(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

I also went for check up this morning, i got a shock! bb weighs 1kg at 24 weeks 3 days, and i gained 3 kg in a month ( but i never really eat a lot eh.. i had brunch and dinner only.. plus... tidbits sometimes la haha) It must be that packet of nachos and cheese rings! so far i have gained 5.5kg le...

Btw, is it ok to sleep on our right side? heard that is better to sleep on left side right? but i can fall asleep easier if i sleep on right side, more comfy too.. how ah..


my hubby's fault, that day went to supermarket with him.. after buying all the stuff he said," eh! You forgot to buy tidbits!" Really faint, i said where got hubby like that one? Ask me to eat unhealthy snack! then we both laughed..

shann yheng.. your bb is heavy hor :p

I used to sleep better on my right side as well. But as i get bigger and heavier... I ve prob turning on bed le.. coz pelvic very pain.. so recently... i'm more on my back.. I juz put a pillow on my back so that I dun lie (totally) flat on the bed.. a little inclined

Shann: my bb weigh 700gms while I gain 2kg as compared to my last visit when I am 24 weeks. Wah.. your bb must be growing very strong hor.. hehehe..

Sleeping on left or right

I saw from the web that they encourage us to sleep on the left side, that helps to get baby into the position for birth. But my gynae says it doesnt matter, so long as we are comfortable. Anyway, very unlikely that we will stay in that position for the whole night.

atomic, i see i see.. me too! Once i set the position i never move at all lei.. if move sure painful! Then end up right side ribs a bit painful when i move due to the prolonged pressure..

i so miss sleeping on my back!

Shann Yheng - your hubby 心疼 you mah... keke

I also realised I've gained 3.3 kg this one month. Wonder what's my BB weight now....

Hi mommies, I realize yesterday that I'm suffering from SPD. Have been having really bad aches near my pelvic area and that has really affected my walking. In fact simple things like getting out of bed, getting out of car, standing on one foot to wear your clothes has become a painful affair!

Really so sad that i'm so suay to get this since I read that it occurs 1 out of every 35 women on average. Anyways to those that are interested heres more info: http://www.babyworld.co.uk/information/pregnancy/pregnancyproblems/pregprobs_pelvicjointpain.asp

I have a hongkong trip on the 20th of Apr somemore... sob sob sob donno can go anot now that my walking is very slow and quite uncomfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jaclyn -- my buddy got it too.. its common but not normal. u have to speak to ur gynae about this and its advisable for epi if ure gg to natural. this is what my buddy's gynae advised her. cause the pain is unbearable.. but ultimately, its up to u... my buddy got her epi right away and gave birth to her bb naturally. as for ur hk trip, u shud also speak to ur gynae to give u the green light.. cause u will be adding more pressure to ur joints.. it wont help.. take care ya..

atomickitten -- of coz he did.. if not i make sure he cannot sleep. hahaha... so mean.. i always use "UR DAUGHTER WANT TO EAT" as excuse..lol

normally its week 28 that 3rd tri starts...

Jaclyn, I read the link, it sounded quite bad. Take care yah. Do you really have to go for the hong kong trip? Perhaps you can postpone it? Maybe we should try and minimise worsening the condition. Just my 2 cents worth of thought.

shann yheng,

My gynae estimated bb's weight by measuring the length of his thigh bone.


Rest more and walk slowly k..take care.

Yah but its not THAT bad yet meaning the website says some ppl can feel the pelvis "grinding". But I don't have such feeling.. just a discomfort when I walk or get out of bed etc.

As for HKG trip, yeah i will have to get the green light from gynae. However.. it is not a shopping trip for me.. just a break so i wont do much walking. My hubby also wont allow me to walk too much.

stupid husband of mine....stress @ work but show temper @ me just cuz i nag abit.

now i can't get to sleep cuz i hv difficulty breathing & hormones making me emo...tears just keep flowin. dunno why....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrslong: dont be angry anymore okie, sometimes hubby can be insensitive at times. But they dont mean it.

Think of your wonderful baby in your tum tum and you will feel better. Remember, baby can feel our emotions now. Cheer up okie. Tomorrow will be better!

Cant remember which mommy say that shes got a shortness of breath.. but i was reading this and thought it would be good to share..

"You may be experiencing some shortness of breath from the pressure of your uterus on your rib cage. As your uterus grows, it places pressure on the rib cage and prevents your lungs from being able to expand completely. But don't worry. You and your baby are still getting enough oxygen. "

mrslong --- aww.. hugss.. dun worry.. me too.. i think because our hormones are rising again preparing for our 3rd tri..

jus now i asked hubby if we shud get herbs for confinement shower.. then he say.. can get anytime.. then i suddenly replied.. "ya, i also know can get anytime. but im the only one remembering things.. u think i can remember so many things?"

its the first time i say that in public.. like.. he was walking in front and me at the back..

dun worry.. take deep breaths.. dun think too much.. its normal... hugss

minmin>> I can't be bothered with him....just let him be, the most we dun talk to each other. I tell BB, mommy is ok...just that feeling emo so keep hvg tears...can't seem to control le.

