(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Ann>> thanks thanks but no need la...paiseh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ann & DQ>> i eat those China fragrant pears...hopefully it's ok cuz i thought i heard/read somewhere say pear is cooling or dunno what, ehehee.

noor: take care~~ drink more water!

ann: hee... chairs can rent fr caterer. 1st we need a location bef our next gathering. if it's gonna b potluck or catering. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

any mummies here can lend the function rm of the condo?

ica: if we really have pot luck gathering next time round, can see if BP come back again or not.. then can order for dessert. Haha!!!

mrslong: I think take variety of fruits is better so dun keep eating pear. I heard eating strawberry is good for pregnant ladies lei. Maye can eat strawberries.

DQ: Ya lo.. then this time round can ask hubbies to go too. They can have father conversation with each other and at the same time be coolie for us. Haha!!!

Congrats new mums to be! I'm from Sept09 thread.. and sorry to intrude!

Not sure if any of you wants to read past issue magazines...

Reading is pleasure ~.~

Felt them it would be a waste to throw them as the conditions are very good.

Mother&Baby: Jun, Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec 2009, Jan 2010. (8 issues in total)

YoungParents: Mar, Apr, May, Jul, Aug, Sept, Nov 2009 (7 issues in total)

Motherhood: Sept 2009, Jan 2010 (2 issues in total)

$1 each copy. Usual price is around $5-$5.50 each.

Self collect @ Simei/Sengkang[to be arranged] or add another $2 for us to *deliver them to you as it will be quite heavy.

If getting 6 issues and below, can go by postage. Buyer has to pay for the postage.

If getting all 17 copies, it will be $15 including *delivery! :)

*Delivery to only Simei/Tampines/Pasir Ris/Seng Kang with more than 7 copies.

Feel free to drop me an email if have any queries!

Good deal!

Do pm me as i might not be able surf the net often. :)

Thankssss in advance!

Ladies, long time never post here...had been so busy and the thread is so active esp yesterday...so many post to read!

Re the Nacho BP - I bought from that lady a few times already...very yummy!! And best of all, I stay in the same neighbourhood as her...so can pick up at any time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think even if no BP posted on SMH, still can email her to order.

Now i am hungry thinking about the nachos!

ica: 10 tubs ah.. haha.. either alot of attendance or mummies must eat alot or they must bring home ah. Haha!!

vernie: You are making the nacho monster more attractive by complimenting it. Haha!!

DQ: Dont mind a gathering at condo function room. Den we can eat all junk food together leh! hahaha.. But who can offer the function room??

Haiz the lady haven reply me regarding my order. Still thinking go collect after my dinner! Sob sob.. No nachos tonight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

waaaaaaaaaaaaah I like nachos leh!!! Everytime I watch movie with my hubby I surely buy nachos. Especially golden village one very nice.

For condo function room, I can assist but must let me know the date and preferably 1 mth in advance especially if its on weekends.. cos the booking of room is very popular during weekends so must book earlier! Unless weekdays then no problem. Btw I stay at The Quartz @ Sengkang

Jo_lyn: Maybe you just cut and paste your email on the thread lo.. she answer there faster I think.

Jaclyn: That would be great.. we like having monthly gathering lei. Haha!! I think weekend will be better cos no need to rush there after work lo.

i look at the grass jelly BP also very tempted leh. Somemore the expiry is in september. So after our confinement we can drink like no tomorrow hahaa. But if I order now, I will fall for the temptation and sneak a drink.. i know it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Haha i think i really heck care lei.. i love tidbits nowadays!

Just had Spicy Nachos with Salsa sauce, hubby didn't stop me haha.. sometimes i told him certain food pregnant women cannot eat, he said i shouldn't be too choosey about food somemore! haiyo.... sometimes he'd psycho me " it's ok lar! a bit only! eat eat!"

Anyway mummies can we drink Vitasoy?

Jaclyn: Tempting right.. haha!! That's why I dun dare to buy. I sure eat one. Such hot weather and a cooling cup of grass jelly.. Yummy!!

