(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

jts: teats

buy 1 brand of the same to try first. if u buy too many types/brands to mix and match, ur bb may hv nipple confusion. start to bf ur bb for 2 weeks. after that u need to introduce bottle teats to baby. try first. baby may or may not like it.


Super long time nv logged in liao... so tired at the end of everyday.

Jus came back from Gynae.. on bed rest again.. am at 24 weeks today and I am having contractions. According to my gynae, it's not normal to feel them so early and he put me on some medication to relax e womb and ask me to rest at home.. according to him, feeling contractions too early may lead to pre mature labour.

Me not gaining too much weight.. nurse was commenting that I am even lighter then her.. haha.. but BB's size is jus nice. So no worries... I seldom eat unhealthy food though.. Seldom snack..

Hi Nok Nok

Rest well... Yap you are quite slim.. then no problem if your bb size is normal...

I am also at my 24wk... going to see my gyane today... so stress I wonder how much I put on weight since my last time I weight myself was during Jan...

Noknok: Do rest well. Actually last week, i also felt something like contraction. Suddenly, the muscle will be hard & rigid till quite uncomfortable & painful. Then it will soften and the uncomfortable feeling is gone. It happen on and off. Then now ok liao. I was so afriad that i might go into pre term labour. But i think mine is braxton hicks.

Prenatal massage: How many times do u have it in a mth? I am thinking of doing it twice a mth. Is it too much?

Yvonne - dun worry abt wt gain.. impt is BB growing but not too big.

Ann - Mine was like menstral cramp but not painful.. Dr Fong say it's contractions.. Yours sounds like it's muscle relaxing leh..

Oh.. my placenta still low.. sigh.. no sex still.. :p

Hi Mummies,

Just back from lunch, Wow you all loggin everyday?? I came in today i realised i missed out so much! Thanks for the advice n updating me in the chart, my EDD is 29 July n my gyne is Peter Chew from Glenagles, anyone sharing the same gyne? Think i got to start buying soon!

Pre natal yoga adviseable?

And any of you experience any kicks from your bb? I keep feeling my stomach moving, my mum says its my bb kicking but it seems a bit too often. is it normal?

Hi kepsis, yes for me I do log in daily when I’m working.

See what other mummies are sharing mah. If not very bored at work… lol.

I think prenatal yoga is gd. In fact doing any suitable exercises during pregnancy is gd for the baby.

My gynae encouraged me to swim & climb stairs. I try to climb about 5-6 flights of stairs daily.

He said these exercises help to improve our breathing. So that when baby grows bigger, we won’t get breathless easily.

I guess at our stage everyone has started to feel bb’s kicks. Of course it is perfectly normal.

Having lotsa kicks from an active baby is better than none!

My gynae said that when your baby kicks, he/she is telling u that he is happy!

noknok -- have a good rest.. relax urself.. dun tense ur body up.. u'll be alright [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kepsis -- its very normal at this stage.. at the later stage bb will move lesser cause of space constrain

regular hiccups? -- so funny.. for the last 2 days.. bb have been having hiccups almost the same timing.. today's is very hard and i think she feels very uncomfy (gao wei).. every hiccup, she will kick once.. its very rhythmic.. i can literally count the beat.. lol...

baby stuff -- im doing my stock check.. i still left with my own confinement stuff and the nitty gritty things like cotton balls.. bathing towel.. i think i need to walk chinatown one more round liao..

3rd trimester -- next sat will be my 3rd tri liao.. i can feel my stamina is getting worst.. start to feel tired like how i felt in 1st tri.. and mood swings too! oh no.. say bye to sweet 2nd tri.. and welcome! 3rd tri...

we have another 2-3 mths more.. jia you!!

What confinement stuff do we need to prepare in advance? I haven't prepare any.

If we have CL, can we leave to them to get it?

Hee.. thanks all.. me not worry at all.. on the contrary... I think I'm enjoying the benefits of hospitalisation leave.. wahahahahaha

vernie - think u better ask CL, things like alcohol (mine use VSOP) can be bought from DFS if anyone is travelling. Mine suppose to do marketing too.. but think she'll give me a call to ask me to get ready some stuff too.. since afterall still have to reimburse them

Noknok - do rest well... I also experience some cramp/pain at my right abdomen area recently, on and off... wonder if its contractions too?!

Kepsis - yes i think the few of us log in while working haha...yes to kill time and also to show we are multi-tasking...

BB items - oh yar,i forgot need to get bath towel and burp clothes for BB. I also need to get front button PJ for BF during confinement... should i get the silky/sateen material or pure cotton huh ?

i just got back from my visit to gynae. baby is at 26 weeks and 6 days and weighs 958g. is that ok?

also my gynae told me i'm gaining too much weight must make sure i don't go beyond 54kg which is like 2 more kilos! must be the macs meal i keep having.

oh! and i've developed this weird habit of crunching ice. any MTBs share this weird habit?

Haha... thats a good idea to look busy!

sweetkisss: thanks for your advice, so i better be enjoying his kicks now. You not going for any exercise clases? My job already require me to walk ard often by coz i'm worried its not enough, so i though of signing up for yoga.

vernie: my mum just attended a CL class so that she can help me during my confinment, i help u ask her tonight.

cherry: wah!v ur at ur 26wks but still weight 54kg? i was at my 22wks already weight 60kg but gynae says its normal... hmm hv to knw my weight this friday already.. bcoz every mnth i gained at least 3kg leh

juz be careful ladies, d last time i had dat menstrual like cramp, when i wnt to see my gynae i was diagnosed with UI...so scary n had to eat lots of medicine bcoz of dat..

eliss -- go chinatown people's park walk one round at level 3.. a lot of cheap and good PJ..

