(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Morning Mummies!

Baby movement

My boy seems to be drilling his way down to the birth canal, day and night. It is quite uncomfortable for me. Any mummies feel the same way? I am in my week 36 now.

Ba Chang

I told my colleagues that I luv ba chang and guess what? 2 of my colleagues brought me 3 ba chang today! Hahaa!


jelly, i bought in package, 6 pieces (1 size fits all) shells then incuded is 18 pieces of inserts.

yap..first mth would be on disposables then follow by the cloth diapers. i got the package B.


I am in my week 37 and I still don’t feel anything different, except stronger baby movements and heavier tummy, maybe cos bb is getting big.

How do u know that your babies are moving down? Any specific feeling?

I don’t have any pelvic pain as you all mentioned.

I also dun wake up to pee as often compared to first trimester. At the most only one a night throughout an 8 hr sleep.

By the way the swaddle cloth from TMC is sold out huh? I bought 1 set during the prenatal class.

Then when our trainer managed to get some more on the next class, everyone was like snatching lor. Some took like 3-4 packets & it got sold out real fast.

We were told can get from TMC parentcraft (the shop at level 1 rite?) but last week I went, the salesgirl told me no stock leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning ladies,

Just had a 4D3N Chalet stay..ate so much steamboat food and BBQ food!!! Yummy!!

Sweetkiss, like u, I'm also in my wk 37. Suddenly realise IT is getting nearer!! Haha, I am not prepared!!! Mentally I mean.

Last night I asked my hubby how on Earth we are going to handle 2 boys... Coz my #1 getting real active and going through some the T2 stage... Think don't have to think much abt sleep for a while.

Now my neighbour's 3 year old is down playing with my boy... Gosh!! They are tearing the whole house down!

Salute mummies who intend or have used cloth diapers... I flunked that too... For #1, realised I didn't have time to do alot of things if BB in cloth diapers so I took the easiest way out after trying, used disposable...

My mum passed me 1 big bag of cloth nappies which she intended to use on my little nephew but in the end also gave up...


All the best !!!


Long time didnt chat wif u ..

when u start taking ML?? soon right. can confirm wif ur gynae in ur next visit if he already reach the birth canal..

F8 photos,

ladies, post some here to share lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I like to look at beautiful stuff too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies,

Gonna be a long day at work for me. After office hrs, still have a meeting to attend ...think after 9pm meeting then finish, cuz agenda is so long!

Hi All Mummies ,

Anyone facing low blood platelets problem?

Issit dangerous to mummy n baby? Is there anything I can do to make it back to the normal range?

haha Phy - we are as just as eager to see the photos leh, but Allison mention earliest 4 weeks yar! Though some of the mummies and their hubbies have taken some themselves.

Hi Jellypurin,

after i undergo the 2nd blood test, (as i failed twice iron blood test but platelets still in range) I haven get the chance to meet my gynae. Tml will be meeting him. But he wants me to re-take a blood test today before seeing him tml.

Sigh. Don't know whats wrong with me.

Now I'm @ Week 34~


perhaps u hv a condition u dunno b4 u conceive. dun b so hard on urself. u hv progress so far and in a few weeks u will see bb. discuss w ur gyn... am sure he/she can help u... b positive too, dear!

Lately i am having slight headaches especially morning. Feel like sleeping only.

I think it could be not enough iron as i had stop taking since 3rd month pregnancy.

Will be seeing gyne on Friday. Hmmhmmm i dont know what else the gynae going to prescribe me.

Good morning ladies.

It's raining and nice cool weather to stay home today. Hubby's home today too cos he woke up late and dun feel like going to work. Haha!!

Keer13: No la.. not tai tai la.. Hehe!! I seldom pamper myself one but becos of pregnancy, I think I should pamper myself more since pregnancy already so xin ku. When I do pedi or mani, i dun even paint my nails which is quite a waste though.

Oh.. if u have not done BW before, better not do it cos scared u might get too nervous and then might lead to contraction.

As for prenatal massage, cos my BB is big, my back really hurts badly so got to do it. Mdm Ida is quite good.. when i complain it really hurts alot, no matter how busy she is, she will try to make time for me. That's why I am glad I use her.

Minmin: Ya.. it's like that one. Sometime I feel my boy drilling into my pelvic bone, like digging for treasure there. Then like he can't reach it, he will kick my ribs to go further like that. That's really uncomfy.

SweetKiss: Actually I also see pple buying alot of the swaddle cloth during my class. I dunno why buy so many.. i only bought 2 packs which is 4pcs. By the way, do u remember how long we should swaddle the baby for? Like only during the first mth?

Phy, I am also not mentally prepared! I know I could be due anytime from now but I really hope my bb stays till July.

I want her to be July baby like me and hubby!

My friend just told me in FB that when she had her bb, she gave birth at 37 wks cos she started dilating at 34 wks.

U started ur ML already? I’m starting next Thurs.

