(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


your baby is on the way there. mine can only flip onto her tummy and on her left side only. so no worry lah.

when her arms are stuck underneath, do you help your baby to free them? maybe you try not to, then your baby can learn very fast - survival instincts. when my baby first tried to flip, arms also kena stuck but we just stand aside and watch, see whether she was able to free them herself; step in only when she's about to cry. then after 2-3 times, she got over the fear and learned to free her arms



no lah. i didn't get the teddy - too ex. if after conversion about the same price, then i'd have gotten it right away. i have another bunny with long ears and hands on standby. she seems ok with it. hahaha

Sweetkiss: your bb gonna flip any time! and there is no turning back! LOL. I have to keep flipping bb back like roti prata cos my bb will get tired after sometime and he will eh eh eh and perspire. Hope bb can learn to flip back on his own soon.

SK: Yalor...tat's why, like Ann, i am not greedy...one more bb can liao...haha! Dun worry about flipping - ur ger will get there soon. My boy only recently (about 6 mths old) became more proficient at flipping while some bbs at 4 / 5 mths super expert at flipping liao. Once they know how to flip, we will be super busy watching out for them, not to mention, having more difficulties changing them!

My boy sleeps with this blankie (http://www.stuffedwithplushtoys.com/p/1165842/russ-baby-pink-blankie-comforter-doudou-.html) - blue version. Sometimes he will grab his Lamaze elephant which i place at the corner of his cot, play with it for a while, then sleep liao. But hor, like what ica said, if have not introduce blankie, then don't start. The blankie was a gift to my boy. I think it is beginning to be his chow chow. But i cannot tahan the drool there, so i send the blankie to the washer every week, ruining his chow chow! wahaa!

SK: BB K gona flip anytime ... then u will be happy n pek chek at the same time. hahaha !

Fighting with speed each time change diapers, wear clothing, drink milk etc.

Charlie: my bb infact knows how to flip from tummy to her back 1st. Now my BB even able to slow down when flipping back so that she will not hit her head hard.

(last time my BB cousins I have to make sure they dont hit their head else i sure get a scolding from my aunties !)

charliebrown: No lei.. my boy is still using his bean sprout pillow. Wanted to order one bolster for him but then quite ex. Dunno worth or not. Hehe!!

Claudia: You are right. Overtired babies find it harder to sleep. That is why I normally bring my boy to the room to sleep on his first yawn and rubbing of eyes.

vernie: When my boy talk loudly, I will "Sssshhh" him very loudly too. And he will keep quiet and look at me. Then he started shouting again. Then I "Sssshhh" even louder and he will stop awhile and look at me again. Then he will shout even louder. I think he thought I was playing with him to see who is the loudest.

Ica: I think if I have twin, hubby will faint in the gynae's clinic. Haha!! My baby like to do that too. Hold his head and shoulder like struggling to sit up like that. Sometime I will just let him sit up lo.

Now my boy back to normal again. He is not that clingy anymore but when he not happy or wan to sleep, he will still look for me if I am there. Now if he cry, my MIL will carry him to me if I am there. My MIL say he very manja. Like to be manja with mummy. Haha!!

ica: nope i let her do on her own... yah i agree let her learn by herself~!

even though she cant flip from back to tummy, she is very active in flipping halfway, change diaper really not easy!

Ica: He can sit but not very stable. Will timble to one side after a little while nia. He very ambitious one.. put him in his toy box to play. Sit him inside and he hold the sides of the box and pull himself to stand. If I am not there by his side, he would have topple out of the toy box liao.


see u mon.. got ur sms already !!!

Xbeanniex and quartzie

U can pass to me too... i PM my contact already...

ICA,Xbeanniex and quartzie

hehe.. i am happy to buy some little gift for the exchange... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] see u all...

i can meet at tampines, hougang or town after work abt 6-6.40pm


i saw the web ... hehe...


mine too .. so need 2 ppl.. one use his toy to distract him 1 change his diaper ....


its sample right... it is not a custom...

juz a little xin yi from me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yesterday my bb juz start eating nestle brand cereal today he consipation... haiz... b4 tat he is eating friso brand and was doing well...


think i will juz give fruit juice and more water to see if its help....

Ann >> I'm a twin too! I'm older by a min. My younger sis has 2 kids, one boy & one girl.

