(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

cherry.sue: Haha... ya lo.. find her so cute sleeping like this.. in some ways, like getting close to BB like that. This is the first time she sleep next to my tummy. BB did kick her once but she only open one eye and fell back to sleep again.


babycoco: I shifted a few times to make space for her but then dunno why, she keep turning back to my tummy and sleep close to it. Maybe she just like to sleep next to BB today.

ann: just looked through the list, realised that you're having a boy! no wonder your "girl" so attached to him. hehe. my mum says opposites attract. when my sis was pregnant with boy, my little "girl" also very close to the tummy. she doesn't really do the same for me now maybe cos i'm carrying another girl. hehe


so his mom came with the package !!!

hahaha.. I got more than u...

marry my hubby.

come with PIL + SIL + 2 nephew & 1 niece...

stay wif my PIL at the moment and SIL stay at same blk diff storey...

yesterday so angry.. the kids used my computer but didnt shut down nicely...

MIL came to my room to take my wedding album to show her friends then aft tat she nv keep back juz left it on the floor!!! wif some other stuff which is placed on top of the album...

cherry.sue: Haha!! Is that real? Must tell my hubby abt it. But my girl dun like male dog lei.. maybe she like male human. Haha!!

Serene : I'm sorry to hear abt yr situation now. It sure feels hurt when nobody(your in laws) shows concern esp when you are at such a vulnerable stage in your late pregnancy now. If I were you.. I def cannot hold back my tears too esp when talking to own mother. My heart goes out to you.But bcoz you are going to be a mummy le..we know you will be strong and brave. You can do it! If you cant do it for yourself, we know you can do it for bb's sake! We are all reaching our destination le! You must hang on ok. I know its easier to say than done.. juz last week I also came into this forum and poured my heart out coz I cried so hard that my nose bled non-stop rem? Tho I ve yet to meet any of you here but I really appreciate the support n encouragement that you all ve shown me! So dry your tears soon and try very hard to be positive! Like what the rest of the mummies suggested.. maybe u can try channel your thoughts .. like go write down a list of items that you need to get and pass it to your hubby. Not a good idea for u to get yourself coz they can be pretty heavy leh. Or maybe your mother can help u buy and bring to you. Show your in laws that you're someone's precious daughter! You dun deserve to be treated like nobody in their house! BEst if you can go back your mummy's place to do confinement! No one can take care of you better than your own mum & family! I also havent buy stuff for my confinement. My hubby doesnt care. And we still havent think of my bb name yet. Last night , my sis fell veyr sick. Iwanted to go back visit her. But my hubby refused to send me down. In a fit of anger, I juz took my car key and struggled my way home. I already stopped driving for a couple of weeks le. Back at my mother's place,I can feel the love and warmth! The thought of it I also feel like crying le. Then my mother asked me.. why your hubby never drive you. I juz kept quiet. When I went back my own home, my hubby is relaxing and watching the tv! And my mum even make me da bao good food for him as well!

Cherry.sue, no wonder my 2 fur kids (both girls) don't want to come too close to me. They probably see my baby girl as competition, haha.

Ann - your fur kid is so cute.... how old already? Mine going to be 8 this year... so scare that she will get jealous when bb is out...so i always try not to neglect her

keropi: This girl had just turn 3 this yr. I have another girl who had just turn 10 this yr. Don't worry so much. 8 yrs with you is a long time. She will understand. We shall slowly introduce them to the new addition in the family and everything will turn out fine.

Eliss: yes you are right. My house + all utilities and everything being paid by me and hubby equally plus im the one who give her the mthly allowance. So maybe thats why its not SO bad. I imagine if she paid for it or if shes paying for things.. she will be more demanding and want things her way.

Ann: wahaha so cute!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvonne: mine is marry hubby , come with MIL + MIL's sis + cousin (which is a very nice person so i dont mind hehe). Thats why now i have a maid.. really no space!! My cot had to squeeze into my bedroom...

eliss: Of coz not.. otherwise I wouldnt have married him! ANyway... juz another complaint.. LAst week ..coz his mother moving out of her house..so my hubby gota bring back his stuff which are still left at her place. He dare dare brought back his ex-gf photo albums! I told him very calmly... "I'm not going to say anything abt u bringing back yr fond memories (refering to the albums) into our home but I dun think any husband would do this to their 9 mths pregnant wife!".The thing is I spent many months clearing all the clutter in the house. In my last leg, he shifted back so many boxes of old and unnecssary stuff! I no longer can help him unpack n pack le..so i can only tolerate! REN! LUN! I dun allow him to put in bb's room.. so now all the boxes are in our guest's room! juz a couple of weeks more only.. I shall see how the nanny can hop into the room when she's here! I dun want quarrel and cry anymore. So I'm going to keep my mouth shut! And maid issues also havent settle.. baby name also havent think!!! I also dunno why my bb's father can be this bochap!


still ok la.. atleast everything is fine at ur side..