Serene>> I feel tightness in the middle of my chest area...& when i exhale i feel pain, think hv to consult the gynae on thur when i see her if it's normal.

Serene: I always feels that I have stuffy chest lately, and become very emo.. To make the matter worse, I cant sleep well at night. Keep tossing left and right and ended up sleeping on my back. I think it is going to be the way till I give birth.. OMG.. It's torturing ah...

Tks Serene.

I'm just going to see when the cold war will end. But I'll try not to affect BB...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh.. Seems like we are a group of emo mummies now? LOL.. and it sounded like it is normal when coming to 3rd trimester.. hahahaa..

Okie, so I am not alone..

mrslong -- ya.. whatever little things that u notice now.. have to inform gynae.. cause anything thats happening now can result in the delivery process.. and most imptly, we wanna feel good ma..

minmin -- me too! im like a walking zombie.. i cannot sleep well, left right or on my back positions are no longer working when i sleep.. so nowadays, i end up sitting and sleeping.

with the huge tummy.. cannot sit on the sofa for too long.. and im not wearing bra in the house even thou i have huge boobs.. i really cannot be bothered.. cause the bra will be in between my boobs and tummy.. super uncomfy.

recently, i start to feel numbness if i sit for too long or at the wrong side.. cause i feel that im sitting on my nerves..

and with bb girl's strong bones.. her movements get very hard and intimidating.. example.. i put a blanket on my tummy, or i wear short that has a tighter band, she will try her means to push it away. and i really mean push it away...

when i sit down and have dinner.. she will use her feet and dig down there..

im like.. being tortured.. lol...

so my temper is also not very good nowadays...

minmin>> hehee...ya, but sometimes i wonder if pregnancy gives us a chance to be emo & blame it on the hormones.

mrslong -- i watched from a documentary.. say now im angry.. then bb will be angry an hour later.. cause my body sends the message to bb.. so we somemore will affect the bb's mood. Thats why i dun dare to be angry or cry.. and try to stay happy..

u also stay happy k?

sometimes i argue with my hubby, i will tell myself im also at fault cause of my mood swings.. give and take ok?

tell u all a joke..

Me: dear, i feel like im losing my energy and walking into 3rd tri..

him; why lei?

me: cause 1st tri and 3rd tri is almost the same.. but 3rd tri includes, lack of sleep and a heavier weight to carry..

me: sob.. i miss 2nd tri's energy..

him: then 4th trimester lei?

Me: 4th tri is the time when u start to get tired, not me.. cause ur turn to get tortured by ur bb...

Him: ...........

Serene>> Tks..hopefully BB can feel mummy's sadness and be good boy tdy while I sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahaa..Serene, ya...quite true but then we'd also get tired cuz of the sleepless nights.

Anyway, I will try to get some sleep now & sleep through i...tmrw's another day to tackle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gdnite ladies!

Yup me too regarding the emo thingy. I didnt have any morning sickness at all during my 1st trim and the only thing which reminds me that i am pregnancy is my emo-ness. Hubby tot i gg crazy le. When coming 2nd trim, it seems to get better, but just recently this emo feeling came back. I remember me posting in the forum asking if any mommies feels the same way leh, but no one replied me..lol..makes me even more emo cos i tot its only me. Just last sun, i also quarrelled with hubby and become emo just because he forgot to bring the pc of paper where i wrote dwn the confirmation no when i booked movie tickets online. Now thinking back, felt so silly then. Its the moment of feeling thats so overwhelming . And really, like what minmin say, bb can feel our feeling. Whenever i felt emo and crying junior will kick and kick, as if comforting me..


man are like that one. Sometimes they say somethings without meaning it and didnt even know that we will get sad and hurt by what they say. Then the next moment, you can find them being suprise that we are angry at them..lol..

Just finishing applying the lotion on my tummy.. hehehe.. Mummies, dont forget to do it okie!

I cant wait for the 4th trimester to come... Dan its time for hubby to share our load! hahah!

mrslong -- kampateh!!

sun_tan -- ya.. i agree.. i also will think back and find that it silly of me to argue over such things.. lol.. but bo pian.. its out of control.. what i can do it to lie on the bed, take deep breaths and avoid hubby when i know im getting emo.. haha..

minmin -- er.. im quite lazy lei... but i got ask hubby to apply for me so that he get to bond with bb..

sun_tan: Same same, no morning sickness for me at all during my 1st trim, and I hate the emo-ness now!

