(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Kat: Ya.. i thought bb will like it. Actually I don't like avocado taste. Don't know is it baby take after my taste. Haha!!

Oh.. I saw in Facebook, this lady do have hanamuguri baby carrier for sale lei. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Princess-Delights/109283725797113?v=photos#!/album.php?aid=7593&id=109283725797113

Difference between Nan Pro and HA is HA is easier to digest, HA is a little bitter as compared to Pro. HA is manufactured in Switzerland and Pro is in Phillipines.


Kat: pro is normal fm. Ha is for bb who are sensitive ... Like my bb, sensitive nose n me n hb got eczema will take ha.

What carrier is that? Looks like an x at the back when use?

SK: Wah...u r so young! Me not too particular about zodiac, just that 2012 will mean 2 years age gap which is nice. Then ppl always say Dragon year will have baby boom, even normal school near house also sometimes cannot get a place.

charliebrown: Ya.. age gap of 2yrs is gd. Hai.. leave to fate ba.. sometime the more we wan, the more we don't get. So let nature takes its own course ba.


don't worry about the chinese zodiac. i'm a tiger, my mom is a dragon and hubby is a snake. all living happily together. hahaha!

ya lor, my grandma told my mom when she gave birth to me not to be overly fussy in cleaning baby bottles and feeding

i don't mind a happy accident ;)


it's true - there's always a spike in births in the year of dragon. it came out in ST before - they did a 2 or 3 cycle analysis. lol. and everything seems to cost more for dragon year babies. but once #1 gets into a choice school, then no need to worry about younger siblings - they get priority mah

Kat: Gmarket also selling the carrier lei. It states $11. Sounds like too cheap to be real lei.

ica: Haha.. I can only hope both babies not so fierce lo. Baby K is very fierce one lei. Scary sia.

Hi Hi

I am so busy recently finally for time to log in...kind of miss you all ...

planning for dragon bb meaning this yr aug like tat can get pregnant


wahahaha! maybe all tiger babies are fierce. mine is very rough, like a samseng. yesterday she kept putting her fists into her mouth, so my mom "punished" her by putting both her arms into her PJ pants, then place her on my bed. she just flipped onto her tummy, with both hands still in her pants! she managed to free one hand and quickly stuffed her fist into her mouth!

Ann: u very funny lei!!!! gd luck to u… must share with us when u got good news! although I dun mind a #2 within the nxt 2 years, I still scared of my over sticky MIL.

Sigh! At mum’s house she already buay paiseh come everyday till 9-10pm when I doing confinement.

Now got own house, I dare not think wad pattern she will have lor.

Beannie: Today I received an email from Nestle saying will give me a NAN 400g sample. I wanted to try the NAN HA too coz my hb got asthma and sensitive nose.

They advised me to take NAN Pro 2 instead since my gal on other brand so might nt get used to the NAN HA. My gal on Similac and she poos once every 4-5 days. I read that most bb poo daily when on NAN so I wanna try lei.. but hor I just stocked up so many Similac liao. Butt itchy leh me…

Vernie: not young loh.. haha already past my mid 20s this yr. so faster settle my factory then I can quickly close shop and have more time to myself when the kids are older.. so I can concentrate on learning to be a HIP mum. Lol! Kidding!!!

Actually I always felt that a 3 yr gap is better… Because if 2 yr gap, #1 will be in P1 when #2 goes to K1. then u need to be there to settle both kids’ emotional needs on their 1st day of sch.

but if happen to have a dragon, nvm still can cut some costs using #1's stuffs...

SK: Aiyoh..u say u past mid 20s...my age does not even begin with a 2 anymore. Haha! You have an interesting analysis of the 2 yr gap...never thought of that before. My bb takes Nan HA, he poo-poos 2 to 3 times a day! Too much? I also want the free NAN sample - how did Nestle get your email?


you are relatively young! me past mid 30s. my view is that once in nappies, may as well all the way nappies. if take a break in btwn, i dun think i have the energy. old liao. hehehe


you've to sign up as member of nestle's baby club. then can get the welcome pack - choice of NAN HA or NAN Pro, 3 cereal packs, 1 gerber applesauce. got the promo email yesterday but i've signed up long ago

vernie: my baby is unplanned one.. if nt i also wont start a family till a couple of yrs more. but since nw already hv, then once and for all settle then close shop~!

i think poo 2-3 times shld be ok.. he gaining weight well rite? i asked my PD, she said some babies follow parents.. coz me is those few days once kinda person. hahaha..

oh u just go nestle webby and register.. i think frm there u can choose ur free gift.

ica, SK: Thanks for the tip on nestle. I go sign up later.