Hai.. hubby's fever seems to be slowly climbing back again.. now is 37.3.

Shann: My hubby is the same! Which is not good, means we don't have someone to hold us back while we munch and munch haha.

As for drinking vitasoy, my motto is everything can be taken but in moderation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jaclyn: My sil also stay Quartz!! I always go thr swim. Hahaha.. The function room quite spacious. Think we can consider using that!

AtomicKitten: Welcome!! Enjoy ur massage!

hello all!!

Jus went out with hubby today.. and we went to "test drive" on the strollers.. tried combi urban walker and capella... and we are gonna get the capella one instead!

Indeed, when men comes to items with wheels.. they literally test the mechanisms of it.. the look of hubby is like.. he really wanna install a "kan tong" aka suspension on the stroller.. lol!!

he say.. "i wan 4 wheel drive" WAHAHA.. that sounds funny the way he said it.. i asked him "auto or manual?" lol..

ok.. some updates..

i bought pigeon breast pads at $13.80 at giant (60+12FOC pieces)... they are selling the 30pcs+6FOC at $9.50

Usual price i saw was $11.90 for the 30pc pack.

morning ladies!

Serene>> So which capella model u r getting? I agree! That was why I left the stroller research to my HB...all I need was to be present to test if it's "light" enough for me to handle, haha.

Jasline>> The condo @ your in-law's plc? hehee.

Cool! I think next gathering do it in condo function room is much better.

Easier to mingle too & if HBs wanna come along, they can play pool! ;)


my bb weight is I get to know during my detail scan at TMC from the sonographer.

Next tues going to see my gyane... dont know if he will tell me my bb weight... usually when i visit him he will ask me how r u.. my reply will be fine then he will say ok go lie down scan bb then after that can leave liao ..


U stay at Quantz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I alway pass by when i go hm fr work.. I stay hougang at the time being...

morning mummies!

thxthx jaclyn & jasline for sharing the function rm for our future pigout & mingle sessions!

yvonne: when i went for my detailed scan @ kkh, the stupid sonographer was so unfrenly... when i asked her abt bb's wt.. then she replied.. 'oh, we're not taking tat tdy'.

then i asked abt bb's heartbeat... i get the same reply. can die!!

so hopefully come mon i'll getta kno bb's wt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyways, on a seperate note... im so angry.... yesterday found out the mani/pedi/waxing salon tat ive a package w has been CLOSED for no reason for A WEEK!!!!!!

angry sia!!!!!!! grrr.... feel so cheated!!

DQ>> I also dunno my BB's weight till now...seeing my gynae next Thu for checkup, hopefully by then 23weeks, can know my BB;s weight.

mrslong: samesame... by appt on mon.

will press him for an ans. cuz now bb shd b abv 600gms. he cant gimme lame excuses already :p

DQ>> My gynae also don't give me the baby's weight. Not even when I asked him. He will tell me by this week, the baby should weigh....grams. But he did tell me, weight is not a concern at this moment.

DQ: I was under KKH previously, and up till my 20th week detailed scan they also never took my bb’s weight.

They did not inform on the heartbeat rate as well.

During 1st trimester, my gf from other gynae had already heard her bb’s heartbeat.

When I asked the sonographer she just told me it is very troublesome and not easy to hear it~

Then for the blood test/oscar scans I went thru, I realize they dun really bother to explain the details as long as u have no complications.

In the end I changed to a private gynae from TMC… I gave him copies of all my KKH reports & he even went thru a 30 min consultation with me to explain to me on all the tests I have done & what they were for… he said is for my general knowledge..

Actually for my gynae, he always let us hear the heartbeat during my 1st trim. Think he just need to press a button on e machine to on the sound. Then comes 2nd trim he will measure the hind bone length n estimate the bb's weight.

