(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Pris, dunno your MIL can fight with my FIL regarding the obiangness of name or not... be ready ah.....

one of the names he gave..





Wow shui xian!! Really ulitmate..... for us, since the middle name we need to follow jia pu, the last name we will definitely choose ourselves..not by them. Imagine if my parents and hubby's parents also wanna have a say in the name, it would be chaos.

Anybody using Pigeon breast pump? My sister gave me hers, but I would like to change the tubes and breast shields for hygiene reasons but can't find... Don't want to spend money to buy a brand new set...

SweetKiss: I also collected my nachos yesterday. Very nice hoh.. but hubby was sick so cannot eat. He was sulking all the way. Haha!!

Jayamum: haha.. u make good movie partner with my hubby.. he also like those army / war movie which I dun understand why. Haha!!

Shann: Shui Xian.. Haha!! Your FIL like "Bai Se Zhuan" aka White Snake Legendary is it?

hi kepsis, welcomed! Is there any reason why your hubby likes to wait till 3rd tri? Actually u can start shopping around le.. coz we are not very far from start of 3rd tri [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Its good to start early when we r in 2nd tri b4 we get too big and heavy n tires easily. Imagine by the time our feet get swollen...then shopping wont be a joy le

Sun_tan: Really ah?? Haha!!! I thought it sounds the same lei.

Kepsis: Ya.. i agree with AtomicKitten. Sould shop for the stuff now. Maybe during the 3rd tri, we just shop for those nitty gritty items like shampoo and bathing foam, cream, pampers, etc.

Had our 1st private pre-natal pilates class tdy....enjoyed the session & starting to have aches already, hehee. After the workout, appetite was also good...had a bowl of laksa for lunch & half the thick peanut toast from Toast Box. Yummy!

suntan >> Not me...I didn't sign up for any maternity shoot yet.

Eliss(ecym) >> Can update my BB's name -we're naming our B-boy, Isaias. Tks.

Juz met up with my fren today. She's also a july mtb..we are only abt 2 weeks apart in our EDD. I think i look like 8 months preg while she juz normal with a small tummy (we were in swim suit!!) And her belly button is still the same as b4 leh.. while mine is stretched and pop out liao.. she's so carried away laughing at my big bump and "examining" my belly button that she couldnt resist and pressed on my E-button and that made me jumped!! lol...

mrs long! great to hear that you gals enjoyed yr pilates class! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

suntan: okie thanks! i will check out f8angels. sounds like nt bad..

Ann: yup the nachos very delicious la! i havent tried the salsa sauce yet. maybe later hahaha..

those mummies who signed up for the May prenatal class at TMC, have u received any letter yet?

Hello JULY MTB, my EDD is 13th july. i read dat some of u hv join aqua fitness, can i knw whr, hw much it cost n hw do i register? i'm in my 25weeks nw. dnt knw is it too late to join d exercise or not.. wat essential items to buy 1st?

capella stroller discount -- thanks for the updates mommy.. i shud be calling up to check and order (if possible).. so lazy to walk liao

maternity shoot -- im gg!! studio loft! but at my 36th week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sleep -- tell me abt it.. i have been sitting while sleeping on my bed for the past few days.. thats the best position for me and baby.. she dun fidget and i can sleep in peace.. water retention is everywhere now no matter how much i drink.. lol.. i guess its a norm for preggies who are entering 3rd tri!

tight tummy -- on and off i will have very tight tummy! for ytd, its cause i was at my SIL's house warming.. i got no time to poo and end up with a bloaty tummy with air and poo! went home and hit straight to the loo.. with all the air and poo released.. i walked out of the toilet and told hubby.. "sibei song" haha.. ooppss... the moment i feel tight tummy.. i will keep apply clarins!

tight tummy = heavier tummy... argh~ X_X

pee pee -- do u feel like a bit of "pulling" effect if u pee too long? a bit crampy kinda feeling...?

atomickitten -- i had been gg arnd asking pple how to make my belly button fairer!! haha.. cause the inside part is almost all out liao... i want to wash it white and clean before it goes back in! lol... everytime i rub my tummy, i will go and disturb my belly button too.. lol.. my tummy looks huge too!! when i dip into the pool.. pple see.. "wah bikini..." but when i got out of a pool, everyone's eyes were "O.O" hahaha.. and staring at my tummy!!

juz came back from supper at jalankayu.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serene : how to make belly button fairer huh? i also want heehee...my tummy also big .. alwaz very pai say when i go swim in bikini..

hi siti.. i'm taking aqua fitness class at kkh. It cost abt $111+ for 4 sessions at 45mins each. Its not too late to join if u can start soon. maybe u like to call them asap to check availability coz each class has only 6 students and hence the slots are filled up pretty quickly

I have the following to give away as I am nearing the end of my current pregnancy and I cannot take the taste of powdered milk.

- Similac Mum sample pack (50g) x 2

Expiry: 14/04/2011(both)

- Anmum sample pack (37.5g) - Original x 2

Expiry: 17/10/2010 & 30/01/2011

- Anmum sample pack (37.5g) - Chocolate x 3

Expiry: 18/10/2010 (x2) & 14/02/2011

Please PM me if you are interested..

Thank you!

Sweetkiss:I didn't received letter from TMC for the antenatal class. But they did call me up to go make payment. After I made payment at TMC, they give me the lesson schedule. That's all.

Siti: I have called up KKH for their aqua aerobics lesson but they are full till June and I think most likely June lesson will be full by now too.