SK: Yeah, my bb is gaining weight well. I think he follow his daddy lar, poo-poo few times a day type! LOL!

SK: Ya..if I get #2, I announced big time here. You all know I not very pantang one. Told the whole world once I get preggy with Baby K. Haha!!

Nan HA tends to be bitter. So if bb did not start with Nan HA, sometime they might have difficulty taking it since Similac is sweet.

Wah all talking abt #2 alr? I miss the feeling of preggy but I dun think I m lookg fwd to get preg with #2. Cos this time round, there would be #1.. would be very tiring if preg then still need to 'chase' after #1 lol... And the worries of #1 n #2 getting along, will #1 get jealous etc etc... Haha maybe I worry too much. But hub says he want 3! Lol... I say no.. 2 max.

Haha Seems like a lot of us are going thru the same feelings. I also miss my preggy days, how I used to lie in bed at night & feel my bb move, and how cute she was as a newborn. I'm already in my late 30's probably no chance to have 2nd bb. So I'll look forward to good news from you young mummies. Will be nice to hear preggy stories.


wat time u finish work?? Can mit up at the Circle line for collection??


I interested to share with u.. 10 tin right??

But where convenient to collect from u too?? Circle line?? I live near Bartly MRT... =)

Talking abt the 2nd child.. I really miss when i'm preggy.. Is like wow life so miracle.. a living life is in the stomach... Nowadays when i see pregnant woman, i will tell hubby it make me think of myself when i'm pregnant.. Than when I see no one give up seat to the pregnant woman, i was like so angry... R all this ppl blind???

Mayb cos we been thru, we know how tought being a pregnant woman..

I also planning for my 2nd one on the dragon yr.. mean need to start from april onward lor.. am i right?? LOL.. however i also worry that dargon yr will be competitive for the kids when grow up.. let it naturally ba..

No matter wat i told my hubby will only open factory once my new house come this yr end.. =P


Ann, think I saw you and your hb at woodlands 888 for dinner just now, don't know it's you or not so don't dare to say Hi lol!

I close factory Already ,me 30+++ too tired to start all over..being pregnant is sooo tiring and eat all the food seems tasteless . 2 is enough haha

wah seems like many mummies here wanna go for #2 liao. Hopefully by then the mtb thread all similar ppl chatting. Hahaha!!

I also wish to ve #2 asap den can close shop. But my menses not back yet as i still bf-ing. Thou there is still chances of getting preggie but low chance lah. Meanwhile i bu se de to stop bf. Hahaha... Dilemma..

Anyone stop bf after 6 mths? Need advice.anyone highlight hair while bf? Do u throw away the ebm for the whole day after highlighting?

vernie (vernie)& Claudia Owyong,

Regards to the CNY romper that we wanna order.. sad to said that the one i wan no more liao lei.. only left other colour. sad! T_T


Low chance does not mean no chance.. Try mayb have 2nd one... =P Jia you!

Ling: I had dyed my hair twice already and i am bf-ing. Usually after dye, i pump n throw. By right is ok lah, but i throw one pump away to let myself happy. Hahaha.. Planning to dye and highlight for this coming cny too..

Jasline: Yeah man, ve liao will jio you go swimming. Lolx

jasline: oh really? sold out fast yah...i bought mine sometime end Nov/early Dec, that time got a lot of stock....me damn kiasu, bought so early!


Do u mean u can pick up at my place ma??

I stay near Bartly MRT. Juz 5min from BArtly MRT station...


Ya lor.. so sad.. hard to but CNY clothes for BB lei.. Now have to keep finding..Haiz! I like the romper.. so cute..

Thanks mummies for the links to get the minizone carrier. =) i was just about to buy from Princess Delights, luckily you all told me there are cheaper deals around! Hopefully still got stock. Gonna bring the little one to JB over the weekend and wanna bring a carrier along in case he gets tired of sitting in his stroller.

Oh, I also registered to get the free Nestle goodie bag, so not sure which type of FM to get...

Ling, I'm still expressing BM and I've coloured my hair once, and I still keep the BM.