For me my SIL will jealous i can imagine how she will react and suanz me when bb is out...

cos my MIL had been helping my SIL wif her 3 kids... now my bb is coming to share the love from my MIL... moreever my bb is the youngest among my hubby's sibling...

so when bb is out... my MIL will come wif more complaint abt very tiring and SIL will feel i am bullying her..

now I ask my hubby do abit of thing i know i can feel my MIL & SIL feel i am bullying him...

juz now during dinner, my another SIL (who i like more) ask my hubby to take some chicken for me.. my MIL say she dont know how to take for herself meh!!!

yesterday my MIL's friend came wif her family.

then her friend ask my MIL to recommend guy for her daughter... who is only 18 yrs old..

aft they left my MIL told my hubby tat her friend say tat my hubby is married and going to be daddy soon if not want to tie red string de.... (anyway my hubby is now 33 yrs old)

then my hubby still can reply... wow be 2nd one lor... young grass... so sad when i heard tat...

although he might be only joking...

actually b4 i know i hv this bb i and my hubby quarrel b4 and i move out of his hse and move to my parent's hse de.. at tat moment i ever thought of divorcing...

i was tested positive at my parent hse and i told my mum abt my pregnancy tat was when she ask my hubby out and my hubby agreed... (but she didnt inform him abt my pregnancy yet)

it was when they met up then she told my hubby abt my pregnancy and he fetch me back....

actually, i dun expect them to do confinement for me... sometimes its not about whether they do or not.. its that... they jus wanna do something "special" and make it known like tat...

my mom stay in 1 rm flat, so theres not enuff space for us.. plus.. my mom house no washing machine and i really dun wan her to hand wash my clothes cause shes like 66 years old and i dun wanna tire her also...

there are many reasons why i dun wan.. so the plan is that, she cooks and hubby brings over from her place. but hubby will be on leave for 1-2 weeks only... but we can still manage..

everything my ILs do, all need to $$ come first.. say, if i wan her to prep for my confinement, she will make sure we follow it with $$.. if not.. she will keep telling u how much she bought and stuff like tat and only with $$ that u can shut her mouth up.

actually, i plan to bring bb to childcare at 18 mths cause thats the time when bb start to learn and absorb from what they hear and see.. so i wan her to stay out of the nonsense and learn nonsense things.. before that, i will take care lor and protect her from all the rubbish arnd....

plus, financially, it will be a larger burden as compared to letting my FIL take care...

my plan is.. i take care until a certain stage, i will go find a job to support bb's CC expenses while hubby will help to take care of our monthly commitments.. only with that support, we can live a life at ease.

not the best, but within my limits, thats the best for now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i jus went out to walk walk by myself.. crying on the phone when i was talking to my hubby.. he wanted to take leave but i stopped him.. i very happy to have a good hubby who allowed me to stop working when im preg and give me all his salary to make ends meet during this crucial stage... theres nothing to pick on this man, and i shud do my part to be a good wife also.. thats why i bear with all these for so many years..

but i alr reach my limit.. so its quite soon that i will flip the table..

yeah cherry.sue, my MIL is that sort that, she dunno also must keng until she know.. then when u try to teach/guide her.. she everything also say she know she know.. so i stop to teach her liao... (example, baking)..

she occupies the kitchen whenever she at home... got things to do or nothing, she will jus camp there.. imagine when she hear the click from the stove when i turn it on.. she will wake up from her bed and walk to the kitchen and stare at what i do, then point point here point point there...


i dun plan to work until end of the year then decide. cause i wan to be there to latch and increase my milk supply and bf bb as much as i can until she can take semi solids (about 6 mths).. only when she can take semi solids, then i will plan whether i shud go teach tuition so i have more time for bb or a full time job but lesser responsibilities which i dun mind a lesser pay..

my hubby sms me jus now.. "im sorry, i made u suffer. im very useless"

it hurts me to see him sms me like tat.. but i explained to him.. and i told him... "i cannot be selfish towards you and i cannot be selfish towards bb.. thats why im very stuck"

then he ask me to take my time to decide what i wanna do.. im glad he understands.. but men being men, sometimes, they only panic when u blow.. haha.. :x

Serene: At least your hubby shows his love and commitment towards you.. what more can a wife ask for. When we grow old, it's our other half that accompany us, not our in law. So bite the bullet and I am sure the rainbow will be coming soon into your life.

