(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

ann -- good.. u got an understanding MIL... my MIL is the typical TVB/Korean drama ones... lol.. but my bb girl will be taken care by my FIL. He took care of my niece and nephew since young and MIL goes to work...

I jus discussed with my mom on my confinement matters... she wants me to stay at her place cause she can cook for me.. but it told her that my hubby will go her place take food from her and bring back to my place for the 1st 2 weeks cause hubby will be on leave. subsequently for the next 2 weeks, i will be ordering confinement tingkat to eat.

i remember my last confinement after my stillbirth, i was at my own place (im stay with ILs) and MIL did not cook confinement food for me and i had to eat maggie me on some days even. so this time round, i will order tingkat althou its quite costly.

then FIL and hubby will help me shower bb girl. Hubby was washing my clothes during my last confinement so his actually quite "skilled" to help me with my confinement.

I hope all these plans will turn out well. Anyway, my MIL wont help me one la... she will think everything is not necessary.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but when hubby at home, she will be very enthu about me.. but when hubby not at home.. she will bo chap me... my hubby knows about this but bo pian. we had to tahan until we get a flat...

appreciate and treasure ur MIL... not every MIL is understanding one...


atomickitten -- i couldnt float in the pool... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my legs will auto sink [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i also dunno why.. then hubby say.. my tummy is not air inside.. how to float... hahaha.. see.. another funnny explanation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ica: I remember is 3.30pm leh. I think i go check out my schedule too. But I guess we confirm is same class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cya next week!

atomickitten: When is ur first class? Me and Ica start on 14/03, next Sunday. Hopefully u r the same class as us...

sun_tan: Wah u are fast!! So she manage to relieve ur backache? Hw much she charge u?? Think she is going holidat next week. So gotta wait for another 2 weeks then can find her massage.

Seems like many mummies went swimming today. I also went tol swim at 7+. Din manage to swim alot of laps. Just playing ard in the water. Heehee..

Jasline: Ok, we shall wait till Monday and see how. Hopefully we can start as planned. Excited.. I realise ur gynae is Choo Wan Ling. I used to see her. Hahhaha.. Nice lady ah!!

Jo_lyn and Ica : My 1st lesson is supposed to be on 14/03 as well but my hubby outa town so we ve to do make up for it. Subsequently... it will be on sunday but mine is fr 10-12pm leh. I didnt know got later timing one! Else we'll be in same class le and can zzzz more on sunday!

Jo lyn, ya called her yesterday to arrange for today . Yup my back feeling better now. She mentioned she gg is gg home for a week, leaving next fri I think. So if u wanna get her, need to wait for at least 2 weeks later.

Jasline: glad to know everything's going well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jolyn: I re-checked the schedule. Really 3pm

Ann: dun hv to worry about baby not close to u if spent too much time with ILs. My MIL helps to take care of my niece and when she sees her mummy coming to fetch her, she'll forget about her grandma. My MIL jokes that no use paying so much attn to her coz she'll still choose her mommy over MIL. My SIL also had the same fear as u initially

swimming: after reading all the posts on mommies who went swimming, me very tempted but must 1st get new swimsuit. Existing one cannot fit oredi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] looks like when pregnant it's all about spend spend spend ...hahaha

can't sleep after going to toilet. And hubby's happily snoring away. Wanted to record his snoring and play it to him... Hehe...I remember reading that one mommy did that or was it her hubby

ica, me too. woke up at 6am & can't go back to sleep. bb keeps kicking, if i lie on my left side, she kick on the left side, like i'm squashing her. i change position to my right, she start punching my right side. in the end, i got up.

saw some maternity swimsuits at oldnavy.com. quite cheap, but dunno how the sizing is. i also need to get new swimsuit.

babycoco: your baby very cute

i went back to sleep at 7.30am and didn't want to wake up. so tired. looks like today not so hot

oldnavy? will check it out. usually they have a sizing chart on their website

Mummies, Taka Baby Fair is from 10 to 28 March!

