(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Supergal: Is use after u put the cloth diaper as far as i know. prevent leakage as it acts another protective layer for the cloth. That's what i think it's for. I didn't really go ask or check the real use. Haha.


Keer >> The ebay one is $7.40 and includes 1 insert and free shipping. The Taobao is really cheap! How much is the the Taobao one after shipping and does it also come with inserts?

Ceres, thanks for sharing! btw, have you got any idea how to fold the cloth nappies?

i couldn't really figure out from those drawings on the Pigeon packaging! haiz...mom also forgot liao!!

Ceres & Supergal - These bum wear diaper shell aka cloth diaperings are considered the modern cloth diapers that replace the conventional cloth diapers. In the past, we fold those cloth diapers & fasten it with a safety pin & then to prevent the urine to leak through, we wrap the cloth diaper with a waterproof velco pant / diaper.. Now, the modern bum wear is that it has a diaper shell which is also equivalent to the waterproof pant in the past.. Except that this shell is now more flexible with many buttons which can used to suit babys from 3 mths to 2-3 years.. 3-15kg... And these diaper shells comes with the inserts which is also know as cloth diapers in the past.. Except that these inserts are now more modified and is more absorbent & it fits nicely inside the diaper shell. So, no need to fold. Think the inserts can last up to 2-3 urines. So, better than traditional cloth diapers & they look nicer too. Actually, it's eco friendly as compared to disposal diapers & it was marketed that it save more $$ in the long run as compared to disposal diapers.. :p

Babycoco - Taobao is just like a Ebay. Except you do not have to auction for it.. Just need to look for the things you wanna buy & lialise with the seller to deliver to SG.. If you need more details, let me know.. I can share more.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And, yes, things in taobao looks nice... But, sometimes, must take the photo with a pinch of salt ya.. Cos utimately the things are from China.. Haha.. But, nevertheless, with the price they charge, I think it's worth the price.. I do buy things from them once in a while.. I had bought a wedding gown, bags, fake lashes from them before etc...

Pris - Agree for $7.40, it's cheap.. For the ones that I had orderd, it should come to less than $5 with 2 inserts.. I'm waiting for the shipper to give me the final quote to see if there's any hidden "costs" cos it's free shipping now to my doorsteps too.. The exchange rate they use is also reasonable.. At S$1 - RM$4.6..

I also bought a baby round swimming pool less than $35.. Saw it selling at the baby fair at $70-$90.. Saw in Northpoint & PS, there's this place that let baby swim in their round tubs, looks cute & the babies enjoy so much.. So, will invest in one & try.. Anyway, think also very easy to sell off at the forum too.. :p

Keer >> If it's $5 + 2 inserts + free shipping, can help me order please? I'd like 1 baby blue and 1 yellow and 1 green. Thanks!

Pris - Oh, it's MTM gown.. But, I had tailored it to be slightly bigger in case, I can't fit.. Anyway, that gown is bought just for fun de.. For 1 of my outdoor PS, not for the AD.. Show you pic below.. The gown cost less than $100 including shipping..


keer13: your gown is beautiful! u mean it is less than $100???

btw.. can u still rem how to fold nappy without pins huh? my hubby n I both forgot liao! and we didnt buy pins... aiyo... now i can only depend on the CL liao!


Wanna check with you if there is anything I can do to turn my baby's head down? coz now my baby's is in breech position and I am now 35 weeks...gynae said if by 37 weeks still breech then no choice cant go for natural birth...is there any exercise that you know effective to let the baby turn...??? many thanks in advance

yenz: my gynea asked me to do some walking, squating down execise to deliver easier... i dont know if this helps bb to turn downwards not...

Ceres - The gown has bought for my wedding 2 years ago.. Haha.. Not recently..

AK - Yes, it's less than S$100 for all in.. Was a steal and I sell it at $80.. Only lugi $20.. Hee.. For nappy, it's very easy to fold de.. Think Mrs Wong notes got the steps.. Do you need me to scan & post it online? Mrs Wong method to do without the pins is to just fold out at the brim on top of the nappy.. Ie. fold in at the waist.. Not sure if I'm correct.. Any mommies can verify that? Hee.. But hor, to do that, your nappies must be big.. I has prefold all my nappies but they seem too small for fold in.. So, I will use pins.. Otherwise, just wrap it up without the pins on those velco pants..

Hi Pris - You don't need to read the Chinese.. Just create an account with http://buy4u.peeka.sg/ and record down your orders.. For me, I will get from this supplier:


They have good ratings.. So, should be ok.. You just need to go to peeka website.. Paste the taobao link above and indicate the no. of pieces u need & at the remarks - indicate the color.. Hope that helps..

Hi Yenz,

posted this earlier but will post again for you to see. This exercise helped my baby turn down and he has been down ever since... (pray he dont turn back up cos im not doing the exercise anymore) !! However you need to be very regular with this exercise and do it especially when you can feel your baby moving. goodluck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi mummies, saw some of you finding massage lady. I am currently using 2 massage ladies and they still massage for me although I am 36 weeks now. If you all interested, can PM me.

Oh ya, i posted my maternity shots in my Fb liao!!!


