(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Jasline: Dun cry, girl. It might be nothing. Actually till now, I also still spotting brown in colour. Have never stopped for me when i am preggy. So don't scare yourself. Be calm or else you will scare BB.

Maybe if u can lie down, you will be able to feel BB move better.

If you still feel scare, maybe go Mount A Labor ward and ask them to do a scan for you to ensure BB is fine. Or ask your gynae which hospital you can go to do a scan.

Jasline, I agree with Ann. There's no time to waste when it comes to spotting or bleeding. Your gynae should have seen you immediately. Why not you admit yourself to A&E? Nevertheless, please remain calm because if it's just brown spotting and not fresh blood, BB should be fine.

springleaf: Actually i think to gynae.. if it is brown spotting and no cramps.. they are not overly concern. Just like my recent bleeding because of the pooping issue.. my gynae also ask me to rest and monitor for 1 hr .. if lesser then should be fine. Nothing to worry about. He also doesn't ask me to admit to hospital immediately. I think it is a normal practice among gynaes.

Thanks Noknok N Ann..

Went toilet again, wipe again seems like no more liao..

Aft work go home straight n rest liao.. Eat my dinner than i shall lie down n give BB listen to music.. Hope to calm BB n wanna feel the kick..

I will keep myself calm n rest early today.. Tml appt early in the morning.. 9am..

I will keep praying..

Dun worry, Jasline… I’m sure your bb is fine since u felt some kicks.

If you didn’t have any cramps then everything is ok!

Jasline: dun worry. Will be praying for u. Maybe you've exerted yourself and not know it. Take it easy ok? Rest more


if u didn't feel any pain then I think shld be all

right. Try not to think too much. Update us abt the check ok.

Btw, am at Robinson now. They having 20% disc for regular priced bb items. Just bought e normal pigeon sterilizer. Cost only $95 after e 20% plus a $5 voucher for card member. Quite worth it.

ica: I think the class is 3.30pm if I not wrong. Under Mrs Wong Boh Boi right? Think we are in the same class. Hehee..

Jasline: Dont worry! It will be fine. There are many spotting mummies here including me. Stay positive and strong. Update us tmr!!

Good morning ladies!

Just back from my swim at SAFRA Yishun. Went to the learning pool instead of the adult pool to swim. Brought a kickboard with me.. makes my swim easier. Hubby went but he didn't swim much.. just enjoying the cooling effect of the water.

Jo_lyn: Girl, u no need to sleep one ah? 1.30am still awake. I already in dreamland le. Haha!!

Jasline: Dun worry so much. Keep us posted on your check up this morning.

Ceres: Congrats on having a boy. Hehe!!

Ok.. off to a dog event at fort canning.

Oh.. had uploaded my photos at Capella.. can go take a look for those who are interested to bring their furkids there.


hi mommies. just came back from aquafitness at kkh. i had a great time. i felt i had a whole body work out and am now feeling quite energetic. for those who had signed up for April, i hope u will njoy it as much as i do.

overall, i feel that KKH's therapist was very responsible. she made sure we were all comfy at our wkout levels and made sure we were aware all e time abt safety. only thing i dun like is the changing room. old and not well maintained :p

but overall, will give the workup my thumbs up!

Jolyn: I thot it was 3.30pm too but when I got the shedule, it says 3pm woh. Never mind I'll call them and ask on monday

such freaking hot day today!

Jo Lyn, just finished my session with zaiton. Not bad. Liked her back n shoulder technical. Will definitely get her again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jolyn & ica: when are your starting yr antenatal class by Mrs Wong Boh Boi ? I ve also signed up for it leh! are we all in the same class? I am gg for the sunday one

hi jellypurin! great that u enjoyed yr aquafitness! the pool is heated one right? Now i cant wait to start in april [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]btw hor.. got pple wear bikini?

Today is so hot. Sweating like crazy.

Jellypurin: How big is the class? Wondering if I should go KKH to take but seems so far.

Jasline: Hope you are feeling better.


ya, got pple wear bikini... actually, best to go in 1 pc or bikinis cos hor, sometimes e top like the one i am wearing today may roll up bcos of our every growing bump!


the class in kept at 6 max bcos the pool is really small.


hope everything okie w u.

Hi all mummies,

Thanks for the concern.. =)

Everything went on well today.. BB is lying down n is cooperative.. Have my detailed scan too..

It's a BOY!!! Now in Wk 21, BB weight 370g...

Gynane said everything gd.. Juz need to monitor myself.. If have spotting than will need to bed rest..... Next appt will be 27 March again.. =)

Went to do some shopping n bought some present for the BB.. Kekeke.. =)

Will wait for the upcoming BB fair..


Can you help me to update:

MTB: Jasline Yee

EDD: 16 July 2010

Gynae: Dr Choo Wan Ling

Hospital: TMC

Child No.: 1

BB Gender: Boy

Million thanks..

Thanks Shann Yheng... =)

Today went to Robinson, (remember someone post that robinson have sales n bought a sterilliser too.. however I forget the price... ) Getting more n more forgetful... LOL..

Robinson selling Pigeon Sterilliser + Food warmer + bottle warmer @ $145... Is it worth???

If buy pigeon, than bottles also muz be pigeon brand ma???

Wanna ask mummies... Wat brand of sterilliser will u all be buying??

Jo_lyn, MrsLong, MinMin, stAr_xIn,

Still have not received any reply from Inspire Mum.. Shall see how, if free on Monday shall call up them personally n enquiry instead of waiting n waiting.. =)

Keep u all update..


