(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

hi mommies,

need advice from you gals again..

i have found a nanny near my house thru a helpful forum mommy.

The nanny looks nice to me..but the problem is when she carried my bb, she cried like hell ..

nowadays my gal very particular, she only allows my parents, my hubby n i to carry her..other ppl carry her she ll cry..

so if i send her to nanny's house, i very scare she ll cry until lost her voice..

i think it's the best for my gal to be under my mum's care..the only drawback is we cant see her everyday.

we can only see her 1 week once although from spore to my hometown is only 2 hours drive..

when she starts solid food later, i'm not sure nanny ll cook nutrient food for her or not..

but with my mum, i know my mum ll cook fish, scallop porridge etc for her,,

my hubby n i used to work very late, if she is here with us, i oso afraid we have no much time for her and it ll be tiring for us to rush bek n fetch her everyday..

in dilemma now!! pls kindly advice..


wow.. so ex ah. ya think either i go with hubby first to take the rides or wait till bb is older.

ann: some websites got teach u when is the best time to try & the type of foods u and ur hubby must eat in order to increase chances of a preferred gender.. for me my cycle not regular, when wanna try must buy ovulation strip liao haha!

vernie & Jasline: This is the thread link, http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/5/4572433.html?1294277317. Go try try and see what the person say lo. Hehe!!

Jasline: Wah.. 7.45am, I just left home to send Kayden to my in law house lei. Hehe!! Sure can arrange one. Maybe when hubby not driving me home or maybe weekend I can also drop by to pass the powder to you. Or you going to take leave anytime soon?

Sweetkiss: My cycle very regular but I think better not for me to test when I am ovulating cause will add stress. If it comes, it comes lo. Actually, I just ask the person to help me calculate for curiosity nia. Wanna see such thing true or not. Haha!! Of cos if I get girl, then good lo but get another boy also not tat bad. Hehe!!


you're very funny. LOL "... told the person, I just want to be lucky nia.. no need extremely lucky..". ok, i will also go kaypoh also

Mamil Gold Stage 2 400g

i've one sample tin. anyone interested? expiry Jun 2012. i itchy hands, requested but now i think i'll just stick with Enfa

ica: Haha!! Ya lo.. cause if extremely lucky will get twin lei.. I only need 1 more baby then enough liao. So just need to be lucky nia. Haha!! I not very greedy one.


since you're working late most days, if your baby is in Spore, then it may end up as if you're a weekend parent. with a nanny, the environment is different from one where baby grows up with loved ones (unless you get a nanny who is a real diamond!) - a nanny will just take care of baby, may not have the time to play with baby and stimulate baby's mind. since your baby is not used to unfamiliar faces and you're only 2 hrs away, why not leave with your parents? this way, you have peace of mind. just my opinion, not advice

my aunt placed my cousin with a babysitter. once my mom went to visit my cousin, the kind of food the nanny served didn't look nutritous at all - white rice, soy sauce and bit of vege and meat. not that i want to scare you but the level of care is different lor

whatever your decision is, i know you only want what's best for your baby. don't despair ya. every cloud has a silver lining. make lemonade if life gives you a lemon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahaha! but i don't mind twins as 1st children, one boy and one girl. then close shop oredi. that was my wish lah. i supposed God gives you what you need, not what you want

oh, i heard that it's harder to get girl than boy. something to do with the sperms. dunno how true that is

ica: I also don't mind twin as 1st time.. my gf lo.. she got twin - 1B1G.. lucky for her, but she still going to try to have a few more babies la. Haha!! Her twins just turn 1 yr old. But hoh, she nearly went headwire with her twin. But once she got the hang of it, she is ok liao. Really hard to get girl meh? I look ard me hoh, my frens, colleagues, mostly popping girls lei. Can't even find one that is popping boys. Now all the boy gift sets which Kayden received also cannot give away. Haha!!

hi ica: thanks for your advice..

if so, u think when i should bring my gal over?

at 1st i think to bring her over when she is 18 mths old..that time i can put her in childcare..but my hubby think that it is too young for her to enrolled CC..

ya, the food is one of my concern too..your cousin's nanny consider good loh..last time my cousin's one only gave plain rice with MSG soup!!


that's what i heard lah, about the boy-girl sperm thingy. dunno how true. but most of my colleagues get boys 1st, then only girls


not advice lah but if i put myself in your shoes, that's what i'll do lor. i know it's hard but for baby's sake. i sent my baby back to KL with my mom for 3 wks and suddenly one night, i just cried for no reason. hubby wanted to drive back to KL that weekend to see baby but i hardened my heart and insisted no. during those 3 wks, i just look at my baby pics on my phone lor and called back every day, like 3x a day! hahaha

no lah, i think 18m to CC is ok. i have friends who sent their babies to IFC. but easier to fall sick but sometimes can't be helped, especially if there's no one to help take care of bb. we must count ourselves lucky that our parents willing to help us take care

MSG soup?? that's bad. might as well just pour MSG down the throat lah. so maybe leaving with your parents is best? according to my mom, my cousin's complexion was really good before he went to the nanny

Just visited the link Ann shared. The way Jolyn talk machiam like those shi Fu! If really zhun must let us know! I also want girl for #2.