I will try for #2 when #1 turns 1 year old, which is when I will stop expressing BM as well. Yea, if successful, then will be Dragon baby. But going to school shouldn't be that bad coz can follow #1. =)

I already bought CNY clothes for my boy, but not the traditional costumes. I managed to get some nice shirts and pants during Fox sale.

I also coloured my hair when BFing.. i gave bb the milk no problem.

i stopped BFing but still gotta pump once every 2 days to relieve the boobs. my menses havent come yet but everyday feel the cramp.. sometimes false alarm cos of heavy discharge. i think it shld be on the way liao! so long nv come i'm worried will be super heavy!

Anyone went Universal studios b4? I wanna bring kayleigh there but I am nt sure of the charges.

I wont be taking the rides but just walking around inside. How much is the entry?

Is the place kid friendly? Like too crowded to push stroller, etc?

jo_lyn - not neccessary bfing mean low chance of getting pregnant... actually it is easier to get pregnant during the first 6 mths after we gave birth...

anyone getting a bag for your baby to hold angbaos? I'm looking for one for my ger. Dont' want to mix up with those hangbaos in my bags... kekeke

Sweetkiss, my uncle went last week, he told me universal studios not baby friendly. Not much shelter, so when it's raining, or very sunny can't find anywhere to take shelter. I think it's $66 for adults. Free for children under 2yrs old.

Eliss, I'm also getting a bag for my bb. Metro usually sells those simple drawstring bags made of chinese brocade. Or can get from Chinatown $10/4. I usually buy for my niece every CNY.

ah - good idea, coco... i shall hunt for those... was thinking what kind of bag to get for her....

SK - i was there for the preview before universal studio official launch. Yes the place has limited shelter, it can be very hot if its sunny, or worst when its raining. I think the price for weekday is $66 per adult, if you are not going for the rides, it is very expensive just to go there to stroll. Dun forget you still need the parking fees if you are driving. The parking at RWS is like $7 per hour...

got bags for bb boys to keep hongbaos or not??? wahahaha!...dun think so bah.....guess i will just keep his hongbaos separately in my bag and be careful not to mix them up! :p

Morning mummies!

Sun_tan: Wah.. 3 ah.. very xiong lei. I went to another thread in SMH, this person help me to calculate when is good to have a girl and when the odds are high and also tell me if I am extremely lucky, I will get twin. I told the person, I just want to be lucky nia.. no need extremely lucky cause I just need 1 more kid only. I cannot imagine handling twin.

Jasline: Great!! Yup, half is 10 tins. Going to collect from the lady this Sunday. Can meet up and pass to you next week. I can meet you at Bartly stn since taking circle line is so convenient for me. But I can only meet you during lunchtime or before going to work cause at night, hubby will fetch me home so don't take the train. Let me know, ya?

Sito: Yup, that is me. Aiya.. next time must come up say hi ok? Hehe!!

Jellypurin: I still didn't get your PM yesterday lei. Don't know where it went to. Anyway, pls drop my order cause hubby say the shoes very ugly. Sob Sob!! Sorry abt it. That is the only pair I like.

Eliss: Sure.. meet up next time then.

Sweetkiss: Pay $66 to go in walk walk like not very worth it lei. Better to wait till bb is bigger then bring. Can play rides. I also yearn to go but then putting it off till Kayden is older.

S26 sample: Wah.. I call the company to get S26 sample and they told me will send to me in 4 to 6 weeks time. Super long sia. Other companies only take 1 week at most lei.

CNY clothing: Those traditional looking CNY clothing, I think quite hot right? I don't think Kayden will like it. So I think I will just get normal clothing for him for CNY. But hoh, I think I need to get him about 6 pcs of new clothes. Each day 3 pcs. Haha!!

Ann: Which thread u go to get the person to calculate? I want to kaypoh also...haha...but i won't be trying so soon yet, wait till bb turn 1 year old first. Hee!

2ND CHILD - I got resolution for this year so will be putting off having my second one until until next year.... hopefully by then still fertile... cuz I will closer to mid 30s liaoz haha



I also want to know who calculate for u.. Wanna kpo n try lei..

For the collection, lunch time confirm cannot. I'm working in tg pargar.. Hmmm if before work is around wat time? I usually leave house at 7.45am, from bartly station transfer to paya lebar station. U let me know how we can arrange. Thanks.

