... the other time, my grandma wanted to come to my house and confront her liao.. if my grandma knows abt this.. i dunno what shes gonna do...



my dear be strong and dont get so emotional. Not good for baby okies? I think the most impt person to help you is your hubby. I know you don't want to stress him, but there is no point in yourself being so unhappy and your hubby cannot do anything to help you.

I have the same situation in the sense that my MIL (and her sis whos oso staying in our house) talks very loud to each other early in the morning. So much so that I cant sleep cos i am a very light sleeper. I told my hubby about it and he went to tell his mom to keep their voices down. Then theres really a big improvement in the noise they generate early in the morning. I think it needs to come from your hubby and not from you.

As for confinement, perhaps you can go back to your mom? Or get your mom to come over often. Nobody is best than your own mom!!! My mom is settling my confinement 100%. She even planned a timetable for my maid and my maid will be going over to her house to collect food etc (good thing we stay near each other).

I think most impt thing is tht your hubby need to help you. Its his mom afterall.. theres only so much you can do and its better not to risk making your relationship with her worse since you need to stay with her. You can share your problems with us.. thats wat we're here for. To listen to all mommiess problems.. cos for sure we all have problems.. =|


afterall, ur mil is ur hubby's mom... probably best approach is to go to ur hubby first like u mention and work it upwards with ur mil. it's hard for u to go direct to ur mil.

honestly, if confinement stuff need to get on ur own, write a list and pass to ur hubby and get him to buy. i think u r also v close to delivery so if can get all ur stuff ready, pls do that.

do u hv 2 do confinement at ur ILs? can go home to ur mom's?


so sorry to hear that you are gg thru such a bad time. Do try to lift your spirits up as bb can feel what we are feeling. Your MIL and FIL are also too much, we preggy really need a lot of support at this time. At least your mother n grandmother plus your hubby care abt you. Hopefully, you will be able to move out of your parents-in-law place soon.


be strong ya. possible to move to your mom's place till after confinement? sure your ILs will say hurtful things but if your mom is ok, go ahead. better than staying in a place where you keep thinking about the unfairness, and cry - not only will be you be stressed, baby will also feel unhappy. just be firm in your decision

as for the sweetened red date drink, ya, listen to your mom. drinking it is worse than just taking plain water

hi Serene,

Be strong!!we are all here to be your listener!

agree with Jaclyn, i think u better go ur mum's place for confinement..at 1st i also plan to have confinement at my MIL's house, but my SIL said that time i might be very emotional due to hormone inbalance..so end up i decided to do confinement at my own hse with CL..

be happy always ya!!dun cry so often, no good for bb oso..we must enjoy our pregnancy, dun let outsider affect our mood,k?

we always support u!!


my CL sms me some stuff to buy for confinement..maybe u need the list oso? if yes,pls give me ur hp num then i forward the list to u,k?


What the rest of the mummies said are true..like for my case..my inlaws also wanted us to do my confinement with them before moving into our new flat. But hubby and me have been discussing abt the inconvenience abt doing confinement at their place(main problem is space constraint), so hubby has been on and off hinting and telling them that our intention is gg to our new place for confinement ..so far i think they are talking in the idea slowly. But i do not approach my inlaws to do the talking....i let hubby do all the talking. Think its best that way bah.

Btw, for the 2nd time mummies, do we still need to apply the stretch mark oil after giving birth? Cos i am running low on supply and tot if i buy a new bottle, would be quite wasted since still got only 6 weeks more to go only. Anyway, anyone knows if the stretch mark oil from Clarins comes in smaller bottle? Also which is the store in Chinatown that sells the cheaper one?

Hello soon to be mommies ;)

Nick - cerehh

Just to inform you that the image published for your bloom package to let go belongs to a march mommy - if you are publishing again, pls don't use the images as it was meant for our thread. Instead you can use the link webbie for reference for other mommies to check out the package. Thanks ahead!

Safe deliveries soon to be mommies, cheers!

thanks ladies...

my hubby got help say.. but my ILs give us that.. "u are restricting my life" that kinda stupid face... then black black face and my MIL keep on sighing and sighing u know... half an hour at least can sigh 10 times...

my mom and ILs not in good terms. if they see each other the next time, my mom will kpkb alr... so we are letting them keep the distance..

hubby is trying but i also dun wanna nag at him everyday like tat... very fan also wat... he also cannot do much...

Carol: thanks, actually i know what to get but jus pissed that, my ILs are not helping me out lor.. even my buddy's mom made 5 bottles of red rice wine for me to prep for confinement.. but for ILs, even sesame oil also cant be bother to prepare. their logic is like tat.. u give them $$, then they will move. if not, they will pretend nothing is happening...


ur situation indeed is v sticky. but u know, u r so unhappy. even if "fan lian", i think need to do a gd confinement for urself. u need all the help. at this rate, think ur ILs are really not gng to help you...


i am not going to use the stretch mark oil any more. instead, going to use this cream for slimming recommended by my masseur. she says it's safe for breastfeeding moms so will give it ago when i combine my massage with the cream. need to lose weight. gosh, i can see my love handles... it's so thick!