Good morning Ladies,

My scan went well last night. Baby has become bigger and is very responsive when the scan was conducted. Kept flipping. In any case could not see the "privates" clearly. Gynae said it may be a girl but he also said... that sometimes these things are beyond technology... and there is only so much we can see. Then my husb looked relieved as he feels that there may still be a chance that it would be a boy. Im very neutral... and regardless of boy or girl.. I love my baby more than earth itself.

Gynae has advised me to monitor movements.. at least 10 kicks per day. Gave me antacid for heartburns.

All looks good and now Im just preparing myself mentally and physically for the big day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Last night went to dinner with my mates at "Canopy". Check out link: http://www.canopydining.com.sg/

I liked this place very much, food is reasonably priced and so were the drinks.

Moreover, to all doglovers out there... we can bring our pets there too... nice right?

Good morning mummies.

DQ: Yeah.. since we have a few mummies here who offered to help book the function room for the next meet up session, maybe we should set a date first and gather response and ask the mummies to help check out the date since like one mummy say, preferably to book 1 mth in advance for weekend date.

Oh no.. the salon closed down liao.. i very scared to take package kind.. although cheaper but no guarantee. You lose alot of money?

For sonographer, mine will only say everything ok. That's it. I also dun wanna bother to ask too much cause their replies not friendly at all.

Yeah!!! Tomorrow is PH.. but hubby is still down with fever.. back to the doc this morning. Think he has a bad throat infection.

Sweetkiss: Ya lo.. I think I heard my BB heartbeat at about 6 weeks. Every consultation, gynae sure will let me hear heartbeat one. I think KKH just dun bother lo.

Jayamum: Glad to hear that the scan went well..Haha.. your hubby also wan boy ah? Same as hubby. Girl also nice ma.. can dress up.

Oh.. can bring pets there.. then must go there to see see. So hard to find place which allow pets to go.

So far my gynae also just let me hear my BB's heartbeat, so I dunno the heartbeat rate too but my BB's heartbeat is good and strong as what the gynae said [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually when I was 6 weeks preggie & did my 1st visit to the gynae to confirm it, she let me hear the heartbeat already...it was really amazing, I can still remember.

Morning all,

Jaya: aiyoo still don't know the gender?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Your baby really stubborn about not showing her/his privates haha! Anyway my hubby also preferred a boy, so when the sonographer showed us the baby's "little one", my hubby was grinning away and could not stop grinning the entire day! To me, I'm neutral, but girls would be so much more fun to shop for! hehe

Hey ladies, lets have another outing soon.....!!!


me also heard the heartbeat for the 1st time when bb at 6 weeks. At that pt, hubby tot is my stomach growling lol...

maybe different doc do different thing.

true, for the oscar scan, before went for the test, there someone explain, but not very detail type. As when the result is out, doc just say it ok. the ratio is what to what. that all. but as for the hearing of heartbeat, if the vist to doc doesn't need a scan, then the doc will let me hear the heartbeat of my bb.and of cos, i never fix with a gynae, so i can't compare much. also the visit might be less. from starting till now i only visit KKH for 4x.

Yes.. mine is a stubborn baby like the father... See lah... even after so many scans... my husband still believes there is a chance that it might be a boy! Stubborn as a mule [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahaahah

On a separate note ladies, I have had good experiences from KKH. I guess it depends on the gynae (coz you ladies know that Im in love with my gynae Dr. Lau... he is an angel who saved me during my life-threatening ectopic pregnancy last year). He was prompt in his diagnosis and immediate surgery. Moreover, when I was discharged he called me at my home to make sure I was well. Not only that, he also called my husband on his mobile to encourage and console him for the next pregnancy.

After that incident I stuck myself to my gynae and insisted that I want him and no one else to attend to me.

In the initial stages, my gynae allowed me to hear my baby's heartbeat... was like a 100 horses gallopping. Dr. Lau is very patient with all my queries and is very encouraging. Im always happy after every scan coz he comforts me.

