(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

sun tan: yeah, if from the back ppl cannot see that you're pregnant, then it's a boy. and if you have lots of breakouts (acne, pimples) also means a boy

sweetkiss: in my case, i had acne one after another in my 1st tri and my face was very oily till hubby said i looked very dirty. then they suddenly cleared up. so maybe if you're carrying a girl, you'll be ugly initially then become pretty? hormonal changes

bibilicious: my only symptom was frequent urination even though i didn't drink a lot of water. i tested for my pregnancy using test kits and confirmed with a blood test. but then, pregnancy symptoms are very much alike with pre-menstrual symptoms...

Jolyn: i just called ParentCraft. Antenatal class on Sun 3pm - dun forget ya

Ann: next aquafitness class at KKH starts on 8 May if you're interested. Apr full oredi.

mrslong: you bought almost everything oredi?? so fast! i know, couldn't resist right? hahah

Serene: me also going for natal essentials. will be having both lunch and dinner, so if portion big, then my mum also can eat - let her enjoy good food too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she's helping me with the baby oredi so i dun want her to cook la. but she also told me her confinement recipes are limited anyway..hahaha. oh, but my mum did ask me to get ready at least 2 bottles of DOM. dunno what she intends to do with them. hehe

Serene>> We hv yet to buy stroller, but more or less decided on the brand. Either Capella or Graco...one of the lighter one cuz else I dun hv strength to carry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ica>> ya, cuz Philips Avent usually controlled prices so since Robinsons have 20% disc, just buy 1st. haha.

Bought the electric sterilizer, breast pump, 4 x 4oz milk bottles, bottle & teat brush, milk powder container & pacifier and Pigeon food/milk bottle warmer, hehee.

mrs long: has the 20% discount on avent ended? and which pump did you get? i'm thinking of getting the electric double pump but it's so expensive when i comapare it to US prices - almost double!

ica>> Yes, Robinson's sale ended yest. I got the BPA free single electric pump which can also be used manually. My galfriend uses this & she said it's good. She also tried Medela b4 but prefers the Avent one.

The single one cost $239 & it's in a promo pack that comes with an Avent toiletries pack (i.e. moisturing oil, body wash, body cream and one more item, can't remember what it is now).

Without promo pack, it's $339.

Serene: The Maclaren XLT is about $587 from what i saw at First Few Years website. But it can be used up till ur child is 30kg (if i rem correctly) so i thought quite worth it...

ica: Yeah! During my first trimester I did have slight pimples on my chest & back and i tot it was due to me switching my shower foam... But everything improved from 2nd trimester. That time i also started taking bird's nest so i dunno if it was the bird's nest that helped..

Hello Ladies.

As of yesterday, I have been married to my darling HB for one year. Wow seemed like I was only married yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and now already 1 year. The past one year has been like roller coaster ride. I guess marriage is like that.

I thought marriage was a big experience but motherhood beats it all! Thank God for all the blessings.


Yup, I'm with Dr Yeoh. I've seen Dr Chia's name on the door, but never see her before. Do you have to wait very long for your appointment?

babycoco: if mine is the 1st appt for the day, then no. if not, yeah. but not really sure coz last wk was only my 2nd time seeing her. last week my appt was at 10.10am but only got to see her 1 hour later

Siti: R u going for caesarian? 26th Jul to 7th Jul like a couple of weeks in advance... My EDD is 7/7 & I hope my bb will come out in July instead of end June cos me & hubby also July babies... But my hubby having reservist from end June to 1st week of July this year. I am so worried i will go into labour when he is not around. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sweetkiss: cannot be excused from NS? i mean maybe go later? increasing population size is more important right? so says the govn.. hehe

siti: is 7 Jul a special date?

Jasline >> any news from inspiremum on the aqua fitness? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow u really bought alot of things.. So did u manage to see any nice cupboard at Ikea Ma??

I also tot of gng there to take a look... Wanna buy a separate cupboard to put bb clothes n other bb accessories..

If not will go giant or those big supermart to buy those toyogo multi plastics cupboard to use 1st.. Due to space constraint...

Ecym: My girls are not saint so of cos they anyhow pee. But we brought them out to walk often.. so no pooping in the room at all. The floor are not fully carpeted so no worries on that cos my girls dun pee on soft surface. Hehe!!

ica: Huh? KKH full liao ah.. then I better join Inspire Mum. Dun wanna delay again. Hehe!1

Jayamum: Happy Anniversary. Time flies. I also told my hubby that I am blindly married to him for 2 yrs and this yr will be our 3rd yr. He say what do I mean by blindly married. Haha!!!

ann, i guess it makes sense for Capella's rooms not to have full carpet, dunno if all the pets are toilet trained. were there a lot of dogs when you went? both my babies are very anti-social. they will bark when they see other dogs.

