(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

babycoco>> haha..ya i know but bo pian, this is the more suitable timing for the remaining 3 (plus myself).

So if really no choice, then cannot "start" the sessions already.

Hi Jasline, I usually knock off at 6pm so the earliest time to reach Bartley is 7pm. I stay at Serangoon so Bartley is near my place. So, ok. But, 19th Mar may be a bit tough for me as I will have to work late that day. Weekends are not so rush for me as my work requires OT at times.

Noknok: Handphone number ah? Whose number is that? I think when i called, it was connected to a mobile phone too.. but no one picked up. Dunno is the same number or not.

mrslong: 9.30am is the latest you all ok with the timing? U PM ur address first can? I c if i can. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasline: Wonder InspireMum really got so gd biz anot. Keep on no one pick up. Haiz.. Later we cant start on 19/03 lor!! Hahaha..

Jo_Lyn>> Yes, so far 3 of us ok with the timing.

Will PM u my address.

But still subject to changes cuz must confirm have enough "participants" 1st then I email Inspiremummy to check.


for wkend Will have to depend whether others can or not... Anyway we haven confirm with the person in charge yet.. Been trying to call but no one pick up...

Let me confirm with the person in charge 1st... Mayb the time n date we can work out again..


I also dunno gd or not but find it weird that how come no respon at all.. If come to worse, I will might as well sign up the one at kk lor... ^___^


I emailed them last wed or thurs(cant remember) but no respone. I followed up with another email on Friday also no respone. Tried calling on sat same thing, but i tot sat maybe they busy. But been calling for the whole of this morning and even just now, also nothing..

argh abit fustrating. Seems like all mama are waiting for the response from them.

mrslong: saw ur email. I let ya know by tonite ok. Must sort out my schedule first cos really abit early.. Hahah.. But i am keen! By the way, what do we need to prepare ourselves with? Do we need to get a yoga mat or what?

Wah.. so many mum cannot get reply ah.. I'm going down tml evening... I help you all ask... drop me a PM for the emails that you all use can?? and the class on enquiry.

suntan - I emailed her last wed too leh... then got response a few hours later regarding changing of my registration. Which email address do you all use??

just when we need them to reply ASAP, they went MIA.

cannot be "closed down" & run road liao rite? hehee.

JoLyn>> Actually, am also not sure but maybe just a yoga or exercise mat will do i guess.

Ya lo.. maybe today got emergency so close shop.. but cannot be only one staff in the shop right? Like so poor thing.

Hi, I'm looking for someone who wishes to earn some extra pocket money as a domestic helper for my mum. This is because my BB will be looked after by my mum who's already taking care of my one-year old nephew. I need her to preferably stay around Geylang and Katong area and her duties are light housework and looking out for the kids. Would appreciate any recommendations.

try this email instead.

[email protected]

Every time I go down hor, I only see one person there leh.. other then the instructor that's teaching inside the room... timing where there's no classes dunno if anyone there not.. hee

u all dun scare me leh.. I got package with them liao leh..

but they're definitely moving in June.. Katong Mall going to renovate liao..

Hi Mummies, sorry to disturb. I am from Jan 2010 thread and have the following items to let go:

1. Pigeon Natural-fit Manual Breast Pump – bought at $59.00, selling at $45.00, condition: 10/10, used ONCE only as my cousin handed down an electric dual pump to me. Includes 2 nursing bottles with sealing disks for breast milk storage, adaptor to allow usage with wide-neck nipple, and user manual. Basically everything that came in the package are intact, except for 1 nipple teat which I have used for my LO and thus not hygienic to sell. :p


2. NUK breast milk containers (in 4) – bought at $42.20, selling at $30.00, condition: 9/10, no defects at all, used for a month for storage of breast milk only. Selling coz I have stopped breastfeeding after LO turn 1 month. Bottles are compatible with NUK premium choice teats.


3. Moms in Mind Sarong Carrier (Sateen in grey colour) – bought at $48.00, selling at $40.00, condition: 10/10, opened for practising twice at home only but NOT worn outdoors before at all. Selling coz received another handdown pouch sling from friend and also receive a pram as gift during LO’s full month, so doubt I will have any use for this sling, dun wan it to go to waste.

Price negotiable for sincere buyers. Please PM me if interested, collection venue can be arranged.

Thank you.

Hi ALl.. i am a july mummy too...= )

Anyone has 1st child jealous problem? Suddenly, my DD suddenly keep finding "mama".. everywhere she go!!!

mrslong and jasline:

I am staying in pasir ris n i m fine w either bartley or sengkang... i liked it on sat..so sat 930 is nt an issue i tink..haha.. but but...horz.. is de company 'safe' cos the details of no one picking up calls n no one in centre is kinda scary..pls pm me details if it is on!! but 19 mar i like got course...

staRXin>> eh...you're referring to the aquafitness organised by Jasline issit?

Cuz for Sengkang, it's the pre-natal pilates session which I am organising...so dun get confused leh, haha.

I am losing concentration at work.. though still alot of work to complete.. so tired. Did not sleep well last night.

Jo-Lyn>> I bought the Bugaboo bee! Love the way it looks, very sturdy too.

Mummies...are we planning a makan gathering soon?

I was just looking thru my wedding photos and i really miss the days when i am consider as SLIM!! Sob sob sob......

sun_tan: Yesterday a Rainbow agent came to my house.. the first thing he commented was you look stunning in your wedding photos. You must be very pretty before. I was like what you mean by before.. now I very ugly is it. Haha!!

vivi and sweetkiss,

Inspiremum finally replied. Have fwded the email to your account. Have a look and let me know ok?

Jasline: InspireMum also replied. You check the how deep the pool is and get back to them ok? Seems like they quite tight in the schedule, hopefully still can make class for us..

finally inspiremummy replied all the enquiries, hehee.

Me still waiting for the 4th partipant to join us before I can email them further to enquire/confirm.

Serene Tan -24 Jul, YOu?

Hee.. today bb veri co-operative.

So guai! Proud of him! Yesterday he kick quite a lot.. guess that he is excited too? lol.

WIll be scanning the pic to FB soon! Hee.. saw his bird bird.. can buy more blue liao! I bought dull colours and white.. cos scare if not boy ger wear not nice.. Yeah! Shopping soon!

BB average weight -351gram nia.. as compared to others seems bit small eh.. but doc nv say about this yet. just say that its my honeymood period now, can eat whatever I want! kekeke.

starxin>> U confirm mah? Cuz if confirm want to join, then have 4 confirmed so far already.

It'd be on every Saturday @ 9.30am, my place @ Sengkang.

With that then now I'll email inspiremummy to check.

Hi all July mommies!! Im new here, please add me to the list!

MTB: Jaclyn

EDD: 12 July 2010 (exact same bday as me!)

Gynae: Dr Adelina Wong

Hospital: TMC

Child No.: 1

BB Gender: Boy

So many baby fairs and sales upcoming, are you all preparing to buy everything now in March?? Really got so much things to buy lor!! All I have now are a few rompers but I am excited to start buying everything this month during the expos/sales!!

one more thing, any of you experience pain at your tailbone? Whenever I sit too long (like watching a movie), i have discomfort at my tailbone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Sun_tan: I just said nothing lo.. I am indeed turning ugly. Even my relatives say that. Hai.. When I told hubby, he just giggle. Stupid man!

Inspiremum: Oh.. the girl returned my call too at about 6.50pm. I thought the shop should be closed at 6pm. Hehe!!