But I'm so lost as to what brand of stroller, car seat, baby cot to buy... =(

Have anybody heard of Red Castle stroller brand?

babycoco -- did u feel like ur bb is kicking her way up? machiam in the pool, we are swimming up to the surface like tat...? keke...

my bb will be super active when i lie flat.. if i sleep on my right, next thing i know, shes on "top" (left).. vice versa...

but one thing i realise, tested and proven at least 10 times... bb will be active when its mom and bb time... but when hubby comes near me and start talking to bb... she jus stay still... i have to ask hubby to stop talking and gently place his hands there to feel bb...

hubby: bb girl, u scared of papa ah? dun scared.. papa love u..

bb girl: staying still

hubby: u dun wanna play with me ah? ok la, then u go and sleep.. dun kick mommy liao.. kuai kuai...

haha... thats papa and bb bonding time...

this morning, i woke up and stayed still lying flat waiting for bb's kick.. but dun haf wor.... then i poked her... and told her... bb.. kick kick for mommy to see... then less than 3 sec, she kicked... phew....

i dunno but i feel that... everytime bb dun move, i suspect shes sleeping.. then when i disturb her.. she will wake up and move and move and move... wonder if u ladies got dee siao ur bb wake up or not...

Kat -- i would be getting combi or capella.. but i went online to surf, i quite like the combi urban walker.. heard from reviews that the combi miracle turn's wheels are small so if u put things on the handle of the pram without bb inside, it will topple...

anyway, i decided to buy the pram and car seat after bb pops.. maybe after i get the baby bonus even.. cause no rush as i still have the sling..

i wanna try putting bb inside the pram and see how she reacts...

Kat: U trying looking for Britax carseat. I am not sure hw good is it, but my friend intro to me saying that it can be used fr infant to toddler. Meaning we dont need to buy 2 carseats. Hopefully this Taka fair has it.. U may try go online to try searching and read for the review. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can you help me to update, I am number 40 in the list:

MTB: Rommie

EDD: 13 July 2010

Gynae: Dr K T Tan

Hospital: KKH

Child No.: 1

BB Gender: Girl

Thanks a million..

Ann: how much is the stay at Capella? dogs allowed? Would love to bring my dogs along if my hubby planning to go. I heard price quite exp. Recently my dog skin turn redish n some part pinkish. When they scratch got white skin peel off and sometime they too itcy they scratch until bleed... i feel so heartache...

By the way i also passing my BB to MIL house when i start work & plan to bring hm every night. But my mother keep saying dun just put there u all come hm rest n slp (currently staying with my mom). She say wait until can put in childcare then bring hm... I dun like the idea cuz i want to bond with my child more. So i agree with u taking the child back hm at night n place there in the morning. ultimately is ur child. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Siti: OMG the bag is so cute but the picture didn't show the interior.. is it spacious for baby stuff? Both Squirrel & cow very cute.. dunno which to choose >.<

To MTBs: Those who went to the KKH swimming class.. what's that? Can elaborate? Exercise? Also my gynae is private suite at KKH if i apply the class have extra discount? Hehe... What does this help?

Hi MTBs,

I've a pre-loved Graco Prenatal Heart Listener for sale. Bought this last Aug when I was pregnant. Save me the hassle of going down to gynea's clinic just to listen to baby's heartbeat when little or no movement is felt throughout the day.

Condition: 9/10 (gently used, however the box was slightly torn when I first opened the box)


Bought at USD$19.90 from this site (excluding shipping). Other unknown brands selling at Singapore departmental stores for at least $35.

Selling @ $20. Pls PM me if interested. Thks!

hello fellow MTBs,

Since this Fri, my HB & I had bought most of the stuff for BB already since we took leave to go shopping:p

Went to the Robinsons sale on Fri & bought quite a few items from Philips Avent as all regular price items were on 20%. Really worth it.

We also went IKEA to get some cupboard/chest of drawers for the nursery room.

Then on Sat, went to BB Kingdom & BB Hyperstore to check some stuff. Ended up buying the Philips Avent BB monitor @ $59.90 (UP: $119) & a Lascal (Swedish brand) carrier @ $187 (UP: $257, I think), which provides very good back support.


capella looks real nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] .. .. like the pool espy. how is their breakfast?

Siti: Is that so? I never knew that cause last time round, my in law maid also sleep in the living room cause due to some reasons, my hubby's grandmother also sleeping in living room. But that time they had made a curtain to cover them when sleeping. Maybe should let my MIL know. Thanks for pointing that out.

Serene: Ya.. that's quite true. I am lucky to have her as my MIL. I think because last time round, my hubby and his sisters are all taken care by grandparents and only fetched back on weekends. So she think same arrangement is fine. But the difference is last time my hubby's grandparents is totally not working at all but now my in laws are. So I don't wanna trouble my in laws too much too.

I saw the confinement food at the website.. so expensive.. $1500 for 2 meals for 28 days. I was shocked to see the pricing lei.

Ica: Ya.. quite worried on that cause i feel if BB dun stay in your own house long enough.. might forget that his real home is with us and not with grandparents. Hehe!!