Yvonne: If I were you and heard my hubby joke like that abt taking a 2nd one, I will definitely twist his ears off.

AK: As usual, your hubby is his unsensitive, selfish self. You make a wise decision to ignore him. I hope I dun get to see your hubby or else I think I will stare at him in disgust. haha!!

Hello Mummies..

Been so busy at work even when my boss is not around. Finally managed to read all the post here.

No matter how unhappy you mummies are, dont panic. There are many other mummies here who can lend a listening ear. Like the old saying goes: "Jia Jia You Ben Nan Nian De Jin" (Every house have their own bible) Be it thin or thick.

serene : at least you have an understadning n loving husband! when I read what u have written (abt his sms)..I felt very touched leh! You ve been a fantastic wife as well! Sometimes in life..you lose some but you gain some.. You must hang on in there tough ok! The more yr in laws try to agitate u and make u miserable, the more you ve to be strong and be happy so that they wont succeed! One day the dark clouds will clear... but u must hang on until that day comes! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ann: I bo bian now... I wasnt like this b4 I was pregnant one! I everything also must fight it out until justice is served! I suspect I will blow very soon after I gave birth coz kana suppressed for too many months liao! I am a Leo .. hehehe Hubby said lucky thing my tiger bb gal wont be a leo like me..

wah Yvonne what happen at that time that you are leaving the house and even thought of divorcing? Sound serious leh, you two better sort out the issue asap hor b4 BB comes out.... If not the same matter may come back and haunt you two and by then may be even more difficult to resolve..

Sito : Congrats!! How are you feeling right now? Rest well!HEar from you again when you're better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya, i also think that your hubby is very sweet and dotes you alot to say such things! At least he is on your side. Be strong ya!


Congrats! Take care ya.

JTS: my friend gave birth to her 2nd child late night ytd and the whole labour only 32 mins! she said she almost delivered in the car.

Morning mummies,

Sito: congratulations! Can't wait to see baby pics!

To all the mummies who r having a tough time, pls be strong. Each n every challenge will only make u a stronger person. And ur babies can feel that, n they will turn up strong too, just like all of u. I always believe in "what goes ard comes ard". Channel ur thoughts to holding ur baby in ur arms, and taking care of them in the best possible way. *hugs*

babycoco: same here. I'm supposed to do laundry too, but looks like it has to be postponed. I still have half of baby's clothes to wash.

congrats sito!!! :D

ugh, 2 weeks plus before I start ML. and my boss hinted that I can come back to work after 12 weeks if i feel "bored".... i wish i could go on ML now and never come back hah

Morning mummies!

Got a question: Is there expiry for items like baby bath, baby lotion, baby oil, etc?

I was clearing my cupboard over the weekend and found 4 bottles of J&J baby products (bath, lotion, etc). Think I got them as free gift when i purchased my contact lenses 1 or 2 years ago. Dunno whether I can use them now or not.


thanks! Need to wait for abt 4 weeks to get the photos.

Am on leave today. Just couldn't drag myself to work... Rainy morning good to sleep in :p

Morning all mommies - Rainy day today... How I wish I could be in bed lazing around now..

Btw, any Christian mommies around? I'm looking for a church to attend..... Any one has any reco.. Any either PM me or post here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so shiok! me almost took leave today as my #1 really takes his own sweet time to get ready for school [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning ladies.

My sleep was not good again last night and the stupid cock start crowing again at 5am and lasted till 9am.

Later on going chalet for BBQ for my grandma's bday. So happy.

Sito: Congratulation.. hope to hear more from you soon.

babycoco: Ya lo... the sky every morning also look grey and then rain.

vivi: OMG!! I dun even wanna think of delivering in the car. I think hubby will freak out. 32min labour is such a bliss. I wish mine is as short too. Congrats to your fren.

hi ladies, if you guys planning to place in infant care, do reserve early (my friends do as early as 1 yr in advance). the slots are really limited.

My hubby was commenting that I eat, sleep and rot these days but then how come I didn't gain any weight. Where has the weight gone to?

I shoved my tummy in his face and point to my tummy and say " There!". Haha!!!

