(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

vernie>> Everyday I also no mood to work...just look forward to going home only, hahah.

DQ>> Actually I think is it a good idea if we do the gathering on either Sat/Sun for a lunch gathering? Then we can potluck & eat at lunch....excuses to eat!


I already gotten a christian name for my bb but not chinese name... So my hubby, daddy and me had been calling him Ivan whenever we wan to talk to him...

then my daddy so funny.. look at my tummy say ohh Ivan you came... are u obedient...

and when my hubby went down to buy something, my daddy will say where is Ivan's father instead of calling my hubby' name...

anyway my friend bb boy had choosen april fool day to say hello to his parent and grandparent...

saying abt work.. wish me good luck ba.... my co now future is only light until sept... aft sept is unknown....

mrslong: yeah.. i rem u gave ur husby a submission deadline! so corporate!! hahah...

gathering: wat abt 17 apr (sat) lunchtime @ one of the condos function room?

yvonne: actually we've got a name for bb already. both english & chinese names.

so haf been calling bb by his name too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muz ask eliss to help me update the table~

baby name: aiyoh.. I still cannot find one suitable one leh..

Work: I have been so d*** busy these few days even when my boss is not around and I dont even have a chance to read this bullet train thread! finally I can find some time now.. hehehee..

Yvonne: Congrats to your friend, another proud daddy and mummy!

Gathering: Either date I should be fine and potluck sounds great!

Talking abt names, I also headache. Duno wat to call. Chinese name wise need to wait till after bb is born then will decide. Also e middle word of his Chinese name is fixed by the jia pu.

DQ>> ya, submit proposal, review then either reject or accept. haha.

17 Apr lunch is fine with me....after the pilates, can go bk freshen up if want to then go for the gathering.

Baby name: Like some of you, my hubby's family also have a common word for their chinese name. I think this practice is call "Jia Pu".

So for my case, my hubby's nephew is call "Jing somthing" ie Jing Xiong.. Jing Jie..

Dan I was joking with my colleagues.. Maybe.. I can call my baby boy.. Jing Liang? (try) Jing Kuai? (faster) I think next time his friends will laugh at him.. LOL!

suntan>> we hv to follow jiapu for my boy's chinese name also...but honestly I'm more concern with his English (Christian) name, hehe.

Cuz my Mandarin also "private limited" one.

baby's name: so sad lor... my 1st & 2nd choice for chinese names kena rejected by husby & mil.

so sad. i compromise lor..

n it's ezier for us cuz we dun haf to follow any zu pu or neither we gg to consult shifu.

whereas for angmo name... it's a common name cuz im not v creative w names. kekekek..

gathering: so tentatively let's set on 17th apr (sat) lunch!!!

let's hear fr the rest of the mummies.... hows their resp like for tat date itself.

mrslong: Yah.. I also more bothered with the english name.. For the chinese name, I think I will leave it to the master's good hand where they provide with a few names to select with the baby's 8 characters..

DQ>> 17th April! That's my next gynae appointment date! Let me go back and check with my hubby and response to you on our attendance!

For ours, the middle name is tai. Very difficult to choose his name right. Lucky mine is boy. If is girl, even more headache.

suntan: which tai? 泰?

if is this tai v nice character for boy's name. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minmin: ya, keep us updated [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we'll wait for the rest of the MTBs response at the same time

For ours, the middle name is Shi.

suntan>> but for girls, no need follow "jia pu" rite. wah, can name your son "Tai Ye"...hehee..

My HB's surname is Long & if we dun follow "jia pu"...we were joking can name our son "Long Ge"...haha..like gangster!


as for chinese name I got no idea and both our side dont hv to follow Jia pu so it is more on up to us or ask for fortune teller... let my hubby decide and see if i can accept .. boy chinese name to me more difficult to choose.

during my time my cousin got follow Jia pu..

so regardingless of boy or girl will be something ping...

when it is until ard when I was birth my parent stop following... I say luckily if not wat ping to call me ... cos I am consider the last few youngest... if not for the seek to follow dont anyhow call me hua ping!!! last time ppl anyhow give name.. luckily my daddy dont like he say must have a better name if not next time ppl laugh...

all bcos my daddy obit name call shi zhu (sound like dead pig) so no choice... for those kampong friend already know will call his little name ah zhu ... those teenage friends will call his christian name vincent....

DQ: Ya lo.. actually we going up on Saturday.. not fri.. i told hubby we better dun go up cos i dun trust him to drive under medication. Then he told me still got 2 more days.. wait and see how lo.. i think he scared he disappoint me cos I have been wanting to go on a short trip.. from 4D3N to 3D2N to 1 day trip.

Disappointed sure will la.. but safety is my most concern area. Maybe will just take bus to JB ba. Haha!!

OMG!! Your fren got go to CASE or not? 4 figure is not a small amt lei.

Gathering: 17 Apr is fine with me cos 18 Apr I got event again. So must work.

mummies, talking about chinese name...which master will you be engaging? any recommendation? heard some rather commercialised - keep churning the same set of names for every couple. some use computers, some get their disciples to do it...


yup it's tat tai. N my hubby's surname is Wee, ie Wang. So I joked why not call our boy Wang Tai zi (crown prince) lol...


for us, girls also need to follow . So imagine is girl. How to choose name...

sun_tan : Yah, girls will also follow jia pu.. But it would be another middle name for all the girls right? For my case, girl's middle name is xuan something.. I think...