Just last Thurs after work, i went home. Seeing how other people so looking for the long weekend makes me so emo.. Coz I dont have any plans for the long weekend. On Friday nite, I flare up at my hubby, and insisted getting out of the house. My hubby bo bian, bring me out to a place and listen to live band, which makes me feels better. I bet my hubby think I ki-siao that night..

Jaclyn: oh yah.. same same, I also very scared of stretch mark, have been applying twice daily now! hehehe..

By the way, do you realise that there is this obvious darker line that runs through in the centre of your tummy?

minmin -- lol!! we are getting quite demanding hor? i also get very demanding.. hubby also bo pian liao.. that day he ask me permission to go for drinks for his colleagues' farewell... then i say.. "go lor.. but if u anyhow anyhow ah.. i will give birth to bb and leave the house with her".. end up.. hubby stayed 1 hour and rush home.. hahaaha.. i feel like a bad wife

minmin -- i saw the lines..! its darker below my belly bottom.. the line below my boobs to the naval is lighter.. but.. it forms 1 line.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

old pple say.. the darker the line, the stronger the bond with bb.. lol

Jaclyn : How do u confirm that u have SPD? thanx for the link which u posted! i read le.. and other than the grinding part.. the rest of the description fits! think i will wait for my next appt n ask my gynae.. coz the pain is really bad but my hubby tot i'm juz big, heavy and clumsy..

mrslong.. i understand how u feel. Do take care n we all hope u can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and feel better in no time! At least we have one another here for support and to lend a listening ear.

Last week i also emo with my hubby, i was crying and screaming so badly that i felt tummy very tight and crampy.. then sob until outa breadth. At the same time, i felt so guilty to put bb thru all these nonsense. For bb's sake, i juz stormed outa my house. I cried and cried when driving around aimlessly. Tears juz couldnt stop flowing. I drove all the way to east coast and decided to take a walk there. I walked from 1230am to 130am. And note that all this while, my hubby didnt even bother to call me! The more i think abt it then..the more angry/pathetic/emo i felt! the next day i confided in my gf.. and she scolded me for going east coast alone at such late hour. I replied her that no one will bully a pregnant woman...except her husband lor!

then couple of days ago my hubby spilled some water in the kitchen. He didnt even bother to clean it or wipe it dry! ok...nevermind if he's lazy but he should at least warn me to be more careful right?but he didnt lor! Then i got very angry n made a big fuss outa it! after that i tried to reflect on myself n asked myself if i had over-reacted? maybe i had..but i'm already suffering from painful pelvic and swollen feet le.. what if i slip n fall??

morning mummies,

another day today....Cold War Day 1. As long as I'm not home & don't see my HB's face, I shld be ok for now, heehe.

AtomicKitten>> Oh dear, u drove alone at such an ungodly hour, feeling emo...dangerous leh babe. Don't do it the next time k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haiz..if only men listen. If they do, then at least women won't nag wat rite...then when we nag, they not happy.

Morning mummies..

Cant wait for weekend..

Mrslong - men do not understand wat we are going thru..they will oni tink that its natural tat woman shd go thru tis..

Atomickitten - ya dont do tis at nite its dangerous k.. n men will nt take e initiative to make e first move at times...tat wat my hub oso does best..whenever we quarrel he will juz keep quiet and i go on n on and feel pissed off tat he is nt responding n stomp out of e home, sit downstair..wait for him to call but he nv..den at e end i go bk myself..bt i ignore him all e way till he come n please me back...haiz..

Aisha- lotion does not prevent stretch mark la..it oni help to reduce it..but it follow genes..so check with ur mum if she has stretch mark when she gave birth to u, if she has most likely u will just tat lotion can help to reduce it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LT, oohh.. u r d 2nd person telling me its genes.haha! n i didnt knw abt it. bcoz hubby tld me d fren's wife after applyin d lotion dat was recommended, she didnt hv a single stretchmark... i knw my sister has it. thank u for d info anyways. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]

morning mummies!!!!

wow... u all slp so late!!!

hee... im back to my KO abt 11ish days...

re: emo.... i also haf my fair share...

esp last wkend, altho it was a long wkend, cuz my husby's on shift wk.. he still needa wk.

so i ended up staying @ home, nuahed...

cuz of my husby's wkg hrs, i feel v alone sometimes. like needing to spend wkends alone... needa haf dinner alone... needa slp alone in the rm @ nite.

but ive slowly come to terms to tat... cuz i cant change the fact tat he needa b on shift hrs.

i rem in my 1st trim, i also suka suka juz pick up a fight w him over his wkg hrs. cuz sometimes i feel REALLY ALONE... esp when i needa c gynae alone.. buy thgs alone.. go out alone...


luckily i can come online to let it out to u ladies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh ya!!!!!!!

i rem last wk we were discussing abt the 2nd gathering!!!!!

how ar???

we were talking abt having it on the 17th (sat) rite?

or wld u all prefer 23rd (sat)??

i tink we muz 1st find the availability of the function rooms rite?