How much cereal do you all give to bb now? I'm giving 2 teaspoons with 20ml BM morning and afternoon. Baby will take abt 5 to 6 milk feeds of 130ml. He's 6 mths now.


so far.. I stay Hougang and work tampines...

can we meet at town aft work to collect??


wow so interesting.. I also hope for a girl.... but not so fast...

look like u most of u planning for dragon bb...


not possible to take any leave cos i juz started the new job.. if tat the case, we exchange hp no. than we dicuss from there how we mit up ba.. or mayb wkend if u gng anywhere we can arrange. I will PM u my mobile no. than u msg me k.. =)


Hi Mummies

I have two singtel web mobile to let go...

pls email to [email protected] for more infor

preloved mobile web cameras only used for 4 months..

excellent condition!

can use it to monitor ur toddler or maid simply make a video call =)

thx you =)

i have an Enfapro voucher to give away, $5 off 900g tin since my bb dun take it.

redeemable at cold storage, giant, shop & save, guardian and market place. Valid till 28 Feb 2011.

or if u happen to have similac vouchers, can exchange with me? $3 or $5 ones are ok.

Any mummy interested? PM me with ur address okie? i will bear normal postage cost~ first come first serve. haha..

sweetkiss: saw ur post at the swimwear spree. I also buy fr the gal. Their swimwear so nice hor!! Finally can bring enzo go public pool. Cos i only have bikini now and not so daring to wear! lolz

kat: my bb takes 2 dessert spoons of cereal mixed with milk, followed by 150ml milk abt 2 hrs later. without cereal she drink 210ml of milk every 3-4 hrs. i make 30ml milk then mix with cereal into the consistency i want. leftover milk i spoonfeed her.

last nite so funny. my gal can recognize her milk bottle is her food. so yesterday, i waved her bottle at her and she got super excited and spread out her arms like wanna take it. then my hub go disturb & took the bottle & walked out of the room... my gal who was sitting on my lap kept looking at the door waiting for her daddy to come back, but he didnt so she started crying softly and started to suck my boob (I had clothes on)! LOL! i so long nv latch her and she nv does that anymore since but somehow, she knows my boob is another source of milk. hahaha!

jolyn: yah!! nice rite! i was attracted by the "slim look design" coz can cover tummy, esp the stretch marks lo! im going to bring my girl to public pool so must wear nice nice one.. hahaha!!! i got the 4pc set so if i ever feel confident to wear bikini again, can wear mah! ur figure so gd.. can flaunt lah! lol

carol: oh thanks! u can mail to me ma? where do u stay? do u wanna exchange for the enfapro?

Afternoon mummies,

Wanna to check with mummies here how to obtain S26 sample. I only know nestle, friso and dumex can be obtain online or calling... Can share?

SK: wahahahah BB K is so cute !!!

my BB C oso knows the bottle is milk, will stretch her arms to get the bottle.

Wondering when BB can hold their own bottle to drink milk, then I can do other things while BB is drinking milk.

ya lor! my friend's son can hold le.. but K cannot, she likes to smack the bottle non-stop with her palm when drinking, or smack my leg.. sometimes make until the whole btl drop.

i gave K use avent magic cup. but the teat there i use her usual bottle teat.. tot can train her to hold with the handle.. but she also dun wan to hold. yet if give her teething toy she hold and suck until very shiok.

Sweetkiss & Lyn,

U all bought swimwear for youself or bb??

Where can buy for swimwear for boy??


Hahhha I was thinking mayb we can organise a swimming session. alot of babies swmimming together.. I think it will be fun.. =P

SK: wahahaha ! Agree with you !

Many times BB C face/cheek/neck/around mouth all milk ! (keep pushing n hitting bottle lor)

But her toys n teething toys all hold very tight !

Haa for my case it's opposite. S will grab hold of his bottles until very tight. Machiam like afraid tat I will take away his bottle.


