(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


i buy pigeon brand wipes and i hv kept some in my cupboard for a good 9mths... still v wet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i hv electronic yaolan. good for a short while. after that it maybe useless... but there are many sch of thots on safty of yaolan so if u already consider it, then it is quite ok to hv it.

jellypurin>> my friend passed me her electronic yaolan cuz it's still new. But then after fixing up the cot in our BB's room, no space for the yaolan....so now I wanna give away le, hehee.


great to hear that after 9 mths, pigeon wipes still good...i bought pigeon wipes during the taka bb fair (4 packs for $15)....expiry is June 2011. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dunno if it's me being "kiasu" or just well prepared...but my BB's nursery room and items bought are abt 70% ready already, hehee.

Mines also mostly all bought. Whats left are the last minute stuff like pampers etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow u ladies are well prepared already! i only bought a stroller n dat i felt like abit too early, bt with alot of sales gng on, i think shld start buying already ah..

Ellis: thank u for putting up my name in d chart, anyways i'm gvng birth to BB at PEH by Dr Heng. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Siti welcome,

I think most of us bought our stuff during the Taka+expo sales over March! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh, hee, give it to someone who needs it online?


yes, pigeon wipes can be kept. just store it in a cool place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just a question I have for you mommies. They say whatever your feelings are.. that the baby can feel it. Meaning if you're happy or sad etc, it affects the baby. What if you're sleeping and you're dreaming about something bad? Would that affect the baby somehow?

Aiyo I had a bad dream yesterday and I am quite sure I was probably frowning throughout my sleep. Hope it doesnt affect my baby's mood ! !

Hello Jaclyn thank u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. oh yes i bought my stroller at taka, n saw lots of baby products n got confused on whch brand is good. hehe


hee, i can attest to that. esp when i am preggers w my #1. i was v unhappy and my tod is now a fussy lit ger so whenever u r feeling moody, remember to tell urself - be happy for bb's sake!

Hi mommies, I'm from Jan 2010 thread.

I have the following I wish to let go:

Via post or Self collection will be @ my place in Aljunied.

Nursing Bra size 40C (Nude(brown) and light beige) - $8.50 each including postage

Washed not worn. Bought wrong size. Ribbon in the centre has been removed.

For pictures, please visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/23825906@N03/sets/72157623457485138

Brand New Unopened (without box) Medela Purelan $10 including postage

37g Expiry June 2012

Brand New Unopened Avent Nipple Cream $14 including postage

30g Expiry June 2011

From Little dreamers

Healing bottom spray $13.50 including postage

Brand new unopened 120ml bottle Expiry Sep 2011

I had to go for c-sect thus selling this off.

Dry confinement Powder (for hair) $7 including postage

3.4oz bottle Expiry Oct 2011

Used 30%. Tried using during confinement but end up washing my hair. :p

Do PM me if keen.

Hi mrslong.. pm u regards to the yao lan.. Dunno whether u received or not.. Keke.. I'm interested..


is so hard to keep telling ourselve that muz stay happy.. Cos of work I always haiz haiz haiz.. I scare bb coming will keep haiz haiz also... Lol....

siti aisha, i'll be taking the single-bedder so my hubby can stay with me. the clinic assistant asked me the last time i went. i didn't do the tour ,don't even know there was one. do we need to like book an appointment or can we just roam around on our own?


Now that you've said it, I'm getting worried for my little one because my mother-in-law has been disturbing my husband and my peace and quiet. I lost sleep last night and am so affected by her behavior.

cherry: oh when i went for d detail scan, i ask d nurse thr if i can juz go up d ward to look see look see whl waiting for my file, she gv me a number to call to book appointment with this particular lady for d ward tour... bt i hvnt go yet la..


sometimes we cant help it but to feel down. i mean, i was very down since last week, crying occasionally and fighting w my hubby... both of us had not spoken for days...i can feel bb v unhappy...

so at the expense of my bb i guess... which i dun feel good abt it.

siti aisha: can pass me her number?maybe i can fix an appt for tomorrow.

jellypurin: oh dear, does your husband know that yr unhappiness can affect the baby?

my mum already informed(more like warn hahah) my hubby at the beginning of my pregnancy not to upset me. quite fortunately my MIL did the same to him. hehe

Jasline>> OK, i go check my email then reply u from there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u ok ma?? Anything we can be ur listening ear..

I was the same as u, was down last wk n cried too due to work.. Come to an extend wanna quit.. But hubby tell me muz endure.. So I'm trying very hard to stay happy so as not to affect bb..

jasline>> I found one pic of the yaolan (spring cot) in a website, which is the almost the same as the one my friend gave me..


Me too, whenever i felt unhappy and sad, especially when crying, bb will kick and kick. Its kinda comforting thou. Cos its like he is telling me " Mummy, its ok. Dun be sad, i am here with you." When i think of that, i will feel better.. haa..


haha, me not ok will also bcome ok... i just resigned to the fact that my hubby will not change for the better... maybe i expect too much but it's okie... will come to terms with it...


ur baby is ur positive motivator! jaiyou

jellypurin>> Did u hv any aches after the pilates class? I started to hv aches yesterday & still feeling them tdy, hehee. Esp. my thighs!

Climbing & walking down the stairs is so painful. :p


thanks.. Ya this is the one I'm looking at.. Oh I juz need to buy the net for bb to sleep right??

That was one I went to my gf house, she have twin n this is the type of yao lan she using too.. Once she put bb in right, her gal will juz sleep.. Keke.. I told my hubby I think we should need one... Hahaha...

Jasline>> Yes, just need to buy the sarong. U can go to KP & BB Kingdom and check with them the correct one to buy. Show them the spring cot u hv (which they also hv it there) and they shld be able to advise u the one to buy.

My gf also has a set of twins, hahaa. She put them in to sleep as the last resort, and it works.

Then after a few mths, her girls automatically dun want to sleep in it liao...so it was still ok cuz some BBs can get too used to it.

Hi ladies,

anyone still looking for a confinement lady? I have one contact, wanted to have her at first, but found another one le. She is recommended by another online friend. Talked to her over phone before, I found her not bad, she charges $2K for 28 days. Do PM me if you would like to contact her. I pass you her no. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW, anyone signed up for the antenatal classes @ Mt. Alvernia, starting 29 April (1st lesson)??

Has the coordinator contacted you yet?


ya, i stretch everyday bcos i hv lower backache... so helps me recover faster [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

suntan>> u taking the every Fri antenatal classes? U paid for the class already? I have not leh...the lady said will call me nearer the date & then make pymt. Hope she has not forgotten.

If next week she hasn't call, I will call her to confirm again.

jellypurin>> I see, no wonder. My bones like "stiffen" cuz so long nvr work out, so now do work out abit "shiong", haha.

Good afternoon...

OMG.. I just viomited before lunch time and I am still feeling nausea...Been stoning in the office ....with my back aching...


oh dear - try putting a small pillow to suppor the small of yr back when sitting? i find tat it helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serene - yep I bought the Capella 705 liaoz... for this sale item, they only allow to pay cash/nets leh. Well the sale girl said 20% discount is until yesterday la, dun noe how true or not... if you want, you call them first... Besides me, got three other couples also bought the same model...kekeke