I also hope when I hv my No. 2, it'd be a girl.

At the moment, I dun think I am ready for a No. 2 yet, cuz I want to spend more time seeing my No. 1 growing up, etc. Deep down, I dunno if I can love another kid as much as I love my boy now or not, hehee.

Sweetkiss: Your gal high on her bolster!! Haha! My bb also likes to sleep on his side too at nite. So scared he will turn and sleep face down.

What diaper is she using on her sexy bum? so cute got pattern. Pampers and Mamypoko designs are boring.

Beannie: Means your bb can flip both ways already? Tum to back and back to tum?

yvonne: tamp ah... next monday night I should be at tamp !

Ann: the surname ang bao for 梁 - I can share with u.

Anyone ordering 黄 - can share share too !

hahaha !

Haha.. Ya lo she gets very high when u pass her her bolster! She's wearing Pureen diapers. But it's sticker type which I dun like. My dad bought for her cos got sale I think.

Junie: Of cos you will love your 2nd kid as much. Don't worry.

Sweetkiss: Haha!! She is so cute.

xbeanniex: That is great. You wanna order 2 different colours for the surname 梁? Or you just into 1 colour?

Ica, don't worry your bb will learn to sit up soon coz my bb E last time also like that before she can sit up by her own.

Bb E really give my maid and mum hard time as her every nap is 30-45mins only, hear abit of sound will wake up already..

hmmm 2 colors can ah ? thought i read is 100 per surname 1 colour option only, cannot mix.

If 2 colours = 200 pcs ready right?

hahaha 50 pcs of each colour = i have 100 pcs for the surname, hahaha got to reduce amount of each ang bao ready ! (kidding)

xbeanniex: We can mixed 2 colours for 1 surname. Like 50 Gold and 50 Red. So add up 100pcs for the same surname. But price is $19 instead of $18.50

if anyone wants to share 谢 let me know. i dont need a lot though...find the red packets small...

xbeanniex: So we go for 50 Gold & 50 Red? I go to the thread and post liao ok? Now I need to find pple to share with me for surname "Fu". In the thread also got pple buying the surname you are looking for lei.. why not ask if they wanna share with you?

hello mummies

i have 8 bottles of Enfapro Stage 2

expiry date is 7 May 2012

400g each.

$16 buck per bottle

take it all at $120

self collect from Seng Kang

sms @ 98511403

Gave my bb a few mouth of banana just now and immediate she develop rashes around her mouth! Will the rashes subside shortly ?

sito: think u monitor until tmr. if not ok then c doc. i think usually the rash will subside awhile later. try to give banana later part, dun gif now anymore. hope she is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Galen loves to smack on baby cot handle, and love to chew on the handle too, even his chewing toys just beside him..

and whenever he is awake, he will smack on the cot handle, until i am awake.. and he will waits patiently for me to wake up too... if not he will try to went back to slp on his own.. lol~~

and he bascially will throw all his toys out of his baby cot to the floor...

Morning mummies,

swim diapers: I am looking for reusable swim diapers for Kayden. Any suggestion? The one I saw at MummyKian and I like, it's sold out.

Sito, has the rashes subside? Think ur girl quite sensitive cos the other time she has it too after trying the organix rite? Hope she is ok nw.

Hershey: hee Galen goes all out to get ur attention doesn't he [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ang bao: interested too! anyone to share 李?

Ann: u still need the huggies ultra and piccolo? Hee have to faster use it liao otherwise v soon they gg to be L size!


I got S's from mothercare. Quite like it n can be use till up to 3 yrs old. There are a few buttons / velco n elasticity so can adjust when they grow.

bb E rashes subsided last night, tried feeding bb E pumpkin today morning and she also develop rashes again around her mouth.. She allergy to Banana & Pumpkin, don't know what she can eat?

Hi mummies.. Wah finally got my period today after 6 mths. Lol.. Kinda sian.. Went kite flying today and my girl had fun. But we were out whole day and she didn't nap much. So finally KO at 8pm. Think tmr she'll wake up at 7am.. I better slp early too! Gd nite mummies.

Sito: pumpkin also new food which u intro today? Maybe for now u dun try new food first, then u will know if it's the banana or pumpkin. Cos the rashes might be from yest's banana?

Sun_tan: How much is it? Nice?