Let me share with you my daily schedule. I must leave work by 6pm or latest 6:15pm (my boss is aware that I need to leave office promptly). Reach home by 7 / 7:15pm, quickly shower , take dinner (no time to cook unlike before, have to tabao), boil hot water, sterilize bb bottles. Then go pick bb up from nanny by 8pm. I will play with him for about one hour, give him his last feed by 9plus pm and prepare him for bed. He will usually fall asleep by 10pm plus. If I need to work late, I will continue at home after bb sleeps. Each day I get to spend about 2 hours of his “awake” time with him. I’m not sure how late you have to work or whether your company allows working from home, but if u do not have much time to spend with bb, like what ica said, perhaps it is better for you to leave your bb with your mum. After all JB is not that far away.

On the food part, so far I’ve been preparing purees and giving them to the nanny to feed my boy. When it is time for bb to start porridge, I plan to prepare stock & buy fish for the nanny to cook. Have to keep fingers crossed that nanny won’t feed bb msg soup! Nanny has been good so far, can see that she love my boy very much.

Just one thing you might want to think about. It is still far away but have you thought of who will help you look after your bb when she starts nursery , kindergarten or even primary school? I plan to continue my boy with the current nanny till he goes to kindy/school and have the nanny take care of him after school. I’m not sure full day CC covers kids until which age though. So if u plan to have such arrangement, then you might want to consider starting your bb early with the nanny?

SK, beannie: My bb also same pattern. See milk bottle will smile and stretch hand out to grab. But when he is drinking he will be lazy to hold. He only holds it when he is done drinking and want to play with the bottle! faintz!

me and hubby also dun cook, for those mummies who wanna save the hassle to tabao and wondering wad to eat everyday, can try those 3dish+1soup kinda catering. but they deliver food early like 4-5pm and hang it outside ur door. so u need to have a microwave to warm food (for us, we v chin chye so heat up soup only).

i ordered from Neo garden, so far the food is not so bad & it saved a lot of my time. can go hm straight after work.

hi sk, i have emailed u..

no need to reserve the enfapro voucher to me as i plan to let bb takes enfalac until she is 1 year old..thanks for your offer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SK: I also cater dinner from Neo Garden but this month I stop le...a bit sian with the food and my hubby travelling for business...maybe will continue again after CNY...so this month gotta tabao dinner daily...


swimming.. anywhere or mummies out there we can arrange bb swimming together.. Or u may wan to come my house here swim.. =) no ppl de.. is an old condo...


oh swimsuit for ourself.. shall go take a look.. kekeke.. Thanks... bikini.. i think cannot wear liao..


ur bb now drinking enfalac, the yellow tin from birth to 12mths ma?? I have 1 unopen tin, will u be interested?? =)

vernie, can try others? we collected a lot of those leaflets.. going to try different ones every mth lo. haha. but we only order mon-thurs.. fri can eat outside.. hehe

Hi vernie, thanks for your sharing..

actually i would like to send you pm msg regarding to this matter as i know you oso got a nanny to look after yr boy..

but afraid ll give u a shock..haha..

well, actually our daily schedule is very busy too..normally my hubby n i knock off at 7pm(if no ot), but if ot, he might work til 9pm or even 11pm++!!

then for me, b4 i preggy, normally i leave office about 8/9pm++..

by the time we reach home after taking dinner, it's abt 8pm++ if no ot..

well, by nxt year, both of our working place ll be shifted to town area, by that time i think takes even longer for us to travel form office to home..

my office hour til 6pm, after my office move to paya lebar, i think i ll reach home by 8pm even if i leave on time..

this nanny only wants to look after 1 baby, which i think can hardly get a nanny with 1-1 attention..

but like ica said, it is the best to have our own family to look after our bb..

on the other hand, i oso worry nxt time when i wanna to bring my gal over, i can hardly find a nanny who able to provide 1-1 attention n stay nearby to my hse..

Jasline: thanks for your offer, i bought in bulk, ady stock up 1 carton as i heard the price might increase soon..


ok.. no pro.. =)

Btw where u live? ur journey from office to home like so long... =)


hahhaha.. dun have lei.. bb need warm water to wash up.. lol.. u come up my house to wash up lor... =x

Jasline: ai yo! if organising swimming trip for BBs, so many BBs going up ur house to wash up very pai seh lar ! *shy*

Lets see got what other solution...

Interested mommies for BB swimming cum gathering, come give suggestion.



hahahaha... =) I was laughing when reading ur post.. Ya mummies interested can give more suggestion....

U should have receive my add via sms right.. before u come jux let me know in advance.. wkday mostly will be at home cos aft work will go back liao... wkend lei, will need to arrange cos gng back to my ah ma house... =)