Hi Pillow - Thanks for the tips. I had just enquire recently an infant care center. As they are just open this year, the lady say there are still available slots if I wanna place my BB there in Nov.. Thus, for those mommies who have not started sourcing, do not panic.. There are still few centers around who will take 3-4 months reservations in advance.. But, of course, if you are looking for a good & highly recommended one, then, please enrol early..

Just some info on infant care to share - I enquired on My First Skool by NTUC.. Facilities is new & place is cosy.. Price is $700 after $600 subsidises for F/T working mommies. Enrolment starts at 1st of the month.. If you place ur BB at 10th of the month, it's still chargeable for the whole month.. Thus, please plan in advance when you wanna start placing BB.. Center starts from 7am-7pm.. Mon-Fri. Half day on Sat.. If you are late, $20 will be charge at the fourth time you are late..

Any mommies staying in AMK has already sourced for infant care. I need a center that closed slight later.. 7pm is too rush for me.. Haiz...


congrat to u!!!


I also wan to fight back or twist his ear and etc ... but staying wif PIL it is totally impossible which she will think tat I am bullying her son and say tat I take it too hard...


Alot of thing I did my PIL simply not satisfied!!!

they start complainting alot of thing abt me...

- how i wan to wash my own clothes(by washing machine)

they say I use so much water, need to wash for so long???

- the way i hang my clothes...

(too much too heavy, cos I got limited bamboo stick to use) MIL still wash SIL's 3 kids clothes cos she is taking care of them even SIL stay same blk diff storey...

- complainting I dont wan to wash my clothes

(how can i wash when bamboo stick are used up or raining session)

- when I wash they juz complaint everytime i wash sure will rain... make me afraid to wash my clothes

- or when they see my hubby help me wif hanging the clothes.. my MIL will say my son nv do tis b4... (sound like i bully his son)

- keep on complainting to my SIL (when only I am ard and my hubby is not)

- until my SIL came to tell me if I can hand wash my own clothes anot..

- try to hand wash my clothes but I only take abt 50 mins + bath they complaint i inside bathroom too long!!!!

- MIL came to tell me, my hubby's cousin still hv to wash her hubby's clothes... when at the start she told my hubby she will be the one washing ask me not to touch.

keep on saying the same thing again and again until i gone crazy....

Everyday complaint to my hubby abt we on air con every night... but it is very obvious tat I am the one who wan aircon... saying abt electric bill very exp.. cos when I went back to my parent hse to stay my hubby dont on aircon...

All of the quarrel wif my hubby all started fr them.... they juz old thinking tat woman must do all hse chores... hubby help also kana say, hubby dont help i cant cope...

tat y how to stand!!! my parent even came to fetch me back for cooling period.. my father complaint to them how can dont on aircon its so hot.. maybe his room is facing the afternoon sun direction.

.... fr then my MIL stop saying abt I on aircon and wash my clothes for me .. cos I am pregnant.. even i wan to on washing machine she also dont let... I try so much to hide my clothes so tat she dont wash for me.. and waiting fri to sent to my parent hse to wash it up... but she still can search for it and wash for me... so far I didnt heard complaint .. behind my back I dont know...

My hubby pattern is he feel what is over is over dont think so much... more important is they next time dont say me and he will help me to tell my MIL abt my request...

even through we had so big quarrel last yr.. cos he is sandwich in between us. hubby nv mention abt it anymore and if I not feeling well or need his help he still help ..

he feel tat i still remember the past old thing.. cant let go.. xiao qi!!!! and take wat ppl saying too hard.

I not want to complaint my MIL but she mind our business so much and keep on complaint .. so far other than all this incident.. she still cook herbal soup and still take good care of me...

i juz feel hm shd be relax, slowly do thing at own pace, but whenever i come back fr work or wake up.. i heard complaint... so stress....

Divorce is only me one sided.. juz flow thru my mind. was thinking if i can stay happier w/o him y not...

most important to let me hang on is my new hse is coming soon.... the best motativation for me to stay there...

By the way, in case mummies have not heard of the old sch of thought (which is the first I have heard during my 1st confinement, I too didn’t know such thing). Old people believe that during our confinement month, our clothes are "dirty" so should not mix with other family member's clothes. So for those living w inlaws and yet no confinement nanny, do be prepared for trivial things like this as it will just blow up in your face.


i feel for u... i hope that things will be better for u and ur new hse will come soon.

meanwhile try to be happy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

