(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Jasline: dont laugh lar... i encounter this lo... My HB lar... say bring bb go his elder sister condo there swimming... then after swimming then realise BB got to shower cold water in the toilet shower area n the water force is very big lor...

lucky his sister is at home and just so lucky his sister's family all went out accept their in-laws at home. Then we brought BB up for a shower. So pai seh lo...

that's y dare not trouble you... 1-2 babbies still ok lar... but too many not nice lar...

plus plus ... after swimming, each bb got to take turns to shower, and if BB turn is right at the back, I am also worry BB might catch a cold - thou towel wrap tight on BB.

And after swimming, BB cfm very very tired, will want to drink milk/sleep etc.

So got to plan properly. Else BB will be in trouble. Thou sound troublesome, but more suggestions comes in should be able to straighten out then all BBs can enjoy swimming with each other !


oh dear.. i dun stay condo la but my plan was to bring bb for a swim, after that dry her and let her wear back her clothes, go home then bathe leh! my house to the pool is abt 10min walk..

SK: good idea !! I dont mind this too !

I also have the thought of bringing a small flask (500ml-800ml) hot water along. then use my HB's wash car pail to get cold water from side of the pool, pour the whole flask of hot water in. then quick shower for my BB C. As her skin gets rashes easily. So I thought of this as the easiest way to quick shower BB first. Go home then shower again.

Oh.. also can! or.. buy the travel tub from mummy kian. only $25 i think. can inflate it then bathe bb inside. quite convenient and can keep for future use when u bring bb overseas!


Dun worry lar…can PM me anytime. =)

Looking at your daily schedule, you definitely have to rush to pick bb and cannot afford to stay late in office. Otherwise, you will end up not having much time to spend with your bb. So letting your mum take care of her in JB will be less stressful for you. But you mentioned that you plan to bring bb back to SG when she is 18 mths old. Actually, if your schedule continues to be this busy, you will have the same problem of rushing in the future also. If send to CC, their pick up time is even earlier, usually by 7pm, otherwise there’s a fine imposed. $10 for every 10mins late or something like that. If send to nanny, you can agree on a suitable time. Of course there are many other pros and cons of CC vs nanny. If you are sure of sending bb to CC at 18mths, perhaps can continue to leave bb in JB. But if you prefer a nanny, and have found one that you like, maybe try for one month and see whether the new arrangement works?

Hi mummies, do your babies squeal, grunt or scream a lot when they're awake? Mine does. I think it's her way of self exploration, but just want to be sure it's normal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I've the following to exchange for Enfapro Stage 2 - 400g, pls PM me if keen. Thanks.

- Similac Stage 2 + $5 Voucher

- Mamil Gold Stage 2 + $5 Voucher

Apple_juice: hmm my girl doesn’t. normally she plays quietly by herself when she wakes up. I dun even know she’s awake till I went to check on her.

She’ll be sucking her bolster, fingers or toes. But, if she sleeps at my mum’s place, yes. Maybe she is not used to the bed there.

Sito, my no1 is in shichida now... We tried gug, zoophonics last time and I feel tat all those courses were a waste of time and money.. Shichida is good and my boy enjoys his lessons every week... But to make it effective you've to do home practice everyday( flash cards n play memory games)... I do the home practice for my 2 kids so can kill 2 birds with one stone... One term(12 weeks) cost $745+gst


mine does! her screams are ear-piercing loud. lol. i reckon she screams when she's happy

Hi Sugar,

Do you know where can we get the learning material beside getting directly from shichida.

I hvh registered my bb to attend shichida class this coming June.

Hi Sugar,

Do u remember how much will that cost for learning material "Master of Addition +1 to +10 (1workbook + cd) & random dot cards". Someone selling preloved shichida card for S$55 for the above mentioned items. Thanks

Sito, the no is 62209555... Can send babies as young as 3 mths

chez, If I remember correctly the cd cost $20+, the workbooks $30+ and the random dots $30+, you can buy materials from smh sprees here...my advice is don't buy yet.. Attend the lessons first then you'll know wat to get for your home practice activities...for now, you can try the number dots first but must flash very fast...

Yvonne, can i give u my 400g of Mamil gold too... hee my hb keep complaining everywhere very messy, want to throw it away but i find it so wasteful!

Or Ica can i pass it to u before u meet her on Monday? i can pass to u cck area no prob

Morning Mummies!

Sweetkiss: Can give bb bolster already ah...? I have not given my bb yet leh..but he does look "deprived" while sleeping..hahaha..if can and no worries for suffocation, I will give soon.

Wah you so young, my age also starts with 3 loh!

apple_juice: my bb also will squeal in delight..and scream too for no reason. hahah.

apple_juice, it's normal for baby to squeal & scream. pd said it's their way of exploring their vocal chords, perfectly normal. my bb goes thru phases where she will screech (ouch), squeal & talk. she's a little chatterbox.

Its ok Ica, can help me let yvonne know (just in case she nvr come in today) that i have a tin as well and can she PM me cos think she doesn't accept PM. Thanks!

