(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


Yup, taking their weekday classes. Ya, she told me that too. Say can pay on the 1st day of the class.


Good afternoon Ladies.

Its Monday and it hasnt been that bad a start. Have been tied up with work this morning. Baby has been very active... sometimes the kick can be quite hard and uncomfortable.

Speaking of emotions.... I tend to cry easily nowadays... even if I were to see an advertisement. For example, some of you ladies must have seen the ad about a kid who goes into the supermarket and shops for things (copy his parents). Then when the kid comes to the cashier counter... he points to the cigarettes on the shelf and says "I want that like my daddy"... I couldnt control my tears.

This is because my SILLY BILLY husband is a smoker... Last time it did not matter but now I have been pestering him to quit. In my heart, I know it is not easy to quit overnight but I just got so sad... when i saw the Advertisement.

Then I told my husband... "if you dont stop smoking, our child will become like this"... My husb's jaw dropped. He promised to quit. I told if he did not... then he has to go live with his mother and cannot touch the baby... coz the baby will smell like a "small cigarette".

Im too manja... but I dont care hehehe (evil grin).

Sun_tan: Ya.. the mobile looks dull but apparently babies like these colours and can be entertained a long time by them. Haha!!

mrslong: If you don't open, the wipes won't dry up. I bought the Tollyjoy wipes for my dogs to use when they go out. Bought it last yr.. till now still ok.

Yaolan: My mum also just spoken to me. Say we should drill a hole in the ceiling to put the hook for yaolan in case we need it. Told her i heard it's not good for BB's back and sleeping habit. She say wat if he turn out to be a fussy baby like me. I say then we shall see about it lo. If really need, can always ask hubby to go buy one. But was hoping dun need it.

Jayamum>> at least yr HB promised to quit, mine...heh...dun even dare to say he wants to quit (tho he's not a heavy smoker).

but i did warn him...if he wants to smoke, smoke only @ work. When BB's around @ home or in the car, NO smoking at all...else dun touch & go near BB.

Its good mrslong. We must be firm... otherwise... it is so totally unhealthy for our babies right?

We continue to be firm... never go easy on these men! Grrrrrrrrrr.

Ameda Lactaline Personal Breastpump : Something to share. Previously some mummies poted that the Ameda pump selling at Mumsfairy is selling at $365. I have the Moms R Us voucher and entitled to 10% discount for the pumps so it only cost $349.20. It's the new BPA free set.

So for those who have the discount voucher at Moms R Us, can go there to buy using the voucher.

Jayamum>> yup! Esp when it comes to unhealthy bad habits.

Going to have packed cold Nasi Lemak for dinner later....hopefully the meeting will end by 7pm. Tired.

Ann - the Moms R Us voucher is in a little booklet from Babycare or something like that? Came in a goodie bag right? Think I have that voucher too. Lucky haven't buy the pump yet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serene>> no choice...company packed dinner for us cuz we have a meeting starting @ 5.30pm and dunno end until what time.

hi mummies

i am interested to get this for my bb, do pm me if anyone is interested or go to this link to place order:


Black, White & Red Infant Stim Flashcards - "Smart Art for Babies" by Genius Baby Toys. High quality laminated flashcards, with complimentary hanging clip. Front features expressive baby faces and the back side features high contrast, black white and red infant stimulation graphics. Inlcludes complimentary travel clip for on-the-go.

Researchers have discovered that infants not only prefer to look at high contrast graphics, but that such images can help:

increase concentration skills

stimulate the creation of synapses (brain cell connections)

increase an infant's attention span

calm and soothe a baby (when she is bored)

enhance natural curiosity.

one set is USD4 excluding shipping


Hi eliss,

thank you for the update. Mine is a girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

I hv got an avent milk warmer in march n realised that my sis had passed me her. Is a brand new set n not open. Warranty card nt register yet n I can register under your name. Warranty 2 yrs. Selling Price: $60 (after disc), retail at $79.

Email to [email protected] if you are interested. Self collection either at bukit batok east or sengkang.


Hi Mrs Long, I hv signed up for the pre-natal class at mr. Alvernia n mine 1st class starting this thurs 8 april n subsequent lessons will be on sat 1.30pm-3.30pm.

Any mummies taking this class?

Vernie: ya.. that's the voucher in the booklet. I just went down to Moms R Us to buy the Ameda pump. The salesgirl very friendly and good. She doesn't have a Ameda pump on display to show me so she open a new set to show me how to use and how it function.