SweetKiss: Woah.. your friend like quite similar as me lei.. found out that i am dilating at 34wks.. I hope BB can last till 37 wks too.

aiyo so envious... so many of you started ML liaoz... sigh, I can only go after 2 July 2010 then 5 Jul my c-sect date liaoz....

Good morning mummies!

WOw think Sito must have given birth by now! so exciting! hope she and baby are doing well!

lasery : I bought both the bleached and unbleached prefolds from bumwear. Then during the expo sale.. I bought the diaper covers to go with the prefolds so that bb can look more "glam" when there are visitors hehehe I also intend to go back and buy the diaper shells n inserts during the next fair. Although super pricy but the material is really very comfortable hor. And designs look good as well. Having said all... hopefully I can tong using cloth diaper for at least the first month than see how! skarly.. I give up and convert to dispoable! hehe

rachel: Dun worry too much! As you are seeing yr gynae tomo..he will be able to advise you! Press on!

sweetkiss : Think i ve given up buying the swaddle from TMC le! So far I didnt manage to get anything coz during class all items are sold out! then now very heavy le.. think i cant make it down to parentcraft to buy le

rachel - it should not be (think of the bright side :p )But what prompted your Gynae to do full blood count for you? Prior your blood test, are you aware you have lower blood count before preggy?

Hi Ann - Thanks for checking with ur gynae for me on if Mt A is pro natural delivery anot.. Now, I feel more at ease to choose Mt A...

Yalor, ur pedi no polish, very sayang.. I think I will still put polish eh if I go.. Thinking of going 1 before I due.. For my massage, I didn't really like her but since she's cheap.. I decided to stick to her & I think Mdm Ida is fully book all the way.. So, no chance to book her le.. She's so good.. I regretted not booking her earlier... Haiz..


Actually need not swaddle BB for long. Think I stopped swaddling my boy after a month. Only started to re-swaddle him when he developed bad eczema and tend to scratch his face till it was raw and bleeding then I bought the swaddle me to wrap him to prevent him from scratching his face. In the end, when his eczema cleared up after applying steroid, I stopped swaddle him de. He was then 3 months plus.

Do we really need swaddle cloth? Hmm, I only have 2 pieces from TMC. Other times I used cloth nappies. Cooler also.


Ya, very thankful that I get to rest b4 popping. Next week will return to work (mainly meetings) then come July I will take either Medical Leave or HL and wait to pop.

Ann: I dun remember leh.. hehe.. but I think should be around 4-6 weeks? Cos baby can stop wearing mittens from 6th week.

Then maybe I will stop using swaddle as well.

I think 4 pcs is ok cos we were told 4 is sufficient.

I am week 37 now but I still having fear and nervousness about labour. Sometimes I hope I can go through C-sect instead but I am afraid the recovery process is longer.

AtomicKitten: Ya lor, I think if needed use cloth diaper to swaddle can already..


hee, alot of these diaper shells are OEM... so hor, just need to find the good deals online. i bought mine at $10/pc and inserts at $2 as well, no MOQ needed. this e-store looks like it has ready stock, so can just get it and i think can wash in time just for ur boy...

swaddle - i also can't remember how long mrs wong said we should swaddle bb. i only remember she said if we swaddle bb will sleep very well.

hello mummies...

the big poser DQ is ill...

down w flu n sore throat. tink too much sun yes at BG.

on my way to c doc. then come back cont to rest.


Take care DQ.

Tdy i keep feeling dizzy on-off and been having BH on-off. Still got to "dong" till aft the meeting & drive home.


My blood count was in the range when i took the 1st blood test. So i guess before preggy i wasnt in low blood count too.

The nurse also shocked that my blood count falls out of the range compare to my 1st test.

Hi mommies, I'm from Jan 2010 MTB.

I have the following I wish to let go:

Via post or Self collection @ Tg Pgr MRT on weekday evenings.

Pigeon Disposable Breast Pads

Used 50%. Left 17 pieces only.

$2 - prefer via self collection

Medela Purelan Brand New Unopened (without box)

$11 including postage

37g Expiry June 2012

Free another tube which is left 50%.

From Little dreamers

Healing bottom spray $10 including postage

Brand new unopened 120ml bottle Expiry Sep 2011

I had to go for c-sect thus no use for it.

Dry confinement Powder (for hair) $5 including postage

3.4oz bottle Expiry Oct 2011

80% left. Tried using during confinement but end up washing my hair. :p

Lucky Baby

Stroller Cover for rain or shine - Brand New

Letting go @ $12

Do PM me if keen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Phy: I heard alot of gd comment but she is full. I called her 2 weeks ago she say cannot take in anymore and refer me to her disciple but also full and at that point of time she say can only take in from Aug 2nd wk.

I book another lady my frd reccomend me cause her colleague just give birth used her and find her not bad. She is mdm hamidah. I give u this 2 number u see if mdm Ida disciple not free u want can try this hamidah.

