(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Ann - got such mkt svc one ah.. but I go to the mkt then I'll know wat to buy n cook leh.. hee.. love shopping in supermarket only... other then that.. I dun like to shop.


hi ladies, dunno if you all have been thinking abt the day when baby finally arrives and you are free of all the pregnancy restrictions.

What wld be the first thing you do? Lets do a poll.

I start first - i will go eat a lot of sashimi and then go for salsa!

sun_tan & january: I started my prenatal massage once i hit 2nd trim. Cos cant stand the backache. So far i find it not bad. She does not exert very hard forces on you. U can tell her to focus on which area in particular too. Then she will take note. Just need to prepare a big towel so u can lie on it. As she will be using abit of oil, so its better to use a towel in case it got onto ur bed.

Sun_tan: I PM u now!

Noknok: Ya.. i think the show is called " Zhu Fu De Chun Tian".. where they helped SAHM to explore business venture. So one mum actually help to buy vege.. she will gather orders and go to the Pasir Panjang Vege wholesale mkt and get the stock.. and then repack and send to individual house. Cheaper pricing then buying at market i heard.

Then got another one.. will help you source for BB items .. 2nd hands one.. so if u have anything to sell or anything u wanna buy.. she can help.

Jo Lyn,

So we would be lying on our side and on our back right? And we are fully dress? Or need to be naked?


Like you, i will go for my sashimi and also raw oysters and sharks fin!! But as wat noknok mentioned, still got breastfeeding restriction, so still cannot eat...sian, dunno must wait till when? 1 yr later? haii...

Jo lyn,

Haa after bb arrvie, u will still need to wake up in the middle of the night..not to peep but to feed bb.

sun_tan: starting will be lying on my back, but if u feel uncomfortable just let her know. Then Change to the side. Usually I will wear those dress pyjamas w/o my bra. Cos eventually need to sit up and she massage my back. So with a bra kinda hinder her from massaging.

jolyn - fat hope to sleep for 12 hours lah.. BB will cry once every 2 hrs.. if u lucky then once every 3-4 hrs.. a few months down the road then can sleep full 8 hrs..

Rmummy, I wanna drink alcohol.. but then.. sigh.. doubt can do it too... will affect breastfeed.

Ann - I'll hv to bring BB back to hk in dec.. dunno how to survive flight if she/he cries leh..

babycoco: Most likely will ba. Or else leave in Singapore for in laws to take care a few days lo.. i need a trip badly.

sun_tan: Ya lor. So i guess we can only dream on slping for a long time. Hahahha..

babycoco: I guess depends where u wanna go for holiday bah. But no matter how its still abit ma fan i feel. I am gg back HK in Dec. Wonder if we can cope!!

Noknok: I am thinking of going HK too after BB is born. I have a fren who drove up to Melaka when BB is 2mths old. Haha!! I think we can survive the flight.. i think car ride is more tedious like that.

Nok Nok - you are right, yah, there are the breastfeeding restrictions to think of...

heehee but no harm fantasizing right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh the other thing i will absolutely must do is to sleep on my stomach and on my back!

I met someone from Germany.. his BB was 2 months when they started travelling 'ard e world' when i met them BB was 4 mths old.. think they return back to germany when BB was 5 mths old.

Jo lyn - u from HK too??

Ann- car ride rocking leh.. BB shld be able to sleep.. I read somewhere try to feed during take off and landing to help BB equalise e ear.. but then, I was thinking, if feed when landing, how to get off the plane??

Wow babycoco,

Where is montreal?


Actually I find that driving is easier than taking flight, cos during the drive if bb cry and need to stop, we can do so, but if on flight, we would be stuck there for that few hrs. No way out le. Also becos of the air pressure, it will make bb uncomfortable too.

yep.. me from hk.. but I'm here since 10 yrs old.. hee..

My parents returned to HK le.. Grandparents and a few relatives also there.. have a feeling tat bring BB there BB sure sick one.. air is polluted.

Babycoco: 30hrs flight is no joke.. why dun get your in laws to fly in instead? Easier. Haha!!

sun_tan: I have seen ang mo bringing baby overseas.. should be ok ba.. if they can do it, we can too. Haha!!

Jo_lyn: My hubby say such thermometer is not accurate lei.. so me getting the ear one instead.

wahh after my confinement, i will go eat sashimi too, one of my favourites but now only can watch hubby eat...

me badly need a trip too. anyone still traveling in april/ may?

Geri - me me.. travelling to langkawi in April. still have yet to book hotel though.

Ann - actually I tried one in office which is not very accurate too.. but that's what they use in hospitals leh.. should be ok ba.

Noknok: Ya lor, thats what my hubby says also. Air so polluted, dunno baby can take it anot. Haiz..

Ann: Ya lor, i also not sure if i am getting it. My friend is commenting that those ear one will hard to take if bb moves ard. How ah? Hahha..

haha noknok, i think if it is difficult to get a accurate reading via ear when bb moves and cries then it is even more tough to poke them...

langkawi, nice place to laze around and relax ya.. me thinking HK but worry about my condition, don't want go there and vomit..so maybe will find somewhere nearer...

Hey mummies.. very busy compiling my own list of bb stuff to buy just now!

I have a couple of checklists but I want to filter out those items I want only, to get me ready for the upcoming sales. Hehe…

Anyway I think the most impt thing I need to get is the breast pump, pram & baby cot.

For prams I am thinking of getting Maclaren Techno XLR. But will go look around if got any other suitable prams at a cheaper price.

For cots, what do u think of the Ikea ones? Are they reliable?

The cheapest cot is only $79… I was thinking of getting one then just get a gd mattress.

Noknok: Never kanna poke in the ass with thermometer.. but then when young i refuse to have injection.. so they have to stuff medication into my ass. But when older, of cos no longer allow such thing to happen.. take injection willingly. Haha!!

Geri: me! i may be going to Tokyo early Apr, if my boss approves my leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gonna be a family trip

Jo Lyn: you going for that class too? mine's at 3pm

I'm the only unlucky one I guess.. haha

sweetkiss - I won't buy cot from ikea. May not be sturdy enough esp when BB grows and they manage to stand and start jumping in the cot without you knowing.

Sweetkiss: I also dun think you should buy cot from IKEA. I bought a dining table from IKEA, less than a year, the wooden legs are splinting already. So can't imagine how good the cot would be. Think by the time BB learn to crawl, got to get a new dining table liao.


All mummies,

So worry.. My spotting juz came back...

When I went toilet juz now, use toilet paper to wipe n found abit blood.. than I see my pantieliner n found abit brown brown stain.. so scare!! My spotting was gone since Jan n now come back liao..

Quickly call the clinic, n aft so much try than manage to get thru.. Manage to speak to the gynane, she asked me have any pain, I said no..

than she said do u feel any kick.. I was like dunno lei.. cannot feel since aft lunch lei.. However morning n lunch time did feel some.. Today BB kick was little.. Than she told me to visit her tml morning.. I hope everything will be fine..

I was crying n feeling worry when talking ot gynane..

Will have to monitor see how 2night..

Now on n off like did feel a little bit kick.. But not very sure.. I keep praying n tell BB to be strong.. kick me to tell me u r fine..