Jelly, did you managed to see your gynae? Everything ok now?

Serene, so sad to hear you're going thru a hard time. Hope it all works out for you.


no din go. hiaz... urgent case at wk. now i am like trying to resolve the issue. sian, whole day waiting for my customer's response... but not insight at all!

yeah, they never helped me at all la.. last confinement also like that. this confinement also like tat... they cook the vinegar trotters.. but not for me one.. its for themselves.. i jus happen to "gain" from it... (tuo ta men de fu)...

if i fan lian, its gonna be super nasty liao... thats why im keeping it... honestly, i can feel that half of my leg is in depression mode. but jus that im controlling my mind with my determination. i got warn my hubby before liao.. i told him theres a limit to how much i can hold...

i always remember what my FIL say to me when i lost my #1...


i was like... HUH? why shud i be blamed in the first place? im not crying because im scared u all will blame me... im crying because i lost my baby.. wTH are u talking about?

right now, im cutting all communications with them even under the same roof.. cause i know, more communications = more chances to turn nasty...

ladies, im really very tired liao. right now, its the best and only chance to sleep as much as i can before bb pops... but im not even getting that... and if i dun get my sleep and energy back, it will be another half a year or so before i can really sleep proper. (or even longer)

but i need to tahan until bb 18 mths then i can bring bb to childcare.. i will try my best to protect my child.

Serene, stay strong and i think you're a good wife really! for not trying to put your hubby caught in between you and his parents...

is your inlaws gg to look after your bb? why not put him in infant care straight away...if they are so nasty to you, i also don't think they will be very nice to your baby lor..not scaring you but really hard to say leh

Serene, just think of your bb and think that you are not going to stay with them forever, then u ll be happier..

worst come to the worst, move out and rent a hse..then ask ur mum to look after ur kid after that..

Serene - since you know your PIL are that kind of ppl, just ignore them la. Divert your energy/frustration to earn more money and move out of their house.

Since your own mother welcomes you, why dont you move to her house instead (with Hubby's support of course)?

For me, if my PIL are like that, I long fan lian liaoz...dont have to give them face when they don't treat you as their family...

really 佩服你, house so noisy you still can tahan... Your hubby betta support you after what you guys gone thru...

Serene - Why not going back to ur mum's place for confinement? I'm also doing my confinement at my mum's place due to space constraint... or u hired a CL lor? heard from the elders confinement is very impt to us...

Try to think positive at this pt of time... good for both u & bb

Hi Serene - So sorry to hear about your plight.. Just remember weeks ago, I was lamenting my own plight with my MIL too.. Your in laws are too mercenary, I think.. Many old folks are like that, they are geared towards $$$.. If you can "ren" that's the best.. Cos I know you don't want to add pressure to your hubby.. But, you must also take care of your own health too ya.. Don't let yourself be suck into a black hole.. You need to share & bare it out ya... If things really get out of hand, my suggestion is like all the other mommies here, why not do confinement at your own place? You need to stay happy k... Please eat nutritious food ya.. Btw, if you wanna meet up to chat or need someone to talk too.. You have my tel no.. My hotline will be open.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jelly, hopefully by now your bb is moving as per normal?

Serene, your fil really very insensitive. Surely you're allowed to grieve for your loss?

Eliss - I like that.. "dont have to give them face when they don't treat you as their family..."

Haha.. I was also telling my hubby that time when my MIL give me a black face everyday I go home.. Why should I still respect her when she don't treat me as family.. But, of course, I understand that I'm putting my hubby at a spot.. But, hey, we need to be reasonable right.. I have the right to be happy too.. In this opinion, we do not deserve to be "qi fu" as DIL.. What era are we in now??? Serene - Be strong & don't care about them.. Just take care of yourself.. Don't even depend on them.. See how much help you can gather from your hubby..

hi mummies,

does anyone heard abt that daughter cannot do confinement at our mum's hse else our brother ll become poor in future?

my husband's sisters all doing confinement at my MIL's hse wor..i not sure how truth it is but i have been quarrel with my husband few times due to this matter..

is it true ah?or just a myth?


I understand how you feel. But be strong. If you expect your PILs not to help you when you are pregnant and after delivery, make proper plans and try to get everything ready while you're waiting to pop. That was what I did when my PILs did the same to me - gave a bochap attitude. Find out from others what you need for confinement and set aside a day or two to get them all. You can also ask your mum to help you buy. Need to show it to them you don't need them all the time.