Mdm ida disciple (mdm suria) tel: 97954574

Mdm hamidah tel: 93860098

For mommies who atteneded Mrs Wong classes, do you all still rememeber how to bath the baby.. I think I had forgotten all the steps.. Hubby too.. He blamed it on me that I didn't take any notes & say I waste $$.. Ergh.. Haha..

Bathing Procedures that I can remember:

1. Remove all baby clothes & wrap with a towel.

2. Before placing baby unto the tub, carrying in on your lap, clean baby eyes first with sterilised cotton balls. (Just for the first week)

3. Do we need to clean baby mouth? Ears? Nose? Navel?

4. Clean baby face with the wash cloth

5. Do we wash baby hair before putting baby down to the water?

6. How about washing baby private parts?

7. Pour a few drops of Washing Foam to the water & put baby into the baby, supported by the neck

8. Wash baby neck, armpits, hands. chest. legs, feet, back, backside

9. No need to rinse?

10. Bring baby up & dry up

11. Clean the placenta with cord spirit?

12. Put bottom balm

13. Wear diapers & clothes

Sorry for the long list.. Any mommies can help?

Ceres Ng,

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I've just booked a massage lady whom my friend recommended. In fact I ask if I could a massage now (wk 37) and we arranged for 1 session tomorrow morning!! Great, really need 1 solid massage to get rid of the aches...


I bathed my #1 on my own during my confinement.. hee, I didn't attend any prenatal class, only had a retired nurse to come check on me and boy for 3 days. She taught me how to bathe the bb. Anyway, if you're bathing your own bb, best not to squat.

My BB's bathing procedure.

1) Strip him and wrap with a towel.

2) Use cotton balls which are soaked in cooled boiled water to clean eyes in outwards motion. USe a new cotton ball for each eye (I tore one cotton ball into half)

3) Clean ears and face.

4) Unwrap BB and hold him steadily. 1 hand goes behind his neck and a gentle grip on his armpit area. The other hand support his bum.

5) Slowly immerse him in water wtih a bit of washing foam. Legs first. Talk softly/gently to BB.

6)Use a soft washcloth to gently wet the head, the bum and body.

7) Take BB up, quickly dry the head first then wrap BB tightly with towel. Expose BB's tummy to apply cord spirit.

8)Put on diapers then diaper cream.

9) Uncover BB's upper body and put on Romper.

Oh, For the first month I used a bath stand and bathed BB in a room with windows closed. 2nd month onwards in the toilet but bath tub placed on ikea plastic table while I sat on toilet seat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha now I remember, I even got my hubby to film down how I bathed my #1... looking back, was such a nerve wreck then!

DQ/Mrs Long,

ah yoh, must be the hot sun!! And poor Eliss too..

Take care..

i went to eat jap food for lunch cos i craving.

bb can come anytime now since i already satisfy my craving..


Jelly >> I just bought it online. This is my 1st ever purchase on Ebay...so suaku yea..haha.

Also wanted to ask you, if go full diapering during the day, is the washing gonna be super hectic?

Pris, that's what I worry too. How about when Bb poo? Quite gross to wash the diaper right? That's why I'm still hesitating about using cloth diapers.

babycoco >> Swaddling and mittens only for 1st month then no need already...at least thatz what I remember from her class = )


it will be lor. bcos full diapering means to me the following:

1. cleaning the poop and urine b4 soak

2. soak

3. wash

4. dry

that is whay i am half diapering. once i use up my diapers shells/inserts for the day i will start w disposables...

Phy - Thanks for the steps.. Great.. Will print out & stick beside the bath corner.. LOL.. I think I'm also 1 paranoid mother.. Thanks for the tips.. Was intending to squat down too.. Cos scare if put the tub on stool, not stable.. Hee.. Need to look at the type of sturdy furniture around my house to see which is good to put the tub..

Hi Pris - Haha.. U so fast buy le from Ebay.. From my office, I cannot access Ebay.. How much is your purchase? For me, I happen to saw that someone is organising taobao's purchases & absorbing the shipping.. So, I had also just placed my orders with them.. But, it's via sea freight so will take longer but it's ok.. I no hurry as I heard from BUMwear that it's best to let BB put on these diaper shells after 3 months.. I bought 7 to try.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mommies,

my fren also gave me a few of these diaper shells but i'm not quite sure what are they used for, exactly.

can someone enlighten me?


Hello~ off work but still at work so lazing around surf net & on off clear my work.

Keer: What's this bum wear diaper shell after 3 mths then can use?? Is it gd? need so many (7 pieces)?

I got this craving to go for my mani/pedi (cuz this place i go got help massage the foot & hands)... but very wasted lor. Like Ann i go do only paint my foot but not hands.. :p

I feel like doing massage but Ida say her technique not reccomended for after 32wks. >.<

Pris: whose the lady & how much she charging... i also wan massage leh... my whole body ache and till now i never go massage at all. >.<