Maybe you can see if you can join Jasline they all who are having pte aqua aerobic class.

atomic: thank u for d info, really appreciate it. bcoz frm wat i search only KKH have this aqua fitness n no other places hv it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ann: oh i think by then i'l b too heavy to even float in d water! haha. anyways thank u so much for d information..

3 more months to go .. Yahooo ..

4D/3D scan at NUH will be on 16 April 2010.

I cant wait for it .. Any muumies going to NUH same day with me ?

Siti: U are welcome.

Just realise we got 2 Siti here. Haha!!

Quite piss with my hubby. I think I am not wrong to call him a ninny.

He only cares about himself and don't care about me and his son.

Ann: All thanks to "your good lobang" of Nachos. I keep pestering my hubby that I wanna eat salsa and nachos, we ended up buying all the ingredients and made a whole big tub of salsa sauce! And I am like having it at every meal period.. hahahaha... Luv it~

Sleeping position: I also have a hard time sleeping lately, tummy feels so heavy nowadays. Turn left also cannot, turn right also cannot.. End up sleeping with my tummy facing up..

I think now most of us are in the tired mode.

Cannot Sleep Well, Long Distance leg cannot take it and we are back to our 1st term mood ..

I suspect i will not deliver on 26 July 2010.

It could be earlier cause my tummy is sooo big so scary now only 24weeks i think..

Worst come to worst i tell Dr Kelly to induced me.. Any date will do as long as Baby is fit to be induced.

Lucky most of the items are bought already. Left with baby Shampoo Head to Toe Johnson, Baby Towels and baby Diaper. Diaper will order online on Middle June 2010. Save the space first.

Others items are all complete as i know from my two boys, i will be a tired Hippo after 5 months onwards..

My house no lift so everyday need to climb the 4th floor. Saturday exercise until so tired up down the stairs sending the boys for classes, going to market and etc.

Sunday or any PH i spent at home, sleeping and resting.

AtomicKitten -- lol.. all of them ask me not to bother wor... they say jus leave it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

minmin: Haha!! Woah!! U make your own salsa sauce? That's good. For me,I prefer cheese sauce. Hehe!!

welcome keropi .

Ann>> I visited the link u posted. So u getting the flashcard?? For NB, they can only see black, white & red, if am not wrong...interesting, seeing the spree link, I also thought of getting some for my BB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinky80 : I have just registered for the Stemcord Parenting Seminar on 24 April 2010. And they have sent me the acknowledgement receipt with their promotion for 24 April 2010 only.

Here's the details if you need:

Cord Blood Banking Package includes:-

- Cord Blood Banking Enrolment Fee at only $980 U.P $1280).

- FREE 1st year storage fee.

- One Year Stemshield Medical Insurance Coverage up to $50,000 - Exclusive to StemCord Clients* only!

- Upfront Fee payable with Baby Bonus*.

All prices are before GST. Offer is valid on 24 April 2010.

*Terms & conditions apply

mrslong: Ya.. I am getting the flash card and the ABC book. Quite hard to find in Singapore (so far I have no luck finding it) so since someone started the spree, must take the chance to buy it. Think quite beneficial for the baby. Sometime you don't need to buy lot of toys but a few useful ones will be enough.

I remember one of the mummies was looking for the black, red & white mobile.. the website got sell too.. dunno the person can bring it in or not.

hihi mummies, i have 2 sterilizers so wana sell my BRAND NEW Philips AVENT Electrical Steriliser. Sterilises 6 bottles in 8 minutes. Still in box, not opened, bought in Mar10. Retail price $149. Now selling at only $115.

Interested please PM me.


Ann, thanks for the link on Infant Flash Card spree. Think I will get them too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks gal, I already email n make order.. Since u said the spagetti one is great, I order 2...

Are the bra comfortable??

Jaclyn: So far the sprees I joined, all ok. This is the first time I join this girl's spree too. So many mummies ordered, should be quite ok ba. Hehe!!

Vernie: You are welcome. These cards are really hard to find in Singapore.

Morning mummies! Long weekend over already..sob!

Re baby toiletries (bath gel, shampoo, lotion, etc)...which brand is good? So many in the market, dunno which one to get.

morning MTBs,

tks Eliss for updating the table.

On Gd Fri, my HB & I went to John Little Expo Sale...bought quite a few things for ourselves & BB too.

The Pureen wet wipes is slightly cheaper than Kiddy Palace...and the hooded towel & washcloth is also pretty cheap.


Yup, i was the one who was looking for the red, black and white cot mobile. But looking at the design, so boring..lol. Will give it a miss, instead i will be getting the ball and the ABC book. I found this website which we can download the flash card for free. Thus not gg to order the flash card from the spree. Can go to the below website to have a look.


Go under free downloads - flashcards.

Baby Toileteries - Head To Toe Johnson and JOhnson will do. Easy no need so many bottles. No Tears Shampoo also can ..

Lotion also Johnson and Johnson is good the calming lotion.

But all that i think buy when End May or middle June better right. Especially Baby wipes, if we keep long it will be dry due to humid weather.

I not sure, only my opinion, last time 2nd son buy soo many than keep stock for 6 months, the wipe become dry lor.

Got one website gives free samples but here cannot put the name i dont know why. Start with letter Coz_ Cot


My one last time i used it the ones in the white plastic bottles not sure wat brand. Hubby KIASU buy soo many cheap a dozen i think. Carry soo heavy in the end .. Walla when Baby arrived we used few bottles ok. After the 4th bottles we open all dry.

Dont know why, quality or quantity got problem.