Sito: Though got rashes, you still can feed her after a week like that to try again. In the meantime, maybe you can let her try Papaya, Pea puree, Pasnip puree, carrot puree.. still got alot of puree to let her try one.

quartzie: Ya.. must let them wear soon cause they very fast proceeding to L size liao. I think Kayden already L size le but still able to fit M also. Tomorrow around 11plus like that, I am bringing Kayden to Hwa Xia to swim at Northpoint. You wanna meet at Northpoint?

Today, I am so happy ,like I had strike the jackpot. Kayden called me MaMa loud and clear for the first time.

At my in law house, I walked past his exersaucer pretending not to look at him cause I know he wan me to carry. He start to act like he is crying soon and keep making noise. I walked past another time and pretend not to notice. His noise level increase again and he wanna cry le. I was wondering if he would cry. Then I walked past him again without looking at him. Suddenly, he shouted out "Ma Ma!!".. I was shocked and overjoyed. Even my in law and the maid in the kitchen heard him shouting Ma ma. I quickly pick him up and praise him.

On the other hand, daddy told him " Wrong.. must call Papa first". Totally ignore him. Haha!!

Ann: wow! i will cry if i am u.. happy like mad lor.. hahaha... kayleigh sometimes will cry and go "mmm mm mm" and i am happy to deceive myself she is starting to call mummy. haha! hope so!

Hi mummies,

I am new here, hope not too late to join in.^^

I am wondering is anyone giving her baby Friscocrem rice cereal? how long does 41/2 table spoon last for? My girl seems hungry after 2 hours. is that right?


Yup i like it alot. Cost abt $20+. You can see the pic below:


ann, my bb has also been saying "mama mama" especially when she's hungry. but it could well be "mamam" hahaha. anyway, like sweetkiss, i've been telling myself that she's actually calling me :)

eveyeoh, welcome. how old is your bb? you're feeding her 4.5 tablespoons already? my bb is 6months plus, she's taking 9 teaspoons but will ask for milk almost immediately. i'm wondering if i should increase.

Thanks babycoco, she just turned 6 mths old and just started her on soft solids few days ago. How bout yours? Sld be July babay also? so how long does 9 teaspoons last for?

Ya, I gave her only 1 table spoon the first but she wants more, slowly increase to 3, still not happy...so gave her 4.5 as per label.I thought rice cereal can last longer than milk, so surprise she actually seems hungrier!

Bb E still have rashes around her mouth today, she refused to drink milk today morning but when feed her sweet potato she's eating and smiling away.. Found that she likes eating puree compared to milk how ar?

Hi Mummies,

See from the previous post that u all r talking abt bb biscuit. see that u all talk abt this brand Heinz Teething Rusks right??? I today juz went to buy.. open up & wanna try b4 giving my bb to try... Is it so hard???? Was hard until I cannot even bite too... Is it like tat?? bb can eat ma?? now my bb is 6mths+


Did any mummies buy this b4?? Is it ok to let bb try??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4984760.jpg][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4984761.jpg]

quartzie : ya lorz.. really really wan me full attention on him.. he is so yaoh... gosh..

Ann : ya lorz.. i will have the same reaction like SK.. will cry lorz..

But i am not sure, whether does tat count.. rem 1 fine day galen called out "Ma..." then "Mi...." other words like "da (dog)" & "Jie" & "ya/yup"...

Sweetkiss: My boy also start with Mmmm Mmmm.. then now he could pronouce MaMa properly. I think yours will call you Ma Ma soon. No need to pretend anymore. Hehe!!

sun_tan: Oh.. ok.. will go down Mothercare shop to see see. Thanks.

babycoco: Maybe bb is really calling you and not referring to eating lei. Hehe!!

Jasline: I also bought the teething rusk for Kayden. He is ok with it. It just melt in the mouth. I also bought Happy Melts for him but had yet to try.

Hershey: Wah.. Galen can say so many words ah.. not bad lei.. for me, Kayden can only say MaMa and I think he say Bao Bao today too but not clear.



I just bought this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4986401.jpg] from NTUC yesterday. Already run out of baby first food to let Keila try. so i guess its time to intro her grains after tried avocado,pumpkin, apple, sweet potato.

Anyone tried this brand before. Dubious packaging i know but the ingredient listing like not bad leh...