Congras! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yup i am the one who posted. The 3 in 1 steriliser u saw at $145 comes together with either 2 pigeon bottles or 1 bb plates set. The price of $145 is before the 20% disc. Thus after disc, its at $116. And if you are robinson member, there is addition $5 off. The sterilizer can fit other brands of bottles, so no worries. We only get the normal sterilizer (ie dun have food and milk warmer) and tat only costs us $95.

Hi Sun_tan,

Thanks.. Oh ok.. I shall see wat is the price at BB fair than compare..

Cos I asked the sales person there, the nett price is $145.. No further of 20% nor the member discount.. So I was considering whether to buy or not.. =)

dear mommies!

I juz went for a swim today. Was panting like mad after one lap then after second lap..my tummy cramp very very badly. i was very scared so quickly stop. anyone has same experience?


Huh really? Cos the one i bought is on the same shelve as the one you saw and i did ask the sales person and she say got discount. Then when i paid, i was given the discount too. The one which i bought was priced at $125, so after disc i only paid $95.

AtomicKitten: Maybe you overexert. Bring a kickboard with you and use breast stroke to swim slowly.. it will help alot.

Jellypurin: Size of 6 looks good. Maybe will consider. Hehe!!

Jasline: Glad to hear u are fine. Now you can set your mind to rest.

I also bought something for BB today. Went to the dog carnival and bought a blanket for BB. Must emphasize.. it's not for dog use.. Haha!!. It's the kind of blanket which uses small pieces of cloth to be sewn together. It's done by an 80 yr old grandma. I really love the blanket cos when a kid.. my grandma will sew one for each of us. Now, grandma old le.. not nice to ask her to make one for BB and hardly see anyone selling. So decided to buy one even though quite ex. Cost about $35.

I also went to the website which Siti recommended and bought a few things too. So happy that I finally am starting to buy things for BB.

Siti: I saw my ex colleague has one too.. Wonder where she bought it. It's so cute. I like the cow one. Hehe!!

AtomicKitten: If you had just started swimming, always take it easy. Maybe swim one lap and rest before continuing the 2nd one. We are just trying to work out our pelvic muscle.. so dun over exert. The kickboard can help us to support our upper body weight.. so we just use our legs to swim.

jasline, glad to hear everything ok.

ann, i love your photos Capella. your furbabies looked like they really enjoyed their holiday. you managed to get a stroller for them too!

babycoco: Ya.. they were so happy.. especially the westie.. she love the long couch by the window.. she lay there most of the times looking outside at the pple in the pool and at the restaurant and suntanning herself... Haha!! Even at night, she also use it as a bed. A nice lady from the dogsforum actually lend me the stroller. Without the stroller, I couldn't have bring them around Sentosa so easily now.

atomickitten -- i went for swim ytd.. i normally will jus do walking in the pool.. and if bb is very active inside, i will jus rest.. if u had not been swimming frequently before preg, then u shud not exert urself too much

i was walking in the pool at the 1.2m height.. walking helps to reduce retention it i feel more energetic after that.

at one point, bb start to bb actively machiam very panic like tat.. so i got up and went to the kids pools to join my niece and nephew...

and because of the pressure, i dunno why.. but i keep gg toilet.. -.-

take it easy...

Oh.. just now I was at in law place having dinner. My MIL actually wanna discuss about the plan of taking care of BB. My hubby say confinement will be done at our own house which my MIL say ok. Then after that BB will be taken care by my FIL and maid when I started working. MIL will buy a cot and put it in their room for BB to sleep and the maid will sleep in the living room. I told MIL that I would bring BB home at night and bring back in the morning. MIL say dun really need to.. can let BB stay and just bring home on weekend. Then hubby say see how when BB is born, but will bring home at night to take care and see how.

I think MIL can sense me being uncomfortable with BB staying with them most of the week and I only bring BB back on weekend. After dinner when sitting in the living room, she told me that even if only bring back weekend, BB will still be close to me cos I am her mummy afterall. Then I told my MIL that maybe I am used to seeing my mum always bringing us home at night.. so I also wish to do the same thing for BB. But I told MIL if I really have to work late (cos I do events at times), I won't bring BB home. But if I end work at normal time, I wish I can bring BB home. Just wanna be close to him. Luckily MIL quite understanding, she say that's ok. No problem.

Actually I also feel bad if they have to even take care of BB at night. Maid daytime have to do housework and look after BB, nighttime I think she deserve a good rest. Or else daytime how to look after BB? FIL also the same. MIL has to work.. cannot expect her to wake up in the night to take care of BB.. next day how to concentrate at work? And my hubby's sisters too.. one working and one studying. Not nice for them to suffer when me and hubby sleep like a pig nicely in bed at night ma.

Ann : I thought MOM rules maid cannot sleep at living rooms. My exmaid sleep in a room, than a letter came asked her go for MOM interview. Lucky she got room to sleep, my hubby told me the officer asked the maid soo many stuff and we passed the MOM requirement.

Another friend of mine, her maid share one room with her mother. Maid sleep with a single sofa bed beside her bed ridden mother. MOM came to her house in the day cause maid cannot go interview at MOM office. The officer took pictures and even asked the maid to demo where she sleep and how she sleep. They took all pictures.

So must be careful.


Did you do some warm up/stretching exercise before you start? I went for swim (at 8pm+) just now too. Dun wan ppl to stare at my tummy :p i used to swim before preggy and i can easily go up to 15 ~ 20 laps, but just now was my 1st time after preggy, and i got tired after 5 laps. Decided not to exert myself, thus stopped at 5 laps. But am feeling very refresh now after the swim [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sun_tan : no leh.. i didnt do warm up b4 my swim. But i have been doing my long walks either in park or treadmill. before preggy i used to do 10-15 laps but juz now after one lap i panting heavily liao! Also, I feel so weird while swimming. It's like something floating inside tummy like that.