When I decided to buy, I thought she will give me the set she open to show me but she didn't. Instead she gave me a new set which comes with the nipple cream and milk bags. No extra charge.. still the same discounted price.

I even bought a nursing top there cos can get 10% discount since if you buy more than $100 you can be a lifetime member there and get discounted rate.

Oh.. she even delay the date of invoice for me to 15 July (my EDD) date so that my warranty of 1 year for the pump will start from then and not now.

So happy with her service. Sure will go back again. Hehe!!

Hi mummies,

Phew! Had a super long day at work today! I will probably snore off soon!

Does anyone know if I can use PUK teats on Avent bottles? And actually when I bought the Avent bottles, I asked the salesperson of it's wideneck. She said yes, meant to "copy" breastfeeding. But when I look at other brands, their wide-neck bottles are really wide, whereas the Avent bottles still look quite slim to me(the teats I mean).


nuk teas are NOT compatible with avent. the fact that very few brands when mixed and match will not leak. hvg said that u can just take the risk and buy it to try. but y the nuk/avent combi?

fazzy.. I was told by nuk salepersons that their teats cannot be used on avent bottles. I also bought nuk teats... then during baby fair at expo i bought some nuk bottles to go with them.

Ann: wow thats great service. I like places with great service and will patronage there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Where is this Moms R Us anyway ?

Actually how often do we need to change the teats? Do we need to buy spare teats now as the original bottles comes with teats. And there is those teats with small or medium holes. So when do we need to change from small to medium ?

Also, went for gynae visit just now. Junior weighing at 700g at

24th weeks. My gynae also went thru e detailed scan report with us n commented tat junior is gg to be a tall

bb just like his mama n papa.. Lol..,

suntan : I was told by most salegirls that we need to change teats as often as every two months! Thats why I ended up buying several different sizes ones during taka fair. Its pretty confusing for 1st-time mtb like myself leh..

wow yr bb's gonna be tall! thats nice! the only thing my gynae commented during my scan was my bb gal is gonna like his papa... big nose!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya cos gynae said the length of his thigh bones are of quite a high percentile, so gg to have long legs. Luckily mine is boy, tall is good. If is girl, not good to be too tall.

Then wat size tests did u get? So after 2 mths we need to change to the ones with medium size hole ones?

Good morning girls.

Jaclyn: Moms R Us is at United Square, Basement 1.

Sun_tan & AttomicKitten: Wah.. your gynaes not bad. Will still go through the detailed scan like this with you. My gynae just say everything good. Haha!!

Hello Ann,

So to say, u used the discount voucher to get ur pump at 10% off?

And the pumps come with the milk bags & cream ah?

But i dun have the book nor voucher . [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies,

Just realised I entered 3rd trimester today! Today is the first day of week 27 for me. Thought 3rd trimester only start at week 28, but some websites says today. 13 more weeks to go!

Sweetkiss: Yup. The pump come with nipple cream and milk bags. But nipple cream and milk bags not those big big kind.. more like sample size.

Oh.. I still got one more voucher left. Since now I got the membership then I dun really need the voucher anymore. If you interested, I can give that voucher to you. But you must send me a return envelope.

Beside 10% off range of breast pumps available at the retail outlet, with the coupon, you are also entitled to the following special offers:

* Buy 2 basic nursing tops for $49.90 (U.P. $29.90 each)

* Buy 2 basic nursing bras & 2nd piece is 30% off. (U.P. $22.90 each)

* SlingZbaby ppuch @ $40 (U.P. $45.90)

* $30 off Skip Hop Diaper bags.

Voucher is valid till 31 Oct 2010

vernie: i also tot 3rd trimester starts from week 28 and i am at week 27 now. but I am not really counting down to labour. In fact I’m really scared.

yesterday met up with my 2 girlfriends who are already mummies & when I hear abt the pain I go through, I am so worried.

Ann: thanks for ur offer! I think it is ok coz I prefer the pumping pal kit so most prob I will get from mumsfairy~

Good morning ladies.

Im also into my 3rd Trimester this week... fast man.....

My gynae has advised me to monitor the number of kicks/movements already. He asked me to gauge 10 movements per day. I get more than that... some are really hard.