Charliebrown: ya, my girl needs to sleep with bolster! Even if I carry her to sleep, must put bolster or pillow on her face one!

I think bad habit so I try to change the sheets and wash the pillow frequently in case she gets used to the smell.

She will cry in the middle of the nite if her bolster rolls away from her.

I think for bolster, no issue with suffocation cos it will roll mah. Plus bb quite big liao, she knows how to pull it away since it is not heavy.

Anyway nowadays bb dun want to be carried to slp. If I carry, she will arch and flip her body here and there.

Then when I put her on the bed, she will hum to herself.. cos I usually sing to her.


So I join in and sing while she hums, then she sleeps on her own. I hope this will continue! My arms can rest!

Morning mummies.

Totally shag for me today. Battle with Kayden to get him to sleep last night for 1 and half hr. At least I didn't submit to the temptation of the yaolan. Haha!! Kayden took too long a nap yesterday (from 2plus to 6plus) and that's why he cannot sleep last night thus keep fussing. Hai..

At least tonight I will get a good rest and tomorrow I am going for my cooking class. Finally something for myself to do during weekend.

Sweetkiss: So you asking for girl too? Ya, I am a twin myself but my mum drop one when I was still in her tummy. My late dad say I grow on one side of her tummy nia. Haha!! Nvm la.. I only need one more bb. Haha!! Cannot imagine 2 more. I will faint.

Your bb so good. My bb nowadays, carry him to sleep like wan his life, he keep struggling. I put him down on bed and pat him to sleep, he also struggle. So in the end, we just struggle with each other untill he tired then sleep lo.

charliebrown: If you scare bb will suffocate, you can try giving the bean sprout bolster.

haha SK - Keila also sometimes hums herself to sleep but most of the time unsuccessful lah...

Does your BBs still nap a lot? My girl sleeps little in the day now.... aiyo

Ann: omg.. then the "shi fu" very accurate leh!!! nope i asking for boy since already got gal. but i like girls, another one also can. both can go shopping with me and bully daddy together!

Eliss: yah K also sleeps very little! she naps like 2-3 times a day but each nap less than 2 hrs. but gd thing is she will want to sleep by 10pm..

does ur bb love to smack things? my girl smacks everything!!! as K is still sleeping with me, when she wakes up in the morn she keeps smacking my face or my chest. if i turn my back on her she smacks my back non-stop till i wake up and she will smile at me! sometimes i pretend to go back to slp but peep at her, she is looking at me waiting for me to wake up, if not she continues to smack me or fling her bolster ard, which hits my face!

oh she enjoys throwing stuff too. every nite will throw her bolster down and i gotta pick it up so many times! same goes for her toys~ *faint*

yes - she loves to smack her own tummy and our faces but I will grab her hand and resist her... not good la, scare becomes habitual but i think its their motor skill development ba.

ya she will also grab her hanky when she's feeding and threw it away...sometimes she will yank off her feeding bottle... then I will reprimand her (i'm a fierce mummy by the way :p)

i pei fu u mummies who are planning a 2nd one! I would like one but can't quite imagine going thru it all again! Not to mention my hubby seems abit scarred and wants to stop @ 1!

my baby has been stirring quite a fair bit past 2 nights and cry in the middle of the night. Hasn't done that for a long while... hopefully its cuz he is teething (i rem some mummies experiencing the same?) So think @ night sleeping quite little now...

eliss - babies are supposed to nap lesser rite? But supposedly their night time sleep should be longer.. Is it the case for keila?

Mine still average 2.5 to 3.5 hours a day but quite sian when he wakes up after 40mins and refuse to sleep type.. dunno what to do with him!

eliss. my boy at IFC not sleep much. at most one nap is 3hours... but i put nearly 12 hours and he sleep like that consider veri little..

But at home at most 8+ a bit he go zzzz...

since 2nd month he is already like that le..

Sweetkiss: But the "shi fu" also say I must be extremely lucky then can get twin so I just be lucky can le. Additional 1 more bb is fine with me. Haha!!

When my boy wakes up and no one attending to him, he will talk. If still no one attend to him, he will talk louder and louder till someone come. Haha!!

nap - according to my MIL, she hardly naps more than 1 hr in the afternoon now...

her sleeping pattern -

we will wake her up at 6.30am

she drinks her breakfast and will fall back to sleep at 8 till 9am

10 plus feed

then nap around 12 for half hr to 1

then feed at 2 plus

sometimes wont go back to sleep till 6 (can see she is tired liao)

6 plus feeding time again...

sometimes she BTH she will sleep at 8

leave MIL home at 9...

she will play on her own before sleeps at around 1030...

feed her last feed then she koonz till next morning.

ya man ther waking hours so long now...

not sure what my MIL will do to her when she's awake. Now still got jumperoo - two days later will have to return liao... going to let her sit in walker soon... i have lots of flashcards and such... dun noe whether my MIL got show her or lot...

Sweetkiss: Haha!! So sweet to hum with your gal. My bb only knows how to talk talk to his cot mobile, have not heard him hum though. Then you need to always put back the bolster for her at nite if it rolls away?