The one and only annoying experience was the Sonograher during the "down sydrome test". She was very curt. She was not a Singaporean and if Im not mistaken she was from China. I became so annoyed that I told her "Excuse me, you may have seen thousands of people undergoing ultrasound... BUT for me this is my first baby - SO please answer me when I ask you questions".. after that she mellowed down and was very very polite. Sometimes we have put our foot down.

But Im sorry to hear some of you who had bad experiences at KKH...


but still not very sure of the gender... maybe by close to due date u still cant confirm juz buy neutral colour for bb clothing...

ohh tat place is at bishan park.. very near to my parent hse .. can reach by walking distance...

Ladiessssssss its APRIL!!! Which means we have MAY and JUNE to "tahan", then we will start to countdown!!! =) =) =)

sweetkiss: the prob w kk is... even if u r a pte suite patient, u'll b directed to the ADc for detailed scan. n end up u'll needa 'share the facilities' w the rest.

but ive decided to stay w them cuz ive pre-existing condition, & ive been following up w kkh since jc days... so ive decided to stay put lor.

but i heard bb's heartbeat tho [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tat is really encouraging & the 1st time i heard it (tho i went for my appt alone) i felt so overwhelmed & i almost cried (machiam soap opera).

jaya: wah... ur bb really wanna keep u in suspense man! when's the next appt? hopefully u can haf an idea... then it's ezier for u when u go shoppin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ann: aiyo... ur husby's fever came back? then how? tink u beta dun drive up tmr... esp when he's unwell..

ya... talk abt the waxing package i angry liao! grr... not a lot of monie lah.. but still.. it's monie leh! my bestie's worse... her losses r bigger than mine! 4digits one...

gathering: so which wkend u mummies prefer?

DQ>> perhaps we can do the gathering in mid Apr onwards?

For me, am fine with Sun or Sat afternoon. Tks!

Hopefully this time round, I am able to attend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


cos at 6 weeks the sound is still quite soft but after more weeks it became stronger n stronger like horse galloping lol...

suntan>> I see. My gynae put the volume quite loud (w/o realising it) & when I first heard it, I was shocked cuz very loud...then she quickly adjust the volume, heehee.

Jaclyn>> Yes! Part of me can't wait for Jul to receive my BB, but part of me, feels anxious.

After tdy, I can confirm my B-Boy's name already, yeah!

mrslong: tdy's the deadline for ur husby to submit bb's name for ur review?


yeah... mid apr for gathering... means 17/18 apr?

u all prefer sat/sun?

Hi Ladies my Baby Shower (Bangle Ceremony) is tentatively on 10th or 11th April. Will get confirmation from priest by end of today for the auspicous date and time.

Thus every weekend in the month of April is good for me, except for the above dates.

Hope to see more ladies this time.

DQ>> ya, u remembered. haha. I told my HB on 30 Mar...your deadline's coming soon then he said he wanna get extension. I said NO cuz from Feb, I already extend to Mar already :p

I prefer saturday cos sundays i always not free~!

Where we going this time round?

I still havent figure out my son's name lor. Donno why its so hard for me, when I was younger I always say "next time i'm going to name my son this, my daughter this", now when really gotto name..... im stumped. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies,

Today is April Fool's Day, then long weekend. Woohoo!! For those due early July, only abt 3 more months to go! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BB Heartbeat - my gynae let me listen to it every visit during the scan. And he always say: "Let's see whether the MRT is working well" or "Good. The MRT is running well."

No mood to work now - looking forward to the weekend!

Mrslong: LOL! you actually given him a deadline?! hahaha... I think I should do the same way too, I haven thought of any bb boy name...

Jaclyn: tick tock tick tock... 2-3 more months to go before our labour! So excited yet anxious! hehehe..


minmin>> ya, cuz I want to start calling my BB's name when talking to him already...and I've already tot of a name...but my HB said he want to shortlist somemore (cuz he want to "win" lah aka use the name he chose).

So I told him ok lor...u submit your shortlisted names to me for consideration by 31 Mar. hehee.

If no submission, then use the name I have chosen.

