(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Yvonne: Thanks for the information. Seems like everything also can use blender. Haha!!

Ya.. I think I will give him rice cracker which I order from BP section since he is ok with rice cereal.

charliebrown: I using U-like blender. Not bad and price ok. Have not use it's grinding function yet.

K doesn't really cry out loud or for very long but just eh eh eh and keep tossing and turning ard. If you don't pick him up, he will eventually cry lo.


Charliebrown: I would recommend the avent steam, flip an blend blender. My best buy. Really hassle free and short time required. I bough from metro at 20% discount at $160.

I also have bought teething risks for bb, but I tot we must let it dissolve with milk first. I didn't know we can give them straight like that? I haven't tried the teething risks yet

Ann: For porridge i soak the grains overnight. Next i just cook it normally. I add in fish as well then when everyting cooked, i jus use a spoon to press den i feed enzo liao. So far no problem and he enjoys his porridge everyday. I tried porridge with fish, pumpkin, carrot, potatoe and broccoli so far. Next will be spinach.

I wanna feed him avocado too but not to sure hw to puree n freeze it. Any idea? If we use fresh avocado everyday, the remaining seems to be very wasted.

Hi all mommies!!

BB C is back from KKH !!! She is super fine !! Dr says BB C recovering fast and well !!

From 2nd degree burnt down graded to 1st degree burnt.

By the way, saw some mommies here actually exchanging FM.

I have 2 tins of 400g Dumex Mamil Gold STEP 2 to exchange for 1 tin of Nestle NAN HA 2.

Can contact me via email [email protected]

I also have 1 tin of 400g Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 to exchange for 1 tin of Similac Stage 2. PM if anyone wanna exchange.


Great to hear bb is fine... Take gd care.. =)

Btw juz asking, did u ask from the restaurant to compensate u for all this since is their staff's fault???


Was looking at the link.... also thinking wat to buy for bb to wear for CNY... Inside got so many nice bb gal clothes....... too bad for boys only a few tat is for 6mth & above... Is the cutting big ma?? scare Jayden too small cannot wear... cos he really very small size.. Haiz!!


I have an open tin NAN HA 2 which only use for once... my bb dun like & hear from my friend that this milk taste bitter.. So my hubby worry bb dun drink milk & faster went to change to NAN PRO 2... & now he is drinking NAN PRO 2... At 1st dun wanna buy NAN PRO 2 bcos it was manufacture in Phillipines.. But now since bb like & can poo poo so juz stick to it...

Is ur's unopen??? Do u exchange with me or I can top up some money for the unopen tin???

Can let me know... =) Thanks...

For fruit purpee, Avocado... My hubby said this is heaty fruit?? Izzit??? I feel like giving bb to try since so mummies also give bb to eat.. Before tat I give him try pumpkin, banana... But PD said banana may not help in poo poo & sometime may cause consipation thus ask me to stop.. So now my bb is eating half a apple a day.. & he juz started to eat Nestle brown rice this afternoon.. Hear from my maid tat aft eating, he eventually can sleep from 12.45pm to 5.45pm lei.. so LONG!! I was stunned... Hahhaha... Can I ask if wan to give BB papaya.. wat kind of papaya should I give??? Is there different kind?? My friend recommend me "Hawaii papaya".. DO any mummies know where can I buy???

Thanks... ^___^

babycoco: hmm i give "ngor" fish. I dunno wat is that in english. Hahha.. my mum help me buy one. is the same kinda fish i ate during my confinement..

Jo_lyn, yesterday my girlfriend also told me to get "ngor" fish, she also had no idea what's the English name, haha. It's ok will go market this weekend. How you prepare the porridge?

Hi all mommies!!

BB C is back from KKH !!! She is super fine !! Dr says BB C recovering fast and well !!

From 2nd degree burnt down graded to 1st degree burnt.

By the way, saw some mommies here actually exchanging FM.

I have 2 tins of 400g Dumex Mamil Gold STEP 2 to sell.

