(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

springleaf: was u still rmb what u read! But i tot usually gotta see our baby's ba zi also?

Think come to naming of bb is so hard. Haiz...


What I gave was just the very basic. If really want to go into it, you have to consider the 5 elements, the BB's ba zi and even count the no. of strokes for the Chinese words. But the elements and ba zi can only be determined when the baby is born. So for now, just choose the words to use according to the basic rules.


Last Jan I went to taiwan. so they brought us to a museum that sell tian lu...

the fortune teller explain tat stroke of 4,9,13 is gd.... anyone know???

yvonne - 4, 9, 13 refers to the no. of strokes for individual characters is it? if i'm not wrong, to determine if a name is good, we also need to look at the total no. of strokes for the full name?

Hi hi all mummies!!

Been donkey weeks i last came in... so tired with work and tummy getting bigger everyday, felt so bulky at times at baby gal is moving so much that i cant slp in some nights...

what other symtoms u mummies experience?

I am in my week 23...

for those who r nt working tmr, going anywhr after work? i dunno where i shld spend my evening today... orchard is out because i work ard this area.


can be for individual characters or total no. of strokes for the full name...

if for eg the 1st characters is 4 and 2nd character is 9 = total stroke will be 13 meaning u will hv gui ren, fortune, power... in ur life...

this is wat I have been told... how to count stroke..

inital my EDD was 22 Jul so the fortune teller calculate and say is a gd date leh...

now change to EDD 26 Jul so i telling my bb .... shall I see u on 22 jul???


wow ur master say so too then shd be correct

Yvonne: my EDD was suppose to be on 22jul but adjusted to 26 jul too !! hahahaha... my hubby is telling bb to come in Aug better ... hahaha...

Hi Ladies.. Im knocking off now... Still not sure if I have to come back tomorrow....

In any case, all you ladies take care and have a good weekend.



see ya - hveya grt wkend! :0 i might go catch Shutter Isle instd of Titans - feel like a gd thriller @ e moment [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrslong -- Thanks!! u know the price for it? so far the best price i got is $350

sweetkiss -- so far the best price i found is $390

2nd Gathering - 17 Apr, I don't mind having it in the evening if you gals are okay. In fact, most of my SAT morning/early afternoons are burnt attending the pre-natal classes...

Any one have any idea how many hospital provide maternity services and their hospital rates?

Now sourcing to see where to give birth..


Yup i was looking at the wall decals, but still trying to convince hubby to stick them up :p thanks for the thread!

Wah...so many things to consider when choosing the chinese name..think we will leave that to the master to help us.


Most hospitals provide maternity services. The ones i know are:

1) Mt A

2) TMC

3) Gleneargles

4) Mt E

5) SGH

6) NUH

7) East Shore

8) Raffles

You can go to the respective hospital website to look for their rates. Would have different rates for diff type of rooms that you wanna stay in (ie 1 bedded, 2 bedded, 4 bedded etc)

Finally finish with the housework. So hot weather. Sweating like hell.

Ameda pump: Looks like a gd pricing at mumsfairy.

Hmm.. i have this moms-r-us voucher which says up to 20% discount with minimum purchase of $100. Dunno can use to buy pump or not and what will be the discount since they wrote up to 20%.

Good morning ladies.

I have difficulty sleeping last night. My right side was hurting quite badly.. at the back and front. I turn to sleep on my left side but boy boy was not happy.. i turn to my back, my right side start to hurt again. Don't know what's wrong with me.

Now my womb area feel so heavy.. and stomach feel so bloated even though i didn't finish my breakfast.

Really hope BB is fine.. abit worried.

Serene: Wah.. so late still have not sleep ah.. Ya.. would call up to ask first.. hate to make waste trip down.

sun tan: oh then the doctors fee is how much... i only see the room rates.

Really dunno where to give birth. headache.

Hi MTBs, ameda breast pump sold in baby kingdom & mumsfairy got difference?

Is it better than all other brands? if we express it from ameda pump how to transfer to avent milk bottle? just pour in or?

Ann, you are not alone. I have similar problems too - sleep on my left & bb starts kicking vigorously. My bloatedness always makes my tummy feel so heavy and can make me lose sleep the whole night.

Hi MTBs, just wondering if anyone of you have signed up for cordlife or stemcord?

I have been asking people around me and seems like most of them say that it is not necessary to signup if we do not have family history of baby having medical problem throughout the first 10yrs. But not sure if i should take the risk... any MTBs can share your thought?

ceres: I think just pour into the avent bottle will do. That is what i will do. Mine is Pigeon bottle.