Have any of you ladies felt that the baby makes big movement and you end of feeling a little nauseous?

good morning mummies, have you all managed to eat healthily so far during ur pregnancy? i have been hving intense craving for junk food esp Mac's! last nite, i wolved down 12 pieces of chicken nuggets, and over the weekend, i had nasi lemak, kuey chap, hamburgers, and ham....and no vegetables or fruit at all....now i feel so guilty...

jayamum: my gynae only told me to check for movements every morn, afternoon & nite b4 i sleep. so i dun really count because i will tend to lose count!

for me i dun feel nauseous but sometimes quite ticklish cos it feels like she is "swirling" inside..

Rmummy: i have been craving for fried food almost every day all of a sudden. had mcspicy meal ytd too. used to be really conscious abt eating unhealthy food but i just cant get enough of chic cutlets, pork tonkatsu, etc. and my fav beverage now is root beer. I dun even drink soft drinks b4 i was preg.

Morning MTB...

Hectic days for me...stupid management wana shift office during my due month...and i hv to move e stuff ard wif my protuding tummy..sucks to e max..

last nite was a terrible nite for me, got legs cramp nw n den...

Congrats to MTB tat is in e 3rd trimester...hw time flies..soon BB will be out to see e world. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sun-tan - what i heard is u need to change e teats from newborn to normal wan ard 3mths.

Rmummy>> I try to limit my junk food to once a week max, hehee. But I hardly eat fish (& I feel bad abt that).

Going to see my gynae on Thur for routine check up. Have to ask her if it's normal to feel like something stuck in the chest area....I feel that as my tummy grows bigger & when I'm seated, I've difficulty breathing, like the windpipe's shorten & tighten.

Sweetkiss>> Same here! I'm not a soft drink lover before pregnancy, hardly drink coke, pepsi, root beer unless in fast food restaurant.

But that day in food court while hvg dinner with my HB, I had a craving for Coke (again)...so drank it & felt so guilty and unwell after that, cuz bloated, hehee.

Sweetkiss - I am also tempted by the Pumping Pal kit bundled with Ameda pump by Mumsfairy too. So, now undecided whether to get from Mums R Us (since I have the voucher) or Mumsfairy.

Sweetkiss - me too. i now having cravings for food that i hardly used to eat before i was pregnant. Now i crave chee cheong fun, bak chang, you cha kueh, sweet potato soup. I hardly used to touch deserts and now, i keep dreaming of them....

mrs long - i wish i can be as disciplined as you! the more i try to resist them, the greater my binge turns out...that is how i ended up eating 12 pieces of mcnuggets by myself....been trying to resist them for 2 weeks....

Hi Siti (yoyoblue). I will be fixing the scan for this month. Just trying to adjust some timing at my workplace coz these scans are usually done during office hours.

You have done yours right? Is it nice?

Hello mummies, just came out from my thyroid follow-up. Wah sey I gained 3.3kg within a month and the doc said must eat less liaoz. Oops... Thot I have been maintaining well... Guess not! Ayio depressing siah...

Rmummy>> 12pcs is quite alot, I doubt I can even finish 6, unless am really hungry & crave for it, hehee.

But some say if a preggie mum has cravings, then she must eat that craved food.

mrslong: i rem 1 mummy mentioned b4 that the MUG root beer doesnt contain caffeine. so i always take it without guilt. but i also LOVE pepsi/coke with salt! i think not so gassy after adding salt.. maybe u can try~!

vernie: if we get the pumpin pal kit separately, it will cost $78. (Pumpin Pal super shields: $36, handsfree strap: $34 & the air-dry bag: $8 based on mumsfairy website) If get the pump at 10% off and add $78, it will cost abt $428. So buy the bundle from mumsfairy more worth it. Unless u only getting the pump alone.

Rmummy: the food u mention, i have one of them at least once a week! chee cheong fun is my fav breakfast now. & my office is near the Rochor beancurd stall so i buy the you tiao thr when i have lunch nearby! hehe.. nw that u mentioned, i feel like eating nuggets too.

All this talk abt junk food, now i feel like having McDonald's FISH BURGER for lunch...:p

Sweetkiss>> cuz i still burp a lot, a little of gassy drinks make me feel terrible but i can't help it...if hv craving & dun drink, I feel like I'm thirsty for the whole day, ahaha.

Maybe can try the salt method..but foodcourt have salt at the drink stall?

hmm.. not sure leh.. maybe u can request see if they have. normally i buy in bottles for enjoying at home. it is a perfect match with the nachos!!!!!


SweetKiss & Vernie: If you decide to get the pumpin pal then more worth it to get from mumsfairy cos cheaper to get the bundle deal.

Rmummy: I also dun really eat much healthy food .. at times will sure eat lots of junk food. Think quite common.