Jasline>> We went IKEA on Fri & had the cupboards delivered & installed yest. So happy! Cuz I can start putting BB's clothes & stuff in the cupboard....cuz b4 that they were in plastic bags lying around, haha.

We bought the TROFAST cupboard & frames from the Children IKEA section. Some parts were on sale so it was a good deal but now no more stock already I think.

Maybe tonite I go home take a pic & post it up here.

i had such a good night sleep yesterday!!

Cuz i didn't pee half way through the night! I made sure i peed all out before i sleep, i just spent some time reading book, played with bb's kicking, and passed 3 rounds of urine, haha!

Gonna do that again, i feel so good today! good night sleep is important.. =)

tmr tmr, finally will be my turn to have detailed scan!

Hi all.. Am new here... :p

Would like to know if swimming really helps in backache? As i am a first time mum and I dont know much things..

hi mommies. hope u are all well and had a great weekend


when engaging in physical activity during pregnancy, just remember dun over stretch! swimming is good as being in the water means little resistance. but if u have back injuries or lower backaches prior to pregnancy, u might want to exercise caution when swimming.

ica -- if u bf-ing, cannot drink DOM hor.... if got any wine in food, make sure its cooked together with the food before consuming.

mrslong -- if u are choosing a lighter stroller, make sure u test drive first.. very common feedback is that the stroller will topple if we happen to hang things on the handle.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

DQ: welcome to my toyogo club... haha

Jasline: I switch doc cos i stayed with her for awhile and she din really help me conceive. I got prob with ovulation..

Ica: Noted, 3pm is the class. Heehee...

mrslong -- oh... also take note of the wheels.. find a bigger wheel so wont be so jerky when u go to places like.. zoo...

speaking of this.. here's another joke...

Me: Dear, we have to go test drive the pram.. most imptly see if it will topple and the wheel is big enuff or not..

Him: Huh? Wheels?

Me: ya.. otherwise, if pushing on uneven ground, the bb will go grrr (making the vibration noise and jerking)

Him: then put kan tong la..

Me: -.-'''

Serene: Hahahhaa.. Ur hubby very cute ah. U ask him modify the pram like how guys do their cars lor. Hahhaa.. Anyway i am looking at Bugaboo Bee stroller. I watch the video and they says got suspension lor.. Then i tell my hubby: machiam real car sia..

Hi Sweetkiss - I rememeber seeing the Mac'Carlren Techno XT at Taka, having a sale. But, think the sales girl say it's the old version. Apart from colour of wheels etc, function is all the same and selling at S$399 only. Perhaps, if you do not mind, can go there take a look. For me, my sis will hand me down this model too.. It looks sturdy and seems like a lot of people also using it. The only thing I don't like is the weight. It's 8.2kg. Quite heavy for a mummy to handle that. So, most prob, I will just get another light weight model as spare and maybe with reversible handle so that I can see baby when I push them when they are younger. :p

Jasline - For the aqua class, I'm keen too. When is the start date? Is it confirm on weekdays as it's kinda rush for me? Anyone interested in weekends?


lol, ur hubby power..haha ask him to fix the kan tong onto the wheels loh, then u will have a sporty stroller..hehe

Oh for those mummies who had bought Ameda or Medela breast pumps, care to share why they choose this 2 brands. Cos I'm also contemplating on this 2 models. I'm actually interested in the Ameda Lacital Model vs Medela FIS. Wonder if the Ameda can also be so portable to pump like FIS? Any pro & cons for both? Understand that some mummies had commented that Medela has discoloration base on some news reviews.


We intend to start on 19 Mar, which is next Friday.. Have yet to confirm with the person in charge at inspire mum..

Wat time u finish work? N where u live?

mrslong, wah you already start putting away bb's clothes & stuff. i haven't bought anything, only got bb bjorn carrier, and mil sent me a romper & a little toy.

Was looking at kellysjy photos, and i am quite curious about this pose, wonder how they managed to prop up the baby with the hands supporting the chin? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3705968.jpg]

babycoco -- they did it when the bb is sleeping.. because bb can cry, sleep and do anything within that shoot.. so the photographers had to be creative about the poses at any circumstances.



Anyone staying in Northeast interested in the private pre-natal pilates sessions by Inspiremummy?

Due to differing schedules, we need 1 more MTBs to join in to start the class.


$300 for 10 sessions

1hr each session

Every Sat (9.30am)

Venue: Sengkang (my home)