Yes I saw it.. Very nice... =)

was telling my hubby that is so nice... complaining that he dun let me take maternity photos.. =P

Mummies all there,

I remember that someone did post here asking MOM regards to the maternity benefits.. & said that their reply was fast.. is there sweetkiss??? If i did't remember wrongly.. ^--^

Can i have the email add to send enquiry to ask them regards to sick leave???

Thanks for the help... =)


Hahahaha... save $$ ba...

My stomach still quite small lei.. Now 35wk 2days.. tu qi still haven pop out...

Hubby was saying wait BB grow up abit than we take family photos.. so shall wait lor..


Saw your photos too. Yup, very nice! You went to style your hair before the shoot? I still thinking if i should do something to mine or not, or just let it be..but now without rebonding, its a mess!

DQ and Junie,

Do take care ya... i felt the heat yesterday and was aching when i reached home le..so i on the air con and napped from 2pm+ to 5pm+. Felt much better after the nap.


Btw, Allison posted some candid shots in her FB page. And Grace, she didnt tag you cos scare you "not allowed" to be tagged :p you know what i mean...

Jasline; I am sure taking PS with ur baby will be fun too!! I am also looking forward towards mine! Heehee..

sun_tan: Yaya, i ask my MUA who did my pre-wedding shoot to help me with my hairdo n make up. If not my face & hair super cannot make it! Hahaha!! After a hairdo n make up, at least I am more confident!


i hor, listen to Pris, all my photos tagged by me, i set to only to be seen by me...hahahahah

so i think i am safe hor..

thanks for telling me..hiak hiak hiak.


sorry, i couldnt rem but yr photo shoot also by allison or somewhere else..heehe

by the way, did u manage to get yr car seat??

grace: Oh mine wasnt by allison.. Heehee.. End up i din buy the maxi cosi. Will be buying Recardo carseat which can used fr new born till 4yrs old..


hhahah, yours by where? maryanne? heehe

looks very studio loft.

oh, i itchy backside one, actually got a britax car seat that my daughter use already from birth to 4yrs old. and my daughter can sit booster liao.

but cos i got the bugaboo bee, i like the idea of attaching the maxi cosi and no need to remove bb... cos last time remove very cham, esp when sleeping =p.

Sun tan, can add me to ur face book? I wanna see the pictures lei.

F8mummies: how was e lunch? Did I miss out anything interesting? The photo shoot was fun! Must be a very interesting sight to c so many preggers at botanical gardens! I finally confirmed a transfer maid, cos if I want a new one it's gg to take at least 6 weeks which I am afraid it will be too late. She looks quite 'guai guai' type, hope everything turns out well. After tt went tamp giant n ikea, after tt I totally flat Liao, went hope had to ask hubby massage my legs!

haha I asked Allison to provide us with some sneak preview, din expect her to post on FB.... *faint* luckily not close up! :p

Kepsis - you are tagged in the photos in FB by Allison already. Just go to your FB, you will be able to see...

haha I asked Allison to provide us with some sneak preview, din expect her to post on FB.... *faint* luckily not close up! :p

Kepsis - you are tagged in FB by Allison already

keer : Thanx!no need trouble u to scan coz i ve the notes..juz that the method in there must use pins one. Ok ok...i will go try folding the top part down..must practise le!

sweetkiss : congrats on the good news!

sun_tan :i also want see yr photos can?

jasline: I also wish to have some maternity shots taken but my hubby sees no point in it.. so sad. somemore we are stopping at one.. no chance in future liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sweetkiss >> Congrats! Can concentrate on enjoying the rest of your pregnancy now = )

Keer >> Oki, finally managed to place my order with peeka, hope I did it correctly tho!

Grace >> Hee..

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4109332.jpg]STudioloft Bloom Package to let go at $180 (now it is $250) please pm for details

Good morning ladies.

Last night was having a terrible night sleeping. My pubic bone area was even more painful and my back hurts. Closer to morning time, keep waking up to pee. Dunno which household kept a stupid rooster and this week keep crowing from 4plus onwards till now. My sleep was disaster. Like now it is still crowing away lo.

Sweetkiss: Congratualtion.. that's is one good news. So can relax le.

Bak Zhang: Yesterday, hubby drove me to East Coast Road to buy bak zhang at kim Choo but sold out liao.. only left mini one which i dun wan. The lady told me to come back next day. So upsetting. Dunno to go back today or not cos from sembawang to east coast rd is very far.

sweetkiss, what a relief for you. glad it worked out.

ann, i'm surprised got people keep rooster at home! i thought it's illegal? you should sleep in today, it's raining, perfect weather to laze around in bed.

babycoco: Ya lo.. but i dunno who is keeping it. Every morning at 5am without fail, it start to crow. Unlike alarm clock, once u press it, it will stop. But the rooster continue to crow and crow. And when it is about to rain, it also crow. Sickening.


Good for you! Now can rest and relax... and concentrate on the BIG DAY and thereafter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Happy for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also didn't sleep well... so difficult to toss from side to side... upper chest felt so painful! Now the finger joints and toes joints and ankles are hurting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Then my boy had nightmares and insisted I carry him out of his cot and sleep beside me...

Glad that I've arrange for a massage this morning at 930am...



Ya, agree with Jasline, call up town council to lodge a complaint.

I also have an inconsiderate new neighbour who just moved into unit directly above mine. The mother or father would wash the master bedroom toilet (scrub floor) around 10 plus!! Last night it happened again...