Confinement stuff -- disposable panties, pads, da feng cao for bathing, rice wine, lemon grass, cotton balls to apply the antiseptic on stitches

cherrysue - if your gynae nvr comment anything about BB's weight, should be fine... must watch our diet liaoz....

aisha: i'm 52 now. dr heng told me to calm down! hehe btw i went for the hospital tour. cathryn the CSO was soooo friendly. there's this victoria room at PEH which is huge and gorgeous but there's a partition between guests and mummy which isn;t good cos they would be spending their time there instead of being near me. hahaha

Anyone likes eating subway but friend told me dun eat cos of the mayo and not healthy.. i thought subway is healthy?

kepsis: Wow, your mum attend CL class! Thanks for helping to ask her. And yes, like the rest, i also login everyday - to kill time when work is slow. But when work get busy, i will just read the posts and won't have time to post anything. This is a really good forum coz all the mummies here share share good lobangs and advice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jellypurin: I have bought 4 avent bottles at the expo fair already cos they were having discount. After that my cousin told me I should have gotten nuk ones instead cos she said the teats suit babies' gums better. So I was just wondering if I could use the nuk teats on the avent botlles. But I doubt so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] furthermore i now feel like avent bottles are not really wideneck.

Cherrysue: wow, you're only 54 kg?! So slim still!

Noknok: do rest well n enjoy the leave!!

Serene: how do u differentiate baby's hiccups from normal movements or kicks?

cherry: glad u went for d tour, i think i'l b gng this friday also bcoz hubby will take off on dat day. yah d last thing u wnt them to do is having picnic in d room! haha

Anyways its one on one tour isit?

kepsis: initially, me and 2 other mummies wanted to do prenatal yoga at jurong area but we cant find another member to make up a private class of 4 pax. no choice, i can only depend on doing exercises at my own time, own target. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fazzy: i'm like super short. so 52kg is, i guess, a big deal. *shrugs* my gynae was hilarious though she said that all her patients who came to see her today have all grown fat.

aisha: yes it is! the rooms' wallpapers are all sooo nice. thanks soooo much for passing me the contact number. :D

fazzy -- hiccups are more rhythmic movement.. like.. 123 move, 123 move.. at the same spot.. at this stage, their normal movements can be quite obvious like kicking and turning.. so easy can differentiate.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pre natal massage -- any good ones to intro? can go to their shop de ma?

subway sandwich - mayo? depends on what kind of fillings u order lor....if you order egg and tuna sandwich, definitely got mayo....go for turkey breast and opt out the dressing.... it will be a healthy one...

Oh and dont take ham and bacon too often- highly processed food, generally not good for you and BB too.... go for pure meat yar...

I am now 25 weeks pregnant, 1.56 in height and weight 55kg now. Also controlling my diet esp fried food.. but craving ice-cream everyday. Roti Prata too.. YUM YUM

Jayamum - well once my cols knw i pregnant they sort of hint me to finish e work stuff before delivery...LOL..i think tis happen at most place..

I hv a question for all MTB. Do u read books to ur BB yet? i read somewhr dat u can start reading to him/her arnd this trimester... but wat kind of books?

me too.. just now Rmummy mentioned nuggets, i wanted to eat.. now i also wan subway. going to tell MIL nt to cook my dinner today so i can satisfy my craving hahaa.

Sweetkiss: thanks, my friend told me she did hers at true yoga, but im not sure if i shld go.

serene tan: wow you can differentiate ur bb's movements?

Aisha: ya my mum keep telling me to talk to my bb n my husband refuse to let me watch any violent movie incase it influence bb. Im also wondering if bb can really hear us?

Aisha, i think there are no hard and fast rules with regard to the type of books to read. I think the most impt thing is for baby to hear us talk to them, to know that we love them. For me, what i will do is just sing to him and talk to him. I always tell him to grow strong and dun come out until everything has grown in place properly!

Hi LT (Lovelybun) - they are heartless.. just like the rest of the people who wouldn't give up their seats in the train.. selfish buggers.

Aisha Alwi, I have started reading bedtime stories aloud coz I do understand that the baby can hear us now.

I also read today that it is not good to be depressed or stressed as it is not good for the baby. I have decided to 'draw a blank' when it comes to my MIL.... totally!

I also play soft Mozart music just before I go to sleep.

I gg to eat roti prata (1 egg 1 Korsong) after work... keep thinking the whole day, wanted to eat better eat.. old people says if u crave on soemthing better eat or else baby comes out will have alot of saliva later on..

Aisha Alwi...will be going for my maternity tour this Friday at PEH too! See you there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies.. missed out all the posts since morning. Went for a movie with hubby today coz he's on leave. Managed to satisfy a small percentage of my cravings today! Had cakes and macarons. Then suddenly i feel like eating long john silver ... but when we reached there..my hubby ordered the grilled salmon one for me!arrrrggghh.. i'm craving for the fried fish and chips! only had lemon tea instead of coke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] after that meal.. i sulked for the rest of the afternoon...

atomickitten -- yeah, i understand how u feel.. i can argue with hubby jus because i didnt get to eat my roti prata.. lol!!

today i gave swimming another try coz the first time i had very very bad cramp at the bottom of my tummy. Barely 5 mins.. i got the cramp again! Its very very intense and pain. I asked my gynae during my visit last month.. she's also puzzled. She advised me to get maternity swimwear which i didnt ..

skyrain: I love subway! Ate a lot of subway during my first tri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I know mayo is not very advisable during preg.. likewise for cold cuts like ham. But i do eat a lot of mayo and ham ..even now.

haha.. serene after arguing. do u get to eat what you want? I "tricked" my hubby go jalan kayu for supper so many times.. not once i get to eat roti prata! alwayz end up at the bean curd place instead...