Can contact me via email [email protected]

**Sorry for earlier mistake about exchange... NAN HA is more expensive... 2 tins of Dumex can cover NAN HA 2

babycoco: my mum buy in the mkt then she will ask the person to cut into small pieces. Den wrap each pcs wif plastic. So that i can store in the freezer and take out portion that i required. usually i jus soak the grain overnight, then next day boil the grain with water. WHen the grain become fat fat like porridge liao i will put the fish in. den boil awhile more till cooked. If i wanna add pumpkin puree or whatever puree, i will make hot the puree first then add in and mix. den use spoon to mash n gif enzo eat.

beannie: glad tat bb C is ok liao. Take great care!

blender: I am also using Avent steamer cum blender. Very convenient, one appliance for 2 function. Less things to wash!

milk powder: I've got 3 tins of 400g Similac Stage 2 & 1 tin of 400g Enfapro Stage 2 to exchange for Nan HA 2. Anyone?

jo-lyn: The extra avocado tat bb cannot finish, i eat it myself...haha...can spread on bread to eat too...quite yummy...

beannie: Glad to hear bb C is recovering fast. Thank god! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasline: Same here, my PD also dun recommend banana. So till now, i have not intro banana to my bb yet. For the CNY clothes, I bought this http://picasaweb.google.com/cuteeland/CNYWear2011READYSTOCK#5543327363430991298 for my boy. He fits 6-12 mth size. His size is average (weight at 50th percentile).

fazzy: PD said may cause constipation. She asked me to watch out if give bb starchy food & banana is one of them. You can try intro to your bb, if bb dun constipate, then should be ok? I will introduce other food until i run out, then try banana...

Jasline: The milk which I want to sell is Nan HA 2 (400g). My boy is drinking Nan Pro 2 lei. Hehe!!

xbeanniex & vernie: I have 1 Nan HA 2 (400g) for sale. Interested? Selling at $12. PM me if interested. Thanks.


i also bought the same as u... But in maroon colour... Bought another 2 too.. Hahhaaa.. all in 6 - 12mths... I think size should be ok...




Oh i mix up.. sorry...

Hahaha.. So my boy also drink the same milk as u... =)

have the following:

1 NAN HA 2(900g)open tin but only use once...

1 unopen tin of Enfalac stage 1 (below 12mths) - yellow tin..

Any mummies interested can PM me..

Thanks mummies for the feedback on the blender! Was actually thinking between U-like (heard v good feedback) and the Philips one. Will take a look again this weekend.

Beannie: Glad that your bb is fine!!

Bb making jaw grinding noise:

My bb has been making jaw grinding noise v often, sometimes like mouthing (open and close mouth). Is he teething or is he wanting solids? Any bb is like this?

My hubby asks me to start feeding him cereal on the weekends only...

charliebrown -my boy also like that. is like talking to me lei.. and like wanna eat more.. haha. then now he like to bit himself. like very happy, excited kick kick kick, full of energy.. lol

do u all believe in "Tai Jiao". seems like i walked too much during pregnacy and my boy also veri mang zhang cos im always a kanjiong person.. haiz.

See ur budget to get the U blender or philips one, philips is like 1stop station, steam and just blend. fast. but hor.. a lot of washing lorz.. like u are using blender .. wash here and there..

cheese: Yap! I walked alot too during pregnancy that my boy decided to come out earlier in 36 weeks 4days! wahhaha! He is not really that mang zhang, but really kanjiong when is time for feeding. He acts like he has not been fed for a few days. lol.

The blender I hope to get is one which is v convenient to use, save time and my energy. Haha!

I’m using the Philips 2-in-1 also. I agree it’s a good buy!

I blend everything baby eats. Coz bb once choked on avocado (though I mashed manually until quite watery) but now to be safe I blend.

I also use to blend porridge.

And the blender really gd, when I was making cheesecake, I used it to blend my digestive biscuits into fine powder!

Nowadays, my bb’s poo is super smelly!

happy new year, every one!

just got back to work after 1 wk break...sigh...the break is too short

was reading thru the archives - mommies who are interested to attend the 1st b'day bash in July 2011, you can register your interest here but it's on waitlist, ya..unless we get a bigger venue



glad to know bb is recovering fast. are you taking any action against that chinese resto?


that PD seems a bit unconventional in recommending fatty pork but perhaps he has records to back it up. after all, medical practitioners do not know 100% about the human body - they just know more than a layperson. but i will not feed bb fatty pork at such a young age lah - i say, go with your instincts

babies not as predictable as they use to

hey! my bb is also displaying all these behaviour! ya lor, they are not as gong-gong as before, and exploring more with their mouths! my baby especially likes this my 1st teddy from mothercare - she has a love-hate relationship with it. hahaha! can't do without it when she's about to sleep. and when she's irritable/grumpy, she likes to fling teddy around, like some punching bag [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So shocking to read about ur gal.. but really glad she is recovering well! That's the beauty of babies... Hopefully psychologically she is recovering great too. You should really take it up with the restaurant if you haven't already! As a learning point, I will now constantly remind myself to tuck baby in the corner of the restaurant and ask waiters to serve away from baby...