Ann: I am still using the bean sprout pillow at nite when bb sleeps...thinking of not using it anymore..You using the bean sprout bolster?

our babies should be sleeping abt 12-14 hours a day... this is theory tho... babies do differ

for naps - isit cuz she is too tired? Seems like inbetween sleep's like almost 5 hours for the afternoon? again, theory has it that 6 months, babies should be able to last 2.5-3hrs till next nap.

does she fight sleep? maybe if you put her down earlier she might sleep better? I think i read somewhere that overtired babies either can't get to sleep easier or can't sleep long..

Claudia: mine lo..bb was fussing and crying at nite from Mon to Wed cos he is teething. So I kiasu, I applied Dentinox on his gums and ru yi oil on his stomach b4 sleeping (in case he has alot of wind). Thurs and last nite he is better already. Could sleep thru again without fussing. You may want to try, since our bb like same pattern one. Mummy Ling also suggested giving water, you may want to try too.

Ann: haha! My boy's pattern same as yours, when he wakes up he will self entertain and play with his toys first. Then when he is bored, he will start talking and he gets louder & louder till someone comes!

nap: same here...my bb can hardly nap for more than 1 hour in the day at home...but if we bring him gai-gai, he can nap longer in the car/stroller...perhaps should go gai-gai more often?? hahaha...

Eliss: i gave her a very stern face and said "No!" when she threw her bolster. And u know what? she actually chuckled out loud! very funny meh? so i repeated and she kept laughing at me. end up i also wanna laugh!

for kayleigh, normally she naps about 1 hr after her milk. but at my mum's house she naps very little too. i think prefers my bed? does keila sleeps little regardless of u or ur mil's house?

claudia: recently, my girl has also been crying in the middle of the nite, like 3-4 times.. but when i went to check on her, she is sound asleep again. i suppose is nightmare but cant possibly have nightmares every nite? sometimes she needs someone to pat her if not she will continue to cry. but i dun think she is teething coz cant see anything on her gums yet.


ok. will let yvonne know when i meet her

charliebrown, sweetkiss

i also give my girl a bolster when she wants to fall asleep, together with her pacifier, teddy and a small towel. sigh...so many things hor? my girl is greedy lor. hahaha. then i turn her sideways and pat her. once she's in deep sleep (i.e. when she spits out her pacifier), i'll turn her onto her back


oh! you're a twin. ahh..so that lady's prediction may turn out to be true. hahaha! high chance lor. my friend isn't a twin but has twins on mother's side of the family. she ended up with identical twin girls

the 1st 2 nights after coming back from KL, my girl kept waking up at night and made lots of noise. now better oredi but she doesn't fall easily to sleep now - used to be that i sang to her and read her bedtime story, pat, then sleep. yesterday she had so much energy, so in the end, i just let her lie and play by herself on her bed, so that she'd tune out. my mom wanted to pat her to sleep but i said no, just let her expend all her energy and when she's tired, she'd fall asleep. she only went to bed at 10pm. but the good thing is no matter how many hours of napping, she'll auto want to go into the room by 9pm

all your babies are so cute! my baby is learning to crawl but she's been getting a bit lazy. sometimes, she'll move a bit then plonk herself onto the mattress to rest. hehehe

oh, i wanna ask this: does your baby lift up head + shoulders (when baby is on her back) to indicate that baby wanna get up? mine does that all the time, so am wondering should i let her do it? will it hurt her neck/back?


hahaha! but babies at this age don't understand "No", so she thinks you're playing with her


i just recalled (while showering this morning - hahaha) that you were saying K is very clingy to you. i read that it's separation anxiety. happens around 7-9 months

Hmmm...maybe i should also ask the "shifu" to predict for me...haha...my little sisters are identical twins...when i was expecting my boy, everyone kept asking whether i will be having twins...but like Ann hor, one more bb enough liao...no need twins! When i was growing up with my twin sisters, my parents have to prepare double for everything!


not her chow chow. one of those that we use to wipe her drool but a clean one lah. use it to cover part of her head. but can consider her chow chow lah. hahaha! her stuff are full of her drool, especially her teddy - she likes to bite its bum. lol

eh, if your baby is not exposed to such things, then don't introduce. babies are like blank sheets of paper - they don't experience, they won't ask for it. once they get the hang of it, trouble! like that teddy, i got it from mothercare 50% off. my mom told me that's my girl's new BFF (hahaha) so ask me to get another one, to have another on standby when the other is in the wash. i found out it's out of production and the sale was to get rid of old stock. so i googled and found one on ebay UK selling for GBP15! and i bought it for S$7.50 only

charliebrown: ya lor.. but usually it rolls around her just that her arms cant reach. so i just put it back for her to hug..

ica: ur bb advanced leh.. now gg to crawl. mine still havent flip. still halfway there. whole body flip but arms stuck beneath.

vernie: if got twins hor go out must push twin stroller on top of ur #1's stroller.. wah..


ica: Yup, like I die die don't want to show my bb Barney..lol. You really very sayang your bb--the trouble to get the teddy for your gal. But then, all mummies are really very wei da! LOL.