DQ>> how to do Chinese characters? I search on my laptop, cannot find the function to write in Chinese character leh..

so suaku me, haha.

suntan>> ya, for girls..Tai abit hard.

mrslong, u can try the steps:

1. Control panel -> Regional and Language Options

2. Click on "Languages" tab

3. Click "Details" button

4. Click "Add" button

5. Input language: select "Chinese (PRC)"

6. Keyboard layout: select "Chinese Simplified - Mircosoft Pinyin IME 3.0"

7. Click "Apply"

Next time u wanna switch btw typing chinese & english, just press Alt + Shift on ur keyboard~

Hope this helps!

Vernie: My hubby will find their usual master for the name. I am also not sure who is the master.

Lunch time! tok again later! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For Chinese names I’ll let my dad do the calculation cos he knows hw.

Give him a name I like then he find the character with the right no. of strokes w the same pronunciation.

But so far haven’t tot of any nice Chinese names.

My friend advised me to give a name that is well-balanced btw yin & yang!

She gave me an eg. Yang Cheng Ling, the “cheng” is more yang and the “ling” is yin…

She said will be gd for the child…… dunno leh. Will still leave it to my dad. haha

Sweetkiss>> Can already, it works! Thanks.

Ok, my BB's Chinese middle name according to the "jia pu" is Shi - 仕.

So we're thinking of naming him 仕 (Shi) 珉 (min).

Meaning (warrior) defender of the people.

My in-laws side also have their own master.

But usually is he give suitable characters for middle and last name then can “mix & match” ourselves.

I scared the choices v limited then cant match up to a nice sounding name..

Ya my EDD is 1st wk of july & I am so scared when I think abt labour!

worried I suddenly wanna deliver b4 due date/when I am alone and waterbag burst, etc

scared of pain, this & that… [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Me also very full....finished my Ipoh Hor fun and now having a cup full of assorted fruits.

Later sure want to fall asleep.

Just came back from Ajisen! Yummy Yummy!

Lynn: Super ring? Is that food?

Oh.... Please dont rain.. PLEASE DONT RAIN! I WANT TO ATTEND OUR AQUA FITNESS CLASS LATA! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jayamum: Yaya today the show starts. But i not watching. Cant take this kinda show!! Heart attack for me! hahaha...

minmin: Its titbits. Orange colour one. CHeesy de. Hahahha!! Bad mama again. My side is raining damn heavy. I jus sms Jasline and inform her lor. Haiz.. WIsh that the rain will stop!

ya lah... Been raining almost every thurs. I realise ever since we sign up and confirm the aqua fitness, sure RAIN! Argh!


I'm frm the Feb thread.

I hv a brand new 64 pcs jumbo pack Drypers to let go @ $10. My bb hv outgrown S size. Anyone interested kindly PM me.


im will be getting capella s705.. cause its wider and more steady than combi.. i also saw the cony but felt that our bb will be quite big size. lol.. cause me and hubby both big size one.. and hubby like the s705 (like love at first sight)... so ok lor..

now sourcing for a good price elsewhere... best i saw is $369 so far.. wonder if theres anywhere i can get at a better price..


Min Min and Jo_Lyn

Today I will not be attending the classes cos I got something on in the evening... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

see you all next week if its doesnt rain during late afternoon.

Serene>> Oh this is one of the latest models from Capella, if am not wrong. My HB also quite like this one but it's too heavy for me hehee.

BB Kingdom had 20% disc last few weeks for Capella strollers le.

Hi all,

How are you all feeling today? Last working day of the week.

Was sick for the past 2 days hence didn't log in. think the weather is getting bad so have to drink more water.

Manage to squeeze some time to read thru the post this page and come across that there will be a gathering on 17 April.

I missed the last gathering and would like to join in for the coming one but my company is having an event at Universal Studio on 17 April. And not sure when will finish. Sob Sob...

minmin>> ya i posted the link b4, i think.

I ordered from babywing the wall decals...receiving them tdy! can't wait [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah dunno why but seems like after lunch...i hv been experiencing pain at my the bones (ribcage)underneath my boobs area.

Talking about Chinese names, I've been doing some reading up on Chinese guides for naming babies. For tiger babies, names with the following are good/suitable:

words with 王 e.g 玉,环, 璇

words with 山 e.g 岑,峻, 岭

words with 马 e.g 骏

words with 木 e.g 林,森,横

words with 水 e.g 沛,沁,澜

Words that are NOT SUITABLE include :

words with 田 e.g 奋

words with 草字头 e.g 芷,芬,芙

words with 人 e.g 俐,伶,仁

words with 宝盖头 e.g 宝,家,宜

words with 虎 e.g 彪

These are all that I could remember for now......


springleaf>> tks...pretty useful. If based on the Chinese guide, the Chinese middle name for my BB has a "ren" zi pang...too bad, that one cannot change.

but if our intended last Chinese word name, it has a "wang" zi pang so still pretty ok...neutral, hehee.