U-like - Can steam and blend too? Easy to wash? How about the Avent? (Is U-like from Osim?)

Any BP selling or must hit the stores?

CNY Clothes

Vernie/Jasline - haha I was thinking of getting the same for me boy... luckily we wouldn't be visiting each other! all will look alike! Btw.. is the material thick? Me baby perspire damn alot.. dun want him to be uncomfortable...


Avocado - How to tell if they are nice and soft and ripe? I'm hopeless with avocado since the skin is so hard (or when it is ripe it will turn soft?) Do you mix it with water or just scrape and feed?

Appple - Do you all steam it first? Add water? or just feed?

A tad late but Happy 2011 Gals!... May we see our babies flourish and give us many magical moments that remind us of how blessed we are to have them! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha Claudia! Happy New Year!

Agree that our bbs are so unpredictable now. But they are so responsive and cute la. My bb can now cry and laugh at the same time!! He was crying loudly one time, and when my hubby carried him up, he laughed at the same time! I was pretty amazed lo..cos he never did that b4..haha.

Claudia: CNY romper - haha, for boys very limited choices, so we will all end up buying the same! I received mine, material a little thick (stated as cotton but not t-shirt type of material) and CNY weather usually hot. So i think i will let bb wear in the morning, take some nice photos, then change him back to normal clothes bah...

Avocado - Choose the softer & blacker skin ones. If you want to buy to store, then choose the greener skin ones. I think i read somewhere, choose the ones with more bumps in the skin? I scrape, mash manually & then mix with milk to feed bb. Some mummies here use blender to mash, less tiring...

Apple - I plan to steam, then blend to puree. But PD asked me to just scrape fresh & feed. PD's method sounds messier lei...


where you live?? where is convenient for the pick up?? KIndly let me go home today aft work to check the expiry & get back to you. =)

Claudia Owyong,

I juz order only.. have not get any reply from the supplier yet.. so dunno the material.. My boy also perspire alot. I see from the decription is made from cotton.. should be ok ba..


as long as bb is fine and happy, ok lor. like claudia said, bb's rate of recovery is amazing. give bb a hug for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hopefully can get a bigger venue - the more the merrier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for the compliment but it should go to google. hehehe. i'm a google person

birthday bash venue - not easy to get one for free... cuz Michelle's sister very kind to let us use her gym school for free (pay for aircon nia)...but of cos if you girls can find one, i'm sure michelle and her sister will not mind...

for apple right, i saw from the recipe book that comes with the avent blender.. so i follow and steam for 5 minutes then blend. i add milk in but the apple tastes a bit sour so bb's face is sooo funny at 1st but she ended wanting more!

btw those mummies who hv brought ur bb to public swimming pool.. after the swim, do u just wipe bb dry and change, then bathe when reach home?

intend to bring my gal to the public pool... still gotta buy neck float and swimming costume first!


I bathe Keila after her swim at public pool.... so I usually bring her to swim when she is due for bathe/wipe down.

u use green apple? how come sour one?

neck float - you can get from mummy kian, think she sells the cheapest!

cheese: ya! i think so.. all the fruit purees, i will add milk in! coz i like to make it slightly runny..

Eliss: U mean u bathe her in the public pool toilet? or u dry and change her first, then bring her home to bathe?

nope i bought red apples, Royal gala one. but the apples not very sweet. end up i ate the leftover as my dessert lor...

i dun store food more than a day so normally wadever bb cant finish, goes inside hubby's or my tummy. hahaha! i added soy sauce and fried onions to bb's unfinished blended pumpkin porridge, actually quite yummy... lol

oh! i'll check out mummykian.. from the BP rite?

Claudia: If I am not wrong, the U-like is sold only at Orchard Tangs. I asked the Vivo Tangs saleslady b4 but they don't have. So I intend to go see look.


I let Keila swim in condo public pool only.

I will wrapped her with big bath towel

and c'arry her all the way back at double time

and bathe her!

I dont think i want her to go ouside public pool yet.

I have mummy kian number if u need

I see, i'm bringing her to the pool at Safra though. went to chk out the pool last week & it isnt as crowded as i tot. so means i gotta quickly walk back hm after the swim haha!!!

by the way, wad size of the float u bought for Keila? did u buy the swimsuit from mummy kian as well?


sk -

I bought her swimsuit from giant at $30 bucks... too expensive liao... also dun noe why i buy... you can get $9.90 from spree...sigh... I brought my daughter to mummy kian's place to let her try on the float... she needs a "L" size.

Safra swimming pool - i think difficult to bathe babies there... then you need to bring towel to wipe her first before going home for bath...