Jo_lyn: Me too.. looking at Britax car seat..looks good. Hope got good discount at BB fair.

Ceres: One night stay after tax is $660 like that. Real expensive.. but 6 star hotel will surely demand 6 star pricing.. but the service also 6 star. Haha!! And moreover how many hotels in Singapore can allow you to bring dogs over for the weekend? So for me, though expensive, the experience was worth it.

Scratch until bleed.. better bring to see vet.. maybe bad allergies to certain things.

Ya lo.. even my dogs, i also cannot bear not to see them for a day.. not to say my own BB.. I will go crazy thinking of him if I dun see him.

tek_koh: Breakfast was ok.. not fantastic.. but seldom hotel food are.. oh.. their abalone porridge really have a whole abalone on top of it but then only one small one. Haha!! An auntie who is a staff there told me must order so I did. Haha!!

bibiliciouslovebaby: Which trimester are you referring to? I think mostly is the usual stuff.. nauseous, tired, breasts sensitive, bloatedness, heartburn,etc etc lo.

Oh.. today went for my first lesson of Yoga at Mother and Child. Not too bad.. long time no exercise le.. so muscle abit tight but still manageable. Quite a good workout though.. Hehe!! Had sign up for 8 lessons with them.

Also intending to sign up for aqua aerobic classes. Either with KKH or Inspiremum.

Hubby say I am hardworking at working out. Yoga, Aqua aerobics and swimming. I told him, I rather be hardworking now than to go through a tough labour later. Moreover I need to lose some fats too. Hehe!! But don't worry, I won't over exert myself. ^_^

Jo_Lyn (jo_lyn),

Oh u use to see her for???

How come this time nv see her???

Oh it was recommend by my hubby's friend.. So juz continue to use her..

Yes She is pretty young N nice lady... =)

Hi Ann,

I also looking forward to go for the aqua aerobics.. Waiting for inspire mum to reply me.. =)

Dunno for how many yrs i haven been exercise...


bibiliciouslovebaby: My very first symptom happened to be constipation leh! I also get very bad gastric and had to eat like every 2-3 hours. Then the rest are the usual morning sickness..nausea and i also suffer from motion sickness (until now still).. are u preg or suspect that u are preg? :p

Ann : how much did you pay for yr 8 lessons with Mother and child huh? where are they located?

If u intend to sign with with KKH aqua class.. u have to be fast le!

Jasline : For the first time in my life.. i actually miss running and sweating it out! hopefully i will still be this eager/desperate to exercise after giving birth..hee

ann -- im going for natal essential and getting their lunch nia.. i read from forums tat their portion quite big.. so can split into 2 meals... if u take dinner + lunch its $840 nia..

bibiliciouslovebaby -- suspect preg = boobs enlarged, sudden hunger, sensitive to smells (u can walk arnd the fruit stalls to try..lol), missing ur menses..

but i suggest u use a test kit to verify ba... good luck

mrslong -- thats fast.... did u buy stroller?

Jasline: Oh.. Inspiremum called me on Saturday, asking me if aqua aerobic class open next Saturday, am I interested in signing up. But I remember next Saturday got the parenting talk and ends at 5pm. Class start at 5.45pm.. dunno can make it or not.

Anyone know if such talks really ends at 5pm or earlier? Cos if ends earlier than I dun mind joining the aqua aerobics class which starts next Saturday at Sembawang Country Club.

AtomicKitten: Mother and Child is located on Level 3 of Tanglin Mall. 8 lessons is $196.

May sign up with Inspire mum for aqua aerobics since nearer to my house. Hehe!!

Serene: Just now spoken to my mum on confinement food.. she say if I really worried that the maid which my in law engage dunno how to cook confinement food, then can get my grandmother (from my mother side) to help cos my grandmother really can cook.

Dunno will my granmother (from my dad's side) and my in laws will mind or not.

Jasline: Glad to know that you are fine.

And yes! looking forward to the aqua aerobic exercise. Same as you, my last exercise... hmm.. maybe when I am still schooling?! hahah!

bibiliciouslovebaby - I did not know i was pregnant even flew to Perth for 1 week. When i came back i went to doctor wanted to get the pill to regulate the menses. Cause menses were no regular after Aug miscarriage. Doctor did a scan than he said no neeed eat the pill you are pregnant 6 weeks. I was like HUH? U sure?

I only noticed i am sensitive to NICE smell. Buying all sort of body washed, shampoo & fall in love with JAsmine Green tea.