I like Ameda cos it is cheaper the Medela and I heard easy to bring around. Review on it also not too bad.

Pinky: For me, I have discuss with hubby and decide to donate the cord blood to public bank. Hopefully it can help to save someone's life.

Springleaf: But yesterday night for me is unbearable. I had never had such a problem before. Was rather worried about the little one inside. But then today, I felt the little one move, so not that worried.

Wondering if I just got too much poop inside me but hoh I poop alot lei. So dunno what's wrong.



Girls.. do you all feel like your baby is stretching against your tummy? Untill very tight and painful? Then slowly, they will change and start doing it all over again.

I do feel that.

white_lady : My fren was told she's expecting a boy but during her detailed scan.. it was confirmed a gal. She's also due in July like most of us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ann : i also ve prob sleeping. Used to toss left and right but these days even turning abt on bed has become pretty painful. Havent reach 3rd trimester already this painful leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I feel my tummy so stretched that i feel pins and needles on my belly button..esp so after dinner or at the end of the day

AtomicKitten: Ya lo.. Hai.. I am also wondering how to survive lei.. hopefully tonight i get to sleep the nite thru.

I also toss and turn then feel abit crampy. Nowadays I dont dare to eat too much dinner cos bloat until feel like my stomach is going to explode [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi all July MTB, just got introduced to this site by my friend. So glad i found you all, coz i am also thinking about what to name my bb n wat strollers to buy etc! Are you all starting to buy bb stuff already? My Hubby insist tt we should buy only in my 3rd trimester, but am worried that by then i would be too heavy to shop. Any advice?

Hello kepsis,

Quite a no of us alr started buying during last mth's bb fair. Maybe u can start buying the big ticket items first such as the bb cot, stroller, breastpump (if u gg to breastfeed) etc.

Morning mummies!

Can't sleep the WHOLE night! This has never happened before..sigh..think must be the decaff coffee I had after dinner. Dunno why yesta got coffee craving.

Yesterday husby dreamt of baby. Baby told him to give him a name we both really like, not any name we're just ok with coz can't think of better names. So...we've decided to call him Brandon! = )

My MIL wants to choose the chinese name. So far only came up with one..wah..very obiang! None of us like it except her. Need to remind husby to remind her to come up with more options!

Serene: haven't end... that day 01 Apr i went they still tell me this 20% capella discount.

Kitten: yes i heard before. sometime the parts nopt fully formed. Boy is easy to recognise n confirm but not gals. Thats what i heard.

Ann: oh cuz i was thinking like this pour will get air into the bottle later baby drink until not happy.

Sweetkiss: Wow... avent is kind of smart to have that kit. Tks for informing.

Pris: ytd ard 6am alrdy went for roti prata. Haha... tasty tasty. I recently also cannot slp well, lie oneside he kick then lie another not very nice... but i too tired and i sayang my stomach or ask hubby read story bk. it works. either i slpy or baby settle down. heh. but if the story he likes alot then kick will be more vigorious. haha... read boring ones with no animals.

hello! i had prata too! collected my nachos ytd and been busy munching on them also. really yummy!!!

any mummies going for maternity shoots? initially i didnt want to (so fat already still wan to take) but i think to rem my first pregnancy i shld keep some memories...

are there any gd studios to recommend? i did a search & found thestudioloft. the rates seem quite reasonable too.

Good Afternoon Ladies. The good thing is that I did not get called in to work yesterday but the anticipation of phonecall from the office was terrible. Coz you cant plan your day coz the office might call you. And these people dont have the decency to give you advance notice as to wehthe they need you to come in.. in the morning or afternoon.

But anyways, my work ends here end of this month... so I bit the bullet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Instead, I spend the day at home watching Blue Ray... all army movies... Ladies, dont ask me why but I like to watch war/army movies during this pregnancy.

Then at night Husb ordered Pizza home delivery("RITE PIZZA" - Tel: 68993838) more tasty than Canadian or Pizza Hut.

Hael, How was "Shutter Isle"? Another girlfriend of mine watch "Titans" and said that Medusa was not scary enough.


I just booked my package with f8angels. They have a promo in mar, 1 for 1 package (ie maternity n new born) at only $150. Think its a new company, thus so cheap :p There is another mummy who booked thestudioloft too, cant remember is who le..think is mrslong?