Being pregnant is already so xinku, later on when BB comes out, lagi xinku... so why do we need to tolerate those nonsensical behavior. Do what you can control, either you "lun" or you "move" - my theory... for my character, "lun" is not in my dictionary... :p My loved ones all know that...

Carol - those were the old ancient practice just like "the daughter cant visit niang jia only on CNY day two". as to whether will affect brother's future - first time i hear of it, and of course does not make sense like what Jaclyn has mentioned.


i think it's one of the pantangs ... u either choose to believe or u dun... i dun and my bro lives w me under the same roof as my parents and my bro is far richer than me!


his movements are much better after lucnh le... thanks for your concern.

Carol - yes, my auntie told my mum that daughter who had marry out cant go back to their home for confinement... heard that is not good... but not very sure of the reason... I had argued with my mum regarding this too... I told her now we in what Era liao still so patan? daughter marry out is still your daughter mah....got diff meh? then she keep quiet... in the end, she also give in...

it's really not easy to live with the in-laws....

i may not hv the prob now but dunno next time when my ILs are old and staying with us, will there be issues...esp with the kids.

Anyway on a 'lighter' note, slept a good nap tdy, except experiencing my 1st leg cramp in the middle of the nap. Didn't knew leg cramp is THAT painful.

Eating my 3rd bakzhang for the day now....

There goes my carbo intake.

wow if my MIL tell me i cant go back to my mom house whenver i want to (lets say CNY, or confinement) i think i will burst out and say very rude things to her.

Own mom > MIL! I dont care if im married to my hubby already that don't mean i "divorce" my own family wat!

Heng i never hear such things yet. Same as Eliss.. "lun" is not in my dictionary as well. My hubby knows it and so does my family too hehehe.

Haha Jelly that's me - that's why I move! even though PIL place has sufficient rooms for us and even PIL and I nvr get into bad terms. Knowing myself, its good to stay apart. Though I forsee more trouble to come when BB will be taken care by MIL. So have to agreed in advance with HB what are the rules and such. Luckily HB reads widely and now tend to be more thoughtful than pak tor days when he's 100% mummy-boy.

mrslong: yesss leg cramps r very painful. So far i've been lucky to only experience it about three times during my pregnancy. Some mommies experience it far more often. When my calves cramp, i dont know whether im supposed to move my leg (ouch) or let the cramp go away (oso just as ouch). In the end just suffer in silence because my hubby sleeps like a dead log that i will not b able to get him up to help me massage =|

Eliss: so good. My hubby is my MIL's only son (only child for that matter) and she is divorced with my hubby's father. So I think she will be staying with us for the rest of our lives~ just got to learn to tolerate and accept even though its really a different culture for me compared to my own family.

what to do! I chose to be with my hubby... so his mom came with the package :p

hi mummies,

last time i asked a fengshui master abt this oso..he said this is not true..

it's bcos ancient ppl see their sibling getting rich so they jealous and spread abt this..hehe

i think all these are pantang only..just i feel a bit bushuang when i heard abt this n see all my SIL come bek for confinement

I was looking thru the BB preparation list (items to buy) & realised I already bought all the stuff.

only thing not bought yet is BB oil & body lotion...wonder if that's necessary?

Jaclyn - a lot of difference will make whether your MIL is paying for the home you are staying. A lot of older ppl thinks that when they fork out money to buy the house, they will have more say and also tend to boss around. That's my observation so far.

Though my own parents and PIL did chip in quite a lot for our reno, I make it a point to pay them back in instalment lor...

Aiyah, now still okay when PIL and us stay apart. but my MIL always toy the idea of staying together one hor...so maybe in future, in whatever circumstances, end up still staying together...i oso no choice right..sigh...

Ladies - one word of advice hor. However happy your marriage is yar, still must have your own 私房钱。。。

serene - i agree with supergal, why don't you put bb in infantcare. if it were me, i would't allow them to be close to my child.

i already told my husband which of his relatives i don't want to come and visit me at the hospital (cos some of his aunties damn irritating) - and i told him to tell his mum to take a back seat - my MIL is very domineering and my mum is the sort who gives in to the dominant sort. i told him - i'm the one who goes through labour , my family must be the more dominant one at the hospital. i know i'm coming off like a brat but my MIL, although not a witch like serene's, is a big pushover. she wants to take charge of everything and anything. but i've been a bit more fiery during pregnancy and have told her flat-out NO's to her decisions about my plans for my baby or for myself.

serene, jia you ok! your husband must support you. you're the one going through all the physical, mental and emotional trials.

Just woke up from my nap. So tired. But when I woke up.. I saw this little cute scene that I had to take photo of it before I moved out of bed. Hehe!!


Serene: Dun get upset. If in law are unreasonable, then ignore them. Must always put yourself and BB in the first place. Anything else is not that impt at all. Actually it is not easy living with in law. Cheer up ok? We will always be here for you.

Junie: I am not using any BB oil or body lotion lei.