But a bit sad my face and body become good friends of pimples.

When i had my two boys before , also no system of any sickness, the face and body was very clean.

I thought this Baby is a gerl since i turn UGly. But too Bad it is a BOY AGAIN ..


I heard that if we turn ugly, it means we are carrying boy, cos there would be a higher level of male hormones in our body, thus skin become rougher and they say nose will become bigger! haha..wonder how true..my skin became rougher too..but i still dunno if i am carrying a girl or boy..shall see :p

ann -- hmm.. maybe u can try talking to ur ILs.. my last confinement, i tot ILs will cook for me.. end up kena sabo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but u can tell ur ILs that ur ah ma will cook for u... and see what ur ILs say.. u can give them an excuse that... ur ah ma dote u and u dun wanna reject her lor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Siti -- wah.. lol.. the moment my SIL and hubby see that my nose is not swollen and im not looking like jacky chan.. they know its a girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my previous pregnancy, i looked like jacky chan.. even my FIL told me that i look like someone else.. haha.. and i had a boy that time..

sun_tan -- this time, i am eating loads of meat, egg and potato.. so i tot its a boy again.. but because of my facial features.. everyone bet its a girl... and i now know why they say if girl, its pointed and boy its round liao.. cause this time, my tummy is pointed and the last time it was round....

Siti: Haha!! Chinese believe that if mummy turn ugly, then we carry boy.. but I know Malay is opposite. Hehe!!

Serene: Had yet to talk to my in law yet. But I think I will ask hubby first. Anything that can save money, hubby sure agreed. haha!!!

I didn't know i was preg though till i started spotting. At first i tot it was menses. But it only lasted 1-2 days & the cramps were very, very painful. I have tested myself twice but it was negative. So i tot i had some illness & went to the doc who told me i was preg. Very shocked at that time cos i always took precautions, except for that very nite. Haha.

Throughout my preg, my hair & complexion turned for the better, and i am having a girl! But i also heard before girls will make the mummy uglier though. So dunno which is true.

Regarding baby strollers, i am thinking of getting the MacLaren Techno XLR. Anyone knows how much it costs at Baby Hypermart?

I also went Ikea too. The cots at Ikea have this "guarranteed for baby's safety" thing mentioned but the better cots are not cheap either.. about $200+.

Hi Ecym,

Pls update for me too! Thanks a mil. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No. 17

MTB: Sweetkiss

EDD: Changed to 7 July 2010

Gynae: Dr Kee WH

Hospital: MAH


I tot they say if it pointed that most prob its a boy. So far all my frens and colleagues guessed its a boy cos of my skin and some of them commented that my tummy is pointed..haha but to me my tummy seems round leh..dunno how they tell..

atomic kitten-i am suspecting,so asking ard.so u all at least a few months le ma,more experience to share with me.hehe.

btw..i m oso having constipation...

sun tan --- actually another way to see is.. if ur tummy is broader, its a girl.. if ur tummy grows outwards, its a boy

sorry, i type wrongly, its boy = pointed and girl = rounder

ur complexion lei? ur nose got bigger?


I ask hubby if my nose got become bigger or not n he looked at me n thinking if tats a trick qn. Haaa then after 10 secs he say dun have. But my complexion did become worst...

i am having exactly the same symptons as my first pregnancy (i was hoping for a girl this time round :p) .

told my gynae, she says it's myth :p yeah, it's a myth. i am having a girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My due date is 26th July 2010. I am hoping my gynae can allowed me to delivered on 07.07.2010. Induced me faster faster.

If cannot than too bad. got to wait and wait till 26 July lor


Wah.. din log on at all over the wkend and there's so many posts.. hee

Jasline - I got the same steriliser that you mentioned but I got it from Isetan which is selling at $129. Comes with two small milk bottles as well.

Seemed like many mummies went for a swim over e wkend.. hee.. me too.. I went for fitball class then went for a swim.. bad choice.. e swimming pool was super crowded..

I like the fitball lesson better then the Yoga from inspire leh.. Fitball do stretching and strengthening as well.. Yoga mostly stretching only... after fitball i feel that I 'exercised'. but after yoga, I jus feel 'relaxed'.. Think I'll go for Yoga in e future.. will go for Pilates tml and compare. Oh.. yah.. fitball also hv relaxation part.

Wah.. all guessing of boy/girl tales and results liao.. till now no one made a guess for me leh.. cos my tummy still very small... only tea lady say since u like salty food should be a boy.. but another collegue of mine told me she eat a lot of sweet food when she was carrying her two boys..

